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Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

( xD frankie)

Nightmare's smile widens. "Lets sit down" nightmare walks over to a tree trunk and sits next to it then pats that apot next to her.
Dru was flying over the school spinning in circles and performing evasive maneuvers.
Writer smiles and giggles. "You're so stupid. You're lucky I love you." She kisses him, then pulls away. She's cautious of how long she kisses him now, scared to lead him on again.


Ashton smiles and strokes her hair. He kisses her forehead. "Goodnight bunny." He says before laying on his bed, slightly covering both of them with the blanket.

(I do awkward things at midnight [emoji23])

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
"It was a nice surprise is all. I just didn't really expect to be hugging and holding hands with you when I started running from you earlier."

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"...I'm not 100% sure if this means we're dating or not. I'd like it to be the case, but I can't just say that we are without clarification on the subject." EV is a total nerdface.

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Zachary pulls the girl back towards him.

"It's okay, Writer. I'm not expecting anything from you. Please, don't shut me off from those lips!"

He pouts and pokes his girlfriend's bottom lip.

"I love you, too."


Zoe cuddles up next to Ashton and falls asleep. She lays on his chest, holding his arm to her torso.

~My favorite letter in the alphabet is the D~
"I guess um shit what do i say" nightmare bits her lower lip she's getting really confused on what to say.

(Everytime i say EV i think of the pokemon xD )
(I got EV from an idea for a video game my friend made up and the characters were EV, Patricia and Games. I swear to this day that he got the name for EV from the Pokemon. Also yes I did include all of the characters in EV's life somehow.)

"I'll just end the confusion and ask you if you want to have dinner or go see a movie sometime."

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Writer smiles, this time kissing him, and not only for a few seconds. She smiles into the kiss. "I'm sorry about earlier." She says apologizing once more, before kissing him again.


Ashton turns and sees Writer and Zac kissing. "Is this a live porn?" He asks, only to receive a pillow to his face.

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•

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