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Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

Writer's eyes tear up. Not only from her brother's words, but also because she swears that Zachary is cutting off her blood circulation in her hand. Once she sees her brother's arms open wide for a hug. She takes this chance to get her hand out of Zachary's death grasp. She doesn't hug him, she simply stand up and allows tears to run down her face. "17 fucking years Ashton. You've treated me like shit for 17 years. Hell my fucking arm that you wanted to try to ruin my friendships with." She shows all the scars on her once pale, unharmed arm. "This was your fault! You caused me so much pain, and misery all these years. And now that your little plan to ruin my life backfired and got you hated, you want me to forgive you. You're so fucking unbelievable you know that Ashton? 17 years, want to know something I've learned in those 17 years. That REAL brothers don't treat sisters like shit to the point where they self harm. REAL brothers are there for their sister, and they help them... Not bring them down Ashton. And all you've managed to be to me, is another stranger on the street. So that being said... Please leave." And now her mascara and eyeliner were running down her cheeks with her tears.


Tears filled his own eyes, but he couldn't cry here. "I'm sorry Writer. I really am." And with that, he exited the dorm. He rapidly wiped tears from he cheeks as he walked back to his dorm. "What have I done?" He mumbled to himself, as he wiped the last few tears off of his cheeks.

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
((Eeee >_< I cry toooo ))

((Zoe's idea = fail. Never take advice from her, Ashton xD ))

Zac glares at the male, making sure he actually does what Writer says, and then he runs over to slam the door, but, remembering Zoe's sleeping, he closes it softly.

"Writer... "

He walks back to his girlfriend and pulls her into a hug, desperately wanting her to stop crying.

"Shhh.... I'm sorry we let him in here... It's okay, now, he's full of shit, and you're too smart to ever fall for it again..."

The male kisses her forehead and looks at his sister with equal concern.

"We should lock her in a cage."

He turns back to Writer, carefully wiping the tears and mascara from her face, so she will start to feel better.


The loud voices causes Zoe to stir, but she doesn't dare open her eyes. She starts to remember the party, wondering what the heck those bud-less flowers were.

~My favorite letter in the alphabet is the D~
She looks over at Zoe and remembered the party. Zoe and Ashton kissed. No, they made out. Holy shit! She wiped her tears, and rested her head on his shoulder. "I love you." She closed her eyes and tried to forget Ashton's sorry. She kissed Zac's cheek, and a small smile curved at the edges of her lips.


Ashton sat on his bed, and looked through his phone. He deleted his messages with his sister, not wanting to remember any of the horrible shit he said to her. He grabbed his guitar, and decided to do the guitar pieces from 'Your Heart Was No Place For A Monster' by SayWeCanFly.

(^^That's like an amazing song)

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
((I think we should skip to later in the day so our characters get a little sleep xD ))

Zachary grins, seeing her tears stop. He kisses Writer and pushes her onto the bed, starting where they left off. He laughs with excitement and whispers back to the girl.

"I love you, more "


Zoe sighs dramatically, listening to the couple. She throws a pillow at them and curls up to go back to sleep.

"Go to sleep you crazy, kids! "

~My favorite letter in the alphabet is the D~
Writer laughs as Zoe throws the pillow at her and Zac. "Hehe... We're the crazy kids? You were the one who-..... N-never mind.... Yeah. I think. We should go back to sleep. But I'm sleeping right here." She gives Zac a kiss then pulls away after a little bit, before laying down and covering up with the blanket. For some reason every time she'd lay down, she'd suddenly be cold and need a blanket or some kind of warmth.

(Am I srsly the only one who is actually like that?! Yeah? Okay [emoji23])


Ashton puts his guitar down, and throws off his shirt and pants. He lays in the bed, and closes his eyes. Some how he manages to fall asleep.

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
Zachary yawns and takes his pants and shirt off, realizing he had slept with his clothes on before. He crawls under the covers and hugs Writer close to him as he starts to drift back to sleep.

"Goodnight... "


Zoe sticks her tongue out at Writer, kicks off her shoes, and falls asleep, once again.

~My favorite letter in the alphabet is the D~
Writer rolls her eyes and giggles quietly, and whispers to both siblings. "Goodnight." She then, closes her eyes and falls asleep.

(Since I'm lazy and don't want to describe sleeping..., TIME SKIP TO NEXT DAY! Have fun hating me you guys ^~^ )

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
(Am I the only one that acts like I know everyone personally in this rp and feel like I'm their friend but think that everyone on here secretly hates me?? [emoji23])

(Oh and I said they can have fun hating me bc PPLZ were doing shiz that idc bout [emoji23])

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•

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