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Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans


Mary smiles and waves. "Hi mister" nightmare smiles and pats mary's back. "Yup this mary she's like a little sister to me" mist walks up and jumps on nightmare's shoudlers. "Oh and this is mist my pet demon cat i got her back" mist nods. "Hello"

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"That is great to hear. Looks like I left and everything turned around for you. It's nice to meet you Mist my pet is named Sparky." Sparky bounced on Dru's head and rumbled appreciatively at Mist and Mary.
Mary giggles. "Hi sparky i'm mary" mist just nods...again. "i guess" after nightmare said that she give nervous chuckle and rubbed the back of her neck. "So um how have you been doing dru"

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"Pretty good actually I recently found a girl who is also an elemental and is pretty cool actually. I have started working on teaching her. What have you been doing since we last spoke?"
"Oh just been doing my job also helping my boss out while he watchs over me and my best friend and...ummm" nightmare starts to blush while mary giggles and elbows nightmare's side. "Night was asked out" mist chuckles.

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"Oooh really now? that is such good news, I enjoy hearing about these things. What did you say to him?"
"Well um i said....i said...yes" nightmare hides her red cheeks in her hoodie sleeves while mist starts to laugh.

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"That is so cute, I am glad for you even someone who deals so closely with death should have happiness. Where are you going?"
"Oh i'm looking for my boss...the grim reaper he keeps disappearing" mary walks up to dru and tugs on his shirt. "Can you help us find him"

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"well of course young lady how could I not help a friend and a girl who is as cute as a button." Dru smiles at her and Nightmare.
Mary gigles and hugs dru. "Thank you mister" nightmare smiles softly and chuckles. "Thanks dru"

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Dru scooped up Mary and put her on his shoulders then fake whispered to Nightmare "Don't worry about me helping you I am serious she is cute as a button." Then Dru chuckled and said loudly "Onwards and beyond to death we go!"
"I know right mary is the cutest child i have seen" nightmare starts to laugh while mist lays on nightmare's shoulders and close her eyes.

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"I know why you keep her around, also do you have any idea or way to find death?" Dru began floating with Mary on his shoulders waiting for a response.
"Well he usually walks around the school or outside seeing if this place is safe for me and mary...he's kinda a father to me now that i think about it"

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Then we must explore the entire school. I can do it in a few minutes oh how about I search half the school at top speed with little Mary here and if we find something I come and grab you. Meanwhile you search the other half and if you find him you call for us. How does that sound to you?"
Dru smiled then he grabbed Mary and then boom took off. Mary could see everything passing by in a blur more like a snapshot of images as Dru began searching his half of the building.
"Wow this is so cool!!" mary's smile widens even more while nightmare and mist are running down the hall looking for her boss.

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Dru scans the entire half of the complex twice before meeting up with Nightmare "I am glad you had fun Mary, Nightmare I am back."
Nightmare turns around and waves. "Welcome back speedy"

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"It was a breeze to be honest but I searched twice just to be sure. How much further have you gotten in your search?"
"....hmmm i think alittle way though" nightmare looks around then looks back at dru.

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Dru smiled at her and then nodded his head. "We can do the rest of the search while working together."

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