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Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

EV, at this point, is so far behind he can barely see Writer and Zac, and isn't paying attention to them as he follows them. Instead, he plays with an orb, having it circle around and glow and do different mildly entertaining things.

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((Don't question Zoe xD she's too odd to ever understand))

Zoe drinks the rest of her breakfast and pokes at the plastic bag.

"Can hell doggies eat trash?"

The girl lays on her back now, enjoying the ride way more than she expected. She never knew something that looks so scary could be so comfy. In the corner of her eye, however, she sees something shiny, so she quickly jumps down to follow it. The girl laughs, chasing after the floating orb, forgetting that this is the way she had ran from before.

"Come here you stinking diamond!"


Zac frowns and chews on his lip, hoping he isn't the cause of Writer's sudden change of plans.

"Uh...O-Oh okay, Writer. Sorry..."

The older sibling turns her wheelchair around, and when he notices how far EV has dropped back, he smirks, amused by his actions. The male watches Writer's arms tap, nervously, so he walks faster, thinking she needs to get back for another reason than just to give up the search. He doesn't see the marks on her arm, or maybe he does, but he doesn't notice them well enough to realize they are anything but light reflecting off the leaves around them.
EV sees Zoe coming for his orb, and smiles when she commands it to come to her. And come to her the orb does, thanks to a mental command, stopping right in front of Zoe's face.

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Nightmare chase after zoe with the hellhound and the grim reaper. "WAIT ZOE" nightmare yells catching up abit.

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((We all know Zoe is getting taken by the shadow people, guys. There's no way she won't be ))

Zoe screams and shuts her eyes, but the impact doesn't come. When the girl opens her eyes, the orb is still floating in front of her, only inches from her nose. She reaches up with both her hands and holds it, excitedly.

"But Nightmare! I caught a flipping diamond!"

The girl hops with happiness, believing she is now rich. She even sees EV and thinks nothing of his presence.

"Look, boy! I can buy a castle!"

She sits down, protecting her new treasure from the others around her.
The orb suddenly frees itself from her hold with a sudden jerk. It floats a few feet in front of her, where there are four more orbs floating as well. "I'm not sure I'd buy it just yet."

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Nightmare giggles then walks over to EV. "I'm sorry about her" she smiles softly while the grim reaper walks up behide her with the hellhound.

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"What's there to be sorry about?" He smiles at her. The glowing orbs surround Zoe and start to glow brightly.

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"Yeah i guess your right" nightmare giggles about zoe acting like a child.

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Zoe frowns, realizing her treasure is not truly hers to keep, but she enjoys the show, none the less. As the orbs glow about her, the girl giggles and sits in the grass, not wanting to leave the "diamonds" unless someone dragged her away. She waves at Nightmare, silently bragging about her current experience.

"What are these things? Are they from outer space?"

The female sits Indian-style and smiles to herself. She does not really care if her question is answered or not, as she will still believe they are from the moon.
(I want Zac to find out about her cuts... Idk y..)

Writer sighs in relief once they are out of the forest. She was still extremely worried but she'd be back there to look again later that night. She still forgot about the cuts. She stilled her arm and laid it on the arm of the wheelchair.

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
"They could be from outer space, I'm really not sure to be honest." They spin around her, slowly at first, but eventually pick up speed, the intensity of the light increasing with velocity. Eventually, Zoe is sitting in the middle of a ring of basically rainbows, as each orb is emitting a certain color, and they are traveling too fast to be distinguished from one another.

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Nightmare waves back then looks to EV. "What are those orbs"

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Nightmare's smile widens. "Wow thats so cool" nightmare stares at them like a child finding a new toy and claps her hands.

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(When you guys get back you should feed my tortoise. I'm pretty sure he's starving xD )

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The tortoise looked around again, growing more sad every time he looked at the empty food dish. Usually at this time of day Jasmine would be there to feed him.

But she wasn't.

Raph wondered why. She couldn't have run away. If she did, the tortoise knew she would have brought him with. No, she didn't run away. This was a different case.

He glanced at the window sill, and saw his owners blue and purple feathers, where she flew off. Like as if she was after something.

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((lmao okay, Writer, damn xD I was going to make him eventually, but lets start the drama dammit xD ))

As they make it back to the courtyard Zac brings them to a tree, to rest in its shade as he loves to do. He smiles to himself as they stop, and he sits beside the girl, but his smile is gone before he can hit the ground. His eyes land on Writer's arm, and he blinks several times, hoping his imagination is fooling with him. But the cuts remain, scabbed over, yet to become scars. The male's mouth falls slightly open, and as obvious as the injuries are, he still finds himself hoping the girl will have a convincing explanation.

"What...what is that? W-what happened, Writer?"

The male's face grows white with guilt, and his lips close, forming a serious look of concern on the male's face. Zachary truly feels sick, suddenly, but he looks up to Writer's eyes, anyway, trying not to overreact until he knows what actually happened to his girlfriend.


Zoe screams with laughter, feeling like royalty, yet again. She pokes the orbs, curiously, and grins.

"This is so cool! Come try it, Night!"
Nightmare nods and walks over then sits next zoe. "Wow this is awesome!!" the grim reaper chuckles at nightmare. "Child You Are So Weird"

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