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Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

Zoe grins at Nightmare joining her in her rainbow fortress, as her fellow Queen of the Rainbows. She takes the girl's hands, slightly frightened the orbs may fly about again and cause the girls to fall if they aren't together.

"Now we are both Queens! We rule everyone else, Night! Including that boy, and Writer, and Zac, and that Grim dude."
(I feel like ima cry now xD OMG why?! Haha why did I want this?!)

Writer's eyes widen, as she remembered about the cuts. She looked at Zac tears threatening her eyes. It was too soon. She wasn't ready yet. She still didn't understand. How was she supposed to tell him. She couldn't lie to him. It'd just make him angrier. She opened her mouth to speak, and nothing came out. Tears streamed down her cheeks remembering the horrible day that happened. And the worst part about it, and she couldn't tell anyone either. But the worst part, was the bully was her brother. She hated him with all her might, and hated thinking of him as her brother. "I... I didn't mean to. I... I didn't realize. I. Zac... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." She hung her head in shame, letting the tears drip from her chin to the ground. Sobs managed to escape her quivering lips. She feared Zac's reaction. And now, he was going to tell Zoe and Nightmare. Then, Mary would find out. The thought of all of that happening made more tears flood from her eyes. She had gone through so much trouble to hide those cars. Hell! She even ended up in this damn wheelchair trying to hide them. "I was going to tell you guys... I p-promise... I was going t-to tell you all once I understood. Y-you weren't supposed to find out l-like this. I... Please don't h-hate me." She pleaded and sobbed, hoping he didn't hate her. He had all the right in the world to hate her for what she had done. All of her friends had the right to hate her. She just hoped they wouldn't. Each breath she took was shaky. She felt she didn't deserve that air at the moment. The same question her brother had asked her that same night those cuts had happened, was now running through her mind. Why was she still alive and breathing?

(I cried just a little writing this... ;~; )

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
Nightmare giggles and nods. "We are the queens bow to us!!!" the grim reaper laughs and mist starts to chuckle.

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"Excuse me, I made the rainbows, I should be king!" He hops into the 'Rainbow Fortress' as well, his jaw dropping as this is the first time he'd seen it from the inside in years.

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Nightmare nods smiling. "EV has been crowned king of the rainbows" after nightmare said that she brust out laughing.

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"Yup the king of rainbows" nightmare stops laughing but rhen starts laughing again.

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Zac sits there and watches his girlfriend cry, but, as much as it kills him, the male waits until she is done speaking, until he does anything about it. The entire time his own eyes are filling with tears, and finally he can't take it any longer. When Writer mentions that she thought he might hate her, now, Zac immediately starts crying with her, reaching up to her and gently pulling the girl into his lap. He bites his lip, trying to stop his own tears as he wipes hers away with his thumbs. He hugs Writer to his chest, tightly, letting her cry on his shoulder as he speaks.

"S-Stop saying things like that, Writer....I don't hate you. I could never, will never hate you, no matter what you do. I love you, so much, Writer...."

The male kisses the girl's forehead, feeling as if this is somehow his fault. He shouldn't have left. He should have thrown the letter from their parents away. She needed him and he wasn't there...

"I'm so sorry... No one else has to know, my love, I promise. You don't have to do anything until you're ready. Once you feel better, we can solve the problem together, okay? Just me and you, if you want. You don't even have to tell me....just promise you will talk to someone, Writer. I hate to see you in pain... I don't want you to see yourself any less than perfect, okay? Can I prove that to you? I'm going to help you... I'm sorry..."

Zachary kisses her cheeks, worry and pain reflecting from his eyes, but he keeps talking, hoping something he tells her will help.

"You don't have to make me understand, okay? I don't need to understand why you did it unless you want me to. Just say what you need me to do, Writer! I swear I'll do anything to help you. It's our secret, okay? It's our secret.... I love you, Writer...."

He sits there holding her, trying to stop her from crying. Seeing her so upset is killing him inside, and it's hard for him to keep from breaking down. He pets her *hair* gently, growing quiet now, so the girl can answer him...if she wants to.

((lmfao not peting her face))


Zoe sticks her tongue out at EV, but in two seconds, she seems to grow accepting of his title. She giggles and takes his hands, as well, causing the three to form a triangle of sorts.

"Hi. I'm Zoe."

She shakes the arm connected to his in the triangle, remembering they were never introduced to each other.
He lets her take his hands and complete the Illuminati sign. "I'm EV, by the way, if you haven't concluded. My real name's Everett, but I don't really like that name. Zoe, on the other hand, is a beautiful name." He takes a moment to just take in the rainbow ring that surrounds him.

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Mist walks up and lays in zoe's lap. "Pet me zoe" nightmare laughs at mist trying to get attention.

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Zoe listens to the boy, but she doesn't know to answer him. The way he states the compliment sounds like a fact, so she tries to pretend she didn't hear out. She can only manage to mumble a small answer to him and blush.


The female is relieved when Mist shows up, and she happily strokes the cat, loving the excuse to look down at her lap. This rainbow game is starting to make Zoe nervous now, so she decides she will stick with the demon cat for a while.

"Your new coat is even softer, Mist!"

She grins.
She sobbed into his chest, the tears slowing a bit, but not yet coming to an end. She felt that she should tell him. Tell him about the bullying. Tell him how the bully was her own brother... Everything. She needed to get it off her chest. "I... I had pr-omblems with b-ullying at the school I went to b-before here.." She said quietly. "H-he wouldn't stop. E-everyday I had to deal with it... N-no matter where I went I couldn't get away from it. Not even at home. He was everywhere... And... H-he's after m-e again... He's back... A-and he's going to start coming here." She sobbed once more, and continued speaking. "The s-ickest part o-of it all... Is.. He's sup-posed to be my b-brother." Once she said 'brother' she cried more. She was surprised Zachary's shirt wasn't soaked by now. Although she was crying a lot, a huge weight was lifted. She had finally been able to tell someone everything.

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
With a sigh, EV turns to Nightmare. "I think the rainbow thing's over for now. It's really cool, but it gets boring after a while."

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Mist chuckles. "Why thank you zoe" she starts to purr. "You sure do love attention mist" after nightmare said that she started to laugh falling over but hitting her head really hard. "OW FUCK THAT HURT" nightmare holds her head.

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The orbs slow down, terminating the rainbow ring for now. He crouches down next to Night. "Hey, are you alright?"

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"I-i think so fuck that hurt like hell" nightmare moves her hand away from her head to see some blood. "Shit what did i lay on" she looks behide her to see a rock with abit of nightmare's blood on it. "....oh thats what i layed on"

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"...That's not good. Might want to get to the infirmary." He says nervously, a hand outstretched to help her up.

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Zac shakes his head, growing angry, now, not at Writer but at her so-called brother.

"No. He's not going to bother you, Writer. I won't let that happen...I promise."

The male calms down and kisses her lips gently, through her tears. He doesn't like the information she gave him, but he feels relieved knowing she trusts him enough to tell him about her problems. He truly does want to help her with them, but, for now, he thinks it's best to just let Writer rest. He rolls up the girl's sleeve and kisses the cuts, softly, too, hoping his love with heal them faster.


Zoe winces as Nightmare falls, feeling bad that she let go of the girl's hands. She watches her, making sure she is alright, but the girl doesn't let go of the cat. Seeing the blood turns her eyes red, and finally causes Zoe to worry. She drops Mist.

"Nightmare! You need the nurse!"

The girl frowns and hugs her friend, trying to convince her to get help, but she knows Night can be stubborn. She nods violently, realizing EV is suggesting the same thing.
Nightmare shakes her head. "I can't really die from a head injury but i will if the rest of my soul is taken so i'll be fine" nightmare takes out some bandages and wraps them around her head. "See good as new....can one of you make them tighter please" she smiles softly.

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