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Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

Mary giggles. "He's shy night" nightmare nods and pats the little soul's head. "Well anyway are ok.....you seemed kinda lonely"

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Nick walked along back to the school, most of the blood now off of his clothing and still slightly damp, but the sun was definitely helping to dry himself off when he noticed an odd girl in layers under a tree. He walked past her like nothing was wrong, then did a double take, then returned with a confused look on his face, "The fuck?" He said looking her up and down, sizing her up. "Why are you dressed like a polar bear waiting for a snowstorm in the middle of Siberia during the winter months when it's so fucking hot outside? I mean, hot damn. Call the police and the fireman-." He started singing getting off on a tangent, then suddenly remember that he was indeed talking to someone, "Oh shit, right. So why are you all..." He motioned to her entire body, "This? I mean are you like a salamander? Can't stand being outside unless it's hotter than Satan's asshole?"

((Welcome to Nick. The guy who will annoy you but you can't do SHIT about it <3))
(I'm dying omfg-)

"U-um, well," Fiona's eyes widened and she avoided looking at him, "It's just... Cold?" She trailed off, internally panicking at being confronted so... bluntly. She had been hoping no one would notice her, being a little far away from the school and all, but then he comes by and opens his mouth. But she didn't think she looked that outrageous. She had an excessively long skirt today, because pants made her feel uncomfortable, and her regular sweater wasn't any different. An old lady said to her that she dressed like her own grandmother, and that stung a bit..
((Look back to Nick's last fight scene. He's glorious))

"Cold? It's fucking in the..." Nick stopped a moment, thinking. "Fuck.. Is it like 90 degrees? well that's really hard to tell with humidity... I mean that really isn't a good indicator since it's high humidity area what with the trees and ponds and such. Really when you get down to it, 90 degrees wouldn't be so bad if it was a dry heat but we really are in major humidity area which just makes things more and more miserable." He said looking up lost in thought, "Yeah, yeah it's definitely not cold. Not by any stretch unless you're a fire elemental. Or you just like the feeling of getting fucked over by the sun... Seriously fuck the sun, fuck humidity." He said thinking to himself, "ANYWAY! It's not cold. If you think this is cold then I don't know what the fuck is going on in your head. Like, sweater AND a scarf? Really? When is that necessary? Isn't it hot enough already? Seriously I would be all for stripping down naked and walking around like that in this weather. Well, actually I did somewhat do that already, but that's another story. Why the fuck are you bundled up? Let it all hang out girllll!" He said with emphasis on the last bit.
Nightmare looks to mary the back to him. "Whats wrong" mary looks at him then pats his head. "There there its alright" the little soul pats his head and nightmare giggles.

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((Side note, I think this RP might have to be rated R or M or whatever. Mainly because of Nick))
"Fashion statement..?" She muttered during his rambling, and she wanted to get up and march away to her room, and maybe lock herself in, draw the curtains close and cry... yes, yes that sounds quite great.. But the only thing that passed her lips was a very cautious, "Are you on drugs...?" Because what else would explain his general attitude? Forget about being confident, this was a whole other level. Then she realized what she said and waited for the backlash. "I-I mean that would be p-perfectly okay if you were! I was just... don't hit me..." She tried to amend, before accepting her fate.
Nick looked up, thinking, "Fuck. Am I on drugs? I don't think I'm on drugs... Maybe someone drugged me though? I mean sure they would have had ample opportunities to do so. But I don't feel any weirder than normal. Do I? Wait, would I even fucking know if I would be like... weirder than normal and shit? Would I know if I was tripping balls or if I was completely normal? Shit that's actually a REALLY good question." He said sitting down across from her, "I mean, I don't THINK I'm any weirder than normal, I mean I guess all shit is possible and whatever but I don't think I'm on drugs. Nope so far I am acting my completely usual and calm self." He said trying to keep a straight face than laughing, "okay I thought I could say that with a fucking straight ass face, but no. No I couldn't do it. I just can't lie that much and expect to be completely normal. And fuck fashion, the only fashion I need is my amazing body. Clothes only get in the way."

((Because fuck everything, that's why. Nick doesn't have a filter))
Nightmare puts mary down and puts her hand to his forehead. "Oh my grim reaper you have a fever" nightmare helps him stand since he looked he was going to faint. "You need rest" she looked at worried and mary started to hold his hand. "Don't worry mister night will help you" the little soul said with a smile.

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She got lost in his rambling, and merely nodded slowly, wondering if she would be able to find a body of water around here. Soon his voice became a background noise in her mind, and she imagined the beauty if water as she plunged into it. How long had it been since she had a proper soak? Her bathtub did not count, it was too cramped and it was very awkward trying to explain to her roommate why she was in there for hours... She snapped out of her thoughts when he finished speaking, "Um yes. I-I agree?" She said, clueless as to what he spoke of. This boy was so hard to follow. How old was he anyway? She twirled her thumbs anxiously, and stared at her lap, determined not to make eye contact. Once eye contact was made then it was a like a contract was signed, she always told herself before sleeping...
Nick suddenly look elated, "Oh so you're a nudist too then? Great, maybe we can go swimming or bathing together at some point in time. I definitely wouldn't mind it if you wouldn't mind it."

((fucking RIP))
((Because it's funny as hell to have people just mindlessly agree with whatever comes out of a lunatic's mouth. Like I could have said the most offensive thing or said Hitler was right and just have gone with that and kept up with the "what the fuck is going on" thing))
"Wait, what?" She really needed to stop zoning out when others were talking, her mother said it would get her in trouble. Oh god, was she going too have to strip naked now? She very much didn't want that, but what if she got kicked out if the school if she didn't? Oh no, what did she just agree to. Selling her soul would be higher on a list of things to do than strip with strangers and swim naked with them!

(Nick is what I imagine an older Kenny would be, it's perfect (> :D ))

(And I'm a slow replier I'm sorry--)

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