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Fantasy Academy For The Strange And Gifted ((Always Accepting.))

So, I wanted to write a little more for Noel. She's lived since the middle ages, and during this time she was never ageing, never dying, never feeling tired. Around the time she was 100, she was accused as a witch and I thought about writing this for character development and wanted to kind of go into further depth of her past. Though she has gone through a lot, she has a certain healing that came with her immortality that heals scar and skin, issue, ect. It takes a lot time though. This is so she isn't over powered, but still able to heal herself and horrible and fatal wounds.

It was 12:00 AM. Noel still sat by her window, wide awake. A candle was lit in her bedroom, on a nightstand by her window and bed. She watched the flowers below her taking in the beauty, the pure and clean blossoms that danced in the chill air. Her small hands clung to the open window sill. They were pale, and cold. For they had sat in the moonlight and the cold breeze for far too long, but she did not mind the cold.

Her large eyes were lifted from her gaze, to land upon a group of men and women coming up the trail beside her home. They had pitch forks, torches, and other various tools and weapons. Noel was confused for a moment, for the mobs never came this far up the mountain. Perhaps another monster was seen up here, but no one else was on this side of the mountain, but her. Suddenly the thought hit her. These people were here for her. She shot up from her stool, slamming the window shut, and quickly sprinting through the house making sure all doors and windows were closed up nice and tight. Once that was finished, she peered out the window that was facing the front of the house. The group was just about to try and barge in. Noel's head beaded with sweat and her breath short and quick, she darted from her door and into her room. She crawled under her straw bed, and covered her mouth.

Bang. Bang. Crack!

They have gotten into the house. Noel squealed with fear, and squeezed her pale eyes shut. Tears ran down her face as heavy footsteps were heard throughout the house, and furniture, decor, and other things were thrown onto the floor. They had searched the entire house, but her own room. A man with dark hair, blue eyes, and a pale skin tone hacked the door open with an ax. He and the rest of his mob flooded into the room, searching every nook and cranny. Noel, with her eyes being shut didn't see the large hand grabbing and keeping a tight grip onto her arm, and then pulling her out from under the bed. She screamed as another man from behind raised a fist and threw it at her face. All went black.

Noel's eyes darted open, and she gasped. She coughed, but couldn't seem to move her arms to cover her mouth. Smoke filled the air, and raised voices and loud chanting was heard from around her. She blinked many times, before getting a good look at where she was. She was standing on a wooden platform, and tied to a pole. Dry sticks and hay surrounded her, from the waist down. She was going to be burned by the stake. Her eyes filled with tears as she saw many faces in the crowd that she recognized. People she trusted. People she loved. People... She considered to be her friends. And they were all smiling, and chanting along with the others. What did she do wrong?

Noel tried to yell out to them, but the over whelming voices were too great for her to overcome. A man dressed in black, and face covered with an executioners mask lifted his hands to try and get the villager's attention. "This woman, is charged with witchcraft!" He yelled out. The crowd around him, screamed and yelled in agreement. "Her punishment, is death!" The crowd once again cheered, raising their pitchforks and weapons into the air. "She shall be burned at the stake for her treachery!" He yelled, and the crowd went even wilder. Noel cried out with sorrow, so desperately wanting them to listen. Her face was flushed, and large portions of tears trailed down her face, and onto the ground. "Please, no!" She cried, between sobs. The man in the mask said nothing, but took a torch from one of the villagers and approached the girl, slowly. The crowd started chanting. "Burn her, burn her, burn her!" Noel clenched her fists and closed her eyes. Her muscles tightened as she struggled to free herself, trying to scream louder than the crowd. She succeeded, for the crowd went quiet. Noel opened her eyes, and looked before her. The man in black, the torch, scorching her cold face with heat. "Please. Please don't." She pleaded. The man, in a deep, rumbling voice quietly said: "May the gods have mercy on your soul." then continued to drop the torch at the foot of the pile of dry sticks and hay. Noel's eyes went wide, and stared at the mysterious man as he turned and left the platform. She looked at her feet and saw the dry lumber slowly creeping up. the heat was bearable at first, but soon it was too hot to handle. Her legs started to bubble as the heat seemed to melt her. She screamed out in pain, and struggled even wilder to get free from her restraints. It was no use. The fire quickly engulfed her, and the crowds cheered and yelled in victory. Many turned to leave, but a cry from an older woman in the ground, brought their gaze back upon the platform. Noel's burning corpse clawed across the platform, and many people cried out in fear and ran. There was no way to kill the immortal witch. The platform fell apart, for the fire was never extinguished. Noel looked up in terror as people ran away in fear of her. Her burnt lip quivered, as she began to cry. Her burning, black hands left marks on the bright, green grass as she struggled to crawl to safety.

6:00 AM, and It's finally morning. She spent 5 hours, crawling from her doom to her home on the mountain. Her inside's were almost fully healed. She took hold of the railing on her porch to pull herself to her feet. Though her body still lack and scorched, she was able to walk with the help of her surroundings. She entered her home, staring at the havoc the mob at brought her home. Tables were turned over, glass was shattered across the floor, broken chairs scattered the ground. Noel shed a single tear, that burnt her face. She took a few more steps, and entered her room. She sat on her broken bed and sat. Simply sat, in thought.

Why me? Why can't I die? What was I created for?

Why was I betrayed?

With an academy n' all, there have to be SOME events, am I right or am I right??

I know it's just the first day, but a dance would be really cool.

Or a carnival, with a crazy supernatural circus.
I was just about to ask about her age... It says 18 on the character sheet... I guess that's the age she's stuck at, right?

I'm going to have to do some world building for Jack... Gonna take some fanangling to make it work, as we are apparently on Earth, not some other world...

I had intended Jack to be from a continent where magic was pretty much nonexistent... Since we are on earth, that's going to have to change...


How about we put us a little bit into the future... The U.S.A has come out of its second civil war...

Ah. I think I have it.

So the U.S.A. gets into another civil war/revolutionary war, between the downtrodden people, and the government and the big companies. The military is split. Towards the end of the war, the government and the companies that own it pool resources and create a device that nullified and dispersed all magic within a large radius in the US, centered on Kansas and reaching up to South Dakota, down to Arkansas, east to Tennessee, and West to Utah. This area is thereafter known as the Deadlands. The device horrified other countries and they allied with the rebellion, ending the war.

Now, the Deadlands are known for their reliance on technology, and thus has become a region known for producing technological advancements at a faster rate than pretty much anywhere else. Deadlanders are generally isolationist, who view magic with fear, preferring to stick to their reliable tech. Most Deadlanders never leave, magic users who enter the Deadlands oftentimes gradually lose their powers until they leave, so not many visitors come by in the first place.

Jack grew up in the Deadlands, got his college degree there, then got a wanderlust and decided to go out into the magical world beyond, with the added bonus of getting away from his family.

How's that sound?
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[QUOTE="Queen of Fantasy]OHDANG.
With an academy n' all, there have to be SOME events, am I right or am I right??

I know it's just the first day, but a dance would be really cool.

Or a carnival, with a crazy supernatural circus.

Why not both? This is a friggin magic school. We can go bonkers.
Hello, I wanted to ask before spending all the time creating my character sheet, but may I still join? Sorry if this is the wrong place to be asking..
FlamelaPG said:
Hello, I wanted to ask before spending all the time creating my character sheet, but may I still join? Sorry if this is the wrong place to be asking..
You can still join. :)

ShadowOwl0123 said:
I havent been following lately so where are we in the storyline and what is going on/what is the main thing that has been going on
@Queen of Fantasy
Well there's been a lot of character interactions, but nothing that's too big for the story, yet. It's lunch time though, so you could jump in with Collin at the cafeteria.

InKryption said:
An event sounds cool. Though, little early for it to be a dance, no?
Yep. I said it was too early, but events sound awesome.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/Snapshot_20160802_1.JPG.4bf721a528e438dc8595e6432ae2aff0.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="147811" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/Snapshot_20160802_1.JPG.4bf721a528e438dc8595e6432ae2aff0.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

WELL I'm going to try and get a clearer picture later, but It was just SO smart of my to draw this in my sketch book, and take a picture with a freaking web camera. xD BUT HERE ARE NOEL AND JACK, BECAUSE SHIPS EXIST.




  • Snapshot_20160802_1.JPG
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Ey, just wanted to say. Seer and Oracle, while being in a relationship with eachother (they're poly) they get crushes very easily, that's just the way they are. They're used to being rejected too, so don't hesitate. okiebye

(Tell me if this is against the rules or something)

I was wondering, with all of the brain storming going on, what dates would you suggest would be the best time for certain things? This includes school events and antagonist plot events.

I was thinking of a dance sometime in the fall, and the antagonist becomes a real problem in the winter? But he becomes revealed before hand, and if you guys are good with time skips, we can do those too so it's a little more exciting?
Considering it's taken me two days to get halfway through one RP day here, I think timeskips are gonna have to be necessary...

I mean, at this rate it'll take us a year to get to the second semester.

Also, dances can be a seasonal sort of thing, kinda tied to holidays. I intend for Jack to stay at the academy year-round, as it's his job. Maybe do some traveling for on-site research but that's about it until he figures out how to revive a magic deadzone, which will take a long time. That's primordial ooze magic, so he's got his work cut out for him.

Autumn dance/party/ball could have Halloween themes, like where everyone shows off their battle forms or whatever. Maybe a friendly tournament? Winter could have a secret Santa sort of thing. Spring could be... Uh... Well... Hmm. How about instead of showing off combat prowess, maybe an art show sort of thing, where the artistically minded could show off their works to the school, and if other people had made an accomplishment like making a brand new spell, or whatever, they can show it off too. Art galleries, poetry readings, singing and playing of instruments (Jack can show off his own instrument... Is Noel any good at singing? I bet she is ;) )

And then Summer could be a celebratory "hurrah, we're done with school this year, let's all have a party before we go home!"

@Queen of Fantasy Oh, and that picture is SUPER CUTE
I'm sorry to do this all of the sudden, but I'm going to be dropping out of the roleplay. There are so many people at once and I'm having a lot of trouble keeping up. Soon I'm going to be starting school where I'll have much less time and I'll just be getting more and more behind so I think it's best if I leave. Thanks for roleplaying with me and maybe we can again somewhere else :)
@The Angelic Kori

Aww, I was looking forward to interacting... I agree, though, there are A LOT of characters... And I kinda ended up making a 1x1 with Noel right off the bat...

Hmm... Food for thought....
[QUOTE="Queen of Fantasy]ALSO, I'm watching the third LOTR movie tonight so ill reply later. byee

I'm a little confused as to how you can watch just one of those moves...
[QUOTE="Queen of Fantasy]Honestly, everyone is odd. :P

True, but she is a different kind of odd I think. As for events and timeskips, I have to agree with Glytch

Just imagine what'll happen when she meets Jack... If he sees her do her restoration thing, he'll probably nerd all over the floor.

I'm basically playing him like a scientist/engineer fan of Harry Potter who accidentally stumbled into Diagon alley or something. Rapidly fluctuating between trying to fit in with the universe, fangasming, and analyzing.

He's gonna have a ball with Amaro too. If the dude points a gun at him, things will get very interesting very quickly.

And with the flying elf one... I forgot her name... but the musculature she has to work her wings will interest him greatly, and that glassteel spell is gonna render him speechless.
GlytchMeister said:
I'm a little confused as to how you can watch just one of those moves...
I've been watching all of them! The hobbit trilogy ANd the LOTR trilogy. Though, we have the extended versions and it takes quite awhile to get through them.

ALSO, I'm definitely going to do time skips, and because not all of us like certain classes and find them boring, I believe we'll actually just do combat classes and skip the rest.

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