Academy for the Extramundane

I am surprised how u guys manage to find multiple pictures of the same person/look unless you made them urself or something.
(( Federoff, I just got a bunch of weight off my shoulders and I might want to jump in again, but, making a new character would be better. What'd ya think?
LOLMAN101 said:
I am surprised how u guys manage to find multiple pictures of the same person/look unless you made them urself or something.
It's mainly different pictures I thought looked similar. '\(*_*)/'
Sure! Thank you.


Kaneki Kuba




School year:





He stands at about 6'0, with a normal build, brown hair and one eye is red and another blue.



Student or teacher?:




His parents weren't really the best. They weren't the classical ''drug addicts'' or anything, they were just extremely unloyal, her mother sleeping with all her bosses to get a raise and his father going to throw money to girls. He had an unstable family, and he was always caught in the middle of it. He was like this until he dropped out of school, nearing the end of high school. He then left his home, he had grown sick of them, and he needed a relief, and he ended here.

((He only reveals how he got his powers to close ones, so, go ahead and talk to him if you want that part.))


Childish and outgoing. Sometimes, people think he's very flirty, but he never distinguish it, he's way too kind and nice to notice it. He loves using the guitar and singing. When he notices he actually feels something for a girl, he's very shy, even tough he has a very energetic personality. He has no problem around girls, but, when he likes one, he's very awkward, making him feel bad sometimes. Overall, he is kind and sweet.



The user can control everything and anything organic, both
organisms and organic matter. They can create, manipulate, shape, transform, heal and/or destroy everything that lives, has lived or comes from either of the above.

Even tough he hasn't reached the point where he can manipulate other peoples matter, he can still manipulate his at all his will.




+Entertaining people


-People that think they're strong


-Too bright lights

Sexual Orientation:


Name:Mine Power

Age:7 jan 27 2o07

Mine-I'm not that new of a model.

School year:10th

Mine-I could probably go higher but Mary said no.


Mine-at least that's the model I was made into.


Mary-I'm very proud of my skills hahaha


Mary-you would not believe how long that took!

Student or teacher?:Student

"Now that I know who you are, tell me more about yourself"

Mary-hmm yeah Mine go on.

Bio:Mine was created by an organization of demon hunters to help fight off any demonic threats the head of research and machinery Mary Roselin had the idea to create an A.I and place it inside a robot bio-mechanical body. Mine's body looks human but her brain and heart are demon while the rest is mechanical she was givin her goggles from Mary who has dubbed herself the girls mother. Mine was put in the school after on her first mission she came across a girl and fox-demon that had become friends and learned what friendship and love were she and Mary have escaped from the organization and now she comes to the school to learn more.

Personality:Mine likes studies alot

which can lead to her studying someone with out permission when Mary is around she is very organized and business like but her inner child comes out when she is not she can be very bold and straight to the point sometimes and even though she is a genius she can be very dense.

Powers/Abilities:Able to transform parts of her body and can create thing with the right material and knowledge

"Now that I know more about you, do you have anything else to say?"

Mary- Weeeellllll.

Likes:research,books,computers,making friends

Dislikes:bullies,demon hunters,mean people

Sexual Orientation:bi

Mine-I'm very good at changing for the situation
Hmm tough question, but why would he need it? Its not like we got any bad guys here, you know unless someone decides to make one
Federoff said:
Hmm tough question, but why would he need it? Its not like we got any bad guys here, you know unless someone decides to make one
hmmm well Aiden is a bad guy but he wouldn't kill himself especially sense he doesn't know he has this power... dang it someone make a bad guy xD (I use the green to represent Aiden's alternate personality) @Federoff
I can make a bad guy, but someone would have to take him over for me, I already got 3 characters
Federoff said:
I can make a bad guy, but someone would have to take him over for me, I already got 3 characters
hmm i already have a bad character so hopefully someone ese would take it. I just thought of this since Aiden is a bad guy he has a possibility of death from a good person trying to stop him.
alrighty then go ahead, butI am making a bad character now just for fun :P She can be like a servent of yours or someone who is on your side, idc, I'm just inspired right now.
Federoff said:
alrighty then go ahead, butI am making a bad character now just for fun :P She can be like a servent of yours or someone who is on your side, idc, I'm just inspired right now.
well since Aiden is only the evil side of normal, good Aiden I'm not sure how would that partnership would work out.
We can figure that out later

((This one's a doozy))

Name: Kylia (Ki-lia)

"That's my name, don't wear it out"

Age: 17 (10/31)

"Been dancing through life for 17 years now"

School year: Junior

"Junior I guess?"

Gender: Female

"Couldn't you tell?"



"HEY! Keep your drool to yourself buster!"

(Yes her right eye glows)




(Her boots are laced with titanium, making these things hurt when she kick you)


Species: Hybrid: Half human/ half Jinn

"Never figured out the Half human thing"

Student or teacher?: Student

"If I were to teach, my students would love/hate me"

"Now that I know who you are, tell me more about yourself"

Calculating an opponent's weakness and waiting for the precise moment to strike with speed and precision is how a snake-style Kung Fu artist fights. Learning to do this requires the understanding of targets, utilization of hand strikes, application of arm wrapping techniques and cultivation of patience. Developing these skills requires that you possess a solid martial arts foundation to build upon.

Bio: Born and abandoned in China, she was an orphan growing up and was raised under a Shaolin master and was taught how to fight and defend herself by him. At age 7, she had mastered snake style in Kung fu. One day her master was killed in a raid on her village and had to fend for herself and was quite successful. Before her master died, he told her that she was skilled and should travel the world and continue to learn, and she did so.

Years 1-3 of journey: Traveled through China and mastered Ba Guang Zhang fighting style and discovered her love for music.

The Chinese art of Ba Gua Zhang began in the 1800s when creator Dong Hai Chuan began a personal journey of enlightenment. Chuan’s art is a combination of open-hand fighting and the ability to perform fighting techniques while in constant motion, a first in Chinese martial arts. Although instructors teach Ba Gua Zhang with slight variations from the original art, all variations share the circle walk, a pattern of movement where the student holds static poses with the upper body while walking in a circle.

Years 3-8 of journey: Traveled to India and mastered Kalarippayattu fighting style, started to combined both fighting styles together to create her own, discovered her powers and started to master them. In India she also discovered her heritage.

Kalarippayattu, a fighting art of India, goes so far back into history that even its practitioners cannot fully trace its roots. Besides teaching self-defense, kalarippayattu contains a method for understanding the body and spirit and pulling from them their full potential. It bears similarities to yoga and has a strong Hindu component. Kalarippayattu practitioners have a whole-body flexibility and strength rarely seen in other fighting arts.

Years 8-10 of journey: Traveled to japan and became a pop star while still learning her powers, started to incorporate music into her fighting and perfected it.

Present day: Now enrolling in AFTM to learn how to fit in

"I've traveled most of my life, its always fun going new places"

Personality: Upbeat and happy most of the time, yet has a dark streak; she hates how humanity is at war and wants to stop it herself. She is always moving, never resting for a moment and willing to throw anyone under the bus (metaphorically and literally) to get what she wants. Kylia has the life of a partier, she is never one for school or for following the rules, she has her own method of doing things, and is very very flirtatious and kinky...

"Hey, people didn't need to know that, yet...(O:))"


1. Symphokinesis-

+ Music Embodiment: Become an embodiment of Msuci/sound itself and travel around.

+ Sound generation: Good or bad, can enchant people, render them immobile, endues sleep and persuade people. Create pitch, melody, beat, pulse.

+ Sound Aura: Generate a barrier of sound.

+ Music Combat: Influence/distort Enemy attacks & Strengthen own.

+ Sound Healing: Heal wounds by using song.

+ Sound techniques: Siren Song, Sonic scream, Sonic shockwaves

+ Music weaponry: Turn instruments into weapons

+ Sound Manipulation: cause any sound to happen anywhere.

+ Awareness of surroundings

- Takes up energy

- Music/ sound needs medium to travel through (I.E: earth, air, water)

- Cannot travel through Water as well as other mediums.

- If person covers ears, you can weaken or nullify sound attacks. Note you must nullify Sirens song in order to not be effective.

- For healing/ Music weaponry/ Aura/ and embodiment: needs to concentrate and uses up more energy.

2. Minor Kinetikinesis-

+ Increase force of attacks

+ Techniques:

Kinetic Supernova- Store and release Kinetic shock waves

Kinetic Sliding- Uses Kinetic Energy to slide over surfaces

- Takes up energy

- Can tire out if storing up to much/ releasing to much/ or using to much Kinetic Energy

3. Minor Flower manipulation-

+ Bloom flowers

+ Change color/ flower type (Favorite type is a Black Rose)

+ Create soothing smells

+ Put people to sleep through smell

+ Tap into memories of flowers

- Fire and Ice nullify ability

- Cannot create out of thin air, needs to already exist

- No use in attacking/defending

4. Fighting style: Kylia's fighting style is unique, it relies on quick and fast strikes, never sitting around and always keeping her opponent guessing. According to her she follows the pulse and attacking on different beats, depending on what type of mood she is in. She will switch between different pulses, fighting through her favorites hip-hop and pop, and through lesser used one's such as the tango, which she usually uses for defense. She is able to change between pulses easily, and is greatly influenced if she can hear a song. This fighting style is unique to her as no one, not even herself, will know what she will do, and this keeps to her freestyle way of life, elegantly dancing her way to victory. She carries two swords on her back as extra's, but mostly relies on her two trusty katanas forged from dragon scales, but if she is fighting a more powerful foe she will rely on her titanium and dragon scale swords on her back. The two katanas are always on her sides, and she only carries her swords into combat.

"I hope you won't go easy on me, trust me you don't wanna do that"

"Now that I know more about you, do you have anything else to say?"


+ Beach/ warmth

+ Music

+ Moving

+ Dancing

+ Flirting

+ Fighting (Always one to pick a fight)

+ Control

+ Seafood


"Oh I looove that!"


- Hates losing

- Hates not being in control

- Being bored

- Rain/ cold

- Super sweet foods

- Spicy food

- Training (But does it anyways)

- Has mild ADHD-

Cannot sit still or be silent

"Do you want me to kick you there?"

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual

"Alrighty, you sound like fun, hope to see you around!"

-Headmaster Daisy

(Holy shit that took forever to do
xD : 3 hours to be exact)
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Name: Astroth Fuzen

Age: 17

School year: 11

Gender: male

Species: Demon(incubus)/Undertaker


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/image.jpg.32d77d918dcf9137f93680db8cd6a5ee.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38354" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/image.jpg.32d77d918dcf9137f93680db8cd6a5ee.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/image.jpg.010affcb2033c1d19a326762a508467b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38355" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/image.jpg.010affcb2033c1d19a326762a508467b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Student or teacher?: student


Astroth is an incubus from the Fuzen family. He was raised to be an Undertaker, giving him little time to spend on his own his entire life. When he found out that the family's 'adoptive' summoner,
@Ran , would be attending a school he jumped at the opportunity of joining her for a more public education. Other than that, his past is a secret that he keeps to himself.


Despite his species, or job, Astroth is usually a pretty carefree person who goes through life trying to avoid conflict, but loves a good fight.


+enhanced physical capabilities/senses.

-major lack of energy when undertaker powers are used.

+high immunity to all types of fire.

-heals slower when out of energy.

•Attraction/seduction- can attract either gender to him and feed off of their emotions/life energy.

•sustained Hunger- can go without feeding on anyone for a while.

•can sense the emotions of others near him.

•Watcher- gathers and prepares souls for the otherworld. Can't be used unless someone nearby has died.

•Gravedigger- chains and buries opponent 6feet under in a coffin of black ice and obsidian.

•Obsidian manipulation.




•hugs (to an extent)

•joking around






-rabbits (they scare him.)

Sexual Orientation:bisexual



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Name:Cyrin Yome

great name right thought of it myself


at least that's how old according to my math

School year:10th

might as well go to school


wouldn't have it any other way

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/8f13afd1c8ed7031b0552941de323d181377236109_full.jpeg.c37f692d136fea222204f2fdc9aafe48.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38433" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/8f13afd1c8ed7031b0552941de323d181377236109_full.jpeg.c37f692d136fea222204f2fdc9aafe48.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Species: genetically modified human

That stuff hurt man

Student or teacher?:student

School man sucks

Bio:Once an orphan on the street it was just him and his big sister Koori. One day they were taken in

by the head of a research division and both were infused with a chemical code named holy water it made them able to fight the supernatural and also gave them powers but they soon learned the organization was out to spread terror and pain so they tried to tun away but one of the other subjects came after them and during the break out his sister died fighting the other kid Cyrin escaped and now tries to get stronger so something like that never happens again.


Personality:Laid back and quick to fight he loves nothing more then testing his skills. (Well except the ladies)

What can i say

Powers/Abilities:enhanced senses enhanced arm strength super speed (up to mach 20) clone him self. (Perfect and only listen to his commands)

It's like my own personal mirror

"Now that I know more about you, do you have anything else to say?"

Likes:girls soda fighting having a rival

My dream is to be surronded by girls while drinking soda while fighting my rival

Dislikes:losing fighting weak opponents coffee

All three have the same problem bitterness

Sexual Orientation:straight




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Name- Blue

Age -17 (unknown)

school year - Junior

appearance- her eyes turn a bright almost neon green when shes happy and as she get sadder the grey-er her eyes get , her body is raveaged with scars from the abuse the hunters and a few farmers

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c1321db94_picturething.jpg.7de0d6a82bae79178e54d413d3719bd0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38507" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c1321db94_picturething.jpg.7de0d6a82bae79178e54d413d3719bd0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

species- shape shifter

student or teacher - Student

Bio- you will never see her parents visit her because she ran away when she was 13 after years of abuse , she was hunter for her pelt , being a shapeshifter she would have a rare , ever changing pelt

personality- Shes generally a good girl , painfully shy and dosent trust people because of her past but there is a streak of evil in her , a little peice of her that love destruction butfor the most part good , playfull once you know her

Powers - she is working on shapeshifting but she has more powers , they havent exposed them selves yet but she feels them deep inside

Likes - she loves music and books , you will often find her in a tree

Dislikes -being used , being played and liars

sexual orientation- straight



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