Academy for the Extramundane

Nope, you can choose to either find someone who is dormless (Pssst Keiser needs one), make an NPC for that purpose, or jost go solo
Name: Mason LeFreake

Age: 27 (May 2nd)

School year:

Gender: Male


(Except just the armor. The body is replaced by fiery red aura.)

Species: Golem

Student or teacher?: Teacher (Fighting)

Bio: Since he can remember he has been serving this school or rather the land in which it is set upon. He has stayed her teaching the only thing he personally knows how to do,protect and fight. He is proficient in most all martial arts and with all weapons.

Personality: Mason is very bland and can't take the heavy spices of life.


Mason can take his energy out of his current body by transferring it to another body with the same symbol on it. While in this energy for he is incapable of doing harm or being dealt it.

Likes:Finding used for himself and reading.

Dislikes: Things out of what he considers to be the ordinary.

Sexual Orientation: Strait but technically asexual

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First off, I greatly apologize for my lateness.

Name: Lucario (Loo-car-y-oh) Jethro Anderson

Age: 16 (3/30)

School year: 10th grade

Gender: Male

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/upload_2014-12-26_15-51-36.png.4ae65fb65080316857a6bba354abfb07.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37832" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/upload_2014-12-26_15-51-36.png.4ae65fb65080316857a6bba354abfb07.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

Species: Exponentially Variegated Human

Student or teacher?: Student

Bio: Lucario Jethro Anderson was born on March 30th from a human mother and human father. His mother was a scientist in the field of electricity and magnetism and his father was a retired General of the Army who now works for the CIA.

Lucario’s mother was part of the Nanite Project (secret) which consisted of a group of scientists experimenting with nanites to help humanity by eliminating diseases. Nanites were the microscopic machines that were created by the scientists during the Nanite Project. Lucario had a rare disease when he was born. The signs weren’t apparent though until he suddenly became weak around the age of 5. His immune system was failing as well as his other anatomical systems. The doctors were able to conclude that it was due to his mother’s experimentation with the nanite project even prior to his birth. The scientists were doing so many things to the nanites that it probably radiated a negative substance. Over the past years the scientists were able to clear the sight of that substance and understand the purpose of nanites. As a result, the scientists and doctors concluded to inject Lucario with the original batch of fully programed nanites, hoping to save his life. It was soon discovered that the nanites were completely harmless; however, when activated, stored into Lucario’s bones and mutated Lucario’s biology, giving him special abilities.

Lucario always had an interest in electronics and action movies especially once his dad joined the CIA. His father worked as an overseas spy then eventually switched to the Head Quarters to let his family have a more stable life. As a child Lucario kept a clean slate at school obtaining straight A’s, joining team sports, and getting involved in other extra curriculars. His parents enrolled him in a martial arts school so he would know how to defend himself. For fun, Lucario would watch movies and practice everything he watched. Everything. From G. I. Joe to Star Wars, Lucario was able to learn how to create an actual light saber (with the use of his own ingeniousness and the writer’s attempt to make the saber have a real scientific explanation behind its creation) and pick up some martial arts and parkour skills. Eventually his talent for mastering things so quickly became evident to his parents around the same time his telekinetic and technology manipulation abilities kicked in. No wonder he was able to construct an actual light saber in the first place…ha makes sense now.

Personality: Lucario is an inventive, athletic, fun-loving, resourceful, adventurous, and brave guy. The good-hearted, innocent teen enjoys pulling tricks, and staying optimistic. Although his daring and hard-headed qualities usually cause him to get injured, Lucario continues to work toward his goals and protect his family and friends. This mutated genius is a selfless, practical being frequently content with whatever is presented to him. Lucario tends to be quiet at first, but eventually warms up to the people around him.


1. Technology Manipulation-User can manipulate technology and technological constructs, computers, robots, hardware and other devices that can be termed as "technology". Manifested as a special form of electrical/telekinetic manipulation, a special form of "morphing" which allows physical interaction with machines, or even a psychic ability that allows mental interface with computer data.

2. Intuitive Aptitude- The power to instantly learn and understand the complexity and exactness of organisms, objects, and even powers without the need of long-term or special education. This explains his Adoptive Muscle Memory and Enhanced Combat.

3. Telekinesis- TELEKINESIS.

4. Enhanced Physical Abilities- Enhanced strength, senses, and speed. His physical abilities are beyond that of average humans, but NOT EXTREME like Superman or Flash…make sense?

Likes: Playing sports, practicing martial arts, practicing parkour, inventing things, reading, doing extreme sports and other “extreme” things, and having fun.

Dislikes: Being bored, negative behavior, crime, and people associated with negative connotations and denotations.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Name: Marco Callahan

Age: 24 (12/23)

School year: Normality and English teacher

Gender: Male

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/upload_2014-12-26_15-58-43.png.97a2db86a7b75f010a1cccd262017301.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37834" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/upload_2014-12-26_15-58-43.png.97a2db86a7b75f010a1cccd262017301.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Species: Gifted Human

Student or teacher?: Teacher

Bio: Marco grew up living a “normal” life. His powers weren’t really anything special to him. Just kidding, they were. Growing up, Marco only had himself to relate to in the midst of other humans. He participated in auditions, plays, and later commercials. The entertainment industry was calling him forth. Just when he was about to hit a huge milestone, Marco vanished. He didn’t only do it for his own good but for the good of the others as well. His sonic boom generation was getting out of hand. The man had spent so much time mastering his emotion manipulation that the need to practice his other ability was forgotten. It was due to an accidental outburst. While he was practicing in a room, Marco got a bit too into character and boom. As a result, the gifted human took on a more suitable career for himself…being an English and Normality teacher.

Personality: Marco is a calm and innovative man. Although his picture may make him look boring he is actually full of surprises. He’s not afraid to go out of his way for his students and colleagues.


1. Emotion Manipulation- Self-explanatory

2. Sonic Boom Generation- The user can break the sound barrier, creating sonic booms that can cause severe damage on objects and beings.

Likes: He likes students with the willingness to learn, acting, learning, teaching, and being productive.

Dislikes: Annoying students, impractical decisions, and crime.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual



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Name: Kishi Zadel

Age: 16 (January, 1.)

School year: just got in, junior.

Gender: male


Kishi is a rather skinny boy with pale, doll-like features. He stands at 5'2" with yellow-orange eyes, and a head of light blue hair that curls towards his face. He has scars on certain parts of his body that are usually hidden.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.cf0769852ae090220c38bcbe2b7aef96.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38034" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.cf0769852ae090220c38bcbe2b7aef96.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Species: unknown (he can't remember)

Student or teacher?: student

"Now that I know who you are, tell me more about yourself"


Not much can be told about Kishi's past. Simply because he doesn't remember.

Despite his good memory, Kishi can't remember what happened to him before the age of eight. He woke up in the woods outside of a large city where he was found by an undercover organization and held prisoner there for a while.

Later on, he was saved by the same agency as Juuya and Nainaro (
@Asphyxiated ), and is being sent to the academy for the boys to look after.

When he was younger, he messed with a warlock and was cursed to change form when the moon is full. Into a werewolf? No, Into a girl.


Kishi is a very childlike individual who is always clad with a smile. Though, he can very dangerous, and slightly psychotic. Despite the fact that he is generally nice to those who approach him, he can be quite a loner. When he gets to know someone he can be a bit touchy-feely.


-enhanced endurance

-regeneration: can heal certain wounds instantly. unless it's serious, or if it's a burn.

-blood manipulation

-slight power mimicry: he can mimic the powers of others by the consumption of their blood, but it's only temporary and causes him a lot of pain.

"Now that I know more about you, do you have anything else to say?"












-rude people

Sexual Orientation: bisexual

(Hope it's ok!))



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Name: Iwa Winter Hira

"No idea why you need to know but.. Iwa."

Age: 16 ||12/3

"16..You really don't need to know this."

School year:10

"Is this really necessary?? 10th.."


"This is getting ridiculous."


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Rage.600.172967.jpg.5d3201dfc3524b33a81b80ebb8be937d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38031" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Rage.600.172967.jpg.5d3201dfc3524b33a81b80ebb8be937d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Am I not a vision in picture? Horrifying I know."


"Such a good question... Too bad I'm too many things to say."

Student or teacher?: Student

"As though
I could be a Teacher.."

Bio: Iwa is a very open about her past. About as open as a locked Wi-Fi network. Her family is a mystery, her past is history, and she herself is the only clue. Only time will reveal this weird corner-cobweb's history. And when the time comes only a second can hold the truth. Lovely rhymes to fit her lovely attitude.

Personality: As warm as ice, as cold as fire. Her smile is like a smirk, tears like air and attitude too real to be messed. She loves fun, unfortunately she has a problem of breaking into song randomly; As well as using sarcasm as a daily tonic for anything and everything. She really loves to be around people, but her moods tend to push people away.


~Mimicry (Though only temporary it is her weakest power)

(Causes modifications: Makes her hair grow rapidly when used often, as well as look pale)

~Elemental (Control of elements: Air, Water, Fire, Dark, Light, Earth)







~Hot weather


Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

"You know what they say, People are people. Things are things.. Stuff is stuff... Yeah.."



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Name:Jin Kazaki


School year:First year


Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c12944cd6_images(3).jpg.a6ece5cbed7f5b80412abfcc860a3a5a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38073" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c12944cd6_images(3).jpg.a6ece5cbed7f5b80412abfcc860a3a5a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Species:Half Reaper Half Human

Student or Teacher:Student

Bio:His Father The Legendary Grim Reaper And His Mother The Human Who was loved by his father the grim reaper gave birth to a baby that was half human half reaper his wish was to reach his fathers level and destroy mankind.After killing and getting his mothers soul he was exiled from his home and was sent to this academy to learn and rise humanity.

Personality:He doesnt like making friends but when in need he calls people for help.He is calm and always likes to read books.He gets angry when he gets teased.

Powers/Abilities:Can absorb humans soul.Cut humans in half with his scythe.Can Turn into a skinless Reaper

Likes:Likes bullying humans,Calm people like him,Likes reapers,Human Souls

Dislikes:Too Active people,Humans,Food that humans eat

Sexual Orientation:Straight



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