Academy for the Extramundane

Sixxx said:
Name- Blue
Age -17 (unknown)

school year - Junior

appearance- her eyes turn a bright almost neon green when shes happy and as she get sadder the grey-er her eyes get , her body is raveaged with scars from the abuse the hunters and a few farmers

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species- shape shifter

student or teacher - Student

Bio- you will never see her parents visit her because she ran away when she was 13 after years of abuse , she was hunter for her pelt , being a shapeshifter she would have a rare , ever changing pelt

personality- Shes generally a good girl , painfully shy and dosent trust people because of her past but there is a streak of evil in her , a little peice of her that love destruction butfor the most part good , playfull once you know her

Powers - she is working on shapeshifting but she has more powers , they havent exposed them selves yet but she feels them deep inside

Likes - she loves music and books , you will often find her in a tree

Dislikes -being used , being played and liars

sexual orientation- straight
Accepted~ <3
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Name: Yuki Miki




Age: 16


Sixteen years young


School year: third

Gender: male


You were confused...?



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Species: ??


I can't explain it either



Not much can be said about his past. He died at the age of 16 and was brought back to life by sister under a contract with a demon. However, the demon who was using him as a weapon was slain and, Since then, he has been free to do as he pleases. Even though he looks human, he doesn't age like them which has made his once-younger sister older than him.


...I'm stuck being this height for two more about a long puberty.



Yuki is one of few words, and can be shy/stubborn. He has a never ending longing to have friends, but his awkward personality usually gets in the way.





-can completely change himself into a weapon baring what ever element the wielder wishes. (main element is ice.)

-power negation (only works in human form.)

-Temporary power replication (only in human form.)



Mine aren't as cool as yours, but I like them..I guess.



-what most Teenagers like





-making friends


There are more things that I like. these are just on my mind right now




-overly rude/obnoxious people


I don't hate a lot of things


Sexual Orientation: Bisexual




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Name: Tsubaki Kagezuki

Age:(Birthday as well) November 2, 16.

School year: Junior

Gender: Female


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/upload_2015-1-5_20-30-8.png.58627a326f350488faff36b1448dd322.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38691" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/upload_2015-1-5_20-30-8.png.58627a326f350488faff36b1448dd322.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Species: Shadow Demon.

Student or teacher?: Student.

Bio: She was born into a royal family of shadow demons who pride themselves on being the best and most emotionless demons of all. Being the only daughter with 6 other brothers, she had to fight and do everything in her power to not be killed. Because when your the youngest and the only daughter in a family of almost all males, is a dangerous fleet. She had to fight for everything and if you don't... you're killed.

Personality: Tsubaki is a very quiet, and calm person. She almost never shows much emotion unless it's personal. She thinks that if she shows emotion, people will think less of her because she is a shadow demon and they are supposedly heartless monsters who don't care who they hurt. She is actually kind to people she can trust and is very caring with people she cares about and trusts.


Umbrakinesis -- She can control and manipulate shadows into any form or shape she choses. She can use it to heal herself and/or others if they need. She can also create objects and weapons out of the shadows if she needs to protect herself.

Shadow Travel -- She can travel anywhere if there is a shadow she can step into.

Black Blood Creations -- Because she is a shadow demon, her blood is black like link. She can use her blood or ink to create monsters and creatures out of her blood or ink to help fight or protect her. They also can carry messages and can carry her should they need to incase she's hurt and needs help.

Shadow Illusion -- She can create projections and illusions of herself if she needs to hide or flee from her opponent if she is badly hurt or injured.

Shadow Summon -- Any creature she makes out of shadows can be summoned out of the shadows if she needs their help. They will always answer her call unless there are no shadows around.



Writing poetry

Taking walks at night

The night time

The stars





Spicy food

Being bothered when reading or writing.


The sun



Sexual Orientation: Bisexual



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Name: Brutis Weylyn

Age:(Birthday as well) 38 10/25

School year: Band/Orchestra

Gender Male


Species: Lycanthrope

Student or teacher?:Teacher

"Feel free to ask me for help. Don't worry my bark is worse than my bite."

Bio:From the earliest points in his childhood Brutis has always preferred his wolf form almost never transforming back leaving his human form malnourished and weak to his loved ones dismay. His healing powers were discovered at a young age where he should have died in an accident but he came out unharmed. This lead him to go to the Academy for the Extramundane and expand upon his skills and learn his aptitude for music and also Resonance based magic. He returns to the school now as a way to pay forward the skills and gifts he learned at the academy.

Personality: He is generally formal , wary and a territorial person towards strangers who is quick to assumptions. Though with his friends he generally is loud, open and friendly with a short temper.

Powers/Abilities: Healing/Protection and Resonance

"Do you want to know more?"

Likes: The night, tea, confidence and honesty

Dislikes: Fire, mornings and pushiness

Sexual Orientation: Gay

“Also single but y'know......."

"Oh your the new student? Hi I'm Daisy your headmaster, who are you?"

He taps one of the tags on his collar with name inscribed on it. "Falmet Ulv"

Age: Again he taps the tag. "March 27, 1998" which makes him "16".

School year: He goes still in thought before holding up ten fingers first then one. "11"

Gender: He glanced down at his feet, biting his lower lip. Clearly "Male", but he really identified as "Genderfluid".

Species: He looked up and offered a shaky smile, pressing a finger to his lips. His collar stated "Werewolf/Shapeshifter, hybrid", but they probably already saw it.

Student or teacher?: He rolled his eyes and muttered to himself something about age not allowing a teaching permit. "Student"

{{ Appearance difference from pic; no horns, wears black leather collar, either wears a dress, skirt and shirt, or hoodie and jeans. }}

"Now that I know who you are, tell me more about yourself"


Bio: {Short version, edit later} His father was an extremist Christian and his mother, unaffiliated religiously, died giving birth to him. His father believed him to be a demon since his mother wasn't strong enough to survive his birth and because of his sharp teeth and black, claw like nails. Once he hit puberty and had his first shift his father tried to exorcize (drown) him in excessive amounts of holy water. Needless to say Falmet nearly drown to death, was taken to the hospital by their elderly neighbour who witnessed through an open window what his father had been doing to him. His father was arrested and the neighbour adopted Falmet to avoid having the poor traumatised kid circulated through the foster system. The elderly woman was also a werewolf and helped him through the transition, having him transferred to this academy.

Personality: {Hard to explain} His personality fluctuates to extremes due to his natural instincts, depression, and residual anger issues thanks to the bullies at his previous school. Other than that he's pretty shy and tends to always be eating something to avoid conversation since he has trouble with human speech patterns as it is. Probably the most aggressively stubborn person you will ever come across.

Powers/Abilities: Basic werewolf abilities; eating large quantities of food in a small amount of time without getting sick, enhanced senses, strength, speed, agility, etc.

"Now that I know more about you, do you have anything else to say?"

Likes: "I really like food. Mostly raw meats. AND FLOWERS! Fun things, being outside, and chasing things is nice too. I kinda like everything really."

Dislikes: "I HATE people judging me on my appearance, sexual orientation, and identity. It's just plain RUDE."

Sexual Orientation: "I'm...Panromantic Demisexual. No I'm not attracted to pans... I can be romantically attracted anyone regardless of gender, however I won't be sexually attracted to them unless I form an emotional connection to them. Either way... If I don't like you I won't date you. I...kinda prefer guys though." He felt a bashful heat creep onto his reddening cheeks, fidgeting with the edge of the skirt he wore today.


Other: He suffers from severe depression, social anxiety, epilepsy, and self harm. He also has a minor Shapeshifting ability that allows him to take on a half or full form of a Piebald or Mule deer thanks to his mother's latent shapeshifter DNA, triggered by his werewolf DNA which was dormant from his father (how ironic). He prefers his half Piebald deer form over wolf so he poses as a were-deer or deertaur/cervitaur to avoid getting made fun of many other werewolves for his odd behaviour (being extremely shy which is natural for deer shifters).

"Alrighty, you sound like fun, hope to see you around!"

-Headmaster Daisy
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"I'm not just one person I am five I've existed since the beginning of time, and I'm sure you have plenty of records about me just read threw them."

Record 1: denial

Goes by: Amilia

Age: ? Birthday ?

School year: highschool junior




Species: Demon


Bio: Amilia has been around for a long time she is the imbodyment of human denial. She has ran threw life beliving it is all just a dream and she can change it, she denies the truth and won't except anything else. Over the years she has cursed man and woman with denial, but in some legends shows up as the first warning for something greater. Some people who have met her have been filed to have commited suicide later in life.

Personality: She will not except the truth everything must be a dream is her ideology. She even be lives her own existance is a dream and that she can change it to her will. She appears to have a forcefully but peppy and kind attitud, but those who get on her bad side get a bat to the face.

Powers: None on record

Record 2: anger

Name: Fenrick

Age ? B-day: ?

School year: Highschool junior

Gender: Male




Species: Demon/Werewolf


Bio: Fen has existed since the dawn of man he has traveled the world causing wars deaths and broken hearts. He is the embodiment of anger itself. He has been tagged as a major part of starting all the world wars.


He comes of chill in the beginning but soon he becomes a nightmare he kills and ruins peoples life, he always makes rash decisions and puts fights before words.


Can starts wars and stir up hate between friends

Can turn into a full werewolf.

Record 3: bargaining

Name: Luke

Age: ?/ B-day ?

School year: Highschool junior

Gender: Male

Species: Demon





It took a while for this part of the being to form, but when it came to be is still unknown. He has been found in plenty of places and usually shows up before someone's death, the police have never cought him though. He spends most of his time gambling and its believed that he gambles peoples souls.


He is a man rapped in mystery his whole attitude is a gamble everything about him is always set on a table of constantly changing variables, good luck getting to know him.


Can gamble people's souls or years.

Record 4: depression

Name: Amity

Age: ? B-day: ?

School year: Highschool junior

Gender: female

Species: Demon



Bio: The first tear fell from her eyes, she has been here since the beginning of time, she gives her gift to everybody. She walks around with tears always on her face.


She is soft hearted and caring, the slightest things can make her cry, but she loves and shows more loyalty then anyone else. She holds more burdens then anyone else on the world.


Can make it rain

Emits an aura of sadness

Record 5: acceptence

Name: Jordan

Age: ? B-day: ?

School year: Highschool junior

Gender: Male

Species: Demon/undead



Bio: This was the first man on earth to die he travels the earth aiding people to there death, helping them accept there fate.

Personality: He is kind and gental, he would never take a life but instead aids the dying into a peacefull sleep, he is sometimes called the grim reaper.

Powers: he can see ghosts and travel between hell, heaven, and earth with ease.

He can cause anyone's death but never dose so

He emity an Aura of acceptance.

All of these people are one person only one shows itself at a time, and that depends on the emotions around him and the duties that need to be done, he/she can forcefully change there forms but they rarly do that. They are all bi-sexual and are known as the stages of grief.
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(I decided to make a student for more interactions)

Name: Celestia Stargate (Queen of liars)

Age: 17 6/6

School year: Junior

Appearance: Female

Species: Vampire

Student or teacher?: Student

Now that I know who you are, tell me more about yourself"

Bio: She is the embodiment of lies and was grown up gambling with her father she sometimes faked being an orphan so she could stay at their house for the night and steal there personal things. Her father owns an chain of casinos while her mother is stay at home.. Celestia wanted more adventure in her life so she adventured to the academy.

Personality: She enjoys lying it is like an second nature to her but other then that she is rude to people she doesn't know

Powers/Abilities: great ability to lie

memory change


"Now that I know more about you, do you have anything else to say?"

Likes: bears, knifes, cake, and tea

Dislikes: Kindness, Harsh light, egotistic people

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

"Alrighty, you sound like fun, hope to see you around!"

-Headmaster Daisy
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Name: Matthew Nightblood

"Yes my last name is Night blood. Yes that means I'm Malaines brother."

Age: June 20th,16 { He's the oldest.}

"Me and Malaine might be twins but I'm older buy 5 minutes."

School year: 10

"Yes grade 10."

Gender : Male

"Do I look like a female?No!"


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Species: Arch Demon

Student or teacher?: Student

"Duh I'm student I said I was in grade 10 ya twit.

"Bio: {Same as Malaine's} Matthew joined a powerful demon gang after him and Malaine split up years ago and is now running said gang,but is attending this school to reconnect with Malaine and when they both graduate he will take her back to his home so they can be a family again.

"She's my little sister she belongs at home with me."

Personality: Matthew is a cold hearted bad boy, who is distant with people and doesn't really have that many friends, its not like he can't make a lot its just that he doesn't trust a lot of people and likes to keep his circle small. The only time he is even nice and sweet is when he is talking to his little twin sister.

"Got a f***king problem about who I am?!"


+Blood Manipulation


+ Shadow Manipulation


"I like Blood Manipulation the best."



+Causing Trouble

+Spoiling Malaine


"Dude why you asking so many questions."


-Angels who think they're better than people

-Seeing Malaine Cry/Sad

-Not getting what/who he wants

"What can I say,I'm a big brother."

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

"I'm a sex god what do you expect."​



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Name: Lucius Fletcher

Age:(Birthday as well) 15

School year: 9

Gender: Male

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/thumb.png.c3d97444f8457c2c729e15faf1ad3fa4.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39173" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/thumb.png.c3d97444f8457c2c729e15faf1ad3fa4.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Glowing eye changes colour to show mood

Species: Nephalem

Student or teacher?: Student

"Now that I know who you are, tell me more about yourself"

Bio: Lucius' mother was a demon and his father an angle but they hid this from him. At the age of 4 his parents were captured by their own kinds for being together and are tortured for the rest of their existence in Limbo. Lucius was presumed dead by both heaven and hell but he escaped the attack. Lucius was found crying,starving and was taken to an orphanage to be given to a foster family. At the age of 13 his house and foster family was burnt into the ground with him in it. Lucius was dead for about 10 minutes but his heart starting beating again and he was back. Half of Lucius' face was burnt and he could not speak but his powers were also activated. He made a mask for himself using the new found knowledge he had acquired. He came to this school sensing the number of angles and demons within it and is now trying to just fit in somewhere.

Personality: Lucius is sophisticated and mature due to his high knowledge and understanding of people, but has a hard time making friends because he is mute and most people feel uncomfortable with his way of speech.


Empathic Power Randomzation -

Psychic Communication (through looking into eyes) -

Supernatural Condition -

"Now that I know more about you, do you have anything else to say?"

Likes: Being around other people, being accepted, music, movies,sports

Dislikes: not being able to express his feelings, bullies, angles and demons who consider him a freak of nature

Sexual Orientation: Straight

"Alrighty, you sound like fun, hope to see you around!"

-Headmaster Daisy



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Name: Avalon Faervel

Age:(Birthday as well): 800, but looks 30 ( 15 of November)

Gender: male



primal elf (strongest elven species)

Student or teacher?: Teacher-subject: Potions

"Now that I know who you are, tell me more about yourself"

Avalon was born in the Amber Sky village of the Eidorien forest. He was the strongest member of the village being able to use all types of magic and like any primal elf he had a highly extended lifespan. His thirst for esoteric knowledge made him learn every magic book in the village and consequently every spell. One day he found an old book with a very peculiar spell and decided to try it. The spell changed his physiology and made him many times stronger,faster and more durable while also giving him control over gravity and making him completely immortal, but at the same time made him lose his ability to use magic forever. He initially fell in a depression because of this , but as time passed he realised that he was in fact a lot more powerful than he was before, gradually understanding how to control gravity through training, battle experience and the discoveries of a human named Edward Newton as well as other modern and contemporary discoveries regarding the subject of gravitation and as such he changed his ways from a mage to one of the strongest elven warriors.


Avalon is a rather laid-back guy and an extrovert. He likes socializing, especially with energetic people and he is not arrogant about his intelligence, knowledge or power, in fact he likes sharing his knowledge with others and using his powers to help people without expecting something in return. He is rather perceptive and a great analyst who can come up with quick solutions even for the most difficult problems, regardless of their type.

#Flaws-While he might seem like a nice guy, Avalon also has a rather cold side. He gets angry at those who disregard his opinion or do not take his advice , acting merciless towards them. He also greatly dislikes people who lack energy or desire to do anything, considering them worthless and treating them badly. When he gets angry he becomes highly sadistic.


#True Immortality- the power to never age and recover from almost any injury, but not only. Because of this natural ability Avalon exists outside of space-time continuum and therefore is immune to time altering (time stopping, accelerating and/or decelerating), age manipulation, space altering and reality warping. He also can't die (injuries may be inflicted, but complete annihilation is impossible) and has no need to eat,sleep,drink or even breathe.

#Supernatural physiology- Avalon is immensely stronger, faster and more durable than normal members of his species and normal humans. He is strong enough to lift up to 30 tons, fast enough to reach supersonic levels of speed as well as agile enough to dodge sonic attacks and durable enough to resist explosions caused by hydrogen bombs.

#Gravity control(advanced);

#Extensive knowledge over a wide area of subjects;

#Close quarter combat expert;

>>Because he is an elf he also has enhanced senses (especially eyesight and hearing) and he can see in the dark.

"Now that I know more about you, do you have anything else to say?"

Likes: knowledge, energetic people, everything that is new to him and interesting;

lazy people, lack of motivation, ignorance;

Sexual Orientation:
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