Academy for the Extramundane

Name: Blake Redurdo

Age: 14- Nov 13th 2000

School Year: 9

Gender: Male

Appearance: Messy white and red hair that makes it look like its on fire. Light blue eyes tall pale skinny.

Species: Nephilim half demon from his father

Powers/Abilities: Invisibility and Ice manipulation and conjuration. If he eats meat of any sort or blood his demon powers activate and he will keep his demonic horns as well as the abilities of super speed, reflexes, endurance and a tad more strength

Likes: Books, Daggers and Food

Dislikes: Crowds, Demon hunters, fights and fire

Bio: Blake is an odd one of his family. He is named for having something to do with flame but actually manipulates ice. This caused a major outbreak in his family and left him to his aunt and uncle. His aunt is affectionate and taught him some of his powers with invisibility. He found his ice powers at a young age when his dad taught him to use fire and snow appeared. He is widely hated and usually has to hold his frozen dagger up to his families throats so they will take him seriously. His uncle and aunt want him to be an assassin but he doesn't want to take that route.

Sexual Orientation: Straight
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Name: Acer Jotun

"Sup folks....don't mind me....I try not to be social....I prefer to watch

Age: 19 (May 1st)

Yeah, I'm 19. Not too sure though....feel older sometimes depending on my mood

School Year: 11th Grade

Yeah, I've failed two seperate grades in my old home city. Nothing to write home about...or so they say

Gender: Male


Species: Half Human/Half Kitsune

"Yep, I'm that lying fox in Japanese Folklore, just minus the fact I'm not Japanese....I think. Now I'm second-guessing.


Bio: Dad was supposedly human and my mother was a full-fledged Kitsune. To be honest though that's just what I was told. Never met them. Dad was hung by rope for theft and murder for whatever reason, guess he wasn't exactly what you'd call an upstanding and model citizen now was he? Mother dearest....yes...I said that with didn't mishear....never knew what became of her. Not that I searched for her or anything. To be honest, it's probably best I didn't regardless. I doubt it would have been a happy reunion anyways. Call it a gut feeling. Was raised by monks....yeah I'm half demon but raised by monks...ironic right? I thought so too. Tried to indoctrinate me into their beliefs and prayers but screw that....never was a praying type......and faith is a alien concept to me. If I don't see it...I don't believe it. I don't trust words....and I don't like physical contact like hugs and so on. A hug is just an excuse to hide what facial expression is really on your face. Been there done that. Survived to tell it. Well, when my adopted monk family seen the so-called filthy hellspawn such as me wasn't being converted...apparently I had to exterminated. Tried to kill me in my sleep when I was 13. I burnt the monastery to the ground as well as the nearby village it neighbored. Had to be thorough that none lived you know? If any did live, I didn't see them, and I have better vision than most. Learned the sword....well I never learned persay...I seemed to always know it for some strange reason. Now I have a beautiful black steel katana which I never did name. Why name something that's only meant to be used for killing? It's not like anyone but the owner will ever appreciate it's name anyways. Tried the school thing here and there. Eventually made it just to become a Junior in High School, failed two grades along the way. Never said education or any academic study interested me. Why learn about the world when at one time you wanted it to burn away to nothing? I don't feel that way now...I want to leave it. Let whoever loves it keep it. Where do I wanna go? Good question. Let me know if you have the answer. I would owe you a favor or two. Just transferred to this new Academy I had heard about through some shady circles. Not everyone like us can be saints or pretend to be one. I've done some things I'm not proud of. I've lied, cheated, stole, and killed. Why not? This world wants to push you to your death anyways....why not push back while you can? Everything dies anyways sooner or later and Death fears no one.....for everything bows to it eventually. For the past three years I ran with some types most would call hoodlums or thugs. My....skills..... I should say proved useful. Swordplay is a bit out of date but it served me well in the petty turf wars between rival gangs in my old home city. I didn't particularly care for any of the guys in the gang called "Dead Angels" who I ran with, but you don't really have to like your allies. There's no rule that says this. I'm the last Dead Angel alive now though...I assume my gang was becoming too strong or something....the other crews made an alliance and hit us hard and only I survived. I guess you could say I moved here to hide out. Not really though. I'm expecting to die every morning I wake up. Me and Death have a long overdue appointment....I'm just stalling to piss him off. Nothing more. Can't let him have his way completely right? Transferred to this academy from the advice of an associate. Not interested in being a criminal or even a bad person anymore. Not wanting to be the good guy either. I just wanna be me. And I wanna be left alone.

"We all have our own sob or sad stories....why should I care about yours when no one cared about mine? Piss off...we have nothing more to talk about".

Personality: Solitary, rarely speaks though always seems to be thoughtful...with a distant look in his eyes. As if he always somewhere else...never truly in the present. Doesn't trust. No friends or family to speak of...has gotten used to being alone and so friends and relationships are strange and unknown to him. Doesn't know where to even begin with them. Has a habit of sitting in the back of every room in a corner so he can watch the entire room. He's not a stranger to violence so he prefers to be able to watch everyone....better safe from an ambush then sorry right? Often is seen staring at the stars. He had a kind side that not even he knows he has.

"Always have been fascinated by the stars. The only true beauty in the world. Hasn't been corrupted by this world yet. That's only because the world is so far away from the stars that the Earth can't reach them. I suppose if I ever did would be so that the Earth never could reach the stars and corrupt them too. That way there will always be something beautiful somewhere no matter what happens".

Abilities/Powers: Power to create/manipulate Lightning and Fire, Super speed, super reflexes, super endurance, super agility, night vision, super hearing , can transform into a fox of any shape, size, or color. Also a gifted swordsman.

Likes: Candle-lit Rooms with no other source of light, the stars, cold weather, night

Dislikes: Physical contact and over-talkative people. Doesn't dislike anything else really. More or less just tolerates it, has no emotion or opinion on much of anything.

"More can be said in silence then with actual words if you look and listen in the right way. So save your breath".

Sexual Preference: Straight
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Name: Koyuki Hana ( Hana )

Age: 15 (December 12)

School year: sophomore

Gender: female


-black hair

-red/blue eyes

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Species: Human/unknown

(Demonic creature)

Student or teacher?: student


Hana doesn't remember most of her past other than the fact that she was raised by a family of priestesses at a shrine, and has never came in any form of contact with a guy. She went to an all girls school until her powers began to leak. She was sent to the Academy to learn how to harness her powers, though she can barely use them because her family sealed them away. Hana's soul is protected by magic, preventing it from leaving her body until she's dead.


Hana is very quiet and extremely shy, though she has a dark side that's quite opposite.


-capability to use magic seals

-black ice/shadow manipulation (mostly sealed away)










-the internet


-rude people

-being startled


Sexual Orientation: straight



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Luna Zunia

Age:(Birthday as well)

15 (June 30th)

School year:

Sophomore (10th grade)




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c12b8e1b3_AnimeCharacter3.jpg.3b9ea19530f3a9c3378e1244753f2ab7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38194" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c12b8e1b3_AnimeCharacter3.jpg.3b9ea19530f3a9c3378e1244753f2ab7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Shadow Kissed Human

Student or teacher?:



Luna was born completely normal. There was nothing magical about her, whatsoever. Or at least, so it seemed. She always was just a shy, small town girl. Not many people looked at her differently than that, not even herself. She lived with her parents as an only child. Luna's parents were caring, and loving, however both had to work long, hard hours to make enough money to take care of each other. Luna often was home alone, taking on responsibilities children shouldn't have to do yet. As years went on Luna bottled up many dark emotions, never realizing, buried deep inside her, there was gift or a curse, depending on how one looked at it. This power was just waiting to unleash itself. When Luna was thirteen years old, her parent saved up enough money to go on a road trip. All of them were ready to make new, exciting memories... However, they never got to. Another car crashed into them right outside their hometown. Everything for Luna was slow motion. She felt the car spin, and then roll down into the ditch. Then there was an explosion. And that, was that. All of them died. Luna included, but she didn't stay dead for long. The power inside her unleashed. The girl woke up, but she wasn't herself at all. It was as if her mind had gone feral. When Luna finally actually came back to herself, she found that she was no where near where the car had crashed. She was in front of her house. Her destroyed house. Although having no memory of doing so, Luna had destroyed her own house and caused chaos all over town. Those who witnessed her, wouldn't approach her, because they were afraid of Luna. The girl ran away from town. For a couple weeks, she lived on the street with nowhere to go. Luna didn't understand what had happened. She didn't feel the dark emotions she used to anymore. Her memory of her life before the accident was... Hazy. She thought she had gone mental. Finally, Luna was found, and sent to the academy, to learn to understand her powers, and to learn that she wasn't the only mutant. For the past couple years, the girl has learned lots. Luna's memories of her previous life are still hazy. There wasn't another person just like Luna, so she was labeled as a Shadow Kissed Human.


In her previous life Luna was always shy, and that carried with her onto her next. However, since going to the academy, she's been able to open up a little easier. Once she opens up, she's got a good sense of humor, and is usually very friendly. Luna's quick to trust a person, however if they break her trust once, it will take a long time for them to gain it back. Alone she's a thoughtful girl, and sometimes brooding, always looking on the deeper side to life. After experiencing death once, she's learned to treasure life just a little bit more. Even though she has trouble remembering her previous life, her maturity carried with her. She was always responsible as a young girl, and she still is responsible today. Though she may be on the younger side of students, she's very mature. She loves to offer her philosophy on something if someone asks. Luna hates violence, even though sometimes violence is her own fault. She tries to keep peace, and when she senses anger in a person, she always tries to have them let her absorb it out, due to her powers abilities.


-Can sense darkness or rage.

-Luna is able to absorb darkness and rage from others by physical contact and concentration. It can make a person's anger diminish and for them to be calm. However by doing this, it bottles the darkness up in herself. Luna loves to help others when it comes to their anger, but too much absorption and no relief is dangerous.

-Her own negative emotions and other absorbed darkness can lead to Luna going feral minded for a few hours. It's rare to happen, but when it does, Luna is not herself. She goes wild, and rage consumes her. She is very violent in this state of mind, and can cause a lot of damage and chaos. She doesn't recognize others when feral, and will attack anyone in her way. She is basically a rabid animal. When she wakes from the this state, she doesn't have memory of what she's done. Luna is afraid of this part of her power.

-In order to relieve herself and keep herself from going feral minded, Luna is able to influence darkness unto others. However, it's dangerous to other people and can make them start to feel angry and violent. Luna feels guilty whenever she does this.






-Calmness and peace




-Going Feral Minded


-People that take living for granted

Sexual Orientation:




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(First post! Hope I don't screw it up too badly)

"Oh your the new student? Hi I'm Daisy your headmaster, who are you?"

Name: Aiden Flynn

Age:(Birthday as well) 16 (October 6th)

School year: 10

Gender: Male

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/GUY.jpg.80be00850ce4a8079e781d4b0ef82bf9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38216" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/GUY.jpg.80be00850ce4a8079e781d4b0ef82bf9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> his eyes turn lime green when his alternate mind takes over.

Species: ???

Student or teacher?: Student

"Now that I know who you are, tell me more about yourself"

Bio: Aiden was raised in the occult. His parents were scared of him because he was born with a satanic symbol on his cheek. Them being extremely religious they took it as a warning and abandoned him at the age of 2 at the occultist's door. The occult apparently prayed for a powerful child who would lead them to salvation. A year ago he contacted a powerful demon. Who offered him a deal to unlock his powers at the cost of Aiden's soul. Aiden, using what the occult taught him trapped the demon to offer him freedom instead of his soul. After 6 months the demon finally agreed and Aiden became extremely powerful, but Aiden made a foolish mistake and didn't protect himself when the demon was freed. The demon took the chance and cursed Aiden with a divided mind that would put his mind in a constant state of battle over control of the body. The occult could not fix it so Aiden has now come to the school.

Personality: Aiden is very unpredictable because of his divided mind and can be hostile or kind. He normally is a pretty good leader, humorous, and friendly but is very mean to his enemies. He loves to cause trouble as conflict increases his power. His alternate personality is extremely cunning and can sometimes be very hostile towards anyone.


Resurrection Roulette -

Unreadable Mind (because of the power below)-

Divided Mind-

Chaos Empowerment (wears Aiden out and makes his powers unstable after use)-

Emotion Augmentation -

Darkness Manipulation-

"Now that I know more about you, do you have anything else to say?"

Likes: Chaos, Books, Music, Playing Guitar, darkness, animals, spicy food, drawing attention,

Dislikes: Bright lights, hot days, rules, goody two shoes, people asking what he is

Sexual Orientation: Straight

"Alrighty, you sound like fun, hope to see you around!"

-Headmaster Daisy

(Did I do good?)



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You did good, but I have some stuff to say. For your Chaos emporerment we will have to put a limit of that, for example either wearing him out after a while or only able to use if for a while. Otherwise Accepted.
Name: Jasmine Cowell

Age: 16, September 13

School year: 11

Gender: Female



Species: Demon

Student or teacher?: Student

Bio: Jasmine doesn't know much about her history, she knows that she was found on the streets when she was little, and she knows that she is different from all th other girls her age. She has been to the forest outside her house numeous times, but it is not safe for her to venture out by herself. Reason 1: people pick on hber, and agrivate her until bad things start to happen to those people. Reason 2: She scares people because of how she dresses, and how she acts around most people.

Personality: She is rough around the edges, but she is naturally a calm person, and neither despises, or asks for people's company. She has developed many skills to stop people from agrivating her to the point of violence, but she is stubborn; if sh decides that she doesn't like someone, she won't change her mind due to the circumstances that she has been in. It is for the same reason that she does not like authoritive figures, she has been a suspect of murder twice in her life because of her suspicious demeanor; this is the number one reason why she prefers to keep to herself, but she does have an interest in meeting new people...people her.

Powers/Abilities: She is a demon, but she does not know what kind of power that she holds. The only thing she knows that she does is cause damage to people who upset her, even when she tries to control it.

Likes: Books, forests, fire, blood (on occasion), darkness (it provides shadows for her to lurke in.), and heights.

Dislikes: An over abundance of people, authority, open spaces, and cold areas

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Federoff said:
You did good, but I have some stuff to say. For your Chaos emporerment we will have to put a limit of that, for example either wearing him out after a while or only able to use if for a while. Otherwise Accepted.
Brea said:
Name: Jasmine Cowell
Age: 16, September 13

School year: 11

Gender: Female




Student or teacher?: Student

Bio: Jasmine doesn't know much about her history, she knows that she was found on the streets when she was little, and she knows that she is different from all th other girls her age. She has been to the forest outside her house numeous times, but it is not safe for her to venture out by herself. Reason 1: people pick on hber, and agrivate her until bad things start to happen to those people. Reason 2: She scares people because of how she dresses, and how she acts around most people.

Personality: She is rough around the edges, but she is naturally a calm person, and neither despises, or asks for people's company. She has developed many skills to stop people from agrivating her to the point of violence, but she is stubborn; if sh decides that she doesn't like someone, she won't change her mind due to the circumstances that she has been in. It is for the same reason that she does not like authoritive figures, she has been a suspect of murder twice in her life because of her suspicious demeanor; this is the number one reason why she prefers to keep to herself, but she does have an interest in meeting new people...people her.

Powers/Abilities: She is a demon, but she does not know what kind of power that she holds. The only thing she knows that she does is cause damage to people who upset her, even when she tries to control it.

Likes: Books, forests, fire, blood (on occasion), darkness (it provides shadows for her to lurke in.), and heights.

Dislikes: An over abundance of people, authority, open spaces, and cold areas

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Hi my character Aiden still needs a roommate would you be interested?
Name: Marin Lancaster

Age: 27

School year: Educator

Appearance: Male

Species: Mage

Student or teacher: Teacher of course

Now that I know who you are, tell me more about yourself"

Bio: Before his Carrier as a Teacher he was an doctor that worked in medicine and elixir maker but he decided to take his work to the youth in case they accidently dabble and poison someone. His family had always lived in an small town and to keep up rent he went in the woods and worked with a witch making potions while learning spells to assist in growing ingredients and an couple battle spells in case they got robbed. As he worked he studied amongst humans to blend in and learn about the culture.

Personality: He is quite stern but prefers to act calm in most situations and you can't really tell what is emotion is due to a lack of being able to communicate his emotions.



*manipulation of plants

"Now that I know more about you, do you have anything else to say?"

Likes: tea, sunshine, sweet food

Dislikes: loud noises, corpse flowers, being ignored

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

"Alrighty, you sound like fun, hope to see you around!"

-Headmaster Daisy
Application Skeleton:

"Oh your the new student? Hi I'm Daisy your headmaster, who are you?"

Name: Lilah Fuzen

Age: ??? (Appears to be around 15-17)

School year: 10

Gender: female


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/image.jpg.fd50ba66e698d336318a4ccc1834455f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38279" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/image.jpg.fd50ba66e698d336318a4ccc1834455f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Species: human(summoner)/elemental

Student or teacher?:student


Lilah was raised like any other child. KINDA. She doesn't know who her parents were or where she came from. she was found as a child by a family of demons where she was raised. They hid their true forms from her in order for her to be "normal." Because of this, she didn't know that her family wasn't human until she reached a certain stage in growth and her powers began.

A tragedy happened in her family that caused them all to separate, and Lilah decided to come to this school when she found a brochure to the Academy in a café. She also has a knack for music and drawing.

During her time with the demons she was taught to use her summoning powers correctly, but it takes a lot of energy out of her.


Lilah has a personality that wavers based on her mood. However, she is usually pretty shy yet serious. She enjoys the company of others, but is ok with being alone. She hates drawing too much attention to herself because it makes her nervous. Even so, she is pretty laid back and gets bored easily.


~enhanced physical abilities.

-influence of elements.

-immune to damage from most elements.


-can summon creatures and people from other realms, and lay spirits(such as ghosts) to rest.

-soul-tear prevention. (Soul can't be taken away unless slain.)




~stuffed animals



~peace and quiet






Sexual Orientation: straight

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Accepted feel free to start whenever, right now a lot of people are on a trip to the fair so you can start either at the school or the fair, your choice

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