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Fantasy Academy for the Extramundane

What is the correct answer?

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  • B

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  • D

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She could feel the energy draining from her body. Ashe was beginning to grow weak but she held it together for Keani. It hardly felt painful. Just the feeling of weakness, no pain. Ashe was awed.
As Zane was feeding Melody the lunch prepared by the cafeteria today, Melody asked Zane a question: "Do-do you think I will make any friends this year?" Zane looked at Melody while putting a piece of meat in his mouth. He patted Melody on the head, "Of course you will" said Zane, reassuring her that everything will be fine. After this, Melody chuckled as she got another bite of food. "Thanks Zane" she chuckled as she swallowed. "After we finish, lets go and find you someone to talk to" said Zane as he took a bite for himself.
Keani took a deeper breath, fueling more of her energy, her pupils dialating as she did. She leaned closer to Ashe before realizing what she was doing and tore away. She threw up her walls and tried to make her eyes focus again. "I'm so sorry!" She gasped, her eyes still dialated and her cheat heaving for air.
"Mm, I thought it'd be more painful," were the first words that came out from Ashe's mouth. Yes, she was weird that way but who cares? She could still stand up but her legs were wobbly. She gave Keani a reassuring smile before smelling.. Food. Her eyes lit up once again. "LETS EAT!" She squeals dragging Keani out of the room towards the cafe. One moment she was all frail, the next, she had regained the color back in her eyes. Scary..
Kriv watched from the back of the courtyard as all his fellow classmates flocked torwards the desks with information on them. He is currently leaning against the wall, waiting for the crowds to thin so he can get his packet.

"I wonder who I'm gonna be sharing a dorm with?"
Keani stumbled along with her, biting her lip hard. She wanted more of Ashe's energy, and the girl holding Keani's hand made it harder to focus on not feeding from her again. She still fought to see straight again, her eyes shifting back and forth between being dialated and not being so.
Ashe made it to the food court and ordered some fries for herself and bought pastries for Keani before seating herself down in an almost empty table next to a girl with white bandages covering her eyes. She handed Keani the food. "Try it, it's good." Then she turned back to the girl. "Hey, I'm Ashe." @Federoff
Keani slowly ate, trying not to focus on the burning heat that was forming again. It seemed much worse now that she'd sated some hunger, but not all of it. She made herself smaller in the seat, not wanting to be noticed. If she was noticed, especially by too many, she didn't know if she'd be able to control herself.
Melody immediately clutched arm and hid behind it shyly. After a few moments Zane started to talk to her. "Come on, this is your chance" the taller man said in a encouraging manner. After a few moments of looking up at Zane, she looked over at Ashe and said in a quite voice "I'-I'm Melody" she said, still clutching Zanes arm in fright.
Malaine followed with a sigh so deep you could fell it. "You cant be afraid Jess if we are to become bestfrieds. I won't ever hurt you i will protect you okay? "

{ @Jess Buck }
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Kriv was annoyed, he hated waiting in lines, and the only thing he even really needed from the packet was his class schedule. He waited through the line pretty much ignoring everything around him. After finally reaching the end of the line, he got his packet and left. He began feeling a little hungry, so he started heading off torwards the cafeteria.
"She's like so agkajiehkd!!" Ashe thought aloud and then shook her head. Wow. That came out wrong. So embarrassing. "I meant to say your like a little shy puppy who I just wanna squeeze!" Ashe laughed at how that sounded. "Anyways, this is Keani." She points to the girl slightly smiling before noticing Melody clutching onto err some guy's arm. "May I ask who you are?" She asked eyeing the boy suspiciously.
Keani waved shyly when she was introduced. She finally managed to focus her eyes enough to see Ashe clearly, and proceeded to make herself seem smaller.
Almost all the students had their packets so Luce headed inside to the food court for some refreshments. Standing outside wasn't his idea of fun. He turns and notices a boy close to his age and almost face palmed. What was he thinking? Every kid here was younger than he was. He felt so old and out of place..

Boredom took its toll so he made his was over to the student. "Ah, Kriv was it?" He asked.
@Ch40s Dr4g00n
Zane stared at Ashe with his glowing red eyes, analyzing her before finally speaking "Zane" as he pointed at himself, revealing claws instead of fingers. Melody looked at Ashe for a long while before finally saying "Yo-your very pretty" very shyly, while she slowly turned her head to Zane. Zane preceded to put some food into Melody's mouth.
Ashe smiles "And you're beautiful." She watches as Zane fed the girl with sorrow in her eyes but didn't show it. Seal off all hidden emotions. That was one of the facade she had to put up with for herself.

"So what are you guys exactly?" She asked trying to keep the conversation going. After eating the food, she had regained her strength and was getting hyped up.
Kriv turns torwards Luce, "Yeah, I'm Kriv, do you need anything?" On second glance, Kriv noticed that he looked to be a little older then himself.

"You wouldn't happen to be a teacher, would you?"

Zane looked at the girl and said "I'm a unatural draconian" as he put another bite of food into Melody's mouth. After swallowing, Melody spoke up "I'm an angel, half angel to be exact" as she was given some napkins to wipe her mouth off.

(I GTG bed, be back in the morning Pacific time)
"I know I'm old, stop pointing out the obvious," Luce teased and laughed. "Yes I am a teacher. You can just call me by my given name. It makes me feel young." He glanced at all the people in the food court and his eyes fell short on the same blonde hair he saw at the meeting. He tore his eyes away before he burnt a hole in her back.

Ashe felt someone staring at her but when she looked back, she couldn't see anyone suspicious. Thinking it was her mind playing tricks on her, she shrugged it off and bud goodbye to her new fellow friends she just met. "I'll see you later Melody, Zane!" Ashe stood up. "Where to now Keani?"

(Bai bai @Federoff )
Kriv notices Luce stare off to the side for a moment. "Hello? You glanced off to the side and spaced out for a second there, everything ok?" He tries looking in the same direction, but doesn't really see anything that catches his eye.
Luce shook his head. "I'm 100% perfectly fine son. Why'd you think otherwise?" He knew Kriv saw him stare but he didn't know what-or who he was staring at.

(I gtg too. Baiiiii)

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