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Fantasy Academy for the Extramundane

What is the correct answer?

  • A

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  • B

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Jessica blushed lightly, feeling Malanie wrap her arms around her but she shook it off and took off into the sky. Jessica smiled happily as she flew through the sky. She scanned the area below her, looking for the cafeteria. "Do you see the cafeteria?" She asked
Malaine pointed down at the cafeteria "Right there Jess!" She yelled through the wind. She smiled and looked down liking being high up in the sky.
Jessica looked over and smiled

"Oh there it is!" She said, and nose dived for the building. Once close enough to the ground Jessica came to a halt and turned back to Malanie. "Here we are!" She grinned.
Ashe woke up to find herself sleeping by the window in an sitting position. She groans and went into the bathroom to do her regular routine before going to wake up Keani.

"Keani, it's time for- WAHHH!" Ashe cries seeing her friend naked on the bed. It was hot in the room but it couldn't possibly so hot that she had to take off all her clothes right? Well Keani proved that wrong.

Ashe threw a blanket on Keani, blushing bright red as she turned around.
Keani groaned and sat up, confused. The blanket fell away from her torso. "Why are you screaming...?" She asked softly, rubbing her eyes tiredly. She swung her legs out of bed, still not awake enough to realize that she should cover herself up.
"C-Cover up," Ashe told her still red as a tomatoe. It wasn't like she hasn't seen a person nude before, it was just she hasn't seen any girl naked, except herself or course. Yea it was weird but Ashe had only seen the body of guys. The one quirk of having a brother.
Keani looked down at herself and frowned. "Huh..." She wrapped the blanket around her. She'd always been comfortable with her body, and with other people's, so she wasn't terribly embarrassed. She stood and grabbed clothes for today, wearing only a thin tank top and short skirt. She pulled her hair up in a half pony tail and slipped on shoes. It was still pretty chilly out this morning, but I was inwardly burning up.
Realizing Keani had put on clothes, Ashe began to calm down a little, rubbing the back of her neck nervously. "L-Let's get some food," she said grabbing the dorm key and putting on her gray jacket. There was food in the fridge but knowing Ashe, she would've burnt down the building just by "attempting" to make toast. Yea, if someone ate her cooking, they'd probably be in the hospital with food poisoning by now.
Keani nodded and walked over to Ashe, tired. She rubbed her eyes again, yawning. As they made their way to get food, Keani weaved slightly, still not fully awake. She sat down with a cup of tea and an apple, waking up slightly with the no-bean caffeine.
Ashe noticed Keani was not fully awake. She looked terrible, exhausted and felt guilty for haven woken her up in the middle of the night. "Hey, you alright?" It was pretty obvious that Keani was tired. "Why don you stay in today? I can bail you out," Ashe suggested as she sipped her mocha. It wasn't Starbucks by it'll do.
Keani shook her head. "I-I'm fine..." She said, looking at Ashe. "Mornings are...they're not my thing..." She murmured, making herself seem smaller in the seat than she already did. She gave a hesitant smile and sipped her tea again, glad that she'd gotten iced tea today. She didn't even touch the apple.
Ashe pursed her lips, unconvinced but she reluctantly let it go. "Anyway, when's class starting?" She questions finishing her drink.

(Sorry if my replies are short. I'm using phone)
(Same. My laptop broke a week ago, and my replies seem longer to me than they actually are.)

Keani shrugged, sipping her tea again. "Soon, I suppose..." She bit her lip, slightly nervous.
Ashe pats her hand before standing up to throw away her trash. "Why don't we check out our classes?" She suggested.

(I'm not sure what the school schedule is.. Mind helping out? @Federoff )
(So sorry, mesa got no notifications and I've been to busy with my music. Yeah so since we all live in different time zones It's going to be hard to decide so I'm going to do the best possible to come up with a schedule, check OOC and give me your feedback)

-Headmaster Daisy
Zane came into the cafeteria with Melody to his right side like always. They headed and and Zane got their food, and sat Melody down. He preceded to feed Melody like always, before feeding himself. Melody was still wearing Zane's jacket, so Zanes white chest with nothing but scales was revealed, but Zane did not care it made no difference to him. "Any good?" asked Zane as Melody continued to eat the food, Zane did not care if it was good or not, he eats anything without caring for its taste. "Yes, it is" replied Melody, swallowing her food.
"I got history with.. Mr. Lucifer?" She looks at her schedule quizzically and shrugs. "What bout you?"

Luce left his quarters and headed for his classroom. It was a fresh start to the year and he wanted to make it fun. He got ready for his first class. Time to start teaching about more about the past.
Keani looked at her schedule. "English, with Mrs..." She hesitated, unsure of how to pronounce the name. "Uhm...a...a woman..."
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Amon made his way slowly to class as he had already unpacked into his room. He ran his fingers through his hair and stopped before entering the room staring at the people. He smiled at them all before making way to a seat and letting his head hit the the desk with a thunk. Just waffing in his own thoughts, knowing he was one of the first people in the room.
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Jessica dismounted and placed the broom back in its sleeve.

"So, breakfast yeah?" She said with a smile.
"It has to be a quick one Jess i dont want to be late." She said grabing her friends hand and rushing inside to get food but stopped right inside cause she smelt an angel.
Thael suddenly looked up from his breakfast and scanned the room. There was a demon nearby, a powerful one. There, just by the door to the cafeteria, a monstrosity masquerading as a slight red headed girl. Disgusting. He abruptly stood up, and strode purposefully towards the demon, ignoring the questions from his entourage of nephilim and lesser angels. He knew Daisy Fele meant for the school to be inclusive, but a demon?

(I realize there are a bunch of angels around, but I figured I'd seize the opportunity)
(Oh its okay)

Malaine stood in frount of Jessica protectivly and glared at the Angel comeing near her,what did he want she let a small demonic growl lose trying to him not to come closer.

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