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Fantasy Academy for the Extramundane

What is the correct answer?

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  • D

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"...." There was a moment of silence coming from Ashe. "Good luck my friend." That was all she could say before taking Keani down the roof.

You better not do anything

I won't! I swear!


What's that suppose to mean?!

Nothing, just don't do anything

Ashe closed the family connection in her mind before Luce could say anything else. "Alright I guess you're safe for now. I'm going to class. Cya!" She waved bye to Keani and headed in the opposite direction, just after she took a snapshot of her.

Keani bit her lip, slightly confused. Why...why 'good luck'? They went in separate directions as they would both be late otherwise, and Keani saw why she had said 'good luck' before. Mr. Luce stood at the front of the room. Her cheeks flamed more, and she hesitated in the doorway, unsure of what to do with herself.
Juuya looked over to Nainaro, his chin resting in the palm of his hand. "Hey, Naina, what class do you have next?"

Nainaro shrugged, pulling the folded up schedule out if his jacket pocket. "Fighting, apparently." He sighed, "I'm not in the mood.."

Juuyas eyes slightly widened in disbelief, "since when are you not in the mood to fight?"

"Since my brother decided to embarrass me in front of someone we barely know." He glared, his neck still throbbing with a vague pain.

Juuya averted his gaze in the opposite direction with a bored and careless expression. "You're still upset about that, huh?"

"Of course I'm upset!" Nainaro balled his hands into fists, peering at Juuya.

"You're in the mood now." Juuya giggled and quickly got up before Naina could hit him, Which he tried.

"Hey get back here you brat!" He called after Juuya, who was walking away with a small wave.

By the time Nainaro tried to follow after him, The boy was already gone. He huffed and stomped off to class.
"You're late Ms. Blackwell," Luce announced without looking up. His sister's warning sounded very threatening so if he has to even look at Keani in the eyes, she'd probably pummel him. "Please take a seat." After that, Luce blabbed the same thing he did during first period. Bring something in from the past era or you'll be publicly humiliated.


Ashe skipped to her next class, entering just as the bell rang. She looks around for anyone who looks familiar but doesn't see a single person she knew. Well, this class she'll have to be a loner. Not like she cared.
Keani quickly sat, making herself seem as small as possible in her seat, her blood boiling even more. She quietly wrote down what he spoke of, hoping that he didn't ask her anything or expect her to speak. She was embarrassed that she'd even gone to him for help - she had never asked a male to help her before because she knew that if she was tempted or if she lost control, things could end very badly.
Luce continues wih teaching, not once looking in Keani's direction. There was something really awkward between them. "A-Alright now everyone get a laptop and start your research. Remember this is independent work due by next week." He announces.
Malaine walked out of her dorm and sighed.She quietly walked the campus long hair blowing around her because she was to lazy to braid it or put it up.She hummed a soft song to her self.
Nainaro entered the fighting class a little late. He had gotten lost along the way there, and had to ask one of the other students for directions. He looked around the room, feeling a bit anxious of because the few eyes that watched him..

(Bbl, sorry. ^^'))
(It's fine :3 @Asphyxiated )

Ashe had her head on the desk, getting ready to sleep through fighting class seeing as the teacher wasn't there. Mr. LaFreake wasn't there for some reason. She was sure she saw him in the hall.
Keani diligently set to work, glad for something to do now. She glanced up at Mr. Luce after a while. She could feel the tension from across the room. She took out a blank sheet of paper and took a deep breath.

Mr. Luce, she wrote.

I am sorry for approaching you earlier today. Ashe seemed to think that it was a good idea, and I failed to think of the consequences. I am deeply grateful for your willingness to help me, but I could never do that, and not to save you or your mind, as you no doubt are assuming I am attempting to do. I could never let you give me energy for the soundness of my own mind. There was a boy before that tried to help in a similar manner as you have attempted to do. I didn't realize the strength I had gained since the previous time I had fed, and I completely drained him. He was a mere shell, a figment of what he had previously been. It is a fate worse than death. When succubi feed like that, especially from someone who can help them quell the fire that burns, nothing less than death for one of the two can stop the feed. I cannot ask you to let me feed because I am scared that it will happen again. I am scared that Ashe will blame herself. I know that I will blame myself. I will not ask you to let me feed because I cannot handle the mere fear of losing control.

Thank you for your time.


Keani walked to his desk and put the note on it while he was helping a student, then she walked back to her own desk to continue her research.
Thael walked into his fighting class late, due to his meeting with Daisy. Some of his entourage was there, joking around at the back of the class, but the thought of listening to their brainless prattle was suddenly unbearable, so Thael ignored them and took a spot near the front of the class beside a blonde girl he didn't recognize. @AceXCrossix

(EDIT: Orite Asphyxiated isn't here at the moment. @Asphyxiated)
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Mr. LaFreake took a quick look at the clock and noticed that it was a little past time for class. He quickly made his way to the room and ran into the room. "Excuse my tardiness." Mason looked in at the few students he had and sat at his desk waiting to calm down.
Kevin was walking trough the school when he saw Malaine sitting down a cherry blosom. He haved to her and squinted his eyes.
"You need to edit here, here, and there," he instructed to one of the students.

"Thanks sir!" The boy walks away. Luce nodded sitting back down at his desk, organizing his things and noticed a paper sticking from his notes which wasn't there before. He picked it up and read it before letting his gaze wonder to Keani. All he wanted was to help.


Ashe felt a presence sit near her and looked up to see a random boy next to her. He looked like an angel. "Hey I'm Ashe," she greeted.

Keani didn't glance up, focused on her research. She continued writing in her notebook, chewing on her lip as she worked. She eventually raised her hand to have Mr. Luce check her work so far.

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