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Fantasy academy de feast

Jennifer looked around seeing all these cars. "Wait why are we in New York City? I'm confused." Jennifer thought this was suppose to be an in class lesson not a field trip.
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He lightly pushes her forward off the buildibg. Only to find shes on the ground walking normally. "Just literrally contain rage and angar"

The devil sneered as he was ontop of the building still "hehe~"
Jennifer now surrounded by people takes a deep breathe and starts walking. Wonder how long she has to walk around she tries to keep in her rage and anger. "Be calm Jennifer this isn't a contest or anything" Jennifer said to herself. Jennifer could feel pressure. Hoping not to make herself look like a fool in front of the teacher she just keeps walking. Trying to her hide her true self behind these.... these humans.
Jennifer kept walking around feeling like an idiot hoping she would be done soon. Then BAM! she wasn't paying attention and bumped into some guy and he then forcefully pushed her to the side causing Jennifer to take a tumble to the ground. "Ow!" Jennifer said look at her arm seeing she then scarred it and it then started bleeding. "Great! This is a good way to start off school" Jennifer mumbled under her breath.
Sigh....its a part of your lesson" the devil clone points "go to that village of humans, interact with them" he smiled "we need to learn to live with humans"

The man glared "watch where your going...stupid girl" , he walks on not even stopping to help her at all as he went out of sight.
"if I do then I will want to hypnotize boys so take me back" I was getting even madder and when I do have to hypnotize boys to do my dirty work and then after kill themselves.
Jennifer was furious. She hated humans. The only thing good about them is there taste. She then just took a deep breathe and tried to stay in control and ignored him. She then kept walking around the street being more careful and mindful on where she was going.
The devil clone glares "...fine...." he teleports the girl back.

The devil claps at jennifer "well done...you did well, heh...baby steps...now lets go back"
Jennifer blushed a bit." Thanks. I'm sorry though for the whole falling thing. That was my fault I wasn't paying too much attention." Jennifer said looking down to the ground feeling upset with herself. "I really didn't expect someone to walk by and just push me." Jennifer said. "Are all humans so rude?" Jennifer said wondering if she really wanted to go through something like that.
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"thank you. you should ask before you take them some were" i said exiting out of the class room

i went out and bumped into venous "wow sorry"

The devil boy thought "actually...no....only those with tainted pasts would...so yea"

Venosz hisdes silently "itsssss fine" his tail rattles slowly, he seemed much nicer and abit more...contempt then before.
Jennifer sighed. "I just don't understand why humans have so much hate, fear, and dislike for us. It's mean no one should be judged by there looks or anything." Jennifer said. Jennifer felt saddened and cold. "Thanks for the lesson though." Jennifer hugged the teacher and went to her next class.

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