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Fantasy academy de feast

Jennifer had lunch and finished her homework. "So what now Rahil? Should I try to make more human friends?" Jennifer said to her pet dragon. Rahil stuck his tongue out crawling around her arm. "I would take that as a no." Jennifer said petting him. "Maybe I can get away with that by doing something else." Jennifer thought. Jennifer got up " Sorry sweetheart I'll play with you later." Jennifer put Rahil back in his cage and left. She went back into class. "Mr. Yukari?" Jennifer opened the door looking around for the teacher.
(Sorry I really don't want to play as her anymore.)

Rosey sat on a bench in the school and pulled her short blone bangs out of her face.
(Whatever I mean you made her)

"well I guess your not going to answer me" Dylan walked behind a tree and turned into his original form and started walking around. "I forgot how great this world was. Maybe I'll stay"

After countless of hours of thinking about staying or not he teleported into his room and packed up all his stuff and then teleported back to earth "Now this will be better than anything happening up in that school"
"Hello, Miss Rosey. Vere you vaiting for me?" Vladimir asked as he appeared behind Rosey.
"Do you know vhere she could be?" Vladimir asked, cocking his head to the side, sort of like a curious cat.
"If that is vhat you vish, Miss Rosey," Vladimir responded, standing up as well. "After you," he said, brushing some of his long hair out of his face.
Rosey took his hand and started to walk into the hall to the right. "Well this is the locker room or the main room, I'm not sure which one it is." She said. The floor was marble and the walls white. Pillars stood tal and so did the roof. Stacks of lockers, aligned perfectly on the side of the walls.
Vladimir looked at Rosey's hand that held his, and then back up at her. "Vhat is the point of having lockers if ve can just go to our dorms? I have never been to a school before, so I do not quite understand."
"No. I was just curious about something. I know we have to gain trust from humans and stuff, but is there anything else we need to also get done?" Jennifer asked a bit curious.
Rosey looked at him and pondered for a moment. "I guess dorms are like rooms. Lockers are where you keep your school things."
[QUOTE="Queen of Fantasy]Rosey looked at him and pondered for a moment. "I guess dorms are like rooms. Lockers are where you keep your school things."

"Ah, is that so?" Vladimir asked curiously, before shrugging his shoulders. "I guess that makes sense. Vhere shall ve go next, Miss Rosey?"
"Yeah what's it to you" Zain looked "Dylan!" Zain smiled "It's been so long scince Iv'e seen you" "I, I, I thought you died" Dylan said in shok "I did but mom Uh, mom found a candel that she could take someone's and give it to someone else. Well you know how mom is she wouldn't be able to hurt anybody so, uh, so she, took her own life to give me mine" "Wh- What!" Dylan began to cry "I-I- I wish it was me" "It's okay Dylan whats been going on with you?" "No-Nothing much I went to a school but it was getting preety crazy so I left and came down here. I was supposed to come down here to harminize with humans but I thought this place was nice so I'm staying here" "Well thats good" "Oh, and I can turn into animals now" Dylan smiled "What about you?" "Nothing just been doing my music" "that's good. Do you have some where to stay?" "Yeah and scince your staying here on earth I'll let you stay here till you can get back on your feet" "Are you sure I wouldn't want to impose" "Yeah your my brother come on" Dylan smiled as Zain took him to his house "Here it is" Wow! I'ts beautifil, How do you even afford it" "I'm a sucsessful busness owner and oh I struck oil to" "Wow good for you" Zain alked in the house motioning Dylan to come "I'm going to go practice my music you make yourself at home" Dylan walked to the computer and started looking for jobs "Okay lets see if I could get an art job" Dylan looked on the computer for countless hours but couldn't find anything "Well I guess I can get a part time job at the art museam" Dylan sent an email to the owner of of the museam and they accepted him. Dylan went to bed and the next day he started walking towards the museam.
Vladimir looked down at the person who ran into him in surprise. "Are you okay?" He asked

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