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Fantasy academy de feast

Jennifer heard Lauren scream. She ran out of class. She saw she was in the bathroom. She tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge. "Lauren open the door. Please!" Jennifer said worried.
Jennifer didn't know what to do. "Hold on!" Jennifer ran back to class. "Mr.Yukari something's wrong with Lauren. She's in the girls bathroom but neither of us can open the door!" Jennifer said. @the\-lich
Dylan heard that Luaren couldn't open the door and wanted to help so he teleported in front of the girls bathroom door and punched it down "There that should help" Dylan smiled
"there... there was a guy I forget what his name was I think it was like htaed or something like that" I ran out as quickly as possible
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Rosey's face went white. She went still hearing his name. She gulped. "I uh, have to go too." She says walking out of the bathroom. Her staff clanking on the ground, echoing throughout the halls. She holds her head in one hand, and she groans. "Oh... The Nameless is trying to get to me. I know it!" She whispers to herself.
Jennifer turned around. "Wait what did he look like? Did he look like a student from here. Someone could've pulled a prank on you. I doubt someone was trying to hurt you." Jennifer said trying to make Lauren less scared.
"I don't think he'd want to hurt Lauren" Dylan thought maybe Zera didn't trust her any more "Well we should get back to class"
"Yeah." Jennifer walked into class and sat down. She could not stop thinking who would want to do that to Lauren. It was hard for her to pay attention. It bugged Jennifer. "Htaed? Who's htaed?" Jennifer wondered. It sounded familiar.
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Rosey didn't go back to class that day. She sat in an empty hall, thinking, and muttering to herself. She could hear the whispers of temptation trying to lure her back into the dungeon. She shook them off every time she wanted to go down.
Dylan got back to his desk and began to draw then looked up "Whats our lesson Mr.Yukari?" Dylan smiled just wanted to get class over with @the\-lich

Dylan looked back at Jennifer "Hey whats up" Dylan smiled slightly
Jennifer was miserable. She wished Dylan would stop and give up. She didn't want to hurt his feelings. She put her finger to her mouth letting him know to be quiet. Jennifer did want to listen to the class and not get into trouble. Jennifer kept thinking about htaed. She heard it before, but she couldn't remember. Suddenly Jennifer remember she quickly grabbed her phone looking at the text message she got one night after her horrible dream. It was from the same person with the same name. Jennifer covered her mouth. She was scared and worried. If he was real and tried to hurt Lauren he might really try to kill her and her sisters. Jennifer got up and ran out of the classroom leaving her stuff behind. She ran towards the ocean "Lauren!! Lauren!! Where are you?!?!?!" Jennifer was panicking. She was so scared and worried.
Dylan was confused he didn't like Jennifer anymore he just wanted to be friends "I guess she dosen't want to be friends" Dylan fround "I don't even care about her anymore can't she see that" Dylan whispered to himself "Well just square one again" Dylan heard the teacher say class was dismissed so he got up and left" while he was leaving he bumped into someone "Oh, I'm sorry"
Jennifer stared at her stuttering. "L.. Lau..Lauren. What di....did you say t.th...the guys name w..wa..was?" She asked tears starting to fill her eyes.
(It does that to me 2 lol) Jennifer had tears streaming down her face. "H..Here." Jennifer grabbed her phone and showed the text message. "I..I h..had a bad dream one night a while back and it was about my sisters getting hurt, and after that I got this message asking how my sisters were. I called them up and they said they were fine. I figured it was someone pulling a prank or something until you mentioned about what happened earlier." Jennifer said tilting her head down.

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