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Fantasy academy de feast

He Noded as he sees the Dragon lady walk away as this was the Coolest day of his life!,wen do you see stuff like this? Never ofcourse,as he would Look at the teacher and take the Blue planer and would nod at him as he Inspects the Paper and would Look at the teacher and say "Thank you sir......wow...i dint expect this place too be full of...Interesting speacies...You are a demon correct?"
A dehehehemon..i-" he grew to a ridiculous size "as mr yukari my demon name is slodivixoz! And i am the ruler of the 9 circle of hell!!!...nah juat kidding im an ordinary demon" he giggles
Well that was anti-clamatic,as he would Look up at him and Chukel sofly as he is funny one and Nod and would Look back at the place as he would wonder what else they do here,as he would ask "Hehehe...I see you have Humor...anyway do we get like Dorms?"he ask as he would Look back at the Building wondering what was inside,he was not Hungry but he was curius of what other speacies are here.
He look at him as he would grab his antenneas and would pull them down and Gigle as he would say "Hehehe Magick now....Dorm 4...cool"he says as he would take the key and would slip the small heay holder on his antennea and would Look at him and ask "Thank you...can you show me around if you can?"
Elsa walked to her dorm, and it looked like she didn't have a roommate. She decorated her room with animal skins and flowers.
"well....its me first time but im sure i will be glad too come here"he says smiling as he Followd the teacher feeling even his own Foots steps,as he would chake a Little geting his Fur Puffi and soft so he could be warm,as the Fur on his neck Look like a Pillow,as he Followd Looking around as this was a Intereting place.

(Wait is dorm 4 empty or i have a Roomate?)
Jennifer slowly wakes up from sleeping "huh? Wait What the heck?!?!" She wasn't in her room anymore she was in the middle of the woods. She then heard music "Where am I and where is that music even coming from?" She looked around her curious on how she got here. "Hello? Is anyone there?" she asked. For some reason Jennifer decided to follow the sound of music. It sounded like a lullaby. So...... So familiar. Like she heard that song before but where? She knew the song and what note came next but she really didn't know what is was and where she heard it. Jennifer closed her eyes feeling the wind blowing her hair back. She then remembered some of the lyrics and started singing. "Hush dear chiiiild.... don't be afraid. I'll always be here............waiting and looking for youuuu....................." Jennifer opened her eyes and now remembered it was a lullaby her mom always sang to her. Then the music stop. Jennifer looked around. Then the music started back up again only this time it was different. It sounded like bells ringing making sweet music. She kept following it and then stopped. The woods turned dark and grey. Then the music started slowing down and dark music came in. She then saw a shadowy figure.

"He.. Hee... Hello?" she asked the person. It was a man, but he looked familiar. You really couldn't see his face real well. The man then stared at her. The music then really slowed down and stopped. All you could hear was the wind. Jennifer slowly backed away. She then ran feeling like she was in trouble. She finally lost him. She stood hiding behind a tree and seeing something carved into it saying "I'll always know where you are." after reading it there was a black rose taped to the tree. She then felt something grab her shoulder. Jennifer screamed and woke up it was a dream. She heard herself screaming and then stopped hoping she didn't wake Lauren up. She then got up and went to the bathroom and rinsed her face with cold water waking herself up from the horrible dream. She then stood up and looked at the mirror. There was a shadowy figure behind her. She turned around panicking noticing it was just her shadow. She then turned around and decided to go back to bed and just go read a book or something. She went back and went to go lay down when she noticed something on her bed. It was a black rose. Her heart started racing. She then layed it on the one desk next to her. She told herself it was just a dream. She then calmed down reading her book. She figured if when Lauren wakes up she would tell the story and make sure she's not going crazy or anything.

(Well....if he dosent eat Bumble im Fine xD .....dam...dint Notice there were all mostly females o-o)

He look at him and Tilted his head as that was kinda nice that he could have sombody too chat with,as he would nod and would say "Alright not a Problem for me....so...Ho is it?"he ask as he Followd the teacher Looking around with Interest as this place was nice and hope his Roomi dint minde The smell of Honey as he might just be geting some.....he LOVES honey!
Elsa dressed into a tank top and short. She slipped on socks and crawled into bed, folding her wings again and fell asleep.
Bumble hears the Hiss as he would Look around and spot the snake like man,as well this was Interesting,as he would Look at him and Gulp silently and would ask "So you are me Roomate?"he ask Looking at the snake boy as well he was not scared or anything just a Little starteld but ok with him.
Vanoss cpiled his body round bumble "dont be ssssso tenssse, ill be here all day for you, ya know the saying a tight squeeze is in good deed"
Bumble would Gulp seeing this was gona be creepy indeed,as he would look at him and see him Tigh around him as he was a Little scared now,as he would say "Ye-...yea....I hear- heard that...Um...so...so what is you name"he ask little nervius as he regreats being a Roomate as this guy was creepy...he hope he could sleep well with him Knowing he is right in the same room and he is a snake.....yea...Nighmares
Elsa dreamed of flying high in the skies, flying with birds, other dragons, phoenix'! Every flying creature she could imagine...
Mr yukari appearz "such a beautiful dream, i thought fly as a lacking dream..." the devil chewed some spikey cashew nuts "but i do like it...sweet and homley"
Elsa's dream soon turned sour as her thirst for blood over took her thoughts. All the flying creatures died and fell to the ground. She turned around looked at her true dragon form, while it ate people one by one, fire surrounded her and she was engulfed in flames.
Alyssa had walked into school a little late, she had no idea who her room mate was. No idea what classes she was in, the only thing she knew was her locker number was 6668. She walked to her locker quickly, and opened it. She put things away and started walking down the hall. She passed a class room and found herself running into a bunch of people.

Her books were knocked out of her hands, and she fell down trying to pick them up. "Great way to start off your first day at school Alyssa, great." She said under her breath.
Venoss walked over, leaping and slithering before lying on the top of the lockers "trussst in me~ faith to bee~ im always here~ to lend an ear~" the boy hissed softly his snakes wriggled under venoss skin.
Elsa's eyes shot opened and she screamed, and her scream echoed throughout the school. She was shaking and quivering. She closed her ears. "It's not my fault..." She whispered. "It's not my fault..."

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