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Fantasy academy de feast

Jennifer grabbed her books and walked out to go to some of her other classes. She then went into the lunchroom. Everyone stared at her because she was new. No one would let her sit down. It was saved or taken. Jennifer really started to feel lonely. She then went to her room and let Rahil out of his cage. She went outside of the academy and climbed up on a tree and rested on the branches. Rahil started running all around the branches. Jennifer ate her sandwich. "Come here Rahil!" Rahil then came running wagging his tail. "Here want a piece of my sandwich?" Rahil then grabbed a piece out of her hand and crawled up on her shoulder. Jennifer then ate her sandwich by herself and rested up on the tree for a little bit.
What" turns hissing with the rat tail, wriggling showing it still lives. "Im sorry but it was and is what i do" venoss slurps the tail down.
Elsa sighs. "Sorry, not use to this..." She says walking out of the class room going into the lunchroom. She sat in the back where the old table was. She pulled out a paper bag and pulled out raw meat and took a bloody bite.
"Come on Rahil I have homework to do." Rahil then climbed up on Jennifer's shoulder and she climbed down the tree and went back inside to her room. She then grabbed her books and homework assignments and quickly started getting to work. Jennifer finally finished and still had some daylight left to do things. She knew she wasn't going to have to work until a couple of weeks. So she went outside and started walking through town. It was amazing. She knew she was going to have to come back tomorrow and walk around. It started getting late so Jennifer started walking back to school and went in her room to rest for the next day.
Mr yukari sat on a stone pillar, in a meditative state, not moving an inch. "Hmmm....new...guests ..i know why there here"

He flicks a stone, sent flying jnto a bumble bee like humanoid. "Oops... O.o "
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Elsa finished her bloody meat and wipes the remains off her face. She starts to walk out of the lunchroom then transforms into her dragon form, with her wings folded so it looks like a giant lizard with spikes.
Bumble has been walking around explosring as he has been told there was a place were There Kinde could be safe,and wen he ment kinde he ment those that eat humans,as he would Finally come upon the place as it was Interesting too look at,as he would Look around and sudently be Hit by a rock,as he would chake his head and look towards were the rock came from,and would see a Man,Not sure if he is part of the Buildingg or anything so he was carfull and say as he rubs his head"Ow.....why you did that?"
Hm...ahh bumble correct, i am mr yukari a plesure my buzzing buddy, welcome to academy da feast" the devil boy smiled showing his pointy teeth and devil tail.
Elsa came running out of the school doors running into a bee thing, still in her dragon form. She shook her head and looked at him with surprise.
Bumble tilted his head as how did he know his name?mhe was alittle shock as he just Said his name out of the blue and seem this is the place,as he would be sudently be hit and his Vision was Buzzi,as he would chake his head and Look as he sees a Macive...Dragon!...as he Look confuse and would slowli get up and back away a Little as he would say "um...Nice too meet you Yukari...Um...is...is it dangerus?"he says Poiting at the dragon as little did he know it was a person that could Turn in too a dragon.
Elsa's dragon form sat (She is a small dragon like more of a large dog size) and she tilted her head making a face of confusion.
(Oh ok thanks)

He would nod at the teacher and would Look at the Dragon as it was not that Big but like he was short it was kinda his size,as he would slowli aprocher the Dragon and Look at the teacher and back at the dragon as he would slowli extend his arm out of his sleeve too pat the dragon,as he was a Little scared it would Bite his hand off or somthing,as he would stop leave his hands close too her head and look at the teacher and ask "It wont Bite me Right?"
He Blinks a few times as this dragon was a student?!...he dint know,as he would back away his hand and Look at the dragon and would say "Im so sorry....i dint know you were a student"he says as he thought she was a pet or a Guard knowing its only a dragon,as he would Look at the teacher and nod as a thanks as he was so unaware it was a student and he was kinda embarrest as he thought it was a pet.
Elsa looked at the teacher but purred when the bee pet her. She actually liked it, but she wanted to saw hello. She started to transform back into a humaniod fire with wings. "Hello" she says smiling slightly. "And it's fine.. It felt nice." She says blushing a little, from a bit embarrassment.
He Blink a few times Looking up at her as holy {BLEEP} it could Turn human Like!,he has never seen such thing and he was kinda Imprest and aswell the teacher was a demon...wow...this place was full of suprices,as he would Nod at the Dragon girl and close his eyes and Give out a warm smiel as he would say "Hehehe you are welcome...Im Bumble plesure too meet you"he says extending his small hand towards her for a chake as he look at the teacher and back too the Dragon lady as wow......this place was gona be VERY interesting now was it
Elsa shakes his tiny hand. "I'm Elsa." She says smiling. "I'll let you and the teacher disscuss everything." she says stating to walk away.

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