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Fantasy Abnormal High

"No no, it wasn't your fault." Misa stood up. "Should we go back to the group or?" She threw the empty juice box into a nearby trashcan. "I neglected to grab my schedule during..." She let the sentence fall off. "I should be the one apologizing. I...I had a craving." Her words got more quiet. Oh...he will probably think I'm awkward. She looked down at her shoes, taking the hem of her skirt in her hands and fiddling with the smooth fabric. "Your scent is half like a humans so..."

@Pika the Pikachu
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Emerson woke up from the ringing of her alarm clock and sat up in her bed. "Rise and shine, Halo." She said to her cat who was named Halo. It her prized tabby cat. Emme stood up and went to get dressed. She walked out of her room 10 minutes later with a dress and her flower on. Walking towards her things she saw her husky, Marco. Saying goodbye to him too, she left the house and hoped for a great day.

Emerson walked to school and sang tunes in her head on the way there. Once she got there she just walked right in the group. And she could see she wasn't the only animal there. Or at least she was half animal. And she most likely was the youngest one there, but she had good grades and a great personality, and could fit right in.

She went for a dorm and looked around. "This is going to be great." She said to herself.
"You tried to take some of my blood yeah I had that happen to me sometimes so don't worry about that" I said smiling at her "Anyway what now?" I said looking at her @NyxNightmare
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"Glad you're all finding pleasant here. You can rest for awhile then we'll meet up again to show the rest of the campus." Akio smiles. He felt weird as if people were judging him from earlier.
There was something odd about this book, but Taka couldn't put his finger on it. Maybe he was reading it wrong? As his eyes scanned the upside down words on the page, he had a gut feeling telling him that something was...wrong. Agitated, he put down the book and drifted away towards the perceived source of the feeling. As it turned out, it came from the demoness and...half-demon. It was hard to pinpoint the exact origin of the whitehaired boy's aura. He shook his head and rested near a human boy.

"Quite a school we have here," he muttered in an antique dialect. @Sedinger
From behind Natsuki a voice called out in a deep soothing way "there is always places to sleep for those who truly want them, trust me I know." Dru chuckled and walked around into Natsuki's view. Dru had a slightly disheveled doctor who shirt and some jeans, on his feet were a pair of pristine white socks. Dru smiled and his golden eyes twinkled with mirth. Dru had been walking around and when he heard someone speak of his favorite topic he couldnt resist speaking up @Nano
Misa bit her lip nervously. This was the longest conversation she had ever held. "Uhm...I don't know if you want to be around me much...since I tried to make you my snack."

Why is he still here? Maybe it is because he is still part demon, so he isn't afraid of me. "Whats your diet like?" She thought aloud, she quickly covered her mouth. "Oh, is that rude of me to ask?" Come to think of it, she couldn't remember the last time she even had another conversation with anyone of her kind. A part of her wanted to leave and sit under a nice tree and read a thrilling book in the calm of the breeze. But another part of her wanted to know more about Sol. Everyone here interested her. Already she could sense the presence of a nearby spirit fox and ghost. Although she had only met one ghost in her life she wasn't certain if she was sensing correctly. However, she had been around plenty of spirit foxes in her younger days. Most of them loved to play innocent tricks on people, while others more sacred beings. She had never seen so many different species in one place before. Sol had reached out to her, so she wanted to use that to her advantage.
Dru smiled and his eyes closed and when he opened them again his eyes seemed to glow less and as they darkened he seemed to be judging Natsuki then his eyes returned to their warm glow "I am Dru." Then he looked around and headed off in a seemingly random direction towards a bench that had one nice warm beam of lite bathing the area with warmth and Dru siad "Like there, that would be a good place to rest." @Nano
Natsuki Yamato

Dru...He was a strange one, but seemed harmless enough. He had picked a nice spot and many would comply almost immediately, However, Natsuki preferred places more higher up and less out in the open.

"I'd take you up on your offer...but I prefer not sleeping in such an open place. Most probably do not mind it however and you have my thanks for your consideration. Also, we're probably going to be called together before I get the chance to doze off."

Natsuki coughed. He really wasn't used to speaking so much not to mention, the way in which he was speaking might be overdoing it. He was surprised that he had even managed to keep his attention to a conversation. Normally he would blank out by thinking of something else.
Triss had ditched the group after they'd taken off to discover the rest of the school. She knew the basics, where the dorms were, where the staff room was and she ESPECIALLY knew where the canteen could be found. After buying herself a pepsi and a taco, she casually ate them whilst returning to where she'd last seen the group.

On the way back, she'd recognized two males she'd seen from the role. Triss had, earlier in the day, snatched the list of names and faces, memorizing each and every one for future reference. Finishing off her food, the pink-haired female changed direction, heading straight to the males with a grin on her face.

"Afternoon ladies~" She jokingly greeted as she met @Drumonkey and @Nano .

"Lemme guess-" She pointed to the seemingly African male, "Dru? And-" Her finger shifted and pointed to the white-haired male. "Natsuki?"
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Tessa just let a sheepish smile make its way onto her lips and her head tilted to the side as she looked at Akio. She was the most familiar with humans, having grown up surrounded by them, so she felt a bit of relief with the prospect of at least having one. She wasn't neccesarily intimidated by the others, but she was - it was just a matter of not knowing them all that well.

"Hi," she greeted Akio again, pulling her denim jacket a bit more tightly around herself, then watched the others disperse into the various other dorms. "Talk later, I suppose." She then told him, and took her own route to a dorm. She was internally thankful that she wasn't the only one late, and dwelled on the thought while looking through the hall for an open room. There, she saw a young girl - younger than the rest, evidently, but Tessa wasn't sure about what made her 'special' enough as to attend the school.

"Late as well?" She attempted to strike up a conversation.

Dru tilted his head in confusion but his grin never left his face "Yes my name is Dru and you are..?" Dru was interested in the new comer and wanted to know how she knew at least his name. Dru held out his hand to shake then he yawned loudly causing a general sense of drowsiness in the area around him. @K e n n e d y

He turned slightly and looked at Natsuki "If you say so but any time you are going to nap you should look for me before you do. Also by look for me I mean hope for a good nap and you'll find I come pretty quickly." @Nano
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Emme smiled as Tessa walked in. She answered her question. "Yeah." She smiled. "Can't believe a lot of us were late." Emerson laughed and looked around for a second. "How are you liking the place so far? I think its going to be a great year! After all, this is my first year of high school, so." Emme said, her positive vibes all around the room. She put out a hand. "And i'm Emerson. Or you can call me Emme. Either way." @Casey
"M-My diet well it's normal as any human why you ask Misa?" He said looking at her "Oh and I don't know why you wonder about me being around you, your pretty cool yourself" He said smiling at her and blushed a little @NyxNightmare
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Thinking it would be safe now to leave his dorm, Federen walks to the group and waits there until further announcements are issued. He noticed more new comers. He couldn't understand that so much were late.
"Hey Misa we should catch up to the group now they may be worried about where we are so come on let's go" He said smiling and stretch a little before going back to the group and thought "I wonder does she knows about my life back then" @NyxNightmare
Draco sighed as he entered the school grounds. He was late abviously, he realized as he saw no one around. He shrugged, there was nothing he could do to change the past. He wandered till he found the dorms. He entered a room and set up his small amount of possesions.

He looked around the dorm, his nose flaring as he attempted to find the other students. He caught onto a scent and began to follow it, hopng that he wouldn't get into to much trouble due to his tardiness.
Tessa was taller than the girl, now known to be Emerson, so she had to tilt her head down to look at her and speak properly. She extended her hand and returned the handshake politely, then retracted and shoved it into one of her pockets.

"I'm not usually late, but I would be on the first day." She chuckled quietly, sliding a foot behind her opposite ankle idly. Tees then nodded. "I'm Tessa, nice to meet you. Well, I can only hope it'll be good. I've been home schooled since I was young, so this is the first time in a while I've been back to school. Being taught by your dad is a lot different." She flashed a toothy smile, "How old are you, anyway? Have you found a dorm?" @VictoriaBaby
Misa found Sol's words comforting, and as he blushed she giggled. "You go on ahead, I think I'll look around some more." She waved as Sol departed. Social gatherings were far from her thing. Instead she ventured further into the courtyard, it appeared to be quite a large one at that. She passed by a small group talking to one another. One of them was the spirit fox she had scented earlier. Passing them by quietly she found a peaceful area to which she flew upon a low tree branch. She took one of her notebooks and flipped open to a blank page, a canvas for her art. Sketching out a squirrel in her sight a smile spread across her lips. It was nice, and she figured classes would be starting soon, but as she laid against the tree from the branch she couldn't help but doze off in the light breeze, her wings instinctivelt wrapped around her. Her long hair flowed easily with the wind, as if they were performing a soft steady dance.
Sol was walking around but he couldn't stand about thinking about Misa so he decided to go to an tree and hang upside down to think but he didn't know that Misa was in the area once and he couldn't help opening out his wings which one of the wings has an hole going straight down the middle of one wing and he just sighed there in peace
Draco saw some of the group and realized that the tour had already been given. He frowned slightly, annoyed that he had been so late.

He looked across the grounds and saw a bench that seemed like a good spot. He walked over to it and looked around quickly. Seeing that no one was close by he sat down and pulled out his flute. He experimented with it for a moment before settling on a sad keltic tune that he had heard once or twice. He played the tune softly, closing his eyes as he remebered the lyrics to the song.
Butterflies. Miss was dreaming of them, twirling around the beautiful masses. She was became queen of the butterflies and her demonic dark purple wings were replaced with a featherly translucent lavendar. There was something off. Blood. Blood began seeping into her dream, the white flowers turned a scarlet red. And the butterflies fell drastically. A sad tune also entered her realm. Her wings were no longer shining as the scent of blood became stronger...stronger...

"Kyaa!" Misa squealed as she awoke, she stumbled and fell off the branch, into Sol's lap.

"O-ow..." The melody seemed to be a flute. Coming from somewhere. So...that flute melody was real...then the blood scent...

Misa turned her attention to Sol and blushed madly as she got up quickly.

"Sorry.... Again." The only thing keeping her from panicking from nervousness was the soft melody of the flute, as sad as it was, music was soothing. She noticed Sol's wings were out and she stared at them, her eyes glistening with a slight awe.
"A-are you ok Misa" He said starring at her worried and then noticed her wings and then he saw her blushing and he was concerned why she was blushing while he twitch his wings around "Hey Misa are you hurt?" @NyxNightmare
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If it wasn't for the slight hint of human scent, he would pass for a demon right now. "I-I'm fine. Thank..thank you."

Misa tried to settle down a bit. This much interaction almost made her dizzy. She sat down a safe distance from Sol and avoided looking at his gaze. A few seconds of silence passed, with her eyes flickering up at his wings every now and then. She noticed the hole in one. "W-what happened there?" She was talking about his wing. She suddenly felt a little envious again. That be could retract them. Out in public humans would see him...well, as a human. He could blend in with that society if he wanted . Apparently he didn't need a solid diet of blood or flesh either so that was definitely something to be jealous of. @Pika the Pikachu

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