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Fandom Unequal Wish


Junior Member

The race of pokemon-human hybrids that suddenly became public sound a hundred and seventy-five years ago...

Even the name is feared, but not for the reason that you may think...

In the present world, gijinka are viewed as liars, murders, thieves... but most importantly, rulers. The rule of humans ended on the same day that gijinka were revealed to the world, and nobody knows how, only that suddenly, gijinka controlled all higher functions of the government. Anyone who tried to stand against them were immediately and severely dealt with. The worst case of this was Pokegene Island where the race was illegally created. It vanished in one hour, sunk under the waves and ocean that once made it an ideal research base. After that, humans bowed to the gijinka, and resistance was considered futile.

At this point, humans of the world fell into the routine of quietly seething against what they considered tyrannical rule. One decision has set the humans off again: the right to train and capture pokemon has become heavily regulated, due to the pokemon blood in gijinka, so much that there are only about fifty legal trainers in Jhoto and Kanto combined. The decision disbanded pokemon leagues all over the world in the past fifteen years. Riots have cropped back up, along with rumours of a hidden refuge for those that want to oppose the gijinka that rule.

Will war break out?

Will the gijinka be overthrown, or the humans put down?

Can there ever be peace for the two races?

-Found on a crumpled scrap of paper, author unknown

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