A World Gone MAD~ {IC}

(oooh that sammich sounds delicious.. I'm off to bed now anyways)

Dometris smiled at his new pet, calling out to Morice and telling him to make her a sandwhich. He then turned back. She was drawing on the bedposts, but he didn't mind. If she didn't work out as a decent pet then he'd make Morice clean it off. It was always fun to see his slave away in any case.

(sorry its so short)
Whisper drew on the bed posts. Monsters and cute little rabbits in fear. That's how she felt, and drawing was the only way she could express it. Whisper smiled, once again with no expression. She looked back at Dometris and said, "Li-Lii-Lik?" She pointed to her drawing.
She scoffed her fur still bristling, "yeah just something else fun I get to look forward to." Her hood found its way back onto her head and she made her way to the sunflower field. Her sunflower feast had just begun when she overheard the conversation of the boy from before and some girl who had just fallen out of a tree. However her main interest was not in them but the ghost that kept lingering by. She knew that she should keep away from them after all the incidents in Brooklyn but she always had a disgustingly affectionate soft spot for them. Now they were heading into the city but the ghost flew off in another direction. Komala was already in the mood for mischief and secretly followed this cursed spirit. She watched in awe as the witch was pursuing to kill her with a ghost snake. The smirk that grew across her face would have been incomprehensible to anyone else when sheer joy spread through her body as she crushed the snakes skull under her club. "I guess getting that voodoo necklace from that haunted town Louisiana wasn't a bad investment after all. You may want to leave while you can girl." She looked up at the ghost waiting for her to depart before she bolted through the window.
Medusa disappeared as the glass broke, the air around the room seemed to be whispering, "I'll be back." Alice stood up and quickly flew away from the building and sat in broad daylight, on top of a cafe roof. She pulled her sleeve lower, to hide the tattoo and ordered a coffee, that she could not drink.
Komala looked up after rolling to the ground to see the ghost flying away. "Just like the old days," she chuckled and disappeared into sunflower field to feast and nap for the night hidden under their leaves. It was too dangerous to be traveling this tired. The dark energies of that room and the events of the market had drained her. She drifted off to sleep with her weapon under her arm and her sack as her pillow. It wasn't the first time she slept with nothing but the leaves as her blanket.
Echina took his offer for his arm and blushed. "Nah, I'd rather discuss the atmosphere of this place." she joked. "And what did she say to you?" Echina asked.

Quissical, she looked ahead.
Dometris looked over at the pictures and began to laugh.

'Oh my, they're marvellous!' He petted her on the head, smiling at her. As Morice entered again with the food Dometris looked up.

'MORICE! Come look at these pictures.' The Lizard man shuffled over, glancing at the pictures and then looking to Dometris.

'M-m Lord, I think the monster is you.' No sooner were the words out of his mouth than Dometris kicked her out of the room, a foot in his stomach.

'STAY OUT UNTIL YOU LEARN MANNERS!' He boomed before turning back to Whisper. 'Your food is here now Pet.'


Icarus shrugged.

'Nothing of importance. She was just complaining again.' He flashed her a smile before looking back towards the city. The darkness was closing in fairly fast. He hoped they could reach the city before it became too dark to see. he didn't feel like sleeping on the streets just at this moment. He began to sprint to cover more ground.

'Come on, let's get there before its too late!' He called out, before tripping over a fallen flower and tumbling head first.
Jezabelle smiled and followed her, carefully as she was a little clumsy, exept in her danceing, as it got darker the lily's they held started to slow, as to give them light. If they touched the glowing center or petals they would fell nothing but it looked like the flower was on fire.
When they reached the drawing room Kailynne gestured for her to sit, smiling slightly.

'Don't worry about Ezekiel or the others. They won't do any harm. They're fairly protective of their own kind though.' She shrugged, smiling slightly as a small halfling brought in some refreshments. 'Thank you Jayla.' She murmured, smiling to the child. She then looked to Jezabelle. 'Don't worry, she isn't here against her will. She chose to be here. Dometris isn't the kindest of masters, as I'm sure you know.' She said in a slightly low voice. Who knew if he was listening?
(I'm back! ~Anyways Ali could you reply to Circus?)

Whisper's stomach growle as she nodded gently and began to eat the sandwich. She made quiet chomping noises while she ate and drew. She drew on the next bed frame a cage, with a cute bunny in it, scared to death. Monsters surronding it, violently in any nature. She looked at her picture and closed her eyes and laid on the bed, which was surpisingly soft.

Jezabelle smiled at the girl and said "Thankyou, again." She nodded "I'm sure he isn't but my mother said i'd been far to ditsy for him to choose me, and i have a temper, and a very short fuse." she said blushing. "It comes with the fire." Jezabelle added. She thought for a moment and she said "The last time someone pissed me of, badly I-i well, It wasn't fair, A child of four or possibly ive working in the mines, their employer refused to let them go, so i got angry." she thought remembering that Anna-Lee was with her mother adn she plucked a glowing petal of her lily and blew, once again, this time words apeared. 'Mother, I may not be home untill late, i am at a friends house, I am safe, please tell Anna' the threw the petal into the air and it loated outside and to her mothers.
Dometris smiled at Whisper. He quite enjoyed her silent company.

'You can rest Pet, We have a big day tomorrow.' He watched as his world succumbed to darkness, and smiled. Yes tomorrow he would be very busy. He had Hatchlings to harass, and lives to torture. He laughed softly. Oh how he loved his world.


'It's those of us that are less than insane that he picks on the most. he wants us to become his image. that's why we're thrown in here like wild animals trapped in a cage. He will get to each and every one of us in his own time. I heard he takes those that please him to some fortress in the sky to keep until they no longer entertain him.' Kailynne shuddered at the thought. Why would he do such a thing? She had been terrified of him since her family's passing.
Whisper lied her head on the pillow, thinking about the man. "He acts like that man I read a story about...." she thought. "What was it called? Right, Insantina (still can't get it...)" she closed her eyes and smiled, "His name is Dometris, the creator of madness." she mentally laughed and fell asleep thinking, "I remember this."
Echina covered her mouth. "Icarus!" she bolted after him, jumping over the flower. But tripping over another one and tumbled after him. Just like Jack and Jill.

She toppled next to him at the bottom of the hill. "Well, that made progress." she laughed slightly. "We're nearly there. The darkness is settling in though. We'd better hurry," she said, brushing the weeds of her clothes.
Jayshabelle made a face "Uhgg my sexy imagination is kicking in, Ewwwww." she laughed and shuddered her always had had dirty mins, she prefered to call it a sexy imagination. but she then shook her head "But, that ti horrible." she said
(okay [MENTION=2672]Forks[/MENTION], think of Insane. and Anistasia. Then add a t where the s should be, so make a shhh sound. You get Insanistatia.)

Dometris sat in his throne and fell asleep, but not before thinking about how he liked his new pet. Perhaps he could start training her tomorrow. He chuckled at the thought. Perhaps she could juggle.. He dozed off wondering what he could teach her.


Icarus laughed as she ended up sprawled beside him.

'Now now, stop falling for me.' He teased, laughing at his terrible pun. He stood up, brushing the debris off his clothing, and helped her to her feet. Then he broke the head off of the fallen flower and handed it to her. It was huge, but she had said she liked sunflowers, so now she had one.

'There you go, your very own death flower. Now let's go. I've seen some of the things that come out in the day time. I'd hate to see what lurks at night.' He took hold of her hand to run, leading her at a bolt towards the city.


Kailynne laughed quietly. 'No, he doesn't treat them as pets in that sense. I once came across one of his former pets. For a guy with only half his body he was in pretty good condition.' She gave a saddened smile, the sickening sight still in her mind.

'That particular guy had ended up in a pit of flesh eating maggots. He was lucky he survived. I pity any poor soul that is chosen as his pet. So many of us hide in fear of him finding us. that's why my coven came into being. We work to protect the others.. from him. We're trying to find a way to get out.'
Jezabelle nodded and said "I'm not surprised, if he is cruel enough to put us in this world, he's do anyhing to us." she said sorrowfully. "It's a nice cause, I'd help, in anyway i could, but i don't like violence, I'm more of the motherly type." she admitted
Kailynne shrugged.

'Every good group needs a motherly type. Someone to keep an eye on the rest of us. besides, wouldn't you want to get out of this insane asylum once and for all?' She asked, taking a glass of lemonade from the tray the halfling child had brought in. She for one hated the place, with its insanity, the beasts that made no sense nor could realistically exist, and every other blasted thing in this place. She wanted to be free of his reign.
Jezabelle smiled "I know, I'd love to have a group that apreciate it. My mother dissaproved of me in every way, my daydreams and my ditsyness, the time i spend in the woods." she frowned and said "She hated Anna." in a bitter voice. "She;s the only one that apreciates my caring." Anna was the girl from the mines and she didnt talk to anyone but Jezabelle, she was scared of punnishment, like she used to get.
Kailynne nodded her understanding.

'Well I'm sure that there's somewhere outside this place. New people arrive all the time, they have to come from somewhere, with their memories, and stories, and strange habits.' She sighed, looking out the window at the darkening sky. 'They'll be coming soon... the night raiders... I sure hope no one is out there when they come.'
Jezabelle nodded and said "I hope not, poor souls" she said with discused look on her face "Its bad enough we are trapped here" she felt sorry for those brougbt here she grew up here so her mother said she belonged here
"Wow, punny." she said, laughing genuinely. Although... she shivered slightly. She blushed when he gave her the sunflower and laughed at his words.

Her cheeks got hotter when he took her hand. "Indeed." she said, trying not to trip.
Kailynne nodded. 'You're welcome to stay here for the night. I wouldn't dare make anyone walk alone at night.' She smiled at her before offering a biscuit to the girl. She shuddered as a screech filled the night sky, the sound of the Raiders on the hunt.

'I hope those poor people get out alright.' She said in a low voice, her knuckles whitening on the arms of her chair.


They ran through the streets of the city, some dark creature swooping low over them with a horrifying screech. Icarus ducked behind a building, pulling Echina in behind him.

'Are you okay?' he asked, checking her over carefully. They had hardly even set one foot in the city when the creature had attacked them. He felt it was his duty to protect Echina, having been the reason she was there in the first place. As the creature swooped down over them agin he gently forced her down, crouching low.

'God damn this place. What is that thing?' He asked, watching as it circled their area, looking for them.
Jezabelle nodded a shudder shook her spine and she took the biuscut and ate it, to calm her down "I can't help but worry about Anna though." she said wondering what her mother might do
Whisper woke up in the middle of the night and looked around. She took out her paper and drew a small picture of herself on one end of the paper, and tied a leash to her neck. She connected the leash to Dometris's hand. She wanted to go outside. She didn't want to be enclosed in this area forever.

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Alice stood on the roof of the cafe and jumped down, tripping a bit, but with no injuries. She walked in the dark alley ways, trying not to get caught. She looked at her transparent legs and realized that she was begining to have a small snake tattoo around each ankle. "Oh god...." she whispered.

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