A Visit to the Upper World - Out of Character

Ah. Well, his name could be cthonic, pagon god of spirits of the dying. If you decide to use him again. He's a demon too, but like, you could always have an angel (gabriel perhaps, cuz he does dreams and stuff) come in and be like "yo, whut up, i heard you was in a coma."
Hey green, scientific studies have shown people in comas can hear. You might want to know that for your future posts.
Really? huh. Never knew that. Also, that was probably my favorite KG post.
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Yea, he's brutally honest, really. And as much as he looks like a skinny guy with bleached hair and a bad attitude, he's still got that bit of angel in him that always wins out
If you think about, all roleplayers are are puppet masters controlling their handmade puppets. Hah.

I haven't had enough sleep, send me a psychiatrist
Teenagers apparently need 8 or 9 hours of sleep. I have like 30mins. Help me. I've been seeing unicorns doing the hokey pokey back to back and he was singing "Hey now, you're an all star! Get your game on, go, play!"

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