A Visit to the Upper World - Out of Character

It could add some info to the already enigmatic Shire. Backstory, thoughts, random encounters, stuff like that, ya know?
And she's short. And she likes sleeping and doesn't like going on our adventure.

We needs gandalf the rainbow to come and talk some sense into her ass
The beard demon could just appear in front of Shire and just be like "YOU SHALL NOT PASS.... until I teach you how to burgle."
I like to think Shīre's father's a really good guy but he just doesn't have time to show it to his daughter he loves so much. Anyways, time to write one helluva post.
GreenIV said:
I like to think Shīre's father's a really good guy but he just doesn't have time to show it to his daughter he loves so much. Anyways, time to write one helluva post.
That's how her father is. He's a really sweet guy, but work causes him to be out of it, and it upsets Shīre.
Hey green, instead of naming him Kairos, let's name him Moloch. Moloch was the pagan god of demands, one of the angels thrown out of heaven along with Lucifer. It'd make more sense

Kairos is actually the word for Heavenly Time, if you noticed, i've measured KG's age in appearance (kairos time) and actual time elapsed since he was born (chronos time)
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Green, you can't put an update into your post, that's stealing my job.

And what you are doing with the "Hell's Angel" thing is not part of the original plot that I had in mind.

You can include that he is there and that he wants to destroy him or whatever, but messing with the plot is not ok.
It's fine, GM. I didn't really know if you had anything planned so I was like "I'll put some constant opposition in there"
Green, we can't kill the guy, he's basically a pagan god. He'll be somewhat hesitant to attack again because of KG's claws, i mean, those are heaven-forged steel, so it's going to make a big wound if KG scratches at the guy. But like, we aren't kicking this guys ass.

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