Bad At Titling
(Which means... it's MEEEE! Also, I started school, so updates will be late at night, probably. Just a note. Also, you add your DEX modifier plus your proficiency bonus, which right now is two. That goes for everyone. Modifier+PROF bonus for attack, modifier for damage.)
Squib Hit Points At Beginning Of Turn: 5/26
Ow. He took a lot of damage fro the Magic Missile and the fighter.
Deciding those two are the threats, but also noting the rogue and the fighter are at low health, he deigns to send a Greatsword at each of them.
... And he misses the first, and then on the second he falls over. It takes him his move action to get up.
Overtaken by rage, he uses his SECRET MINIBUS ABILITY (because jesus christ you guys need to have an actual encounter) and expends his Action Surge, gaining another attack action.
He aims the attacks at the same people.
Holy shit he's bad at hitting you.
He deals
damage to Keith, knocking him out and gaining 3 hit points from the attack.
Squib Hit Points At End Of Turn: 8/26
Squib Hit Points At Beginning Of Turn: 5/26
Ow. He took a lot of damage fro the Magic Missile and the fighter.
Deciding those two are the threats, but also noting the rogue and the fighter are at low health, he deigns to send a Greatsword at each of them.
Overtaken by rage, he uses his SECRET MINIBUS ABILITY (because jesus christ you guys need to have an actual encounter) and expends his Action Surge, gaining another attack action.
He aims the attacks at the same people.
He deals
Squib Hit Points At End Of Turn: 8/26