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A Stricken World

Keith strode forward, thrusting at a goblin with his sword.


The attack landed.


(Hope it was fine if I went)
(Totally fine. I'm making an update and deciding where I want this adventure to go, so feel free to attack if you haven't done so already. This isn't meant to be a hard encounter.)
The goblins (6 left, not including the shaman) swarm around Keith, the fighter, seeing as how he's in the front lines. Six attacks.

One trips over their own blade and impales themselves on it. Another misses. Three others hit (+3 bonus), and finally, one critically hits.

3 damage, 3 damage, 3 damage, and 6 damage.

As Keith falls, the shaman finishes his spell, casting a Magic Missile that hits Liliana three times for 9 damage total.
((Wait i have 9hp (increases by 1d8+CON modifier (-1) per level) and i took 9 damage....

does that mean.... i'm dead?))
(No, unconscious. Healing spells work on you, and during your turn you roll a d20 to see if you step closer to death (9 or lower) or begin to stabilize (10 or above). Three of either will kill or stabilize you.)
As the goblins began to overrun the camp, Merle was more than a little slow on the uptake. She had known they were coming, she had more than a few seconds to prepare, but she was still the slowest to react to their swarming which was more than a little embarrassing. Still, it had given her a few extra seconds to plan.

It wasn't as if she didn't see the goblin, and she certainly knew magic when she saw it - it may have been wiser to try to neutralize him with her own magic. But the other goblins had gone and done her the favor of getting all nice and clustered...

[burning Hands to all goblins that can be hit in one burst without hitting Keith]


Health 0/9

Basic Information
Name: Lilliana Mahara

Race: Doppelganger

Gender: Female

Class: Rouge
Strength: 8 (-1)

Dexterity: 16 (+3)

Constitution: 8 (-1)

Wisdom: 8 (-1)

Intelligence: 10 (+0)

Charisma: 16 (+3)
Apparel & Armor
Black Cloak

Black Clothing
Proficiencies and flaws
Proficiencies: Sneaking, Mimicking
Flaws: Often overthinks things, Doesn't work well in groups

Hit Points: 9 (increases by 1d8+CON modifier (-1) per level)

AC: 15 (Hide armor plus DEX modifier)

Animal Handling: -1

Arcana: 0

Athletics: -1

Bluff: +3 (+2 when mimicking another person)

Bravery: -1

Diplomacy: +3

Intimidate: +3

Nature: -1

Perception: -1 (-2 when keeping watch at night)

Religion: -2 (overthinks things)

Stealth: +5

Sleight of Hand: +3

Dual daggers: 2d4

1 coin(Ferox's)



Lilliana was surprised by the magic missiles and falls unconscious to the ground where she starts to bleed out.[/bg]
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/upload_2015-8-27_17-32-53.jpeg.8dd9b1034768dfa17e5ecb2f825767d4.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71461" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/upload_2015-8-27_17-32-53.jpeg.8dd9b1034768dfa17e5ecb2f825767d4.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Health: 3/15

Name: Keith Arganda

Class: Fighter

Strength: 16 (+3)

Dexterity: 12 (+1)

Constitution: 16 (+3)

Intelligence: 10 (+0)

Wisdom: 8 (-1)

Charisma: 4 (-3)

Hit Points: 15 (increases by 1d10+constitution modifier per level)

AC: 16 (half-plate armor)

Animal Handling: -1

Arcana: 0

Athletics: +3 (-2 when swimming)

Bluff: -3

Bravery: -1 (+2 when dealing with dragons)

Diplomacy: -3

Intimidate: 0

Nature: +1

Perception: -1 (+2 when examining an enemy to see weaknesses/strengths)

Religion: -1

Stealth: 0 (plate armor)

Sleight of Hand: +1

Half Plate Armor: 16 AC

Sword: 1d6 dmg

Keith took the first hit in his stride, attempting to force his way towards the shaman. The second and third blow stopped him in his tracks when they were delivered at the same time. He was bleeding from multiple wounds now, and was feeling the effects of the battle. He squared himself with his opponents, and struck at the goblin he wounded earlier.


(Shiiiiiiiiiiit, i'm screwed.)



  • upload_2015-8-27_17-32-53.jpeg
    4.5 KB · Views: 102


Health: 8/8

Initiative: 16

Name: Escad Van Opthorne

Class: Bard

Strength: 10 (0)

Dexterity: 12 (+1)

Constitution: 10 (0)

Intelligence: 10 (0)

Wisdom: 10 (0)

Charisma: 14 (+2)

Hit Points: 8 (increases by 1d6+constitution modifier per level)

AC: 12 (cloth armor, dexterity bonus)

Animal Handling: 0

Arcana: +1

Athletics: 0

Bluff: +4 (+1 if the person is female)

Bravery: -1 (selfish)

Diplomacy: +4 (+1 if the person is female)

Intimidate: +4

Nature: 0

Perception: 0

Religion: 0

Stealth: +1

Sleight of Hand: +1

Cloth Armor: 11 AC

Rapier: 1d8 dmg

Escad watched the goblins fall with ease, but he also cringed as he saw the swordmaster get surrounded and smacked about. Then came the spell from the shaman, sending magic missiles hurtling towards the rogue. She went down in a heap, and Escad had no way to heal her at the moment. The best he could do was do away with the other enemies and then administer healing measures. Gripping his rapier a bit tighter, he stepped towards the nearest goblin surrounding the blademaster, feinted, and then lunged in a different direction, hoping to misdirect the goblin's defenses.


It worked. Once again, Escad felt his blade rend flesh, stabbing the goblin in the ribs and retreating quickly, a trail of blood drawing in the wake of his blade.


The goblin took the blow badly, lurching to the side, but it was still up and fighting. The blow was good and clean, but not lethal. Escad didn't stop for a moment, though. He immediately prepared to parry.
The goblins decide to avoid the fighting characters and instead go for the ones standing there like statues and doing nothing.

They all swarm over the druid first, and decapitate him quickly. Keith gets a free hit against one of the goblins as it leaves his side, no action required.

The goblin the bard hit for 3 damage reels back from the blow and attempts to swing back.

(rolls a one)

It misses you entirely, and loses its grip on its sword, sending it flying away into the face of the goblin about to attack Keith, killing it instantly.

Weaponless, almost dead, the goblin falls to its knees in front of Escad and begs for his mercy.

Meanwhile, the shaman is in the throes of another spell.

(You have the remaining group of goblins that just killed Ferox, the one goblin pleading in front of Escad, and the shaman about twenty feet away from Keith, thirty from Escad. Liliana is close to Keith, and about fifteen feet from Escad. For reference.)


Health: 3/15

Name: Keith Arganda

Class: Fighter

Strength: 16 (+3)

Dexterity: 12 (+1)

Constitution: 16 (+3)

Intelligence: 10 (+0)

Wisdom: 8 (-1)

Charisma: 4 (-3)

Hit Points: 15 (increases by 1d10+constitution modifier per level)

AC: 16 (half-plate armor)

Animal Handling: -1

Arcana: 0

Athletics: +3 (-2 when swimming)

Bluff: -3

Bravery: -1 (+2 when dealing with dragons)

Diplomacy: -3

Intimidate: 0

Nature: +1

Perception: -1 (+2 when examining an enemy to see weaknesses/strengths)

Religion: -1

Stealth: 0 (plate armor)

Sleight of Hand: +1

Half Plate Armor: 16 AC

Sword: 1d6 dmg

Keith sprints towards the goblin, slashing at it with his sword.


Keith lands a hit on the shaman. (?)



Health: 8/8

Initiative: 16

Name: Escad Van Opthorne

Class: Bard

Strength: 10 (0)

Dexterity: 12 (+1)

Constitution: 10 (0)

Intelligence: 10 (0)

Wisdom: 10 (0)

Charisma: 14 (+2)

Hit Points: 8 (increases by 1d6+constitution modifier per level)

AC: 12 (cloth armor, dexterity bonus)

Animal Handling: 0

Arcana: +1

Athletics: 0

Bluff: +4 (+1 if the person is female)

Bravery: -1 (selfish)

Diplomacy: +4 (+1 if the person is female)

Intimidate: +4

Nature: 0

Perception: 0

Religion: 0

Stealth: +1

Sleight of Hand: +1

Cloth Armor: 11 AC

Rapier: 1d8 dmg

((Sorry, I was waiting for @Anuen to post.))

Escad had to avert his eyes as the goblins massacred the young half-elf, decapitating him and tearing him to pieces. And then his opponent fumbled and cut down one of his companions in a blunder. He fell to his knees begging for mercy. "Move and I'll finish the job!" he shouted as he darted past the goblin and rushed the shaman who was in the midst of casting another spell. Escad had seen him take down the rogue in one blast, so it was a priority target. Following behind the swordsman, he dipped under the man's sword arm to make an attack of his own.


Success! The blade bit into the shaman's neck with a sickeningly smooth motion.


Escad watched the spell fizzle with a satisfied smirk as the lifeblood poured out of the goblin shaman's jugular and the light faded from its eyes. Withdrawing his rapier from the corpse, he turned to survey the four remaining goblins that still had some fight in them.

((I said four goblins standing, but you mentioned Keith getting a free attack of opportunity but I don't think we ever dealt damage from that. Also, not sure why I rolled damage.))
Oh, jesus, your DM's an idiot. @Anuen, my bad. Have a successful Burning Hands as a result.

Anuen, caught up in the throes of her spell, takes a little longer to cast it. However, the wave of fire that results from her... beak?... roast three of the four goblins remaining.

As the goblin shaman goes down, the goblins around you note the death of their leader and, being goblins, run the hell away.

Except for two.

The first one, Yikyak, was the one cowering before the bard. He yelps in fear as he sees the indestructible bard-god that made him use his own sword against his friend dispose of his rather fearful leader.

The second one, Squib, was always special among his goblin peers. He was given a leadership rank at an early age, and supplied with a rather large sword.

The sword which he now uses to separate Yikyak's head off of his slimy, cowardly shoulders.

NEW ENEMY: Squib, Goblin Rabblemaster. You may want to go to the Lore tab and take a look at his stats before doing anything too hasty. (I'm writing his stats down right now, as a matter of fact. Should be up in about 15 minutes, if you're quick enough to go to the Lore tab and not see his stats there quite yet).


Health: 5/5

Name: Merle

Class: Witch

Strength: 4 (-3)

Dexterity: 14 (+2)

Constitution: 8 (-1)

Intelligence: 12 (+1)

Wisdom: 12 (+1)

Charisma: 16 (+3)

Hit Points: 5 (increases by 1d6+constitution modifier per level)

AC: 12 (No Armor, dexterity bonus)

Animal Handling: +1 (+2 when dealing with small creatures, -2 when dealing with big creatures who prey on birds)

Arcana: +1

Athletics: -3

Bluff: +3

Bravery: +1

Diplomacy: +3 (+2 if the being you are persuading has heard you sing)

Intimidate: +3 (-2 if the being is larger than you and isn't afraid of your power, +2 if the being is smaller than you and is afraid of your power)

Nature: +1 (+2 when dealing with avians)

Perception: +3

Religion: 0

Stealth: +2

Sleight of Hand: +4 (-2 if the object you are stealing is more than five pounds)

All skills get -1 when in view of baubles, unless you have been around said baubles for more than an hour.


Firebolt: ∞/∞

Light: ∞/∞

Burning Hands: 0/1

Magic Missile: 0/1
There was a crushing sense of failure as Merle finished her spell - she managed to burn up three goblins, yes, but she was so slow in doing it that they had still managed to kill someone as she casted. But that was just more reason to do whatever else she could as quickly as possible! She went straight into a new spell from her previous one, sending four points of light racing towards the remaining goblin.


(I messed up so pretend that total is 8 and that it's +3 total instead of 1)
(We're gonna start this from the goblins' turn and use the initiative order specified by Mystic, except with Anuen at 14. Which means for... @Rand, your turn, bud. Then @MysticPisces for a quick healing spell, @Aviendha, and then my turn. Merle will then get back in the initiative order as specified below.)

16 - Escad

14 - Merle

10 - Lilliana

8 - Goblins

7 - Keith


Health: 3/15

Name: Keith Arganda

Class: Fighter

Strength: 16 (+3)

Dexterity: 12 (+1)

Constitution: 16 (+3)

Intelligence: 10 (+0)

Wisdom: 8 (-1)

Charisma: 4 (-3)

Hit Points: 15 (increases by 1d10+constitution modifier per level)

AC: 16 (half-plate armor)

Animal Handling: -1

Arcana: 0

Athletics: +3 (-2 when swimming)

Bluff: -3

Bravery: -1 (+2 when dealing with dragons)

Diplomacy: -3

Intimidate: 0

Nature: +1

Perception: -1 (+2 when examining an enemy to see weaknesses/strengths)

Religion: -1

Stealth: 0 (plate armor)

Sleight of Hand: +1

Half Plate Armor: 16 AC

Sword: 1d6 dmg

Keith runs up behind Squib, and slashes at the back of the goblin's head with his sword.


Keith lands a hit. ( :D )

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Health: 8/8

Initiative: 16

Name: Escad Van Opthorne

Class: Bard

Strength: 10 (0)

Dexterity: 12 (+1)

Constitution: 10 (0)

Intelligence: 10 (0)

Wisdom: 10 (0)

Charisma: 14 (+2)

Hit Points: 8 (increases by 1d6+constitution modifier per level)

AC: 12 (cloth armor, dexterity bonus)

Animal Handling: 0

Arcana: +1

Athletics: 0

Bluff: +4 (+1 if the person is female)

Bravery: -1 (selfish)

Diplomacy: +4 (+1 if the person is female)

Intimidate: +4

Nature: 0

Perception: 0

Religion: 0

Stealth: +1

Sleight of Hand: +1

Cloth Armor: 11 AC

Rapier: 1d8 dmg

As the surrendering Yikyak was ungraciously and unceremoniously slaughtered, Escad couldn't help but feel a little sympathetic toward the poor creature. The goblin Squib revealed himself to be more formidable than his compatriots at this point, and Escad was not going to let him live. The first order of business was to make sure the rogue got back on her feet; the party could use all the help they could get. With a small gesture, Escad sang a single piercing word, "Genezen," and sent a small pulse of healing energy in the rogue's direction, hopefully enough to get her back on her feet. At first, Escad wanted to use his last bit of healing he could muster on the swordsman since he appeared to be on his last leg, but he was a skilled combatant in armor. Escad just hoped his choice was wise.


@Aviendha, Lilliana regains 5 hit points! You are now at 5 health and no longer unconscious. Make that turn of yours count!Without skipping a beat, Escad was charging into the fray, once again in the wake of the fighter. Instead of ducking under the man's arm this time, he darted around the goblin's offhand and leaped, his rapier leading the way, hoping to find an opening.


The rapier dug into a gap between the goblin rabblemaster's armor and bit into flesh.

[dice]11648[/dice]Damage resistance to piercing attacks cuts this in half to 3 points.

It took a larger amount of effort to extract his blade from Squib's armor, revealing that the armor took the brunt of the damage. Nonetheless, Escad didn't dwell on the fact. He braced himself for retaliation.

((@Aviendha, you're up!))
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Health 5/9

Basic Information
Name: Lilliana Mahara

Race: Doppelganger

Gender: Female

Class: Rouge
Strength: 8 (-1)

Dexterity: 16 (+3)

Constitution: 8 (-1)

Wisdom: 8 (-1)

Intelligence: 10 (+0)

Charisma: 16 (+3)
Apparel & Armor
Black Cloak

Black Clothing
Proficiencies and flaws
Proficiencies: Sneaking, Mimicking
Flaws: Often overthinks things, Doesn't work well in groups

Hit Points: 9 (increases by 1d8+CON modifier (-1) per level)

AC: 15 (Hide armor plus DEX modifier)

Animal Handling: -1

Arcana: 0

Athletics: -1

Bluff: +3 (+2 when mimicking another person)

Bravery: -1

Diplomacy: +3

Intimidate: +3

Nature: -1

Perception: -1 (-2 when keeping watch at night)

Religion: -2 (overthinks things)

Stealth: +5

Sleight of Hand: +3

Dual daggers: 2d4

1 coin(Ferox's)

Lilliana blinked awake very confused and shocked at how much better she felt. Someone must have healed her she concluded and stood up immediately, surveying the area. Any hesitation and she could get hit with one of those missiles again. As she looked around she was surprised to see the shaman had been beaten along with several other goblins while the rest had taken flight. There was also the bloody remains of what used to be a person, which she quickly passed over in disgust. Lilliana saw two people fighting one remaining goblin. Looking for a weak or blind spot she circled to his backside and decided to go for the back of the neck and sprinted forward still thinking, even if there wasn't the usual gap she could always pull his helmet off or stab him in the face. (Don't know how far away i am and if he even has a helmet.) Reaching him she silently lifted her dagger up to stab him in the neck.



((Is that high enough to hit? I add my dex modifier right?))



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((@Aviendha, yes that hits. Your DEX modifier works nicely. @SnakyDragon has graciously posted our enemies' statistics under the Lore tab. Don't forget to roll for your other hand if you are still dual-wielding daggers. Remember that once per turn you can add 1d6 to a damage roll if your enemy is within 5ft of an opponent (there are 2 of us already attacking him, so it counts). The initiative order is spelled out just a few posts up - @Rand just went a little out of turn is all :P ))

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