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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

WanderingJester said:
None, like a thirteen year old over Xbox Live, Cayden's just claimed to have slept with multiple mothers, when in fact all he had was masturbation :P
Also, how skilled is Darkstar as a warrior? All the combat feat I've ever read of him was maiming a tiny girl (aka failing to kill a defenseless girl right in front of him).
Azor Darkstar

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WanderingJester said:
None, like a thirteen year old over Xbox Live, Cayden's just claimed to have slept with multiple mothers, when in fact all he had was masturbation :P
Oh my God, I laughed so hard at that.
TheFordee14 said:
Are there any significant nobles that Cayden has slept with? Or are they all nameless characters?
None of the Great family's nor the Targs (not wanting to offend them and he knew his Father would kill him) but I imagine some of the others ethier visiting the capital or living there. Though with how the small houses have been elaborated on it would be a little tricky to make a list now, so its kind of free list though i can make one
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WanderingJester said:
That doesn't answer my question. :|
He is the prince that was promised!

(Real talk he is said to be the most dangerous man in Dorne, not sure if that refers to fighting or not but it could well do)
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Lancelot said:
He is the prince that was promised!
(Real talk he is said to be the most dangerous man in Dorne, not sure if that refers to fighting or not but it could well do)
That still doesn't mean anything. I'm sure if Stannis went up against the Blackfish Brynden would take his head off pretty easily.

I'm picturing that he's not quite up to par with even Garlan Tyrell tbh on the field, let alone Jaime Lannister with two functional hands.
WanderingJester said:
That doesn't answer my question. :|
Supposedly he was good enough for Oberyn Martell to consider him dangerous 'Poison' and thats saying something considering Oberyn didn't even fear the Lannisters
WanderingJester said:
That still doesn't mean anything. I'm sure if Stannis went up against the Blackfish Brynden would take his head off pretty easily.
I'm picturing that he's not quite up to par with even Garlan Tyrell tbh on the field, let alone Jaime Lannister with two functional hands.
I don't think it would be fair to compare him to anyone because all we know is he cut an ear off a child
WanderingJester said:
That still doesn't mean anything. I'm sure if Stannis went up against the Blackfish Brynden would take his head off pretty easily.
I'm picturing that he's not quite up to par with even Garlan Tyrell tbh on the field, let alone Jaime Lannister with two functional hands.
He wasn't considered good enough to wield Dawn if that means anything.
Hypnos said:
He wasn't considered good enough to wield Dawn if that means anything.
To be fair look who the last weilder of Dawn was, they were probably feeling slightly biased xD
Hypnos said:
He wasn't considered good enough to wield Dawn if that means anything.
Well the only people who have wielded Dawn were each one of the greatest fighters alive in their times.
Akio said:
Supposedly he was good enough for Oberyn Martell to consider him dangerous 'Poison' and thats saying something considering Oberyn didn't even fear the Lannisters
I'm sure Oberyn Martell would've considered a two handed Jaime Lannister "dangerous" as well. So still, not much to consider.

Lancelot said:
I don't think it would be fair to compare him to anyone because all we know is he cut an ear off a child
Exactly, the only thing he actually tried to do that involved arms he failed at ( a pretty easy task too I suppose ).

Hypnos said:
He wasn't considered good enough to wield Dawn if that means anything.
Yeah, I gathered he has a lot of issue that stemmed from his uncle Arthur (the whole Darkstar contrast). Sort of like Viserys with his father.
This may be an unpopular opinion, but Darkstar is the worst thing 'bout Dorne. He is so cringe. I feel like GRRM wanted to write a "really" bad ass character, and he ended up with the cringe ball that is Gerold Dayne.

I adore the Dornish plot in Feast / Dance, but I cannot take Darkstar seriously whatsoever. And I am not sure if you're supposed to take him seriously or not. Gimme' "bad poussy" over him any day, TBH.
TheFordee14 said:
This may be an unpopular opinion, but Darkstar is the worst thing 'bout Dorne. He is so cringe. I feel like GRRM wanted to write a "really" bad ass character, and he ended up with the cringe ball that is Gerold Dayne.
I adore the Dornish plot in Feast / Dance, but I cannot take Darkstar seriously whatsoever. And I am not sure if you're supposed to take him seriously or not. Gimme' "bad poussy" over him any day, TBH.
He really is the worst thing about Dorne
TheFordee14 said:
This may be an unpopular opinion, but Darkstar is the worst thing 'bout Dorne. He is so cringe. I feel like GRRM wanted to write a "really" bad ass character, and he ended up with the cringe ball that is Gerold Dayne.
I adore the Dornish plot in Feast / Dance, but I cannot take Darkstar seriously whatsoever. And I am not sure if you're supposed to take him seriously or not. Gimme' "bad poussy" over him any day, TBH.
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Lancelot said:
Lancelot said:
Well the only people who have wielded Dawn were each one of the greatest fighters alive in their times.
I'd really like to know how they choose a Sword of the Morning, how can you tell if someone is worthy? Couldn't Lord Dayne just say that he was worthy even if he wasn't? Who would object? Does it just go by the honour system? I have so many questions and I'm not even that big a fan of the Daynes.

TheFordee14 said:
This may be an unpopular opinion, but Darkstar is the worst thing 'bout Dorne. He is so cringe. I feel like GRRM wanted to write a "really" bad ass character, and he ended up with the cringe ball that is Gerold Dayne.
I adore the Dornish plot in Feast / Dance, but I cannot take Darkstar seriously whatsoever. And I am not sure if you're supposed to take him seriously or not. Gimme' "bad poussy" over him any day, TBH.
If you're the least likable person in a group of Dornish people you know you have a problem.
TheFordee14 said:
Not really. I was just very curious.
kk, Maybe i will make a list one day or possibly use it at a later point so he has a bastard child here and there like Robert that may or may not come into affect
Lancelot said:
The similarities are astounding

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