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Sara thought for a moment before giving a helpless shrug. "I'm sad to say that I don't really know... In England, there aren't any tribes at all. I'm sure there are some in other parts of the world... Just not where I'm from." She said before looking to Peter. "What's the plan here, good sir?" She asked, making her english accent more apparent as she posed like a fancy lady would from the most richest town in England.

"Just drama." She said, waving it off as if it wasn't a big deal. "But it's nothing I haven't dealt with before. Really." She said, giving him a small smile before she took his arm. "Come on. Let's get some air. Today's basically a free period since the gym teachers can't really teach us much." She sad before leading him out of the gym through the side door and into the outside area.
Ashley's lips pressed thin and she spun around, unable to look at Amira. She pushed her hair back with both hands and let out a loud breath. "You say that you're tired of holding me back, but the only times it's really frustrating to me is when you do this. When you say you're doing it for me, but I think you're really doing it for yourself, because you think that I'm unhappy with how you act." Ashley turned back around and she had tears gathering in her kohl-lined eyes. "You're my best friend, Amira. Have been since we were little, and I have never not loved you for one day, but you need to stop thinking like that! You're not dragging me down, Amy, until you truly believe you are."

Reuben couldn't help smiling when the human said that Rae was a creep. Then his smile disappeared. "You shouldn't have run from him... He's going to be angry with you... And such strenuous activity can't be good for you this soon after an asthma attack."
Peter shrugged, definitely not the best representation of a proper Englishman. "You wanted to come here," Peter said, and Tiger Lily looked like she approved of Sara's decision when she flashed Peter a flirtatious smile. (I've got an idea on how to make this RP last longer)

Valen blushed when Holly grabbed his arm. He was wearing the short-sleeved shirt that the school required for gym, and when their skin came into contact he felt a sudden shock rush through them, almost as if they were connected and they hadn't known it.
Amira didn't know what to say that wouldn't upset herself or Ashley more than what the either of them already were. "Let's just... Go to the hotel.." She murmured before blindly reaching behind her and grabbing Ashley's hand and leading her down the road silently. ~Timeskip to whenever and whatever you want to happen next XD~

Katrina straightened up after a few seconds and looked up at Reuben. "I could care less if he's angry with me." She muttered, crossing her arms and trying to peer around the man. "Where are the others?" She questioned, brushing off his comment of her running around after having an asthma attack not being such a great idea. She knew it was a bad idea. But it was Rae's fault that she had to run in the first place. (I LOVE RAENEYYYYY XD KATRAENEY FOREVER DUDE XD NOW GIVE ME SOME ADORABLE MOMENTS OR IM GONNA DIIIIIIIE XD)
(Neverland is falling apart. Idk what's causing it yet, but I know I want Neverland to start becoming less and less substantial, to where everyone starts to age and eventually every disappears from existence if they stay there.)
(OOOOO XD OKAYYY) Sara saw the smile Tigerlily gave Peter and she flushed pink, having to look away as she felt her entire body get hot. ~What's wrong with me?~ She thought, biting her lip uncomfortably. ~She just smiled at him. It's not like you should care anyway. Peter would never look at a girl like me like that.~ She reminded herself silently, having to force a small smile as she stared at the ground, her eyes blank as she continued to think.

As Holly continued to hold onto Valen, she felt a slight shiver run up her spine. Like somehow her just touching him sent a spark of electricity through her body. She stopped and suddenly turned towards him, her hand letting go of his arm as she looked up at him, an ever so slight blush on her face as she was confused as to what had just happened. "I... u-um..." She stammered, not remembering why she had even stopped to look back at him in the first place.
~The next day, right after sunset~ Ashley came out of the bathroom looking wayyy different from normal. She had on a dark pink, almost red cocktail dress and bright red lipstick. Her black hair was curled, and she was wearing heels. This was a HUGE change from her usual plaid, boots, and messy eyeliner. "We're going back to the theatre. You have to get comfortable around people, and I wanna talk to those actors more. They're really good lookin'." Ashley practiced a "sexy" pose where she jutted out one hip and made a kissy-face before dissolving into giggles.

(Why do you keep calling Reuben a man? He's the same age as the triplets, I think XD And God you're such a dork) "The others are... doing whatever they wish. I don't control them," Reuben said, lifting his gaze.


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Peter yawned suddenly, and he seemed surprised. "Well, I suppose our adventures will have to be cut short for now. I'm absolutely knackered..." Peter glanced almost anxiously at Sara, requesting without words to know if she wouldn't mind returning to the Hideout. What none of the three teenagers knew was that Peter was tired because his magic flight was difficult to do, what with the strange goings-on in Neverland. Everything was weakening, but no one would notice until it was too late to change anything.

Valen couldn't hold her gaze and looked away immediately. "You what...?" he muttered, not really expecting an answer. He wanted to play the feeling off--which Holly had apparently felt too!--but figured that the situation would only be more uncomfortable if he claimed to have static-shocked her.
Amira glanced up from the cereal she was randomly eating and looked at Ashley. Once she realized what her friend was wearing, she practically choked on her cereal. "What are you wearing?!" She demanded, having to wipe off some cereal bits she had gotten on her face. (Gonna just timeskip to a bit later after ashley made amira get all fancy dressed too XD) "I hate you..." Amira muttered as she looked at herself in the mirror, hating the fact that she was wearing a dress. Something she hadn't done since she was in grade school. (AND RAENEY WOULDNT DO THAT XD)
WELP THATS THE DRESS SHES WEARING XD and please make raeney adorable sweet moments happen XD HES SO SMEXY I LOVE HIMMMM
(Yeah, I know, BUT STILL! Everyone keeps getting in the way XD And what do you mean by "sweet" moments? He's not SWEET! XD)

(Sometimes I wanna smack some sense into you XDD) "You do not. And you know you look so good in that dress! I could dress you everyday!" Ashley exclaimed, turning Amira back and forth so she could get the full effect of the outfit. "H-o-t, with a capital H," Ashley said, pretending to lick her finger and touch Amira's shoulder, making a hissing sound. "Now, let's go before we're late!"
Sara seemed a bit surprised by Peter's sudden urge to leave, but she nonchalantly nodded to him. "R-right..." She stammered, looking to Tigerlily. "It was really nice to meet you. I hope we'll be able to talk again soon!"

Holly stared at Valen for a moment longer before looking away as well, her blush about two times darker now as she thought he had felt it too. But apparently he hadn't. "N-Nothing.. Sorry." She said before reaching out and taking his arm once again, but more hesitantly this time, afraid he'd tell her not to. "U-Um.. C'mon.. There's some trees over there that have some really nice shade.." She said, trying to change the subject before she kept walking, leading him once more.
(Omg pottybreak been holding it for 4 hours XD I drank 2 small coffees and a bottle of water!!)
Katrina nodded silently. "Right... Sorry.." She murmured, looking back to Reuben. "Mind if I look around? I won't try to escpae. Promise." She said, looking like a child with how her eyes glimmered with curiosity. "Since I'm a hostage now, I've got the right to look around, dontcha think?" She added in case he would be hesitant to the idea.

Amira couldn't help but laugh at her friend's immature jokes. "Alright alright, come down. You'll get to see the cute boys soon enough." She said with a sigh before grabbing her phone. "Let's go, weirdo." She said as she walked out the door, her heart beginning to drop at the idea of having to return back to the church.

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