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(I feel bad now that you ignored him because of me!! DX But I'm glad to know you'd put me ahead of one of your RL friends. XD God I'm so selfish.)
Amira only continued to shake, her state seeming to get worse and worse. But she said nothing as she reached into Ashley's back pocket and got out one of the keys to the hotel room. "I'll go myself." She said shortly before letting go of her friend and swinging the door open and running back out into the space where the crowd was before ducking outside the entrance door. She couldn't take letting Ashley down again. So she'd just let her watch the play while she calmed down at the hotel.

Katrina stared at Rae, wondering how he could be so cruel to someone who was only trying to help. "I want to talk to someone. Anyone except you." She said suddenly, her eyes full of confusion and anger as she knew he wasn't going to help her. "Please somebody!" She yelled, trying to get anyone's attention.
Peter laughed joyfully, watching the scenery go by beneath them. "I told you before lift-off, didn't I?" A few seconds later, they were landing at the edge of a brightly colored camp with animal-skin teepees and wigwams. The Indian camp was mixed between many different Native American tribes, with different representations of more than a dozen in their village. Peter let go of Sara and stepped forward, out of the cover of the trees. Immediately, any male Indians that saw him moved into a defensive position, but when they recognized him they relaxed again. Luckily, none of them wanted to fight Peter. Mostly because Tigerlily still favored the boy.

(I did control her.) "Why in the world would you stick up for some new geek? He wasn't even cute! You've been acting so different lately," Jessica said, speaking as though she hadn't shoved her supposed friend. (And Valen IS cute, but she's not Jess's type.)
(Bebeh as in you're dating or he's your tiny child? XD Cuz I got the 2nd bebeh but not the 1st and honestly I don't want the 1st bebeh. I just wanted to be able to say "I'll take a shot of THAT Tennessee whiskey." If I'm being honest. XD)
(Nah hes just my friend babeh XD)

Sara stood behind Peter, nervously hiding behind him as she had never met the Indian people from the stories. She had only heard of Tigerlily. And she didn't seem to be around at the moment. "Are they friendly...?" She asked in a low whisper, still hesitant because of the events during the previous day.

"I've been acting different lately?" Holly demanded, pushing herself up and off the wall. "You're one to talk." She muttered, reaching down to grab her shoes again, causing herself to wince as she had hit the wall pretty hard with her shoulder. "And he's not a geek. He's my friend." She said firmly before shoving past Jessica, not even bothering to put her shoes on in the locker room. She didn't want to have to stay in there longer than she had to.
(What's he look like, then? I'll tell you about my friend bebeh too cuz why not.) "Well, they didn't kill us, so I'd say yes," Peter replied with a comforting smile that was the total opposite of his words. Then a beautiful girl with red-toned dark olive skin began to approach, her buckskin dress swishing around her legs as she walked. She looked fifteen, almost sixteen, when she should have appeared fourteen. She'd never left Neverland since Wendy left, though, so that was strange. Tiger Lily had glossy black hair that brushed her elbows, round, dark eyes, full lips, and a curvy yet slim shape. The dress she wore had two triangles cut into the front and the back, the one in the back longer than the other, and the shoulders of the dress were loose enough that one could almost see into her dress from the side. "Hello, Peter," Tiger Lily greeted Sara's companion. She looked over the girl and smiled politely. "What a pretty girl. What is your name?"

"Whatever, bitch!" Jessica spat, glaring at Holly as she walked away. || Valen was standing alone on the edge of the basketball court, looking over all the groups of friends standing in the middle of it as they chose their own teams in preparation to play a weird version of soccer outside. Valen was paler than he was earlier, and his eyes were lowered, like he was afraid to catch the attention of anyone. He regretted coming to a public school.
Ashley gave the boys a shaky smile and winked at them. "Sorry, y'all, but I gotta go take care of her. Good performance, though. Keep it goin', and we'll be back tomorrow, so don't worry." Ashley blew a kiss at the two actors and then rushed out, running after Amira once she got out of the building. "Amy!" she shouted from 3 meters behind her BFF.

Rae's expression only got darker as the human yelled. "Shut up!" he shouted when she kept calling out. His gold eyes were bright with fury as he took a deep breath before speaking. "Your calling for her is just getting on my nerves, so if you actually want to talk to someone, then I'd recommend you stop it now. Because if you don't, I'm going to lock you in here. Alone. In the dark."
Sara blushed a deep red at being called pretty. "T-thank you..." She stammered nervously, stepping to the side of Peter now instead of standing behind him. "Sara...My name is Sara." She quickly added, holding out her hand for the girl to shake. "I-It's wonderful to finally meet you."

Holly only pretended that she couldn't hear Jessica's nasty retort, not wanting anyone to see how hurt she was by it. She glanced around for Valen and when she finally found him she quickly ducked by his side and dropped to the floor by his feet, sitting Indian style as she put her shoes on. "Ready to get physical?" She asked, grinning up at him as she had so many times earlier. But something was different... Instead of there being genuine happiness in her bright eyes, they were dark and full of the sadness she had tried so hard to cover up. And the way she moved was different too. As if she were being careful since the pain in her shoulder was still apparent,
"Just go back inside Ashley! I'll be fine!" Amira shouted back to her friend before she continued running as fast as she could, not wanting to hold Ashley back anymore. She just wanted her friend to have fun. And if that had to happen without her, then so be it.

Katrina tensed a bit at the thought of being left in the dark again. She glared at Rae before quickly scrambling off the bed and running out the door, almost slamming into the wall as she had to make a sharp turn to go down the long and dark hallway. "Raena! Raeney! Someone!" She shouted as she ran, not even caring about finding an exit at this point. She just wanted to find someone other than the dick she had just left in the other room. (Cue the raeney harassment XD jk. i mean, if you want. idk XD)
Tiger Lily didn't take Sara's hand, staring at it quizzically. "And you as well," the Princess replied in her totally sweet voice, looking back up at Sarah with a puzzled smile on her face. "You are from the mainland, yes? How are you liking Neverland so far?"

"Can't you tell I was born ready?" Valen replied, trying for a half-hearted joke, but he only sounded like he genuinely hated that he wasn't sporty. "What's wrong?" he asked softly, hesitantly. He'd seen the way she favored one of her arms, and, as always, he was worried more about others than himself. It was in his genetic makeup, since his DNA had merged with that of a wolf those many years ago when he was bitten.
Ashley, having had to chase after her horse when he got rambunctious, closed in on Amira and grabbed her wrist. "What's wrong with you, Amy??" Ashley practically exclaimed, sounding appalled and worried. "Nothing happened back there that should have you like this!!"

(You really are warming up to Raeney XD But I feel like he's had a little too much fun lately.) Reuben stepped out of the shadows, appearing to have teleported or something. "Is there something wrong, Miss?" he asked in his soft-spoken voice. He had his eyelids lowered and his eyes trained on the floor as he partially blocked her way. He didn't want to scare the girl with his abnormal appearance--which he knew too well about from Rae--and he really wasn't trying to block her, but at his height, he was a bit wider than normal as well. His proportions made it difficult for someone to squeeze past him in the narrow hallways of the pizzeria.
(I was drawing something else, but now I've gotta draw Reuben. It's a sudden urge I can't denyyy XD)
Sara dropped her hand back down to her side awkwardly, forgetting that there were some customs that the people on Neverland weren't used to. "It's quite amazing." She said, looking around, her eyes still full of wonder. "It's everything I ever imagined it would be." She said with a smile, looking from Peter and then to Tigerlily. "I can see why you choose to stay here instead of going to the Mainland."

Holly laughed lightly at his joke but then tensed up slightly when he peered at her arm. "Oh it's...Nothing. Just ran into the wall on the way out of the locker room." She said, standing up and joking facepalming. "I'm clumsy like that I guess."
Tiger Lily's smile became genuine. "My people live much better lives here than we would where you come from. How are tribes doing on the Mainland, anyway? It's been many years since I left."

"If you only ran into the wall, why do you look so hurt? On the inside, I mean?" Valen could see the pain in her eyes, but the main way he could tell she was upset was the way she smelled. Which he knew was creepy. But he could smell the sudden change from earlier to now in her emotions, and it was quite a big change.
Amira yanked her wrist away from Ashley sharply and turned her back to her, her arms crossing. "I'm just...!" She started off loudly before she sighed, her shoulders dropping. "I'm just tired of always holding you back..." She murmured, her gaze falling to her feet as she kicked up some gravel. "You're always having to give up on what you want to do to make me happy... And I'm tired of it... You have no idea how bad it makes me feel... How much it makes me feel like I'm more of a burden to you than a friend."

Katrina yelped and quickly stopped, just barely able to not run into the man. She looked up at him for a moment, panting for breath before she pointed behind her. "I'm not... ~wheeze~ dealing with that... ~wheeze~ creep anymore!" she shouted breathlessly before bending over, having to hold onto her knees as she caught her breath, thankful to be around someone who wasn't a complete ass.

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