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Fandom A RP

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Amira remained still and silent as the crowd around her and Ashley stood and gave a standing ovation. She had absolutely no idea what had happened or what any of the characters had said. "I can't believe I let you fly us into another state just to see this.." She muttered to her friend, though she knew she hadn't been heard as the crowds cheers had only gotten louder. Amira sighed and stood up, tapping Ashley on the shoulder as she did so to signal that she was going to get some air and probably go to the bathroom. As the crowd continued to cheer, she opened door that was placed beside the stage and quickly ducked inside the dark hallway, the door closing behind her as she tried to get away from the noise.

Katrina glanced from person to person as she felt each and every one of their eyes staring at her. She sighed lightly and looked down at the ground, her sigh sounding more like a wheeze than anything, as if her breathing had faltered for a split second. To anyone, it would've seemed like nothing. But to Katrina it made her whole body tense up and freeze completely. "Damn it.." She whispered as she clenched her hands into fists and tried to regulate her breathing to where she wouldn't have a full on asthma attack. But from the sudden stress she was under, it was easier said than done. And then out of nowhere, it felt like she couldn't breathe at all and her vision blacked out for a split second before she suddenly lost consciousness, her head falling into Manora's lap limply.
Colin and Asia both bowed before the crowd, even as they couldn't easily be seen, and then Colin left the girl to deal with her boyfriend, who was likely to get super protective of her after the almost-make out. Colin ducked into the hallway nearby and was surprised to see a figure standing in front of him. "What're you doing back here?" he asked, allowing his vampire night vision to kick in. It was a girl in the room with him. Colin immediately turned on the charm. "How'd you like the show?"

"The girl's going to die," Reuben said without any emotion to his voice. Rae shrugged and said, "Well, there's nothing we can do about it. Anyone happen to have an inhaler?" he asked sarcastically. None of them actually needed to breathe.

"I'll give her mouth to mouth," Raeney suggested, and his mother frowned at him.

"If her throat has constricted, you'll just force stale air back into her lungs and suffocate her," Manora replied.

"What are we supposed to do, then?" Raena asked, and while they were bickering, the girl lying unconscious on the floor was left to her asthma attack. This was a bad place for her body to forget how to breathe.
(And which boy is amira going to get with eventually? it's colin right?)
(XD You always put yourself in these situations! Learn how to get yourself out! XDD Yes, I know this is how our friendship works: you get in trouble and I have to fix it. -dramatic sigh- Make her recover or something. It wasn't severe, and her throat relaxed because Manora's voice seems to affect her somehow. They're animated mechs. They can be magical if they want. XD Well, I gtg, but I'd like to figure out when the party and wedding and stuff are so maybe we can work around it.)
Amira jumped as she heard someone else in the hallway. As she figured out it was the boy from on stage her heart began to immediately race a hundred times faster than it had been. "I-I uh...H-had to get away from all the...n-noise.." She stammered, having a mini anxiety attack as she hadn't had to talk to anyone by herself in years as she always had Ashley to do it for her. "And it was...g-great...? I didn't understand most of it...But that probably makes me sound like an idiot so I don't know why I just said that and you're not an idiot for doing the play your acting was really good and that kiss seemed really realistic and my friend really liked it and said she wished someone would kiss her like that and I um.." She froze up like a deer caught in head lights as she realized she had just rambled. "I-I should just go." (And i can try to get on at 7:30...I'll most likely be able to)

Oh, wait, you did. XDD Alrighty. So I'll check for you from 7 PM on. But on here, not Roblox, right?)
Colin laughed, and it was a charming laugh. One could tell he was a genuinely good guy just from the sound. "Well, if she wants to be Desdemonda next time, let her know she can be. Just make sure she has a choke-fetish first." He grinned at the girl, even though she likely couldn't see him. He could hear her pulse pounding in her throat and guessed she'd recognized his voice as the actor, and that's why she tried to flatter him. At least, that's what he thought she was trying to do. There was a lot of stuff going on in the rambling she'd just done.

"How about you? Would you like an acting lesson, too? I've got plenty of free time when I'm not acting or practicing my acting. It'd be fun, I assure you. And if I'm not to your tastes, that girl that acted with me's got a boyfriend. He knows Othello's part, as well. Mass murder, amirite?" Colin wished for a smoke. Yes, he was a smoking vampire. Smoking hot, Ashley would interject. But she wasn't there. And, boy, would she pay to be.
As the arguing continued around Katrina, her unconscious body was able to get enough oxygen to her lungs to where she was able to regain consciousness. She gasped awake after a few moments, her back arching and lifting off the ground slightly before she lay flat once more, coughs escaping her lips as she curled up slightly while laying down, her body shaking as she hated having those little..."episodes" of hers. After a few moments, her breathing was steady, but had lost consciousness again from all the stress she was being put under. And she had been practically exhausted from having to take on three 24 hour days in a row while her parents were away on 'business'. So she just lay there peacefully on the floor, sleeping soundly for the first time in weeks.
(I'll respond to FNAF tomorrow, and if you check the thread before 7 on your phone, you'll have something to respond to.)
Amira laughed lightly and awkwardly at the boy's joke. Or at least what he thought was a joke. "Y-yeah...That'd be.. Great except... I don't actually live here. M-My friend just kinda dragged me here to get some extra credit on a project.." She said, crossing her arms while her hands gripped onto her sleeves, wishing she would just die right then and there. "A-and I'm not the kind of person who gets on stage." She added. "Lights... Costumes... Lines... People... N-not really my thing." She said with a nervous laugh before she silently face palmed herself for acting so stupid. "I should really just go..." She tried, reaching behind her for the handle to the door. "S-since I've basically just ruined any chance this conversation had at continuing."
"If I could write the beauty of your eyes
And in fresh numbers number all your graces,
The age to come would say, 'This poet lies;
Such heavenly touches ne'er touch'd earthly faces.'"

Colin raised an eyebrow and flicked on the light switch. "How's that for a conversation starter?" He sighed and stretched his arms, clasping his hands together behind his head. The black doublet he wore didn't move in the slightest at the movement. Colin thought he looked snazzy in the old, formal clothing. Maybe not modernly snazzy, but snazzy all the same.

"Besides," he added, "I can give private lessons." Colin winked, and then quoted Shakespeare again:

"Be not afraid of greatness:
some are born great,
some achieve greatness,
and some have greatness thrust upon them."

"In your case, it'd likely be the last one. So, what do you say?" Colin finished. A black-haired guy walked in, then, from a doorway different from the one that Colin had come through.

"You got a little too into that kiss a few minutes ago," the guy said, before noticing the human girl was there. "Oh. Sup." Derrick smiled lazily at the human before straightening his backwards cap.

"Derrick, meet the lovely..." Colin gestured to the human, waiting for her to introduce herself.
Rae peered distastefully down at the human. "We should get her somewhere comfortable. Are there any extra beds?" Raena sighed. "She can borrow mine. I'll just sleep in my exoskeleton until she leaves, or whatever."

"Take the girl to your sister's room," Manora directed towards Rae, and the eldest of the triplets easily swept the blonde into his arms, carrying her through the other dark hallways like a half-dead bride. Rae soon made it to the basement, which was where all of the animatronics slept. There were different divisions, with 3/4 walls, and Raena's was the furthest away. Rae lay the human down on the soft feather-stuffed mattress and lifted the pink silk sheets over her. He sat on the edge of the bed, figuring he would have to watch her to see if she were going to suffocate again.
(I'll also post the other 2 RPs so you can reply to those whenever you're able.

Valen took a paper out of his pocket. It was already crumpled and worn as if he'd had it for weeks rather than hours. "I have... gym, too."

"Such a grand request, Miss!" Peter replied in his best impersonation of her British accent. He did pretty okay, but could have still done much better. "I suppose I shall have to follow through with it." Peter then let his arm drop and stepped into the ferns. "Although I think we've only time for one visit, and that will be to the Indian camp." (They just woke up from surviving almost drowning)

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