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Fantasy A Princess' Dream

'What's going on? Who's this? Why is an orc carrying me?' Totally not, but that's what would be going through my head.
I have to say that whereas Kalos is my most commonly written character type, Gayt is certainly more fun. I can put whatever I feel like into him. He's got no booze and no battle? Let's make him able to dance to a song that a man from the country picked out. His character is versatile and writing him is honestly fun and easy.
Hey guys!

(Tagging is being weird so I have to space the tags out in weird places. Sorry)


Just a head's up, shit is about to hit the fan. On my next post the King will announce the purpose of the Ball to everyone, but before the main event can even take place the Castle is going to be attacked and overrun, seemingly from nowhere, by an unknown enemy force. Every one of our characters will be in for the fight of their lives against the following list of enemies which will be present to make our lives a living hell:


* 2 Taura

* 20 Orcs

* 4 Fallen Angels

* 30 Dark Elves

* 10 Titans

* 2 Wraiths

* 5 Vampires

* 1,000 Humans

... Yeah. When I say it's going to be overrun, I mean it. So buckle up and get ready for a fight because this is going to be a LONG one.

None of our enemies are going to be pushovers either, so I don't want to see so much as a single "one swipe, enemy drops dead" kind of thing going on. Each enemy we face is well trained and fully prepared for the takeover of the Palace. They will make the most of their respective abilities for just that purpose. That means that you don't get the luxury of cutting through hordes of weaklings. There are no weaklings to face in this fight.

So drag it out. Drag it out. Drag it out!

Consider this your first major test and challenge from yours truly. I want to see your characters pushed to their absolute limits in this fight and at most they should get one kill per post. So as I said... Drag it out!

And spoiler alert... We're going to lose in the end and be driven out of the Palace and our dear Princess is going to end up an orphan on the run (sorry @animegirl20). However we'll cross that bridge when we come to it at the end of the fight.

Until then it is wise to prepare yourself for what's to come, and if there's a specific enemy you want to have your character(s) face along the way then now's the time to call it here in the OOC as they're first come first served.

I will have Kyero handle at least one of the Taura, but if someone else wants to at least get a few shots in on the other then feel free to call it here because the other Taura will survive this to fight us again another day... Several times. He'll have a name and be one of the major recurring threats in this RP, so no killing him off!

Thank you!
I want to have these set up please.

Kalos - at least two fallen angels. They me be powerful, but so long as he can get his hands on a bow. (Which he will), he is beyond deadly.

Gayt - bring on all da orcs. Ill give 'em the thrashin that 'ey deserve for int'ruptin my challenge 'untin. Nobody crosses me path and lives when they mess with my hunt. (If someone else wishes to fight some orcs, go ahead, thats just Gayt's bravado talking.)

Esmera - titan. Be it man, beast, or god i shall let none harm my brother. Fear my strength!
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I have made a character and hope to be joining.

Beowulf said:
Jonan, never had to kill someone before. Time to throw plates and misc junk at them.
Also, I didn't think a heir to Manetheren would be so unassuming to throw anything less than the finest china at them.
[QUOTE="Ged Merrilin]I have made a character and hope to be joining.
Also, I didn't think a heir to Manetheren would be so unassuming to throw anything less than the finest china at them.

YES! Thank you!
I was going to get to that. Don't worry. I'm going to check the other alert that popped up with this one then get to it.
Beowulf said:
I was going to get to that. Don't worry. I'm going to check the other alert that popped up with this one then get to it.
all good friend. Just don't want that kind of drama going missed out on before the whole battle for the ages begins.
Alright, now time to bumble my way over there and scratch my head until a post of respectable length, three paragraphs I'm hoping for, comes up while I listen to my music.
Kiroshiven said:
I want to have these set up please.
Kalos - at least two fallen angels. They me be powerful, but so long as he can get his hands on a bow. (Which he will), he is beyond deadly.

Gayt - bring on all da orcs. Ill give 'em the thrashin that 'ey deserve for int'ruptin my challenge 'untin. Nobody crosses me path and lives when they mess with my hunt. (If someone else wishes to fight some orcs, go ahead, thats just Gayt's bravado talking.)

Esmera - titan. Be it man, beast, or god i shall let none harm my brother. Fear my strength!
[QUOTE="Ged Merrilin]I have made a character and hope to be joining.
Also, I didn't think a heir to Manetheren would be so unassuming to throw anything less than the finest china at them.

An interesting character to be sure. Do please find a pic for him when you can and let me know when it has been added. I will give the character a more thorough examination once it's 100% ready.
Okay then @Kiroshiven @Beowulf @animegirl20!

It's time!

I have just started working on the post that will change these character's lives forever. So buckle up and please be patient. I want to make sure this post is perfect, so it may take me anywhere from between 30 minutes to a few hours depending on various factors.

Kyero said:
Okay then @Kiroshiven @Beowulf @animegirl20!
It's time!

I have just started working on the post that will change these character's lives forever. So buckle up and please be patient. I want to make sure this post is perfect, so it may take me anywhere from between 30 minutes to a few hours depending on various factors.

good luck bro. I can't wait for all hell to break loose.
Kiroshiven said:
I'm still here. Just waiting for @animegirl20 or @Beowulf to post first. I was the post right before the epic situation started. Feels weird being the one right after it.
Perhaps. If you have a post in mind feel free to post it anyway. There is no set posting order so it's up to whoever decides to add to the situation first.
Beowulf said:
Busy day today, but I'll try to post.
I appreciate you taking your time to post, Beowulf. However, I have something I need to remind you of.

While technically speaking you didn't end your fight in a single blow, you did end it far too quickly.

Remember that every enemy your character faces is a trained combatant. They're not going to go down so quickly with a shoulder and a kick to the head. The human body is much more resilient than most people give it credit for and Hollywood hasn't helped much. A kick to the head is not likely to snap a grown man's neck, let alone if he's laying down and the muscles around the spine are flexed with him trying to get up.

So I must ask that when you have some free time you edit your fight and make it longer. None of these enemies are to go down as easily as a single blow no matter the circumstances. In your character's case knocking him down with a shoulder ram and then landing a single kick to the head is not going to cut it.

This is a requirement for everyone, even my character who's physically the most powerful of the bunch. He won't be able to kill any of his opponents in a single blow either be they human or the other Taura who's currently rushing him. Weapons or no, the fights must last.

Thank you!

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