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A Pact With The Most Wicked

Light black fabric moved like smoke over the dead land and ruins of the fallen kingdom, trailing after behind a figure covered dark veil. If not the scraping of the leather sandals, the figure would have moved over the ominous kingdom as if they were a banshee, searching and haunting all the while looming in the shadows. The dark fabric over the figure hid them well within the shadows with only the red light from the moon illuminating what danger hid in the dark.

The rumbling of a falling rock startled the cloaked intruder, holding what look to be a basket close to their torso. A whisper in the dark made the person turn to the other way. The person tensed up for a moment and scurried along as they knew of the dangers of this place. The tales of the creatures here and the possible threat meeting the most unfavorable sort in these eerie parts.

Still, despite the collapsing walls, there was still intrigue to this place. The figure stood before a solitary arch of what had been part of a castle. It stood proud and strong. It brought such wonder to this certain explorer who walked through the arch only for a piece of it fall behind their feet. A soft gasp escaped from the cautious explorer. Ah, so even this part of the kingdom will fall like the rest. A sad reminder of what was once was and no longer will be.

The explorer looked around and pulled out a piece of parchment from the basket. Wrapped fingers in dark fabric moved over the symbols and one was the stone of a statue of a proud eagle. Tapping on the symbol and looking around, there the eagle was on the floor of the ruin. The explorer moved towards it and tried to imagine of where it would be standing and where the head was pointing. They pointed west and went forward. The figure moved from landmark to landmark until the sight of the fallen walls and ceiling exposed a stairway down to a large open room.

Before fully entering the room, the explorer set down their basket and pulled out a lantern. The explorer spoke in soft whispers to the stone and set it in the lantern. The stone burned brightly and gave off fire. Holding out the lantern, the visitor walked into the large room and looked over the walls. Worn paintings and tapestries with morbid scenes, serving as a last warning to this visitor.

Finally, the explorer put the lantern to a wall at the end of the room. The air suddenly became thick with something. A cold chill ran down this visitor’s spine, but only hesitated for a moment as they reached out to touch the wall, covered in symbols. Yes, this was it. The behind this was what legends say hold great dark power.

It was time to get to work.

Setting down the lantern and basket before the stone wall, the visitor carefully lit five candles to ward off lesser dark entities. Setting them delicately before the wall, it was time to do the rest of the ritual.

With six bowls of ingredients, three on each side of the kneeling figure, the ritual started. Pulling off the fabric from the carefully wrapped hands, the delicate smooth tanned hands slipped into the white powder. A fist full of the powder poured over the floor, glistening under the light that the candles provided. Sweeping with dramatic strokes, the explorer drew an ancient symbol of dark entity that reside behind the wall. Putting their hands into another power of crushed bone of the dead, the blew the power over their hands onto the symbol. Then, the helmet of a fallen lich and the jewels from dark fae, blood of a wyvern and the eye of a witch were all carefully placed as symbols of different tales in honor of entity within the wall.

Finally, the explorer took a bowl of red sand. Getting a fist full, they threw the sand over the symbol and let the sand fall read over white power, turning it red like the sky. Stepping past the symbol and taking the bowl of red sand, the explorers whispers ancient dark text. One spoken line to the next made each candle extinguish. The explorer moved about the room almost in a dance, spreading the red sand and making a crimson mist within the room. Each sway of the figure made it seem they were almost blending into the mist as between the folds of the black fabric was a brilliant rose colored fabric. Finally, reaching the wall, they bowed to it and spoke the last line that would make the last candle extinguish.

“I summon the one who is darkness and sleeps in its empty voids. The one who has more power over night and controls the nightmares of all. The one who seeks the blood of others and finds glory in death.” Standing up, the figure pull off the cloak revealing the brilliant rose fabric lined with golden symbols around the form of the woman. The long skirt showing the pride of her clan; the golden embroidery shimmering in what little light there was from the lantern. The woman’s dark wavy hair was partly with gold and red jewels, outwardly showing her wealth, pride and confidence. The band around her waist and the shawl draped over her shoulder showing she was high standing. She pulled out a decorative dagger as if further mock the one she was summoning and held it firmly, “I, Eravati of the Mazurek call upon you to make a pact with Aedan. The forever great ruler of this great, but forgotten Kingdom of Knightadale.
The howling of the black void whisked around Aedan in a never-ending cycle. The chains of Light that had been placed upon him gripped his wrists, ankles, and waist in a stubborn vice, refusing to let go. Aurora had sentenced him to eternity in submission, placing him forward with his knees to his chest and his arms outstretched onto the floor. Forever bowing. Open wounds from his previous battle burned his skin, as if he had been afflicted only moments ago. A glowing ward pulsed around him, forever blockading the darkness he might absorb to heal, or escape.

Such things were made to break the mind of a human, or other lesser being. Aedan was beyond such novice forms of torture. He had been in chains and seclusion for centuries, though, he had only actually experienced his current state for brief moments every few years. Meditation was his secret.

For centuries Aedan had meditated. Relived those parts of his life from a wiser, more experienced, perspective. This time in seclusion had, in truth, been one of the more enjoyable experiences of his immortal life. But alas, he was beginning to replay sections of his life he had already mulled over hundreds of times. He had, in his mind, corrected every mishap and decision in ignorance he had made during his time of rule. One day of his life, however, was the most exciting he had experienced thus far.

The day he fell to the other affinities, and lost his freedom……

Aedan sat perfectly perpendicular atop his throne in Knightadale. Eyes gazing menacingly in thought. They were here, at his borders, and they were ready for war.

The doors of the throne room burst open and three humans, adorned in black robes, threw themselves upon the floor in front of Aedan. “Sire!” The cultist in the middle exclaimed. “Forgive our grievous and abrupt entrance into your chambers..”

“Speak. Now.” Aedan interrupted.

“Yes my Lord, a massive force…” The cultist paused in thought. “Nay. An Army! Has amassed outside our gates!”

“And the Darkspawn say they have five Affinities here for support.” Another cultist added.

As if on que, a blinding beam of light tore across the castle ceiling, tearing open the masonry and exposing the afternoon sky. The cultists covered their heads and ducked in fear, as Aedan laughed at their cowardice.

“Get up you pathetic mongrels!” Aedan ordered. “Their arrival has done nothing but…accelerate our plans.” Aedan took a second to consider his next move, then rose from his throne. “Wait here, I’ve got an army to slaughter.”

No sooner had Aedan finished that sentence, than did he appear before the army that stood at his gates. In unison, the first ranks of the human army gasped and took a step back, raising their shields and weapons. Aedan erupted in a menacing laugh. “Truly! Only humans could make an army of such numbers appear weak and inferior.”

As reported, five Affinities appeared before him. Some strode up to him, others appeared from an ethereal form. Aedan recognized each of them instantly:

Aurora, a proclaimed Warrior and Guardian of the Light. She adorned a solid and charismatic suit of armor, exclaiming many symbols and jewels. Her great sword stood taller than the tallest human and shined bright with glory. Her armor and weapon had been tempered and enchanted at the Forge of Lights. Her golden blonde hair fell perfectly over her left shoulder, as her sapphire eyes glared into his dark soul. She was the one who, undoubtedly, fired the beam of Light at his castle.

Aaron, a Speaker for the Light. Supposedly, one who could interpret the Light and control Its properties. Unlike Aurora, Aaron chose a more humble appearance. A robe with many inscriptions and a katana made of Barklight, a rare tree found only in the realm of Light. He too had blonde hair and blue eyes, that give off more of a concerned appearance rather than one of anger.

Asha, Affinity of Peace. Her features spoke to more of a wise, compassionate entity. Her almond hair was adjoined by silver streaks which spoke to her age. A sleeveless gown made of many of Earth’s flora covered her. A long bow, pulsing with life, sat sheathed across her back.

Allesian, Affinity of the Arcane. Known to be the keeper of all magical knowledge on the planet and, to some extent, believed to know even Dark magic. If the latter was to be believed at all, Allesian would’ve had to stain his own soul with Darkness to perform it’s rituals. Which means his presence here was for much more than just Aedan’s destruction. In his ethereal form, it was hard to make out his exact features. But from previous encounters, Aedan knew he was the oldest of them all. A thick white mustache fell to join an even thicker, longer beard.

Alexander, the Keeper of Balance. He stood at 7 feet, bald and bare-chested, with slacks and sandals as his only clothing. He was armed with no weapons, but was proficient with every major form of martial arts known to man, and some known only by the god’s. Alexander’s presence was most curious indeed. Typically, affinities of balance and neutrality refrained from taking sides. On one occasion, Aedan had even held a cordial conversation with Alexander.

“So!” Aedan exclaimed, breaking the silence. He turned and extended his right arm to Knightadale, presenting it. “Like what I’ve done with the place?” Neither of the Affinities responded, except Aurora, whose face began to twist in anger. Aedan decided to continue pushing buttons. “Yes yes, I know,” Aedan continued putting up his hands in mocking apology. “The red sky is quite the eye sore, but, what can a King do? The humans do, in fact, bleed excessively.”

Breaking Aedan’s monologue, Aurora spoke up. “Your days of rule, or of even living, is nearing an end, demon.” She strode close to Aedan, so that their faces were nearly touching. “You are hopelessly out matched. Today, you WILL pay for your many atrocities.”

Aedan chuckled and leaned closer to her, eyes glaring into hers. “You seem quite confident about that.” He replied. A few seconds of silence passed before Aedan spoke again. “But, such displays of confidence fall short, when you require the aid from four other immortals and an army of bottom feeders.” Aedan formed a condescending grin as Aurora began to seethe in anger. “It will devastate your human masters that much more, Aurora, after all of you die. Here. Today. By my very hand.”

“No one has to die here today, Aedan.” Asha said matter-of-factly. Interrupting the exchange. “You and your dark creations have marched across this world. Countless innocent victims you have claimed during your onslaught.”

Aedan began pacing back and forth, nodding and agreeing with Asha’s words, as if listening to a Bard’s tale.

“Indeed, you have much to answer for.” Asha continued. “Your greatest sin lies as a testament, directly behind you. Aedan, look at me.” Asha said, remaining in place. As Aedan’s eyes met hers, she spoke again. “The time for bloodshed had ended. Let today mark, not another bloody day, but a day of forgiveness. And peace.”

Suddenly, a male human broke from the ranks of his company. “Ugh, enough! All you Affinities do is talk in endless babble. You!” the human exclaimed, pointing at Aedan with his sword. “Today, YOU die with….” Before he could finish, the man gripped his throat and began choking. Blood poured out of his mouth, then erupted, before he collapsed onto the ground.

Aedan let his hand fall back by his side, as he strode to the corpse, examining his work. “Let this be a warning, to all of you pathetic weaklings, to the repercussions of speaking out of turn. You are in the presence of gods, and you will act accordingly.”

“Then allow me to take my turn, demon.” Said another human male, stepping forward between the other Affinities. This one older in appearance. Aedan slowly strode toward the man, with full intention of killing him, until he spoke again. “I am General Nassar, Commander of the forces you see before you.”

Aedan couldn’t hold back a laugh at the man’s arrogance. “Really?” Aedan said, dumbfounded at the situation. “A General, no less, has decided to make himself known, and exposed, to the enemy.” Aedan chuckled. “I will give you human’s one thing, I never have the same experience twice.”

“We give you two options, Aedan.” The General said, ignoring his monologue. “One: You, and whatever forces you have behind those gates, disarm and surrender. Any human servants you house will be judged by us. You, however, will be granted a trial by your peers. The Affinities you see before you.”

Aedan nodded in mocked snickering. “Well played, General.” Aedan interrupted, examining the Army before him. “You acknowledge that my being tried by humans would be an insult to my name, so you thought adding that little nugget to this…” Aedan paused in pretend thought. “What is this supposed to be again? Ah yes, a negotiation. You thought that would give you better odds of me standing down without obliterating your Army here today.” Aedan laughed and nodded. “Got it, and what, my fair General, might my second option be?”

“You will die.” The General replied, without pause. “And from this day forth the very mention of your name will be punishable by death. Every record of your existence and….accomplishments. Will be stricken from every historical text and scroll. You will be forgotten.”

Aedan glanced at the other Affinities. He could tell they were already prepped for a violent response. Indeed, Aedan found this man’s arrogance offensive, but also highly amusing. “Interesting options, General, but allow me to give you two options of my own!” With the snap of his fingers, 10,000 snarling Darkspawn filled the battlespace behind him. The soldiers and Affinities drew their weapons, and prepared for battle. “You see, I’ve had centuries to build this Army.” Aedan snapped his fingers again, and 10,000 more Darkspawn appeared. “I would have marched upon your capitals and burned your villages, destroying all your Armies along the way.” Aedan continued snapping his fingers, and more and more Darkspawn appeared. When the ground was filled, Darkspawn with wings began filling the skies. 20,000 / 50,000/ 100,000 / 500,000. The numbers never seemed to stop growing. “But now, General, you have brought all of your Armies to me, so that I may end all of it. Right here.” Finally, it seemed Aedan had finally finished summoning his Army. He strode towards the General and the Affinities. “Like you, General, I can be diplomatic. Here are YOUR two options. One: You, the Affinities, and your Army shall kneel before me, now, and pledge utter fealty to me. Under my complete control, all of you will march across the world and cut down all who would oppose me, without prejudice.” Before Aedan spoke again, his eyes began burning red. The Darkness in his soul began to surround him, forming into a menacing suit of armor with an evil and intimidating head piece. His voice shifted to a demonic guttural, that spoke in harsh tongues. “And here is your second option, human!” With a flick of his wrists, dark chains sprang from the ground and wrapped themselves around the General’s head and ankles, elevating him to the sky for all to see. “You will all die a bloody and painful death, here, today. All historical records will speak only of the foolish and cowardly General that died with dishonor before his men even raised their swords against me. Now. General. What is your decision?”

The Darkspawn behind Aedan roared in laughter and excitement. The feast of flesh that stood before them was almost too tempting to resist. Their barks and snarling struck fear into the hearts of the soldiers.

Aurora took steps towards Aedan and took up a striking stance, her great sword beaming in anticipation. “Release him! Now! You may think those drooling abominations make up a great Army, but I can incinerate thousands of them at a time, with only a swing from my sword!”

“Yes!” Aedan replied in excitement. “And I hope you do, giving me plenty of free reign to slaughter your human masters.”

Aurora growled and screamed in anger. “I said release him! NOW!”

“Very well!” Aedan replied in equal volume, their verbal fight echoing through the area. “Chains of Darkness! Release the General…” Aedan looked down at Aurora, his face twisting into a malicious grin. “..from this life.”

In a rapid motion, the chains ripped the Generals body into two halves, spilling intestines, blood, and bones upon the ground. As if on que, the Darkspawn charged past Aedan and began assaulting the human Army. A Great Axe appeared in Aedan’s hands, tempered with Black Steel in the Dark Armory. With an opening shout, Aedan smashed the ground with his axe. Sending a shockwave before him, catching the Affinities off guard, and sending them reeling backwards. Except Aurora, who engaged Aedan immediately.

Wings extended on either side of Aurora, and her sapphire eyes had shifted to pure Light energy, spilling out of the sockets. With strength, experience, and hate on both sides. Aedan and Aurora fought, interlocked, with no progress on either side. Aurora struck, and Aedan parried. Aedan countered, and Aurora dodged. Each missed strike sending shockwaves of energy in all directions. Killing Darkspawn and humans, or destroying city walls. Finally, Aaron, the Light speaker, showed up to Aurora’s aid.

Aedan glanced at the warring Armies, and saw the Asha, Alexander, and Allesian were aiding the hopelessly outmatched human force. Aurora and Aaron now stood before him. “Come then, creatures of the Light.” Aedan said in a demonic guttural. He stood upright and pointed his axe towards them in defiance. “Let us end this, once and for all!” Several black longswords appeared around Aedan, and shot out like missiles towards the affinities.

Aaron sprung to action, opened his palm, and fired spheres of pure light towards the swords. Five of his seven shots found their mark, while the other two raced towards him. Aaron, stepped back to defend himself, but Aurora stepped in front of him. Deflecting the remaining two swords with ease.

Aedan clenched his axe in anger, and vaulted towards the two affinities, rapidly following the failure of his sword attack. His landing shook the earth around him, cracking the stone and creating a crater on his point of impact.

Aurora and Aaron dodged this as well, however, by taking flight milliseconds before the impact.

Now on Aedan’s left and right, Aurora and Aaron attacked simultaneously. Aaron called down fragments of the stars that rained down on Aedan like meteors, the size of church bells. The burning star fragments pelted Aedan on all sides.

Aedan focused on one falling star, prepared himself, and swung with all his might at a fragment that fell between him and Aaron. Aedan’s axe hit the meteor directly at it’s center, and it was sent in a blur towards Aaron, who didn’t have time to react.

The star hit Aaron, and sent him tumbling into the sky.

Before Aedan could react, three rapid strikes hit his back sending him falling forward. Aedan rolled with the blows, and turned to see Aurora in a white-hot in fury. She struck hard and fast, breaking through Aedan’s dodges and parries putting him on the defensive. Each strike seemed harder than the last, and Aedan began to burn the rage. With a shout, he swung his axe left and right with all his strength. Aurora dodged each one, and countered with strikes that were finding their mark. In a blossoming rage, Aedan dropped his axe and grabbed Aurora’s arm. The sudden action from Aedan took her off guard as he swung her around his head and threw her into the nearby cliff. The momentum broke the stone around Aurora, causing a deadly cliff-side collapse that send boulders tumbling into the warring armies. Dark energy surrounded Aedan as he summoned a giant flail, directly from his armory. Aurora fell from the cliff, leaving an outline of her body in the stone. Building momentum, Aedan swung the flail around his head one time, and sent it towards Aurora, ready to finish her off.

Before finding its target, the flail hit a magical shield that deflected the attacked. Aedan turned to see that Allesian had broken away from his fight to summon the shield. Aedan roared at the winged Darkspawn, and motioned toward Allesian. Hundreds of thousands of Darkspawn swarmed Allesian like ants. His arcane knowledge killed thousands before they reached him, but there were too many. Allesian disappeared under a sea of Darkspawn. Aedan belted a maniacal laugh, before turning to finish off the weakened Aurora.

Suddenly, a glimmer of Light in the sky caught Aedan’s attention. He had no time to react as Aaron fell upon him in a blur of Light energy, and struck the ground by Aedan.

The attack was devastating. Destroying 50% of Knightadale’s walls and sending Aedan tumbling across the ground. After finally skidding to a halt, Aedan stood to find he was now several hundred meters away from all the fighting.

Aaron brought Aurora up to her feet, and together they took to the skies after Aedan to expound upon their attack.

In a show of pure strength, Aedan screamed and launched the Flail at Aurora, who barreled out of the way. The flail continued through the sky and crushed a formation of humans upon its landing. Aedan growled, and once Aurora was close enough to the ground, he summoned Chains of Darkness from the earth to ground her.

Aurora spun forward and dodged the first couple chains, but Aedan had summoned many more. Chains wrapped themselves all over Aurora’s body and brought her violently to the ground.

Aaron shot forward, with all of his strength, and struck Aedan with his Katana.

But Aedan’s rage had reached levels of great danger. In a swift motion, Aedan grabbed Aaron’s katana, mid swing, and used it instead to strike Aaron to the ground. With the heel of his armored foot, Aedan snapped the Katana in two. Aedan grabbed Aaron and began a series of brutal and surgical strikes, with his fists, into Aarons mid-section. Aedan followed up with an elbow to the stomach and a knee to the face.

Aaron collapsed backwards, and fell into the dusty earth.

“Aaron!” Aurora exclaimed, struggling with the chains.

With a grin, Aedan grabbed Aarons neck with his left hand and raised him to the sky. With his right, Aedan summoned the Black Iron, two-handed axe.

“No!” Aurora cried out.

Aedan shot a glance at Aurora, and gleamed. “Yes.” Aedan coldly replied. Aedan tossed Aaron into the air, grabbed the axe, twirled in one counter-clockwise rotation, and struck Aaron with all of his strength.

Aaron was sent through the skies, Light pouring out of him like blood, and landed near the human army that was still engaged with Darkspawn.

The humans looked upon Aaron in horror, as the life left his body. Glancing up, they saw Aedan standing and Aurora bound in chains. “Your end draws near, humans!” Aedan announced. “Your death will be long and painful!”

“Retreat!” A handful of humans screamed. A portion of the human army broke off and ran in all directions.

“And now I finish you.” Aedan said turning to Aurora as she struggled in futility against the chains. Aedan summoned a longsword over Aurora’s neck and paused with blade touching her skin. “Beg for your life, and I may yet spare you.”

Aurora tilted her head back and spat in his direction. “I would sooner bed with one of your Darkspawn, than submit to you.”

Aedan erupted in laughter at her defiance. “I admire your stubbornness, Aurora. But today it has ended your life.” Aedan brought his hand to bear and was about to bring it down when a series of blows to his back knocked him forward. Aedan whirled around to see Asha standing at a distance, bow in hand. “Ah, Asha!” Aedan exclaimed. “I was wondering when you would show up to fight.”

Asha dropped her bow and gazed into Aedan’s soul. “I’m not going to fight you, Aedan.” She said, awaiting his response.

“Hmm.” Aedan replied in surprise. “Very well then.” Aedan summoned two Chains of Darkness that wrapped around Asha’s neck. The chains squeezed her throat and dragged her to the ground.

“Asha!” Aurora wailed. “Fight back! What are you doing?!”

Aedan laughed as the two affinities struggled helplessly around him. “Even together, you stood no match for my strength.” Aedan growled. “I offered you servitude, and you declined. Now you will pay the price for your arrogance.”

“Aedan.” Asha rasped, the chains choking her. “For centuries, I have lifted the Darkness out of the hearts of humans. Those who come to me seeking peace, have always received it.”

Aedan chuckled. “Fear not, Asha. I will give these humans peace. Peace of mind, knowing that if they serve me without fail, the lives of their families and themselves will be spared. They will have only one purpose in life. Serve me, or die trying.”

Asha gulped, sucking in what air she could. “I see…..your Darkness. Aedan.” Asha’s eyes began to bulge as the chains further constricted around her. “Allow me….to…free you…of it…”

Aedan reeled back as an indescribable pain struck his mind. He dropped his weapon and fell backwards onto the ground. “Gahh!” Aedan shouted. “What are you doing!?”

“Cleansing….your…soul..” Asha replied.

Aedan writhed on the ground as his life force drained from him. Aedan sat up, and constricted the chains around Asha’s neck to lethal levels. But Asha held firm. Her body began to shake from the pressure, but she did not stop.

Finally, the chains fell from Asha’s neck and the chains that held Aurora, also fell away. Aurora crawled to Asha, not having the strength to stand. Aedan desperately summoned every piece of weaponry he had access to, and sent them flying wildly toward Asha. With Asha in danger, Aurora rose to her feet, and deflected the weapons with her sword. The sounds of war were still echoing in the distance as Asha continued to drain the Darkness from Aedan.

Asha gripped her head as Aedan’s Darkness began to bear down on her. She fell to one knee, and continued channeling. “My darkness.” Aedan said with a shaken voice. “Is too much for you.” Asha screamed as horrifying images from Aedan’s onslaughts played out in her mind. The dungeons of torture, the horrifying creations, and the countless people murdered. Tears streamed down Asha’s face, but she continued pressing. The Darkness began seeping out Asha’s eyes, nose, ears, and mouth. The sheer volume was overtaking her.

“Asha.” Aurora said, holding her. “You need to stop. This is killing you.”

“It’s necessary.” Asha replied, voice breaking from the pain. “There is no other way.”

Over an hour passed and, finally, Aurora noticed the dark energy surrounding Aedan fall away, revealing his exposed torso. Aurora grabbed her sword, walked to Aedan, and in one clean swing, sliced a clean cut from his naval to his upper-torso. She pulled Aedan upright, turned him facing away from her, and tore an equally long and deep cut along his spine. He dropped onto the ground, the Light searing his skin. Aurora looked back to Asha and cried out when she saw her lying in a pool a Dark energy. Aurora ran to her, Dark energy still oozing out of her. Aurora covered Asha in a blanket of Light and began reciting a resurrection, but the Light refused. Asha’s body had been forever tainted. She had given the ultimate sacrifice.

Righteous fury overcame Aurora as she glanced back towards Aedan, who was lying where she had left him. Storming over, she grabbed Aedan by his hair and pulled him to his feet. The life was leaving his eyes as well. “No.” she said, “A death this quick is a mercy, which you don’t deserve.”

Aurora’s eyes lit up as Alexander approached them, his body covered in dark blood. “The battle has been won then?” Aurora inquired, eyes searching Alexander’s in anticipation.

Alexander glanced down Aedan, and then to Asha. “The remaining Darkspawn broke ranks and fled in all directions. You, I, and a handful of humans remain. Allesian fell to the Darkspawn.” Alexander paused, as if calculating the situation. “Aedan Darksorrow is defeated, so I believe the lives were not lost in vain.”

“Even one life.” Aurora said, standing to face Alexander, eyes glaring in anger. “Is too much of a payment for this abomination.” Aurora teleported the three of them down into the darkest corner of Knightadale castle. “And death, Aurora continued, is too sweet a punishment for his sins.”

Aedan felt Aurora throw him forward onto the floor. “I bind you for eternity, in the position you now rest!” Aurora shouted. Chains of Light gripped his ankles, waist, and wrists. “A ward shall be placed around you, to prevent Darkness from reaching you!” Aurora continued. A bright sphere appeared and pulsed around Aedan.

“And I,” Alexander began, stepping forward. “Hereby lock you in time. Wounds never healing, strength never to return, and death never to reach you….”

A tug snapped Aedan out of his meditation. The dark void howled around him, in its constant black and grey motions. A tug, again, at his mind. Whispers of a voice unknown. Aedan shifted and winced at the wound that still seared his flesh. A voice became clearer in his head. It was a female.

“I summon the one that is darkness, and sleeps in empty voids…”

At that, Aedan’s body was let free from the chains that bound him.

“The one that has more power over night, and controls the nightmares of all…”

The ward that had imprisoned him for centuries flickered and faded from view. For the first time in ages, Aedan stood upright. His body screaming in protest.

“I, Eravati of the Mazurek call upon you to make a pact with Aedan. The forever great ruler of this great, but forgotten Kingdom of Knightadale.

A gaping chasm opened in the void and a great wind began pulling him in. The name Eravati of Mazurek was simultaneously being burned into his mind.

He was being summoned.

A faint light appeared at the end of the gaping chasm, an opening. Aedan lurched forward and, within seconds, was spat out into a room he had once known.

Aedan slowly rose to his feet and assessed his immediate situation. There was no mistaking it. He was free. Again he could feel the Darkness, and it was calling to him. Aedan began absorbing that Darkness that immediately surrounded him. He looked down upon his bare chest to see the gaping, festering, wound that Aurora inflicted, finally stitching itself together. As the Darkness filled him once again, Aedan slowly glared at the female that had summoned him. A quick glance made her nobility obvious. A girl of status and fortune. Also, a girl of ignorance and naivety. She held her dagger nervously, as if it was the first weapon she had wielded.

“You summoned me human, without binding.” Aedan said breaking the silence, his voice still rasping from recovery. “You are either mad, or foolish.” Aedan winced as the tear on his back began grafting itself back together. “My intrigue is the only reason you are still breathing. I suggest you speak.”
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Narrowing her eyes in the dark, seeing the dark form of a man coming forth through a void and seeing him rising in the dark. Her heart beat erratically in her chest. She had done it! She had found him! This journey, the tribulations, the tasks, and the deals were not all for naught. He was here before her. An entity of power that could show that she was ready to take back the honor of her family. Joy filled her that she to resist smiling. No, not yet. She would not be able to relish in her success just yet. Despite everything, she had one more vital task to do. She had to make Aedan submit and considering his first choice of words, it will not be an easy task.

Eravati looked over the dagger in her hand. Her finger trailed over the blade for a moment, “You heard me, did you not? I wish to make a pact with you so you will be my strength, power and shield.” She moved away from him towards the walls of the building. As she moved around, her clothing rustled and jewelry jingled as she moved about along with the sound of pebbles hitting the ground . Her hand holding the blade, twisting the hands in her hands. Her eyes over the art over the walls, “It was not easy to find you so do not think what I am proposing is some sort of game. The myths about you are most lost so finding how to summon you was not an easy task and finding you?...That was much harder.” She moved over to the other side and looked over that wall with the sounds of her dress and more still following, “I could just take your heart and force you to follow me, but holding such resent against me would be tiring, no?”

She stopped suddenly and spoke loudly, saying a foreign word. In an instant, the pebbles she had dropped on the ground lit up with a brilliant light. The light settled and illuminated the murals and tapestries along the walls of Aedan’s tales. But the stones held not just ordinary light, but magic that will keep the darkness and its evil away.

“I am not here to change you. I am not here to follow you either. However, I offer you a bit of freedom. I can always put you back where you belong.” The young woman moved in front of him as a small smile graced her lips, “Will you can take this offer? Will give a piece of yourself to me?” Her eyes looked up into his, clear and confident. She pointed the tip of her dagger to his chest with a loose grip and shook her head, her lips pressing firmly together, “Well, there is a risk I am taking...In addition, the great and powerful Aedan would never lower himself to such a state. Maybe this wasn’t worth it at all...Maybe I should try to find one of the others...The other five that defeated you.” She shook her head and reached over her head to pull something from the decorations from her head, “Who were the ones were left...They are foreign names to me. Some of them are still out there unbound?…” Her voice light and soft as if she was talking to anyone else and not some dark lord who would sooner kill her. Her eyes trailing off as she stepped back from him with the dagger in thought. Then they settled on the wall that held him captive.
The female walked about the room, Aedan took note of the manner in which her clothing clattered. Jewels and rare gems adorned her scalp, parting the dark hair that fell past her shoulders, a glossy golden shawl covered her right shoulder and fell close to her right elbow. This Eravati was a woman of great wealth, and privilege. She spoke of him as myths and lost stories, in a passive manner which Aedan found quite offensive. That is when Aedan noticed the summoning tools laid out upon the floor. A Lich’s helmet, Wyvern blood; this female had truly gone through great lengths to get to him, because she had most certainly not retrieved these herself.

Eravati brought herself before Aedan who stood over half a foot taller. Her lips formed a smile as she pressed the tip of her dagger upon his chest. She threatened a spell which would send him back from whence he came, a statement so arrogant Aedan couldn’t help but start to like this female. Still, as amusing as her threats were, Aedan found the manner in which she spoke to him unacceptable. It seemed General Nassar’s threat had come true. Stories of his conquests had been reduced to myths and children’s tales. Although, it would have been Aurora or Alexander that actually enforced such a cover up in history, with the help of a human official.

Eravati began speaking of the other five Affinities that had defeated him. Aedan’s eyes narrowed, and his outwardly calm and lackluster demeanor turned to anger.

“Who were the ones were left...They are foreign names to me. Some of them are still out there unbound?…”

Aedan stepped closer to Everati, so that the dagger would feel as though it would penetrate his chest. He softly took hold and examined the masterfully crafted golden earrings which fell past the front of her shoulders. Emeralds adorned the five corners of a symbol he did not recognize. “Such beauty and status…” Aedan said, breaking his silence. Aedan ran his fingers along the crease in her hair, feeling the amount of detail and effort she put into her appearance. “Certainly, all of your life people hath shown you respect. I can see how you have been adored, and coveted.”

Burning red ovals took the place of Aedan’s eyes. With a flick of his wrist, the dagger ripped itself out of Eravati’s hands and impaled into the wall left of Aedan. He firmly gripped the earrings that he had been observing, a pulled down on them just hard enough to cause pain and no damage. With a deep and harsh guttural, Aedan continued speaking. “Now it is time for YOU to respect AND adore. I am more than mere tales and myths! I am a god among you humans! Who once held your fate in my hands!” Aedan released his grip on her earrings, grabbed her neck, and put her against the wall. “You wish to know of the Affinities who yet survive? TWO of the five remain. I was defeated ONLY as a result of a sacrifice made by Asha, Affinity of Peace.” Aedan began laughing as he remembered the encounter. “I was untouched by conventional means of fighting, only by giving their lives were they able to bring me down.”

Aedan released Eravati, who dropped to the ground breathing heavily. The burning red eyes faded away and his voice returned to normal. Aedan lowered to a crouch and lifted Eravati’s chin so that their eyes met again. “But, Asha is now long dead and I am free.” Aedan’s face twisted into a smile. He stood and strode back to the center of the room. “Eravati, your actions here today will undoubtedly cause you great trouble, should your human masters learn what you’ve done.” In spite of everything, Aedan still couldn’t help but be fascinated by this female. “Tell me of your desires, and of the dreams you hold.”

The word echoed in her mind, as she sat against the wall. Her hand covering her ear, feeling the warmth on her earlobe. She looked down, trying to settle her nerves. No, she could not fall prey to him! Not yet, she had to do this! She had not done all she had to fail now. She must win this fight. It didn’t matter that she lost the dagger. No, she still had the upper hand. Things were going her way as he took interest in her rather traditional formal gown just as she had hoped. She did not dress like this on a whim. The formal dress had symbols that he would have no recollection of and was a stepping stone to learning more about the new world that awaited him.

She thumbed the symbol of her earring lightly, tracing over the new symbol of the Vrutish Empire. Each stone pertaining to the treasure that each clan held and also reminding her of what must be done here. There was an honor she had to reclaim. No more fear. No regrets. No turning back now. She will have Aedan as her guardian! She moved her hands behind her and pushed away from the wall. She must make this count.


There was no hesitation. She did not raise her voice nor move towards the dagger. Her eyes were sincere and she stood calmly. A hint of her smile on her face appeared as she spoke again, “Your desires and dreams are much more important. What if I say that I can make sure you are respected and adored by all. In fact..." There a hint of mirth in her voice as she paused, looking away for a moment. Her light brown eyes meeting his again. She words she spoke next were carefully and slowly said, "I guarantee a whole Empire will bowing down to you.” She paused for a moment to let him picture it, “This time they will remember your name. Your talents and feats never be buried in a rumble like this.” She waved towards the room they stood there, glancing over the sad state of the place, “Decaying and rotting...No, your image will be among jewels and gold. Your tales always to be told as people are in awe of your power.” She looked towards him, “A grand empire…” She frowned and shook her head lightly, “Do you plan to stay in this fallen kingdom? This is not a place for you to restore your glory. Creatures of the dark do not rule here. They cower.” That small smile appeared on her lips again, “I can help you, but only if you make the pact with me. Only then I can I appreciate your power for as much as you have claimed to have destroyed most of enemies...They still live.”

Eravati waved her hands from herself towards him, bringing attention to her dress, “Don’t you see? The world has changed. Light and hope had filled the world at your defeat. Peace came to many lands. Humans now embrace the arcane and respect the balance between this world and one of that holds wonders of magic. They are here...Maybe not the same as you remember, but the world has changed. This has brought them back and they are not alone. They stand among others who are rumored to be just as powerful or even more.” She shook her head at him, “You are not a threat to them….” She looked away for a moment, staring down in thought,“Something else is.”

Eravait walked towards Aedan, stopping an arm stretch away and looking straight up at him. Her voice firm and the smile gone, “So...my offer still stands. No one else will come. I am only one who truly remembers.”
Aedan weighed out the value of Eravati’s words over just killing her now. One thing was apparent, the world had changed over the last few centuries. Aedan grabbed Eravati’s dress and glared intently over the symbols that adorned it. He compared the symbols to all of the many languages he had encountered thus far, and couldn’t interpret their meaning. It was a new language unknown to him. Frustrated, Aedan relinquished his grip on her gown and turned away to consider his situation.

If the world had indeed achieved peace by Light, then it stands to reason that his once unbreakable power and limitless access to Darkness would be compromised. As such, another run in with an Affinity like Aurora would not weigh in his favor, especially if there was now more of her. Aedan turned and bore his eye’s into Eravati’s, reading her soul. It was disgustingly pure and clean, yet Aedan detected a slight blemish amongst it.

Aedan was no fool. If the world had achieved such strength in Light, why did this female pursue a pact with an Affinity of Darkness when the odds were most certainly not in his favor? She had a motivation that was hers alone and she was reluctant to share it.

Aedan turned his back to Eravati and grinned. He would find out what it was she pursued, and use it against her when the opportunity presented itself. A pact, yes. Perhaps playing along with this humans request would give him the information he needed to start building his empire once again. She was with an influential clan, or family, that was well connected in the world. He would use that to begin gathering intelligence on humanities major powers, along with the locations of the other Affinities.

Aedan turned and looked upon Eravati with a faint smile. “Only one other human in history has made a pact with me, and I alone hold knowledge of the process.” He strode towards her, gently grabbed her wrists, and exposed her palms. Her hands were fair, without tarnish. She was soft, inexperienced, and in way over her head. Aedan laughed and stepped back to the center of the room. “You claim to want this pact with an Affinity of Darkness.” Aedan took a deep breath, his eyes took the form of red coals and his voice shifted to a demonic guttural as he began speaking a dead language, that only he knew, to open a door that only he had access to. The words translated to:

“In this Realm of Darkness where creatures of black roam, a room stands resilient, to honor a demon’s home.

With the voice of its creator and the Darkness in his soul, may its door be unlocked, and may his weapons make him whole.”

Reality seemed to shimmer as a door ripped an opening in the air. On the other side, endless darkness and the howling of dark creatures echoed through the room. Aedan turned to Eravati and, with a cold smile, said, “The door will remain open for a few more seconds. If it is a bond with me you desire, then I shall see you shortly.”

Aedan stepped through the dark portal and found himself surrounded by a sight he had long missed. The Dark Armory. His personal creation to house all of his dark weapons. The room was massive, and every possible weapon known to mankind, and some unknown, stood displayed on shelves made of Black Iron. Each individual weapon held a piece of his soul, which gave them unique supernatural abilities.

Aedan turned back towards the door he had opened and waited, curiously, to see if the human female indeed had the stomach to step into the dark unknown.
Her fingers gripped onto her gown, taking a deep breath. The portal before her was beckoning yet frightening. With a deep breath inhale, the young woman steeled her nerves and dashed forward into the portal into the dark abyss.

The light ringing of her jewels echoed about the room when she entered into the armory. The young woman entered with such tension, but that was all lost at the sight that was before her. As her eyes roamed over the weapons put on display, curiosity pulling down towards the massive room. Is this why he had assessed her hands before? Was he trying to see which weapon of his that she could hold? Well, Eravati was no warrior and she was sure Aedan was well aware of that.

“This past person who formed a pact with you...I do not recall anyone from tales I managed to hear about you.” She had hoped he tell her what she must do for this pact to be done or at least tell her the fact of this person. Yet, she had a feeling he would relish in telling such a story. She was certain that it had a sad ending.

She stopped suddenly when she saw a board sword. She stared it over with a small sense of familiarity, “The Champion of Yaris’s blade...You defeated him, took his sword and corrupted it. Tainting it with the blood of those he swore to protect. There others weapons here…I feel I recognized, but others I do not.” Her eyes went to another sword one she heard he used to slay grand spirit of a forest. Another being a staff of a wizard who tried to cleanse the land and then the spear Aedan’s had plunged into the eye of another affinity of a mountain.

She walked a bit after, searching. Where was it? Where was the weapons he used to kill those that succeed in slaying them. In the legends that she found, his weapons after the battle were not spoke of and many assume they disappeared along with him. Yet, another question came to mind...He had all these weapons and yet only used that battle-axe and chain to fight his five nemesis?
Before Eravati fully materialized into the armory, Aedan turned his back and continued pacing down the corridor. Foolish or desperate. These were the two words Aedan concluded held true regarding this mysterious female. Aedan glanced back to see Eravati staring in awe at his collection of dark weapons. A slight gasp escaped her throat as she ran cheerfully to a broad sword positioned upright alongside others, an eerie red glow pulsing from the blade. To his bewilderment, Eravati actually recited the name of the weapon as well as the history behind it. She proceeded to speak the stories to more of his weapons, darting to and from the armory to get a closer look at each one. This female was no fool.

Desperation then. Following his imprisonment, Aedan was certain Aurora the Light Whore did everything she could to seal or burn any manner of historical documentation that even referenced his name. How then was this female so enlightened in matters of Dark Affinities and weaponry?

“This past person who formed a pact with you...I do not recall anyone from tales I managed to hear about you.”

A quick smile parted the corners of Aedan’s mouth as Eravati continued browsing his collection. He would be most impressed if she had somehow learned of that human and their pact, for it was never known to anyone outside of themselves. “That is because it was held in confidence, and the human took it to his grave.” Aedan continued observing Eravati as she made her way to an empty pedestal in the center of the room, staring as if she had been expecting something that wasn’t there. With all of her knowledge of these lesser weapons, she would certainly know of Darksorrow, his legendary axe. It was indeed lost to Aedan. Taken from him after his battle with the Affinities.

Aedan grew impatient. “Enough.” He stated firmly, to get Eravati’s attention. “This pact must be made in blood. I did not bring you here for your amusement.” He strode to Eravati and gazed down upon her. “Each of the weapons you see before you bears not just a story thick with blood, but also a sliver of my soul. The weapon you choose to carry shall tell of two things: Of your acceptance and allegiance to the Darkness, and of my acceptance of you.” Aedan paused to let Eravati consider what she was about to do. “The pact will then be sealed. In our blood.”

(( Sorry this flight is unbearably dull, so I'm just going to add some flavor to the setting.))

Ahmed Assad shifted uneasily in his position behind the white boulders he had chosen to scout from. At his position; the sun was rising behind him, making the rock appear like marble. What looked like glistening diamonds sparked with life all around him. The brilliant sight almost made him forget of the wretched creatures he was tasked with identifying. Ahmed looked out at a pure contrast to what was around him. A dark forest forever cloaked by storm, hidden behind a thick mist. It was deemed the deadliest place on the planet, with creatures that feasted on the flesh of men. Today Ahmed's company was watching the forests border, to warn the army should the creatures within decide to take their hunt into one of the nearby cities. Darkspawn, they were called. Ancient monsters from a time unknown. Some believed the Darkspawn were merely myths to frighten mischievous children into correct behavior. Some of those same people had even ventured out into the dark forest seeking answers and adventure, but they never returned. Ahmed didn't know if the Darkspawn were real or fictitious, but what he did know was those that entered the forest never returned. So, Darkspawn or not, danger was indeed at their borders.

Movement in the sky caught Ahmed's attention. The clouds parted and a shining figure flew towards the forests border, stopping just shy of flying over it. It was an Affinity, no less, providing a bird's eye view for what the humans could not see. The Affinity extended his hand and a ray of Light shot outwards from his palm. With this Light, he scanned the forest floors. Checking for any signs of irregularity. A few moments passed and the Affinity, obviously satisfied with his scan, darted back into the sky, behind the cover of the clouds. Ahmed sat back, propped his feet up, and smiled. What was it he was so worried about? Darkspawn or not, what could possibly stand against the Affinities of Light? Surely none would be so foolish.
Aedan’s impatience was comprehensible as Eravati wanted to form this pact. His tone as a reminder that he may change his mind and so Eravati had to think on her feet. She already eliminated all the heavy weapons, large shield and heavy armor in her mind. Her eyes resting on the staffs, bow and arrows, draggers and more lightweight swords. She already ahead, scanning over the many weapons and ponder what weapon she could possibly master in a short amount of time.

She finally came to a stop and peer over a layout of swords on a display table. The style look familiar to her, but she could tell they were different. Some of them held older symbols of what was once the empire and some looked to much older than that. She wondered what history they held. She reached out to pick out one, but as she leaned over the table she heard something hit the floor. Jumping in surprise, she quickly looked under the table and noticed a sword that fell on the floor.

What was this? Why was this one not with the others?

Eravati moved over to the side of the table and picked up the sword. She recognized it as a kilij, curved bladed sword, but it was rather different from the others. She can glanced over the sheath can tell it came from a humble setting. The scabbard done by hand, but worn as the markings on it were faded. The scabbard decorations on it were done by what the nomadic or farmers would use. The hilt also humble, made of horn of an animal and brass. Yet, it was carefully crafted. Cautiously, she pulled the sword from its sheath and a familiar smell made her look at the weapon with a hint of confusion. It smelled of grass, freshly cut. She then held out the sword, testing its weight. The blade was clearly not fine or decorative, but it was done for its purpose and nor was it too heavy. There was a symbol on the blade, but nothing she could read. Maybe this was the owner’s symbol of family crest that did she not recongize? She was not sure, but something drew her to this blade.

Taking her chosen weapon towards Aeden, she held it out, “I choose this one.”
Eravati scanned the display of lighter weapons. The short swords seemed to peak her interest, before a clatter on the floor caught her attention. Aedan peered around her to see an old kilij that he had stashed under the table, now sat at her feet. Eravati retrieved it and began to gaze upon it with interest.

No. What manner of coincidence was this? Surely she would not choose that old relic over the masterpieces that were displayed before her. That sword was his alone, and not to be used. Aedan strode towards Eravati to take the sword from her possession, but as soon as he reached her she extended the sword to him and said, "I choose this one."

A moment passed as Aedan looked at Eravati, then at the kilij, then back at Eravati again. Aedan took a step toward Eravati and glared at her. "Of course you do." Aedan replied, anger peppering his voice. He snatched it out of her grasp, unsheathed it, and looked upon it, considering the situation. This sword. It was indeed a relic, belonging to a young human still wet behind the ears. Naive and foolish...

Bah. Aedan shook his head to clear his thoughts. Where the sword was or who it once belonged to was irrelevant. Less than irrelevant. It was pointless. The sword would serve only one purpose: To kill..


Aedan shifted to his dark, demonic form. His eyes burned red and his voice became harsh. He spoke his dead language, reciting a phrase only he knew and understood. "Even the gods will bleed."

At that, dark veins became visible all over Aedan's body. He was now vulnerable, and could bleed. A puncture with the right weapon could kill him now, instantly. Aedan brought the blade of the kilij up to his left wrist and began cutting down his arm. Unnatural dark blood poured from the opening in his flesh, drenching the blade.

After the blade was bloodied, the veins on Aedan's body vanished and the wound on his arm healed.

Aedan turned to Eravati and walked toward her, the kilij dripping a trail of blood behind him. When he reached her, Aedan leaned her back so she was laying on his left arm. He brought the tip of the blade to her chest and pressed it against where her heart would be. Blood ran down Eravati's chest, leaving trails for more blood to follow. Aedan shifted back to his normal, human form and looked down upon the human female until their eyes met. When she looked up at him, he spoke. "Place your hands upon the hilt and grip the sword." He instructed calmly. "When you are ready, plunge it into your heart."
Aedan’s hesitance towards her chosen weapon caught Eravati’s eye. Even more so when he grabbed the weapon from her hands, giving her scowl as if she had done something wrong. Mmm, was it possible that the blade had a much interesting story to well. Well, all of them had a part of him and she assumed that all had been used to kill. If anything, she assumed a sad tale belong to the sword, but no matter. It called to her.

Watching him closely, Eravati watched the man before her turn into the dark being of the legends. The monster that brought darkness, fear and death on those that manage to lay their eyes upon him. Those red eyes were also in every tale. How they reminded everyone of blood and warning to all. They used to say animals of the night whose eyes glowed red were messengers to Aedan, watching. Seem like a rather foolish thought, but she can see why they had feared Aedan once. Now, he was just a tale for children to listen to, fear or even want to be told. It did have a happy ending at the end. The dark lord was defeated by heroes.

The words he spoke next made a chill run down her spine despite not knowing their true meaning. Her eyes widen, however, at the sight that she was a witness to. Aedan had veins and she watched him slide the blade down his arm. It was unnatural sight to see such a powerful entity bleed. She resisted the urge to slide her hand on her own arm. Yet, the wound did not last and disappeared as quickly as it appeared. Only, Aedan was not done. Each step towards her made her heart race. Her body tensing and almost ready to run, but she stood her ground. Her eyes traveling to the weapon and watching how the blood dripped from blade.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

A soft gasp between the clatter of jewels filled the silence. Staring up at the Aedan with wide eyes as she blade was over her chest. The rise and fall of her chest quicken for a moment as she felt the blood drip over her heart beat rapidly. Her eyes moved over the blade before settling to meet his gaze and she was about to reach to cling one hand on this left arm, but stopped at his next works.

He wanted her to do what?!

Of course, she had to do this. He already did his part. Right?

Shaky hands reached out to take the hilt, she gripped on it tightly. She had to do in one moment. If she hesitated, she might not able to do this. The blade cut him so easily and so she prayed it would be quick with her. Taking one single deep breath, she pushed the sword towards her heart.

Her soft cry filled the room. Her fingers slid off the hilt slowly. Eyes slowly growing dull. The blade managed to cut through her flesh as her fresh red blood flooded over the wound and his blood mixed hers.
Aedan noticed a look of fear wash over Eravati as he explained what she had to do. He thoroughly expected her to object or refuse, but to his surprise she appeared to just.....accept. In his arms, Eravati gripped the kilij and, without hesitation, she pressed it into her chest, puncturing her heart. A cry of pain, followed by her dulling eyes, as life began to leave her. Her bright red blood flowed freely from the puncture in her chest, as his blood slowly seeped in.

Aedan had witnessed this only once before, but he knew what was happening. Eravati was still alive in spirit, but her body had been broken. Her spirit would wait, briefly, for a ritual to bring her back, then her spirit would pass on as well and she would be gone. "Foolish girl," Aedan said, looking upon Eravati's lifeless body. "You can hear me, but you are dead. I should leave you where you lie, as punishment for your naivety. I am that which is darkness, and you have trusted your life in my hands." Aedan wasn't going to let her die, of course, because he had already accepted that he needed her. For now.

Aedan gripped the kilij that was lodged in her heart and shifted into his dark form. The blade began to pulse with darkness as his life force was being siphoned into her. The blade continued to pulse in anticipation, waiting for the word to release its energy. With a harsh tongue and a dead language, Aedan began the ritual.

"At times of the most importance, when war rages from the soul."

"The Affinities of life, will have a human make them whole."

The sphere of energy surrounding the blade began to expand and the blade itself began to pulse at a faster tempo.

"Darkness shall bleed, and Light shall submit,"

"The humans of the pact, to death they'll commit."

All of Aedan's blood that had run down Eravati's chest began working its way back up towards the blade, pouring into her heart.

"A bond shall be forged, in Dark or in Light."

"The mortal will be the heart, and the Affinity will be the might."

The eyes of Aedan and Eravati began to glow red. Aedan felt their souls communing, he began breathing heavily and, soon after, Eravati would breathe once again.

"With these words of power, and the darkness in my soul,"

"Eravati of Mazurek, I........"

Aedan paused and considered his decision one last time. It was not too late, refusing to finish the ritual would result in her death and Aedan would remain unhindered. There were benefits to this, he had to keep reminding himself, because he was currently running blind and deaf across a world that would undoubtedly be hostile to him, especially the other Affinities.

Aedan looked down at Eravati, a dull sparkle still lived in her eyes. He firmly gripped the blade in Eravati's chest and continued.

".....I pledge my strength to make you whole."

The Darkness that was pulsing violently around the blade emptied itself into Eravati's heart, and she shot up in response. Aedan pulled the blade from her chest as she rose and let her collapse onto her knees. She was gasping violently, searching for air, and she was gripping her chest from the pain that was undoubtedly afflicting her. The Darkness would heal her, but much slower than it did for Aedan.
She has often heard that humans do not truly fear death, but what lies beyond death. For Eravati, she could say this was true for all she managed to see was darkness. Emptiness. Nothingness. And yet, the only thing that kept from going was a voice...the voice of the embodiment of darkness that mocked her in her sad state. And now she waited, putting faith on a being who wish to crush any sight of hope in his sight.

It seemed faith was in her favor.

Gasping for breathe, Eravati came to life. Her eyes upon the being of darkness, waiting for him to make his pledge to her. She could feel him take hold of the sword and state that their bond was true. If she could, she would smile. Once the dark force traveled its way into her heart, her body quickly responded to the pain. She didn’t feel when her knees hit the floor just the pain in her chest as she tried to breathe. Her hands came to her chest, closing her eyes. Her body shaking with pain. She could not even scream, but she felt tears forming as her vision blurred. She closed her eyes tightly as she tried not to fall towards the floor. She planted one hand on the ground, trying to breathe still and not pass out from the pain. She did not know how long this would take, but she wanted it to end. The only thing that kept her from collapsing was knowing that she had done it! She had succeeded!

Finally, she slowly sat up, looking down at her chest with tears still threatening to fall. She watched in horror and wonder as her wound was...healing and closing itself in front of her eyes. Then, the wound was gone. Vanished. No trace of it ever happening, but she knew. She had changed. She placed her hand over her chest, feeling the beat of her heart over the pants of breath. The young woman had done it. She had made a pact with a something vile and now she had to take the new steps carefully.

Carefully, she stood on her feet and looked towards Aedan, “We must leave soon. When I summoned you, it was bound to attract attention.” She said, still catching her breath and shaking. She looked towards the blade she had chosen. She took the scabbard and the blade from him, sheathing it. She held it close to chest, “There is an abandoned town not far from here. I have a horses and a I have set up camp there. Once there, we can disguise you. Beyond that there is a city of Bravebare. I have to meet someone there to pay up a debt.” She paused for a moment and took a moment to breathe normally. The pain was ebbing away, “How we we leave this place?”
As Aedan witnessed Eravati rise to her feet and quickly orient herself, a second passed when he was almost impressed with her fortitude. All of that vanished, however, the second she opened her mouth.

Aedan approached her, strongly, with a menacing grin. "I suppose you think you are now ready to face all of the worlds dangers with me at your side." Aedan leaned forward, and shoved her with his index finger. "But I can assure you, you are just as soft and pathetic as ever." Aedan began slowly pacing around Eravati, looking down upon her with dismay. "In a pact with a warrior, the darkness would make them a legend among men." Aedan stopped when he once again stood in front of her, grinning at the obvious contrast. "But you...." Aedan chuckled and shook his head. "The Darkness will empower you to be labeled 'competent' and only a minor embarrassment to be seen fighting for."

Aedan strode towards the center of the room and turned back toward her, the condescending grin gone from his face. "The Light empowers humans by recognizing training, time, and a nauseating sense of virtue." Aedan pointed at Eravati's chest, referencing the force that was now inside of her. "But the Darkness will empower anyone, without prejudice, as long as the host shows complete and utter Devotion, Ambition, Ruthlessness and unfaultering Success." With each of those four points, Aedan took one step closer to Eravati to emphasize their importance. "Fail to meet those mandates..." Aedan continued, leaning closer to Eravati. "And the Darkness shall abandon you." Aedan grinned and turned back towards the center of the room. "Bear in mind human, our pact is forged by Darkness. If it leaves you, so shall I."

Aedan opened his palms and prepared a summoning, speaking as they waited. "Perhaps now you can understand why your masters have forbidden association with the Dark. It stands to destroy their fragile little world they've worked so hard to build." Aedan's jaw extended, wider than visually possible, as a thick, black liquid erupted from his throat. At first, it appeared to only splatter on the ground; but then it began to take form as more and more liquid poured from Aedan's mouth. The outline of a creature became visible, and soon it's features were as well. The creature stood up right on two legs, hunched at the back so it's height didn't exceed five feet. Large oval eyes, black like onix, were disproportionate to it's rather small head and mouth. It's arms were shorter than a humans, but much bulkier. "Master!" the creature exclaimed, looking up at Aedan. "This humble Darkspawn awaits your command." The Darkspawn eyed Eravati and began drooling profusely, but didn't care move outside of Aedan's command.

Aedan wiped his mouth and approached Eravati, placing his hands on her head, keeping eye contact. "Forget whatever foolishness you think you know about protecting yourself and fighting." he firmly stated. "Fight with your soul, lean on the Darkness." Aedan eyed the humble kilij. "Do all of these things, and your weapon will guide you." Aedan pressed his finger against Eravati's freshly healed wound, to drive one final point home. "Devotion, Ambition, Ruthlessness, Success. These are the conduits to your success, human."

Aedan walked back towards the Darkspawn, stood at it's side, and Looked upon Eravati. "Minion!" Aedan declared.

"Yes master!?" the Darkspawn replied.

"Feast upon this human's flesh."

The Darkspawns head snapped back towards Eravati, and it's small mouth split into a menacing snarl, revealing several rows of razor sharp teeth. The hunch in it's back straightened, so it now stood at six feet, six inches. It charged towards her, anticipating the meal that awaited it.
For a moment, Eravati had to force herself not roll her eyes at Aedan. However, she was well aware that she was no warrior, but she was also no fool. No matter, she heeded his words as they were not ones said with warning and experience. This dark power was different than what others would have to content with and it would have the same control. She suppose she was impatient, but she simply had many things on her mind. Fine, she’ll take a moment to understand his power for now. It was probably best to do it here in this place of dark magic. She just hope his actions would bring about attention of something or someone.

‘Devotion, Ambition, Ruthlessness and unfaltering Success is what he said. Eravait had to keep from smiling softly as he leaned in close. Unfaltering Success? He can’t be serious about that one?! How was she suppose to know learn? Be a prodigy at everything when it comes to his darkness. She was not allowed to stumble and learn from there? No, she must bite his tongue as he clearly enjoying lecturing her and her words might just discourage him from helping her in the future. She’ll have to deal with his ego for now.

Eravati watched him summon a darkspawn easily with a hint of disgust as her body tensed at the sight of the creature. However, she found it a little amusing that it was just about ready to please him. She even blinked when it set its eyes on her and just...drooled. Did she look like a delicious meal to it? Will she be able to summon more darkspawn through him...What kinds can he summon? Was this it? Was there a limit to how many?

All these questions came all at once until it was interrupted by Aeden’s hand on her head. Her eyes turned towards him as he explained about his powers and eyed the weapon in her hands that she held close. She looked down at his finger on her skin…

Devotion, Ambition, Ruthlessness, Suc-The darkspawn is suddenly now huge and racing after her!

If abandoning all knowledge of fighting was Aedan’s idea of fighting, Eravati must be doing a wonderful job because she had no real knowledge of it in the first place. So as any normal person would after seeing a darkspawn with hideous teeth that stood six feet tall and looked ready to eat...she ran.

She could hear its feet thumping against the ground as it sniffed for her scent. Well, she probably the most pleasant smelling thing in this dusty room. She looked down at the kilij that she held close to her chest. She carefully unsheathed only for the beast to charge at her again, growling loudly. Eravati almost didn’t have a chance to hand the blade properly in her hands out as the beast moved its greedy hands towards her. She threw herself to the floor and slid between its legs. The creature growled and bend over to see between its legs. It reached to catch the end of her skirt, dragging her along with it. Eravati let out a yelp and finally swung her sword at the beast’s ankle, slicing at the flesh only for the blade to get stick in between the folds of skin. Yowling, the beast yank her up, but only made the wound worse as the blade pushed through more of its flesh and pulled the blade out as he pulled Eravati. The darkspawn held her upside down by one leg and he looked noticed she held tightly to the blade. She squirmed in his grasp, trying to wiggle her leg free from his claws but it was doing no good. The darkspawn reached out to pluck the blade from her hands only for her to swing her other leg and let her slipper hit its face. She then bent up as far as she could to slice at the creature's forearm that was connected to the hand that held her.
Aedan tossed back his head and roared with laughter as Eravati swung desperately at an even more confused than usual Darkspawn. Indeed! It had been too long since he had enjoyed a good laugh and witnessed the incompetence of a soft and frail human.

As the Darkspawn lifted Eravati and began to lower her into its gaping mouth, Aedan decided that he had seen enough. “Enough you imbecile!” The darkspawn froze in its position and dropped Eravati onto the floor. “Take accountability of my armory and have a report ready when I return.”

“Yes master!” the Darkspawn replied.

Aedan cited a fast incantation and a yawning black portal appeared before them. Aedan turned to Eravati and grinned. “Come then, human, let us see what this world can offer me.”
Was it truly natural that despite being dropped to the ground in a careless manner and how was probably amusing to maybe just about anyone...that she still felt a cold chill run down her spine at this dark entity’s laughter? It was sad revelation that her fighting skills were so poor that even the feared lord of darkness only laughed at her attempts. Disheartening really…

After being dropped unceremoniously down on the floor, Eravati struggled to get up, pushing a layer of fabric from over her head. Her eyes fell on the blade that she had chosen and resheathed before wrapping in of of the silken red fabrics that she was wearing. She held the kilij close to her chest and turned to Aedan with lips pressed into a straight line, suppressing the urge to roll her eyes. She supposed she will let him have his moment. It would not last long. No, not out there where lies what is left of his kingdom.

The young woman silently made her way towards the portal and just as before she moved through with no hesitation. The cold air pricked over her skin now and she breathed in silently. Her eyes adjusted to the light of the moon as she stared up at it and suddenly the feeling of dread that this place seemed to ooze filled her,
“Follow me. We must make it back. Despite the good money I paid, there may be a chance that our carriage was not left untouched by what still lurks around here and manages to escape.” Yes, she was very well aware who she was talking to, but that meant nothing if their ride was destroyed. While she was walking along side the one being that would ensure her safely, she did not care to lose her pace as she made her trek back.

“Cloak yourself please. I do have something for you to wear-That is if you wish to do so-back at my carriage. It will be something simple is you wish to take that mortal form with me. Though, that may not matter since we are heading back to Bravebare to collect more of my goods.” She continued, quickening her pace. Remembering what was awaiting for her did not relief yet despite the accomplishment she had done. For now, Aedan was amused with her or simply curious on what is left out there in the world. She wondered if he liked the new order or just be disgusted by it.

She kept her gaze forward, hearing rumors of never having to look back while walking through this cursed place,
“My carriage is a good distance away from your old kingdom, but should not take us long. There are some that keep watch along your borders.” She scanned the area, remembering the way that she learn to head out of Knightadale.
“I do not require your garments nor do I wish to wear rags sewn by the dying hands of elderly human females.” Aedan turned and walked backwards, facing Eravati as she moved and keeping pace with her stride. “Observe!” Aedan exclaimed, snapping his fingers.

A shroud of darkness enveloped him, and when it diminished, he wore the skin of a middle aged man. Silver streaks in his hair spoke to his age, and the roughness on his face told the tale of a man who had seen many battles. “I am now Sir Josce the Trusted, advisor to King Harold, ex-husband to a comical amount of wives, and my thighs are much tenderer than they appear…or so the Darkspawn have told me.”

Aedan snapped his fingers a second time, this time taking the form of a young girl, who looked up at Eravati in fear, hugging a teddy bear. “And I am Ashley Davenport of North Lumefield,” she whimpered. “My mommy wouldn’t tell Aedan where she saw an Affinity of Light, so I had to pay the price. A long, painful price.”

Aedan concluded his demonstration with a third display. An elderly man with a distant look in his eyes, undernourished, and a blank, surrendered look on his face. “My name is Marcus. I was a blacksmith by trade, but found my true purpose in life after my body was cut open to aid in Aedan’s experiments. Naturally, only a living specimen would do.”

Aedan clapped his hands and returned to his normal form, grinning and turning back around to face forward. "I have a fine selection of appearances for any manner of interaction I might suffer in your presence." His attention drifted to the red sky, the dead, leafless trees, and a complete and utter silence that could only be compared with death itself. Ha! Even centuries later, the earth still bore the scar of his onslaught. A scar that would surely be made fresh once again.

“Tell me human,” Aedan said, breaking the silence. He realized this was the first cordial conversation he intended to have with this female. “You speak of some who keep watch on my borders. Are these individuals human, like you? Or sentries of the Light itself?”
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Her eyes would move from the misty deary grounds of Knightadale to Aedan who started to walk backwards, showing off his ability to transform into whoever he wanted. And as a result, Eravati had to fight the urge to frown deeply, keeping that straight line on her lips with a slight narrowing of her eyes. She probably looked at him like he hadn’t bathed rather than the disgust that she was feeling. Disturbing could not describe what he had done. Then again, it should be no surprised that he had no shame in using his own victims of his horrors as he faces he would use to trick and manipulate others. It would be a sickening irony if their faces would save him from others. She shook her head and continued on the road as if he said nothing.

Her eyes looked over familiar landmarks ass he noticed the road out of Knightadale, but she simply moved across it. She did not need anyone to see them coming out. She made her way after from the main road passing a broken statue, making her way deeper in the forest. Her hands reaching to touch the trees. She looked them over as she passed them and found a broken branch she had broken and then a marked tree not that far.

That is when Aedan spoke up again and moved her hand to her lips to silence him. She kept walking forward, moving low to the ground and behind some foliage. She gestured for Aedan to join her and moved the branches in the bush to show him a few. Not far off, there seemed to be a figure moving in the distance and then out of site.

“Both.” She finally spoke softly, “Darkspawn manage to find a way to leave this forest and so there are some guards posted out. I do know some that hold great power sometimes send affinities of light to look over the borders...Then, there are those who journey to Knightadale as a pilgrim...I suppose a rite of passage as a warrior...To bring back trophies of beasts they have defeated to show a guild or a court. It is really a political show for some, but there are those that take the rite very seriously.”

Pulling away from the bush, she started to make her way through the forest. She followed the path she came, passing through the forest and making her slowly closer to the border. She glanced at Aedan, wondering if he will bring attention to them no matter what. However, it was a risk, she was willing to take. Picking up her skirt, she moved down a soft path down to a river. The water somewhat shallow yet still fast moving, but was also a place that attracted many creatures. She started to move over some river rocks, sliding over one only to catch herself. She continued to make her way over some of the larger river rocks only to stop when she thought she heard movement in the forest. She didn’t glance back, but kept moving. Just over this river and soon to the carriage. She could even see the tree she had marked across from her only glancing at Aedan to see how he followed.

Making her way across the river, she looked back. She narrowed her eyes for a moment, thinking she saw something move in the darkness, but thought nothing of it. It didn’t follow them. She glanced about to see if there were any guards and quickly made her way to the other side, rushing to get pass the dreadful mist. In the distance there was a light from a lantern. A small smile dare appear on her lips as she hurried forward towards the light. Soon the mist would fade and the sky would lose its red tint and before them would be a rather lonesome carriage that looked to be more a cart of goods. Suddenly, the light dimmed of the launtern dimmed then grew bright again. Eravati stopped in her tracks and moved behind some trees. A pair of walking men past the carriage after a moment, they left. With a deep breath, Eravati rushed towards the carriage.

Upon arriving to the carriage, it would that indeed that is was a cart of good. In fact, it look more a cart that was managed by some pack rat. The cart was covered in trinkets of all kinds. Items of all sorts hung about the carriage as if some sort of decoration. The person behind the reins was covered in a dark cloak. He seemed to be smoking from a pipe with a golden tip. It gave off the smell of something sweet. He was connected to a pair of old horses that gave off a rotting smell. Maybe the smoking helped with smell...The man simply waved at them without a glance. There was something strange and off-putting about the whole thing.

Eravati then moved at the end of the cart and out came a few steps that unfolded themselves. She then proceed to shove Aeden in then into a pile of fabric. She made her way in and pulled level to pull the stair in and close back doors of the cart. She set her warped weapon to the side and moved in the darkness, knocking at some sliding small door at the front of the cart. The cart began to move and suddenly...There was light. Eravati put a few glowing stone in a hung piece to hold them. She looked at Aedan and pointed to the fabric around them, “Choose something. I have a business partner who wants to see you at your best. Do yourself a favor and humor me. This is not be the last time I ask you to simply...be yourself.” She sighed, “Well, in the most sensible manner...Being a even a little less like yourself will do me wonders.”
Aedan gave Eravati a wearied look after looking at her display of garments she had brought for him. “If your associate,” Aedan replied, making quotations with his fingers. “wants to see me at my best, then he will want to see me glistening in the blood of my enemies, with a quartet of slaves shackled behind me, my great-axe in hand, and a company of my Darkspawn pillaging a nearby town.” Aedan leaned forward and poked Eravati on the nose. “And honestly, my sweet, I don’t give a flying fuck what he wants from me, and YOU shouldn’t either.”

Eravati just stared back, clearly unamused. Aedan smiled, spread out, and propped his feet up on the seat across from him. A few moments of awkward silence passed before Aedan looked back toward Eravati, still staring at him. “Ugh, fine!” Aedan snapped his fingers and one of the outfits hanging up disappeared then reappeared on Aedan’s body. “You know perhaps if you humans had a better sense of humor, I wouldn’t be so inclined to kill you immediately.”

As the wagon pressed on, the darkness of Knightadale began to lift and light began to seep through the fog. Suddenly, Aedan felt a weight begin to press on his chest. It was small and barely noticeable at first, but as the dark fog gave way and the mist began to clear, the weight pressed down harder and harder. Aedan shot up from his resting position and leaned forward to ease the pressure on his chest. What in the hell was going on? A subtle droning began in his ears and progressively got louder. His senses were screaming at him, telling him danger was nearby.

Aedan summoned his two one handed axes and vaulted out of the wagon, breaking down the bamboo door and alarming the horses who were pulling them. The driver grabbed the reins and fought with the horses, trying to regain control. Aedan scanned left, right, up, down…..nothing. Aedan’s eyes glowed red and a thick, black, menacing suit of armor appeared around him. “Come out and face me!”Aedan cried out, but nothing happened. The droning in his ears continued and the weight that pressed against him eventually brought him to his knees. Aedan cupped his hands over his ears, clinched his jaw, and shut his eyes in an attempt to deal with the pain. Finally, Aedan’s rage took over and he threw himself up to his feet and roared, continuously, until the weight and droning subsided. When it did, Aedan stumbled back to the cart and used it to keep himself upright. The dark armor fell away and his blood red eyes returned to normal.

Now that his senses were calming, Aedan had a quick moment to think before Eravati grabbed him. The Light, it had to be. The sheer magnitude of the Light in this area was pressing down on his soul. Eravati began pulling him, urging him back into the cart, while the driver of the wagon looked at him, pale with horror. Aedan pointed at him and threatened, “Speak a word of this to anyone, human, and I will hang you by your entrails before feeding you to my Darkspawn.”

Eravati gave Aedan a critical eye, looking him over suspiciously as she still held onto his arm just in case. However, she thought her strength would do anything to stop him,
“Is there something you aren’t telling me?” She whispered with a firm voice, looking as if she was about to scold him. Although, she didn’t press on. Her body fell back to her seat with the sound of jingling of jewels that she still wore. Her fingers rose to her temples. If she look tired, it was mostly because she was. Aedan little uproar woke her up and threw her almost in a daze.

She sighed,
“Well...Maybe you should appear to him just like that.” Her fingers then slid down to her ears before promptly removing the earrings that had. Slowly, she start to pull the jewelry off and into a wooden jewelry box that she pulled from under the pile of fabric, “Personally, I wish I didn’t care what he thought, but he expects something. I suppose as a show of proof you are who you are. Then again, he loves when things are theatric to amuse his hedonistic needs.” She rolled her eyes and started to pull layers upon layers of fabric from her body, folding each. She stripped down to the simple fitted red top and skirt with tight pants under, “Well, he isn’t the only one, but he is vile and perverse. I suppose you be as brutal as you wish...but don’t involve me. I already been harassed enough by him.” Her lips pressed to a thin line in annoyance, remembering it before pulling a long sleeve deep dark blue dress decorated with red and gold patterns and embroidery. She started to fish for some jewelry to match, “I don’t know...Surprise him.” She looked up and looked over Aedan choice of wear, moving closer to fix the folding of the fabric, “And I can’t tell you who he is...He wished it to be a surprise.” She moved back to her seat, looking through some jewelry, putting some on and left the hair pieces to the side, “I’m sure you’ll think of something.”

During the rest of the ride, Eravati had fallen asleep with her weapon on her lap despite the jostling of the carriage on the road. The ride would take them more than hour, but after that hour pass something off putting appeared again. Something rotten and dead along with a sense of something foul. The horses cried out and for some reason they moved much faster than before. Soon their cries became almost ghastly and the whips of the human holding the rein snapped against the night. The smell of his sweet pipe held the hint of iron. Blood. Eravati stirred in her sleep almost unsettled by this change, but she did not wake up. The carriage started moving faster and faster to the point it seem the carriage was not on the road itself. A cackle came from driver who now oozed with dark energy and was a mere skeleton. The old horses were undead with fierce glowing eyes, moving faster and faster. The trinkets on the carriage rattled and soon Bravebare was upon them.

The driver did not seem to care to give his passenger any sort of chance to stop and watch the scenery. There wasn’t much to see. The streets were empty and houses seem plain and closed shut. It was cloudy day and the place seemed to inherited the deary mist that Knightadale seemed to have, but it could also be the weather. There was a light rain coming down over the place.

Suddenly, the carriage came to a stop and Eravati awoke. She look at Aedan with an empty tired gaze, but then proceeded to put her hair up and place pieces of hair accessories. She took a shawl that matched her dress and watched as the driver came to help her down with a cold bony hand. She accepted it as well as placing a golden coin in his hand. The skeleton seemed placed, blowing out the bitter sweet smelling smoke in the air.

Eravait looked up at the grand mansion before them surrounded by a green henge. She waited for Aedan to join her, putting the shawl over her head like a veil. The weapon strapped to her hip with sash. She looked over the grand place with hesitance and walked forward. The gates of the place opened onto themselves.

Walking to the door, there was nothing extraordinary of the place. The garden was well kept and house looked empty as there were no lights lit. However, when the doors of the mansion opened there was a sense of something off about the place. The two servants that opened the doors were wearing beautiful masks and lead them up velvet steps, down dark halls and opened to the ballroom. Once the doors opened, dim light filtered through the golden ball room as well as the smell of food, deserts, and carnal needs between the guests. There seem to be no true formal attire, but some guests dressed extravagantly while others seemed to not care if they were under dressed . Laughter, cries, and general gossip filled the air, but eyes were on the pair who just entered. The crowd parted, looking with hungry or curious eyes. Some guests did not seem to be purely human as they gave off dark energy.

Then there as the host of this party sitting on his throne of bodies of beautiful men and women, dressing in extravagant wear. However, he looked old and fat. His eyes were shot and looked paled. However, he stilled move actively as snapped at one his servants to give him more wine and laughed as one of his entertainer danced stupidly like a drunk. The man coughed harshly as the veins in his neck went from purple to black, blood spilling from his lips, but one of the servants dabbed nonchalantly. To a human, he just looked like a very ill man, but he was more. No, this was a work of a corrupted human affected by a dark affinity. Who ever this man used to be was long gone and replaced by what was bounded to him; an affinity of greed.

“Duke Alart.”

The jolly man on the throne looked up as one of his servants called to him and whispered to his ear. He smiled widely, showing off his pearly white teeth stained with blood. Duke Alart clapped his hands and held out his arms,
“My sweet little Eravati has come back!!” He called out. His voice echoing in the ballroom. The guest went quiet as the last group parted to expose Eravati and Aedan, “Let me see if you managed to successfully…” His eyes seemed to darken, licking his lips hungrily as his tone darken, Win our little bet.”
Listening to Eravati in the wagon, Aedan could clearly tell she disliked the individual he would meet in the next few hours. When she spoke of him, her eyes narrowed and she would frown before resuming her neutral demeanor. Aedan observed Eravati, amused, as she removed the seemingly endless amount of jewelry and decorations that adorned her. Layers of expensive clothing, and multiple selections of it, sat neatly folded in stacks next to her. After removing the dress she was wearing, she quickly filed through her selection and chose one to change into. She sat her jewelry to the side and give him a brief glance before lying on her side and falling asleep. Aedan smirked and looked out of the small window to his right. This female wouldn't have survived one second as one of his slaves. Indeed, Aedan realized that he had actually a small sliver of respect for the humans that had survived for years being shackled, tortured, and put to hard labor under his rule. Even Aedan had to admit, it took some measure of strength to endure it. Aedan grinned at the thought of Eravati being put to work in one of his mines, and with only one outfit!? What would she do!?

Aedan looked again at Eravati who was now sound asleep. He leaned forward and gazed at her, dumbfounded at the level of comfort she felt being in the same wagon as him. Here she was, sleeping next to an Affinity that killed millions, forever scarred a kingdom in blood, and was considered the most evil creature to ever exist. And yet....she sleeps. Aedan looked down to observe the kilij that rested comfortably near her lap. He was still somewhat surprised at the coincidence of Eravati's decision to select that relic.

Aedan's eyes narrowed as he prepared himself for meditation. He was still weak from whatever assaulted his mind earlier and he needed to attune with the Darkness. Reality seemed to slow and the events of his life began to fast-forward in front of him. One image from his past caused him to pause........the kilij. Aedan remembered.......

The town of Windermere was small. It rested on the Western edge of the human's allied territory and was generally ignored, so as to not provoke the restless King across the border and vice-versa. After communing, Aedan felt the Darkness pulling him to this town, with more force than usual. Sometimes, it was just for the opportunity to douse a spark of Light that was gaining strength in a particular area. Other times, Aedan found himself interlocked with an actual Light affinity. But this time was different. Aedan could feel the Darkness urging him ahead.

"Sometimes I wonder if human's even have to ability to perceive odor. I mean," Ashlyn said, turning to face him. "Can they not smell themselves?" Ashlyn, like Aedan, was an Affinity of Darkness. Lust was her primary tool for corrupting humans. Apparently, human's perceived her as insatiably attractive, and considering the amount of marriages she destroyed and even ruining the nobility status of one family, Aedan would have to agree. Her jet black hair fell just past her shoulders and covered her right eye. Her eyes were also black, like onyx. She opted for a very humble human appearance which stood in stark contrast to what the Darkness covered her with when she called for it. She was a master of blades and a versatile assassin. She often enjoyed igniting Aedan's rage when they sparred, spouting her favorite taunts like,

"What good is your strength if you cannot land a single blow?"

Together, they made an effective team.

The sound of a knife impaling a tree drew Aedan's attention to his right. There, he observed a human female in her early twenties, face red with anger, in tears, hurling knives at a makeshift target emplaced on a tree. Aedan took note that she had surprisingly good aim. He looked over at Ashlyn who nodded towards the girl. "That girl has you written all over her. Go on, I'm sure I can find some trouble to get into on my own." Ashlyn grinned and then turned to walk towards the town.

Aedan approached the female and stopped a few feet behind her. She hurled another knife. This one bouncing off the trunk of the tree and clattering to the ground. "Oof." Aedan said, shaking his head in disappointment. "Looks like you need more practice."

The female turned and glared at Aedan, as if she would attack him right there. "Oh yeah?" She retorted. "Well if I'm so bad then I suppose you wouldn't mind standing in front of the tree." She said, tears still rolling down her face. "I mean, I'll miss right?" She asked sarcastically.

Aedan laughed and made his way in front of the tree. "Most surely you'll miss, human females are laughably incompetent in most aspects of life." Aedan was fueling the fire of a tormented soul. Aedan could feel her rage and sadness.

Whatever Aedan said, it worked. The young woman didn't hesitate to scream and hurl a dagger right at Aedan's face. Before it impaled him, Aedan stopped the knife in mid air and flung it into the woods to his right. Shock played out on her face as she took a few steps back, but she didn't run. "What? Did my family send you?" She asked, eyes welling up with tears once more. "Well. If you're here to kill me then do it already."

Aedan approached the girl who stood defiantly in front of him. "Your anger has drawn me here." Aedan said, eyes beginning to glow red. "What is your name?" Aedan demanded, looking down at her.

"Neneta." she said shakily, hazel brown eyes looking back at him.

"And what has your family done to you?" Aedan asked.

Neneta's eyes narrowed and a red tint began to return to her cheeks. "They....banished me." she replied, shaking with rage. "The blood of a Knightadale noble runs through my veins! I have been cheated!" She screamed.

Aedan placed his hand on her shoulder, a wicked grin formed on his face. "Do you know what I am?"

Neneta's eyes met with Aedan's as she studied him for a moment. "Yes." she finally replied.

"And do you want my help?" Aedan asked.

The conflict with Neneta was apparent, her eyes began to well up again as she pondered the option. But Aedan felt her anger. It was over powering her and she couldn't overcome it. ".....yes." She answered.

Aedan snapped out of his meditation as the wagon came to a stop. He noticed immediately that this place felt......better. He felt energized, much like he did back in Knightadale. Eravati had already re-applied all of her jewelry and was making her way out of the wagon. As Aedan exited, Eravati dropped a gold coin into the hands of the horse-master who was, not a human, but a bare boned skeleton. A sly grin formed on Aedan's face as he made eye contact with the skeleton. "Well," Aedan began, looking it up and down. "I suppose hanging you by your entrails is out of the question, now isn't it?"

The skeleton cackled and remounted his horses, driving them to the nearby stables. In front of Eravati and Aedan stood a massive mansion, built with stone and marble. Even from outside, Aedan could hear that a large social gathering was in full swing inside. As the doormen ushered them inside Aedan could hear the clink of glasses, drunken laughter, and general feeling of merriment about the place. But Aedan also felt.....darkness.

The noise seemed to die down as the party guests made way for both He and Eravati. A tall, skinny male bared his grotesque teeth and laughed at Aedan as he strode by, as if he was expecting a show. Aedan stopped and shot a glare at the human, whose smile slowly began to fade. Aedan slowly approached the human, baring into his soul. The human male froze in confusion as the guests around him took a step back. Something was.....off with this human. Actually, Aedan felt something was off with all of the human's here. Glaring into his eyes, Aedan could see the darkness. Yes. These human's had been heavily corrupted......with.....Desire. Greed.

Aedan turned from the human and proceeded to catch up with Eravati who was already conversing with, what appeared to be, the host of the party. An obese and old human. Or was he? Aedan brushed passed Eravati and stood just close enough to the human so that his stomach didn't touch him. Aedan looked down upon him and noted a smear of black blood on the corner of his mouth and his unnaturally dark eyes.

"I know you." Aedan growled, his eyes glowing red, forming a wicked grin. "It seems you have benefitted well from my absence." Aedan bellowed in his dark voice. The Affinity gave a wide smile, baring his blood-stained teeth. Aedan walked passed the Affinity and slowly made his way to the throne in which he sat, glaring at each guest as he walked past. One of the Affinity's guests attempted to stop Aedan from sitting on the throne, to which Aedan promptly used the Darkness to grip his throat and hurl him up through the chandeliers, pinning him to the ceiling above. Aedan turned and shrugged. "I hear you like theatrics." Aedan sat upon the throne and grabbed a bottle of liquor that was on the arm rest. After glancing at it, Aedan tossed it over his shoulder and shattered it against the wall. The party had now come to a halt as everyone observed the scene. Aedan leaned back and glared at the Affinity. "I will hear your explanation now."
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Duke Alart’s laughter bellowed throughout the ballroom, acting as a signal for everyone to join in the Duke’s mirth at the misfortune at one of his guests who hung helplessly by a chandelier. The Duke, away from his throne, teetered and walked towards Eravati with his arms out at the young woman who did not join in the laughter. Her eyes looking to the ground with an indifferent expression on her face as the Duke took her arms. Her eyes looked over the top of the duke’s hands where the veins were black. She did not raise her gaze, but did not lean away as the Duke laughed harder. The Duke looked like he was about to topple over her, but he held his ground with his grip on her arms, “Wonderful! Won-der-ful!” The man stood up straight and put his hands on his coat, adjusting it. He then pulled handkerchief and cough blood in it, tossing it for a servant of his to pick up. The Duke reached out to lift Eravati’s face, looking over her round face as a finger slid along her tan skin. Her light brown eyes met his dark ones and the Duke proceeded to whisper to her, “Oh, you succeeded in the pact.”

The Duke pulled his hand away and moved to Eravati’s side, chuckling more as he put a hand on her back, moving her closer to his throne where Aedan now sat. Duke Alart smirked and in a swift manner flipped the end of his long coat as if he was about to sit. Suddenly a group of servants moved under him to make his seat and the Duke happily looked over Aedan. He leaned towards Eravati with his eyes on Aedan,
“My. My. He said benefited as if…” Duke Alart held his arms up as he looked about the ballroom, “THIS was all granted to me like this.” He snapped his fingers, “He sure acts like how I remember. Terribly prideful. Don’t you fret, Eravati, my sweet. I expected this behavior. Been awhile...How long?” The Duke looked at Eravati with a finger in his right ear, wiggling it out as if he had something stuck in it. The man laughed before pulling his hand from his ear and waving it off, “No matter. You will soon learn to...control him.” He chucked, “That is if he lets you. So far, I applaud your efforts.”

Eravati finally spoke softly,
“Thank you, Duke Alart.” She bowed her head for a moment.

Duke put a leg over his other and neatly put his interlaced hand on top of his knee. He looked smugly at Aedan,
“It is not like any human could break the spell of the our once Great Dark Lord. And if I simply gave away my research to unbind you then some honorable knight...might have just-” The Duke shrugged, “Destroyed any chance of you ever coming back unharmed. Then a group would made it a grand quest to simply killed you. Beyond Knightadale and Bravebare there are few sanctuaries for dark beings like us! You see my dear once great Dark Lord...I realized that I couldn’t exist just being well...pure evil. I had to make...” The man looked up with a slight pout to his lips, tilting his head side to side in thought. He stopped and looked at Aedan with a glint to his dark eyes, “Business! You see.” He held out his hands out to his guests, “All of my residents are willing patrons of mine!” He put a hand to his chest with a sorrowful look in his eyes, “I am their humble savior.” He bowed his head, “I give them what they want and they live...a happy life. A shot one…” He waggled out a finger in the air, “But a good one. I also invested some trade....here and there.” He grinned widely, “But they are all legitimate so those BASTARD great Knights of light or any of their sort don’t bother me! They can’t banish me if people here bounded by legal documents. It isn’t like I do any real harm to anyone.” He looked over Aedan and arched an eyebrow, “What? What took me so long? Well, what do you expect!? There are not endless amount of these kind of people…” He waved a hand to Eravati and then threw his hands up, “...Around here! Throwing themselves and offering a chance of a lifetime to actually find you without wanting to take your head and show you it off to some king or court to makes themselves look like a grand hero! I really expected her to be dead by now!” He then turned and smiled at Eravati, “No offense to you, my sweet. I had half the mind to use you as my new pet instead of throwing you to the darkspawn in Knightadale.”

Eravati was inwardly sickened by that prospect.

Duke Alart smirked and turned to Aedan once again,
“The world has changed. Oh, but I am sure you’ll find that out soon enough! Of course, Eravati might still be my pet if she does not fulfill our deal.” He smiled sweetly at Eravati, “Remember! Tell me something about our once Dark Lord that will assure me that he is how he is and he has chosen you. Three chances. Fail and you lose.”

Eravati looked toward Aedan with indifference, but she held not fear. She looked to Duke Alart, pondering for a moment. When she finally spoke, she spoke firmly but with a soothing voice,
“Your Dark Lord is more jumpy than I thought he would be. He will face any danger when he feels it is near even when there isn’t any to be had. It is very encouraging that he has eager to face any challenge even if there isn’t any around.”

There was a moment of silence from everyone and Duke Alart laughed loudly,
“HAHAHA!” He shook his head, “Oh, I see. I understand...I suppose I can offer a solution to that later. However, that answer does not satisfy me at all. Normal for any dark being who wanders past our dark borders. Try again.”

Eravati pressed her lips in thought, looking away and then nodded. She looked up at the Duke again and spoke in the utmost serious manner,
“Your Dark Lord has more of a sense of humor than I would ever imagine. In myths, they do not give him any sort of personality than general personification of evil as in full of pride and ruthlessness. However, he actually has a sense of humor that he continues to inflict upon me that is rather dark and morbid. It is rather juvenile at time since I believe it is made to frighten me, but refreshing and rather dim view of life.”

Duke Alart chuckled, shaking his head. He then narrowed his eyes as he looked over the young woman,
“Mmmm...I could give you credit for that, but who said us dark ones don’t like to laugh, eh?” He smirked, “Laaast try” He sang out.

Eravati nodded and pulled the wrapped weapon from her back,
“He doesn’t seem to like my choice in weaponry.” She set down the blade down to the ground and pulled the fabric in a dramatic fashion. She knelt and unsheathed it, showing it outward toward the Duke.

The Duke’s eyes widen, laughing and clapping,
“Ah! Impressive!!! You are free to go with your supplies, your transport and finally the human that was to be my new vessel. I also accept your business deal and give you access to some of my...connections.” He sighed, “I’ll just have to find another vessel before this one just gives out.”

Eravati bowed her head as she knelt before wrapping the weapon again before sticking in her sash,
“I am glad we could do business together.”

“You may stay for the a night, but I recommend you don’t stay long...Some annoying little warrior of light or what not might wish to look around.” Duke Alart looked towards Aedan, “I suppose you may have questions...Maybe in a more private setting?” The Duke stood up.
Aedan reluctantly followed Gifre's lead and stood as he motioned towards what appeared to be a large conference room across from the ballroom. As they walked, Aedan's eyes and voice returned to normal before he spoke. "I do have questions..old friend." Aedan began with a hint of sarcasm. "I've had centuries to meditate my downfall, and some things don't add up." Aedan, Gifre, and Eravati entered the conference room.

Gifre motioned to the door attendants. "Leave us, and see we are not interrupted." The attendants bowed and then promptly left. Gifre plopped down onto a heavy, cushioned seat and looked at Aedan waiting for him to do the same. Aedan chose, instead, to stand.

"Asha, Affinity of Peace, you remember her, yes?" Aedan continued.

Gifre was able to emit a small laugh before choking up more thick, black blood. After catching his breath and wiping his face, he spoke. "Yes, Aedan, I remember her. What of it?"

Aedan took a step forward and glared at Gifre. "She absorbed my strength. Sapped my soul of Darkness until I was empty." Aedan extended an accusing finger at Gifre, who looked upon Aedan in amusement. "Now where did she master an ability such as that? And how is it that you were not promptly eliminated following my defeat?"

Gifre softly chuckled. "Guilty until proven innocent, is it? Very well." Gifre popped the cork off of a large bottle of liquor and began to consume it's contents, excess dribbling down the corners of his mouth. Gifre placed the bottle on the large conference table and wiped his mouth. "My dear Dark Lord, not all of us are so blatantly power hungry and murderous. You acquired many, many powerful enemies that eventually banded together with the sole purpose to bring you down." Gifre coughed into his mouth, then wiped a spattering of blood onto his pants. "An arrogance that once made you a fool, but has now made you wiser."

Aedan clenched his teeth and balled his hands into fists. "You have not answered my question."

Gifre looked up at Aedan and smirked. "I did not betray you, Aedan. However," Gifre took another large swig of alcohol before placing it back on the table. "I did begin to distance myself once I saw Affinities of all forces and human's of all nations banding together to move against you." Gifre turned his gaze to the fireplace in the center of the room. "That is where Aurora had you beat, you know?"

Aedan wasn't going to take much more of Gifre's insults, the only reason he hadn't already brought out his blades was because he needed information.

Sensing his anger, Gifre looked back at Aedan and opened his arms in a welcoming fashion. "My Lord, human's are too stubborn and self-righteous to just," Gifre rolled his eyes and threw his hands up in theatric surrender. "accept...endless torture and enslavement. You backed every living creature on the planet into a figurative corner. With that kind of desperation, your demise was not just likely, but imminent!"

Aedan turned his back to Gifre, seething in rage. Aedan couldn't tell if he was more offended my Gifre's words, or the fact that he was right.

"You must use human's, my Lord." Gifre continued. "Aurora used human's." A few moments of silence passed as Gifre let Aedan ponder what he had said. "Now," Gifre continued, pointing at Eravati. "You are bound this this human. Together, you can achieve the world that we tried to create." Gifre's eyes turned to black and a giant, borderline unnatural smile formed on his face. "A world of pure Darkness." he bellowed.

Aedan snapped back to face Gifre and pointed back at Eravati. "I am not bound to this female! She is weak. This is but a pact of convenience!"

Gifre waved his hand in disregard for that comment. "Yes, yes." Gifre said sarcastically. "That is what you said of the last one as well."

Aedan roared, picked up the conference table, and chucked it against the wall. Gifre's bottle of liquor fell and shattered on the floor, while the table splintered into several pieces.

"My my, temper temper." Gifre said wagging his finger. He looked over in disappointment at the liquor that now shimmered in a puddle on his marble floor. "And that was my favorite brand of whiskey."

Aedan finally sat on one of the seats and placed his head in his palms. He thoroughly disliked his current situation. He disliked being in a pact with a human. He disliked being told he was wrong and that he had been outsmarted. But Gifre was right about one thing, he HAD grown wiser. Centuries ago, Aedan would've already pulled out his axe and slaughtered everything in this palace and that of the palace nearby. But to an extent, Aedan had come to the same conclusion Gifre had during his centuries of meditation. He had been reckless. Still, Aedan had to know one thing. "And what if they had killed me? Surely my death would've ruined any future hope of resuming our campaign. It was in your best interest to aid me, why didn't you?"

A heartfelt laughter came from Gifre that echoed through the conference room. "Assuming they would actually succeed, I knew Aurora wouldn't simply kill you." Gifre rose and waddled over to Aedan, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Aurora is far too vengeful and righteous, she wanted to see you suffer, not perish." Gifre leaned close to Aedan's ear. "And that was HER critical mistake. A great confrontation between you two is guaranteed. A confrontation in which you will make her regret her arrogance."

Darkness danced in Aedan's eyes as he fantasized about his revenge. But where to begin? Aedan turned to look at Gifre. "Where is my Great Axe, Darksorrow?"

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