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Futuristic A New Life

Gladius said:
-checks thread-

Okay, I might have just missed yesterday. My bad. I will pick up my scout away from the teachings of Jesus. Because at first she was blind...but now she can see.
GMT+1 over here :P
Yoooooooooooo Gladius... we're in space.

As in, we're not in a city. There's no one anywhere near, but for the ship full of dead people that we're trying to salvage ATM.
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Gladius said:
utomatic doors slid away to allow her entry. Blind tested her weight upon the metallic floor, and then marched forward single-mindedly to where her newest teammates would be waiting. She could already see them, and as she already knew, one look was worth a hundred words.
Well, I guess you were talking about Fixer and Dhampir there otherwise Valkyrie would really need to make Operator put a restriction to the bridge of the ship because everybody just barges in it seems xD
Tenno SKOOOM! Seriously, I find it very amusing I thought of nearly everything you guys did before reading that you already did it. "Hmm. Well, maybe a techie character...er, no, in use. Okay, maybe a DI insider...nope. Well, maybe I could start with a warframe, and....hmn. They've thought of that...." Great minds, I suppose. well, How about a team spell-caster ("any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"-Arthur C. Clarke ), in fashion of the Mag warframe, warlock from destiny, etc. You know, space magic. with blinky lights. Also, sorry to just barge in, but I must say this is a captivating premise. I swear I'm-An OVeRLY CREatIVE MAinIaC-er, friendly!

addendum: Also, for reference, Alien-can I ask you to designate what pronoun set to refer to you by? I can't auto identify the correct set based on available data.
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answer: recursive. Overlord presumes masculine, without verification. Possible permutations remain: overlady, Master, mistress, and Over-being. also, reference error. It would seem their username is FancyKiddo, not Alien kiddo. Ret-conn: What pronoun to refer to FancyKiddo by. (I'm definitely not a robot. Nope. Clearly not.)
Oh heeeeeeeeey the Warframe tag finally pays off! *fist pump of victory*

Some useful positions that we don't have filled at the moment: software/hacking character (we only have the mechanical/electrical engineer side of things covered), explosives expert (my buddy who wanted that position is taking FOREVER), any male character at all (not that that actually matters; GIRL POWER SQUAD GO).

Prepare your behind for a PM!
Ootscray tenno, attaaaaf! reffrem sputarr! Geet clem!

...I'm likely gonna play male, so their goes your evil plan. Bwahahaha?

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