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Fantasy ❝A NEW FLAME.❞


Roleplay Availability
I am currently recruiting for a roleplay.
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. Group

A CENTURYhas passed since the Great Betrayal, the darkest time in dragonkind's history ever known. Every hatchling has grown up on the tale of Cyldros and his twin sister Nimirth—the two most ancient and powerful dragons at the time—and how their final standoff broke the world and forced the once noble race into servitude.
Cyldros the Golden in all his might and splendor wanted to expand his realm into the humans' lands, believing them to be inferior and undeserving of the lush South. He believed himself to be chosen, destined even to claim the entire continent of Illia in dragonkind's name. Nimirth the Gentle contested him at every turn, refusing to let an ancient race such as dragons turn into exterminators. She swore that if he even attempted, she would strike him down even at the cost of her own life, for they had the entire Northern lands to themselves and should be content.
Cyldros resented his sibling's decision and decided that he solely should be on the throne. He fled the North with a righteous fury, hellbent on finding some way of disposing his sister and all who would oppose him.
Now, dragons were born of the magick of Illia itself and could only wield the element they were born of. On the other hand, Elves and humans could manipulate and contort it to their hearts desire, and Cyldros heard of one certain individuals corrupt practices on his travels. An elf by the name of Ealdor was being held prisoner by his own kind for his nefarious dealings with dark magick and had singlehandedly diminished the elven population before he was subdued. He had dabbled too far, the magick infecting his very body and allowing him to transcend death, and therefore had been entombed in the bowels of the great mountain, Far'llil.
The elven King had no reason to question one of the mighty leaders of the dragons when he requested to see their prisoner and assure his continued captivity, and so Cyldros had an audience with the dark mage that solidified the demise of Illia henceforth. A pact was made, and the next day Far'llil exploded in a fiery, shimmering blast. Cyldros the Golden...Cyldros the Fool—gave his blood and a golden scale to Ealdor that night, and the most powerful spell ever formed was set forth.
The curse was a billowing black cloud that blanketed the North in its choking grasp. Dragons fell from the sky, woke up screaming—screaming with voices they never heard before, clawing at their throats with fingers—as their bodies contorted for the first time, crunched and reformed into mushy human forms. Cyldros bellowed and howled as his giant form broke down and down again until he too was nothing more than a two legged gnat at the feet of Ealdor.
"You came to me asking that we conquer this world together, and so we shall, friend."
Dragonkind was cursed with human forms, and Ealdor's blood crystal allowed control of all who came into contact with it. He was the first to ride a dragon, and he used Cyldros as his personal torch of destruction. His own kin faced the might of his indignation, the primordial forests of Ayia that elves had made their home was reduced to char and almost putting his own kind into extinction in a day.

'If this is the power of one dragon, imagine 100?'

And so the elf spurred his unfortunate steed to the North and soon began his onslaught on any weakened dragons. The curse had made their dragon forms painful and hard to shift into and maintain, yet they fought tooth and nail for their freedom. But Cyldros was an Ancient and his kin had no chance against his mass and might. A dozen of his fellow dragons had been turned before Nimirth arrived to put down her brother once and for all. Ealdor believed himself to be invincible but as Nimirth's fire washed over him...for the first time in his life, he felt pain. He fled on one of his recent captures and could only watch as his biggest asset died in his twin's jaws. Nimirth always followed through on her promises.
Despite her victory, she knew Ealdor would not give up. And so the gentle giant gave up her Éther—the pure magical essence akin to a soul only dragons possess— and made her wish as she cast it. As her body turned to stone...she wept for her brother. A barrier of intense magick was erected around the North, sealing the remaining dragons inside. The curse hung over ominously still, and all dragons henceforth would never know true freedom in their forms.
In his wrath, the Southern lands suffered under Ealdor's ruling, his enslaved dragons ensuring his complete domination of all living beings. He was crowned Emperor, his castle of obsidian and gold built in the wreckage of Far'llil. Decades passed, his power was unwavering and his control absolute. Yet he will never be sated until all dragons are under his control...and Nimirth's barrier is breaking.


Nimirth's barrier is finally breaking after a century since her sacrifice for all of dragonkind, and Ealdor will begin his onslaught to finish what he started once and for all.
Our characters will be on a mission to find any form of magic that can contest Ealdor, and there are whispers of Nimirth's Tear—her last remaining form of Éther that could possibly mend the barrier. However, this would only be a temporary fix. While the Elders bicker, the younger dragons who itch for retribution will be venturing into the Southern lands...

I will allow 2 players to create dragons on Ealdor's side (you will immediately be introduced so don't worry about interaction) but I will need a writing sample DM'd to me. Any former piece of writing will do, and I will let you know if you are good to continue making your CS. It is first come first serve.
Please let me know if you have any questions regarding the world, I understand I'm using weird verbiage that may be confusing (this is my first rp in a year or so please be gentle) and feel free to get creative. Thanks for reading!


RULE.Adhere to all RPN rules and regulations.

RULE.I would like detailed characters and responses, so no one liners or Mary Sues. Responses should be 2 paragraphs minimum.

RULE.Please post at least once a week or every other week and let me know if you're not feeling it anymore, I'll understand.

—it is by our actions that we are destroyed or saved...the choice is ours.

Will Ooc be on RPN or discord?
I'll have an OOC on rpn and if people want a discord I will create one but it wont be mandatory to join.
Ooh, this looks interesting.
awesome, I’ll have the thread for CS’s shortly
Interested! Our characters would be dragons with human forms, right? Will face claims be required?
Yes to both questions. If you can’t find a good fc and want to describe in detail then I’ll allow it but I do enjoy pictures lol
Are these any kind of fcs?
Any sort of realistic animations or irl people is fine. I just don’t want like, an anime depiction if that makes sense. I know some people like to draw their characters even so that too is cool
Any sort of realistic animations or irl people is fine. I just don’t want like, an anime depiction if that makes sense. I know some people like to draw their characters even so that too is cool
I'll send my fc, I think it'll be fine but I'm just gonna double check with you
extra lore and CS will be up tomorrow night.
CS is up

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