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Dødelig Fartoy
Osi And The Jupiter
n the first morning after the chaos of five days that had haunted Ulvugge, Valde Skøvgaard, one of the most influential men of the region found the dead body of her only daughter - or at least what remained of her. The seventeen-year-old girl had been kidnapped from her room on the evening and the remainings of her body had been found on the edge of the town with signs of monstrous acts that no sane human could have done, the only clue on the crime scene was a set of disturbingly human footprints, leading towards the wilderness. The word about the town's sweetheart dying like a sacrificial lamb spreaded quickly among the folks, especially when Valde Skøvgaard announced:
"That wretched monster arrived out of nowhere and murdered plenty of our beloved ones and now ran back to the wilderness where it had crawled out from! The evil nature seemed to forget how human lawd apply to it as well; anyone who shed Skøvgaard blood has to face with the consequences! With all the caustic grief of a mourning father and the burning hatred of a dutiful citizen I, Valde Skøvgaard, beg you to revenge all the innocent soul that suffered from that devil! Whoever brings that monster back, dead or alive, I mkae sure they get the well-deserved reward of 75.000 coin, a respectful part of my own lands and the lifetime support and gratitude of the Skøvgaard family. Put your fears and delusions aside and hunt that monster down, let it face with the power of humanity!"
Now the bounty was put on the creature, called the Wolf-God the town became more lively than before: the notorious, forgotten and tolerated hunters of the region found a new purpose, a new target to track, pursue and catch. Groups were organized following the principle of 'the more the merrier' and it is only a matter of time that these groups begin to rivalize...
You probably read that article or maybe you were in Ulvugge during those five apocalyptic days full of slaughter, long-forgotten rituals and maddened dogs' barking; an unlucky one who witnessed the awakening of the Wolf-God, eh? You might not be familiar with the old tales about the creature what have been called Fenrir, The Only Friend, Guider of Men, The Harbringer of The Age of Rabidity, The Sea of Fur and Fangs, The All-Father of Canine and so on. You might know more about it than the other folks...maybe you know enough to have hidden agendas in this hunt, more than money or revenge. Maybe you know little to nothing about the cruel wasteland, spreading between Ulvugge and Lilleberg...
In any ways, you either stupid or desperate enough to join to a hunt without knowing what the target is! Hell, it's not even the season of wolf-hunt. Whatever! Let your step be light and enter the bleak, cold world of the WOLF-HUNT, Hunter!
Ehem-ehem, greetings y'all, my name is escapist and you just stumbled into a strange and a more-cryptic-than-informative interest check. WOLF-HUNT takes place somewhere around 1960-80, in an overall realistic world that is similar to ours alongside several disturbing supernatural elements. Aesthetic-wise the RP is based on Slavic, North-Europian and North-American culture however these are not strictly set boundaries
This roleplay is in theory follows a colorful group of individuals who venture into a frozen, cruel land of endless, ancient forests and rich culture to hunt down something whose indentity is more nondecript than this interest check heh.
As the group follows the conveniently existing tracks, they must focus on surviving in this empty world while enduring the others' company and the polite, barely present terror of something unimaginable that seems to be a natural component of the reality's fabric. During their journey, they get familiar with each other, the culture and with themselves - simple and classic, the adventure-type story gives the players enough freedom to create meaningful themes and character arcs while my majesty will guide their journey from danger to rest AND THEN DANGER AGAIN!
The roleplay's tone fundamentally saaad: themes of isolation, alienation, being lost and detached from the world are easy to flesh out. I plan to write philosopher sadboy sequences...yet even I cannot argue that life is all about that. Dark comedy, absurd humor, romance, action, drama or just some goof here and there are more than welcomed! So ignoring some ridiculously extreme example, every tone is fine as long as it is presented tastefully. Since fiction is stuck endlessly between Truth and False, we have to find the middle ground between being bloody serious all day every day or ridiculing our story.
On the more technical part of the roleplay, I imagined WOLF-HUNT to be an event-based story with a new event occuring in each chapter (hopefully more on these later). Maybe we spice it up with some voting or spin-the-wheel mechanics but we'll see about that later...
You might ask why I am so indecisive and vague about everything. Firstly because I am me huh. Secondly because while this is my story, I am open to share with you, by what I mean giving you the opportunity to shape and add to the lore little to bigger snippets which make the experience better and richer for all of us. And thirdly because unfortunatelly this is merely an INTEREST CHECK. Firstly I would like to see if anyone interested in this plot. If and when the 'team' gets ready, I'll finish some important lore and the CHARACTERS' Chanel so you can begin to work on that
The summary of my verbal diarrhea: if you're interested, let me know with a comment (just don't have overly great expectations, okay, I'm done, have a nice day mwahh~
"A reprobate heir of Valde Skøvgaard"
Your father's letter didn't surprise you too much, didn't even hurt you after what happened to your sister. If anything, the pathetic spark of your grief was incited into unusual flames of anger and will. Being a disappointment in your father's eyes is one thing but if you feel like you let down your beloved sister, the most precious person in your life who loved you unconditionally, the least you can do is avenging her. It can't be that hard to try and not to fail too quickly...or be a failure for one last time.
Under your father's name, you hire anyone who can help you. To put it bluntly: you scam everyone else into the hunt.
"A soul, stuck between beast and human"
You witnessed the power of the Wolf-God firsthand and your weak mind broke to its will with maddening eagerness. However nobody prepared you to the torment your God's blessing causes. As its apostile, you bear its sigil, your body is itching with power sealed deeply inside, your human parts are ignored by your race while your newly awakened part is blood-thirsty and all it wants is to meet again with your God. Your chains ring with false-reluctance as hunters pull you with them on a leash, using you as a compass to find your Lord.
Captured and held on chains by THE OBSCURE.
"A hardened hunter of human"
You are a person with a simple code. Your only God is money and to earn it, you do what you are the best at: collecting bounty. You've been practicing your profession long enough to be confident at and to find satisfaction in it. Perseverance is only one of your deadly skills that gave you prestige and a reputation without failures. Despite the unfamiliar environment and strange conditions, you don't plan to do otherwise in the case of this hunt - just being the unyielding, merciless sword of justice.
Hired by THE TOFF to do his job.
"A reader of the animals' mind"
Your world is centered around pelts: you set up traps, learn how your prey thinks and outsmart anyone with the patience and cruelty of someone who became one with the wild. As an outsider, you listen the biting wind whispering through leaves and talk with the ancient, sage trees - there is just one reason to interact with a person: to sell your loot. Your bitter inner piece settles in when you become just another predator in the cycle of wildlife, starting your endless duels with your preys whose mind you already figured out and are envy of.
Hired by THE HEADHUNTER to track the target.
"A traitor of their culture"
You spent your whole childhood with walking around your village. They showed you every path and location, not to see but to evade. You've never understood this mentality. You found yourself travel more and more, all around the region, firstly out of interest, secondly to make ends meet. You become a tourguide and a shame on your family for selling your knowledge and culture. With no welcoming home and nothing better to do, you keep leading strangers quietly, being familiar with the bleak lands, knowing which areas need to be evaded.
Hired by THE HEADHUNTER to show the way.
"A strange figure never seen before"
You arrived after the incident, oddly stiking out of the crowd with your peculiar appearance and unsettling aura. You arrived late but you seem to know much more, dangerously more about the entity than anyone else. You collect information and prepare to join the hunt, not paying attention to any physical inconvenience. As a master of arcane arts, an intellectual magician, you came not to moralize or hunt but to watch, experience the presence and the powers of the otherworldly deity.
Nobody called you but you were waiting where the others.
"A sharp-eyed, lonely shooter"
Your silent, deadly efficiency in the woods casted you an unremarkable and unwanted fame. Hunting isn't supposed to be about that, even if for now, hunting became a nothing with rituals for you, the only thing you can do in this bleak world. In great fear of bears, wolves and humans, you handle every animal with the same detached terror and respect, unable to be one of them or understand them fully. Ironically, to survive you have to keep hunting which only makes this world and your heart emptier.
Hired by THE TOFF to have an actual hunter in the team.
"A last spiritual guidance of their kind"
You are home everywhere, as if you were smoothed into the fabric of the realms. However as the world changes you came to realize that in the end, you belong to the spiritual realm which fades further from where you exist. And yet you stay and keep fighting against the forces of evil, being the guide and the teacher of ignorant people. Weariless and pleasant, you can sooth anyone and can cure any desease with ancient knowledge of your barely existing tri be. Your faith is unshakable in your skills and your duty but how The Wolf-God fits into the picture?
Hired by THE TOFF to defend the team from the so-called "evil".
About characters in general
- All characters must be above 18 and must have a realistic faceclaim (absolutely no AI or else I bite womp-womp) that are compatible with the roleplay's world, tone and limits. Historical accuracy isn't my strength either but at least try to find someone who can be imagined in such setting.
- Also if you plan to join as a Mary-Sue, a lazy self-insert or literally God themselves, please don't. Instead of being pretentious, try to be creative and have fun with creating an interesting character!
- This RP is open for and accepts characters in any biological gender, social gender, sexuality, age (+18), race etc. I aim to collect a colorful group of individuals, so feel free to stretch, twist and change the concepts of the roles because those are to give you a brief look in what kind of group I imagined, not to limit your creativity.
- The success of being recruited does not depend on speed, nobody can claim a role, except me 'cause I'm a gangstar. So! Three can race for the same role as well, the quality will be the main aspect of my decision.
- Please don't be a hungry-hungry caterpillar and only apply for one or two roles for now.
- Do you have an idea for a character/role that I didn't list? How dare you?! Just kidding, please surprise us with it, your chances of being accepted are just as good!
About age limit
I respect the younger writers as well, however since I want to discover heavier themes, for my and possibly other players' comfort, please be 18 or above if you want to participate in this roleplay.
About 'drama'
In contrast with the in-character drama which is more than welcomed, I must say something about conflicts between players. When people gather and have fun together, conflict is almost inevitable, so instead - if one occurs - let's handle it with empathy, honesty and intelligence of an adult human being.
Also: when I'll say 'drama' in the future I will only refer to a conflict between characters; players can only discuss their differencies and problems with each other but can't 'having drama' or some shit. This is just a roleplay on the internet, so chill and have fun.
About writing requirements
To be honest, I'll still have to learn the names of different levels of literacy, anyways... You probably noticed but I like to talk a lot, so if the limit is somewhere around my writing capacities, I can't complain, right?
- Let's say the lower bound is 300 words. Of course this is not a strict boundary, especially because in an RP the amount can change based on the scene/context. However always write enough for your partner to work with!
- My English is terrible as well, so I'll only ask to try to be as correct as you can, check your writing once or twice if there's any mistake or illogical composition that can give the readers harder time to understand.
- Using a code is not necessery but it's not that difficult, plus your post would look yummier with a nice lil' code...but no pressure, I swear~
About being an asshole
Well, don't be! RPN rules still apply duh. Obviously I won't accept or tolerate any form of racism, sexism, transphobia etc. Let's forget the demagogy of using extreme woke examples and just love each other. You'd be surprised how easy not being mean is!
And that's all! I know it was boring to read but necessery to be written down. I swear I am not this strict...always.
at this time of the year
adventure, horror, slice-of-life
Lil' old me
spots open
♡coded by uxie♡
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