Harbinger of War, Chaos, Death And Toast
- One on One
- Group
Futuristic - The Crimson Cosmos Catalogue
The Planet Minerva 5- The Virgin Planet Minerva 5 was noticed decades ago by Chinese astronomers, with the constant falling of snow and frozen lakes suggesting it could sustain life. Probes sent to the planet took sample of its little ecosystem- carefully analyzed to discover if it could harm...

Far, far away from the Milky Way- humanity has found its greatest opportunity, a way to escape their expiring planet. Terraforming mars and the moon to temporarily house the worlds elite while the rest of the world tries to mine whatever resources are left and fight over whatever they can find. Those of a deemed higher genetic quality where shuttled off too the few non-terrestrial colonies- but with the shipments from Earth lessening with pirate attacks and war, people are growing desperate- hence the hasty construction of the HUS Voidsight. The Craft is ripe with potential defects, but it is humanities potential final hope. The Strongest and Brightest are sent too this new Virgin Planet- capable of sustaining life- though free of any alien life that could carry disease according to their surveillance. The journey would take around five years with faster than light travel, and some hibernation to ensure nothing goes wrong along the way. The crew would arrive on planet and quickly establish experimentation and preparation for a mass-human migration- heroes to humanity in its darkest hour.
The Rundown
So I just rewatched The Thing (+ Prequel and Non Canon Novel from our favorite Biomass's pov) and want to do a thing RP. As you may guess from the inspiration- things will not go as planned and most of you will probably join the biomass- hence the recommendation of multiple characters. Once we start you can post whichever whenever, and when we start infecting people I will ask for anyone wishing to join the biomass, then spin a wheel and see if you can hide from the other players. You would run one main character that would be safe from assimilation (In the beginning at least) and less fleshed out side characters to act as cannon fodder.
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