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Realistic or Modern [HORROR] [ANTHOLOGY] Pure Evil in Scott County: Miranda Survives

Which story resonates the best with you?

  • Miranda Survives: The one where a bunch of people get lost in a forest looking for a little girl.

    Votes: 4 100.0%
  • Quarry Peak: The one where the dead come back to life.

    Votes: 3 75.0%
  • Roadkill: The one where there is something wrong with the animals.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


your mom's friend

Journey From the Death of a Friend

a roleplay experience.

  • pure evil. in scott county.

    There is Evil in Scott County.

    Not just a psychopathic murderer, or an unexplainable alien sighting. Not just a cult worshiping pagan gods and doing sacrifices. Not just an otherwordly phenomenon nobody really understands. There is Pure Evil here—the type of evil that calls for everything else evil, and lets it feast, and fester, and force itself into everything else.

    Scott County is is the God turned his back on. But nobody knows this. They feel it. They simply don't know it.

    Evil flourishes here.

♡design by animegenork, coded by uxie♡

pure evil. in scott county.
There is Evil in Scott County.

Not just a psychopathic murderer, or an unexplainable alien sighting. Not just a cult worshiping pagan gods and doing sacrifices. Not just an otherwordly phenomenon nobody really understands. There is Pure Evil here—the type of evil that calls for everything else evil, and lets it feast, and fester, and force itself into everything else.

Scott County is is the God turned his back on. But nobody knows this. They feel it. They simply don't know it.

Evil flourishes here.

what even is this roleplay?
Pure Evil in Scott County is a roleplay focusing on a bunch of mini stories about many different horror themes. From aliens, demons, the devil themself, human threats, awful lives, or something else entirely, Scott County is filled with evil, and this roleplay is where we explore its stories.

Every story in the series will have a premise and the details will be left for the roleplayers to decide—we choose where the story goes by writing it (not by plotting it out beforehand). Think something along the line of exquisite corpse (the drawing game), but with roleplay—every post reveals something new about the story and takes the story in a more detailed direction. Once one story ends, and most of us are satisfied with it, a new one begins with a completely new set of characters, a new premise and threat.

The general idea is that each of these stories is a one-off; every story has a different threat that can be (but usually isn’t) connected with another story (other than Easter Eggs), has a completely different cast of characters who usually don’t have the happiest endings (although this depends on what you as a roleplayer want for your character, the character themselves, and the direction that the story ends up taking).

The real life timeframe for each story is a very varying thing, however I think we'll try to stick with the 1-2 month interval.

ooh, exciting! how do i apply?
It's easy to apply, you just need to follow the next steps:

1. Read the rules on the next tab.
2. Vote for two premises that tickle your fancy.
3. Comment on this thread saying you're interested in joining and expect a DM with further instructions from me :‎).

  1. All RPN rules apply. While this roleplay will tackle topics and themes that would be deemed gory and mature by most, you are required to do so with respect (giving trigger warnings where those apply, putting unsettling descriptions in spoilers, etc.)
  2. While this roleplay is open to all, your characters still must be accepted into the roleplay by yours truly (me!) before you get to write for them, and that means that I get final say as to who is accepted. Mary/Gary Sues will not be accepted as this roleplay is looking for developed characters—they add to the story just as much as the horror element.
  3. Characters can be visually described via text, with realistic art, or with face claims (using images and gifs), but not with anime or unrealistic art—we're aiming for a level or realism with the characters for the stories.
  4. There will be no godmodding (controlling other people’s characters or what they say without that person’s permission).
  5. There will be no OP characters: if a powerful alien is chasing your character who is a weak teenager, your character will not be able to beat it with a shovel and get away without a single drawback. Be as realistic as possible.
  6. There will be no changing things that happened. Once it's written (if it respects all the rules), it has happened. Changing the situation by saying "my character wasn't hit by yours because he can actually dodge a bullet" is not allowed.
  7. Respect the story which already took place—don't drastically change the direction of the story. If we've already established that the evil is ancient ghosts, you can't suddenly change it to be aliens without it absolutely making sense for the situation. Curveballs earlier on in the story are okay, but nearing the end there shouldn't be a twist so big it rocks the story off its footing.
  8. Discuss things that will affect other people's characters strongly with that person before you write it. Let's keep the roleplaying environment fun for everyone, okay?
  9. Respect order of posting. No matter how many people you're interacting with, if you're really eager to post before someone else who is in an interaction with your character and it's their turns before yours, ask them for permission to post before them, don't just do so without any warnings.
  10. The OOC for this will probably be on Discord, however, joining the Discord server will not be mandatory. One can explore their character without being part of the roleplaying group on Discord.
The story we've decided to kick this anthology off with is Miranda Survives!

"The search for 3-year-old Miranda Beckett continues, and will continue long into the night. Experts say the first 72 hours are the most crucial, and the tensions here in Crowsfall are rising as time keeps ticking. The timeframe is closing, and I think we can all feel it. The local authorities urge anyone who has seen or heard anything to reach them through any of the phone numbers listed on the screen right now. For a case like this where there isn't much evidence, any and all information is useful, even if it doesn't seem important. The officials also advise and ask the public not to try and play heroes and look for Miranda themselves—the forests around Crowsfall are dense and ruthless at this time of year—the last thing anyone needs is to have more missing people."

The character sheet page is also live: Realistic or Modern - [CHARACTERS] Pure Evil in Scott County

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