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Futuristic A New Age.

"So. Is that your plan? I never said you had to work together. I just said he needed to be killed." Gareth chimed in, hoping to provoke someone into action. They were an argumentative lot, hopefully that wouldn't be to big of a problem once they were accepted. The more he looked at them, the more he felt like one of them would get lucky and kill Imagawa Hitomo (as is the correct way to do it). Then again, a good beating, multiple ones if needed, often served as a good lesson to listen to your superiors.
Takeshi shook his head sighed. "Great, now that we have all this information that makes it a lot easier. I think the best bet now is to send a scout team out to scope the area and look for things we can use to our advantage. Such as vantage points and what not. Warriors who specialize in scout and long range would be best for this but anyone else is welcome to join." Takeshi was more of a strategist. He preferred to know his battlefield before hand so he could use it against his targets. 'Im not sure if they're the careful type though... They seem more care free if anything.' He thought. " I think its best to vote on which plan works the best for us. I can't speak for everyone but I'd like to play this safe."
"Agreed." He nodded in response. "Now who are our best scouts here? or would be best for scouts?" He stretched out his cybernetics before taking a seat. He needed to focus more and pacing around wasn't going to help. "Should the rest prepare while they wait for the scout's report to return? Better safe than sorry in these matters and see what each can actually do."
"Count me out the scout part. As I'm not very comfortable with all the hiding and watching. But..." Hikaemena smiled at them, his eyes sparkling with interest. "But I have no problem with warming up a bit. If there some one of you also not fit with the spying role, we can have a nice long talk about our skill."
Hibiki smiled. "I will go for a scout. I can provide some vehicles too, probably not the loud ones because they attract attentnion." She said, looking at Sam. Glad to hear that goody two shoes wasn't a scouting type of person, she breathed a sigh of relief. "Good, so I won't have loudmouth deciding to pick a fight in the middle of our operation, great." She commented, a smirk coming to her face as she crossed her arms.

"Yes that'd be best. When the scouts return we'll then strategize a plan so that we can use everyone's abilities to the fullest and come out successful." He repliedto the man. Takeshi sighed in relief at Hikaemena's decision 'Good, I doubt he could be subtle if his life depended on it.' He thought to himself. His eyes snapped to attention at Hibiki's input "That's great, that makes three of us. When we get there, I'll use my scanners to get a good look of everything and I'll be able to give a in depth briefing when we get back."
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  • Kiyoshi Yukimura


    The motley crew he was a part was finally started to get somewhere with the whole plan thing. They started to assemble a scouting party and Kiyoshi thought he should really be apart of it. It was really the only thing he was truly good at. He moved in closer to the group and said, "I should scout ahead/I'm as silent as the grave/No one shall see me."

"I'll stay here as well. I can be quiet, but am terrible with long range weapons and I only have the more enhancements on my eyes. Not the best for stealth." Finally they were getting somewhere! Acting more civilized and getting organized. And now with some planning to leave for a stealth mission there would be more breathing room without all of the massive egos in the same area.
"In that case," Hikaemena raised his voice "Want to have a mock battle?" He couldn't care less about the scout mission but had wanted to show off his skill for a while. And this is the best time to do that. He added "Just to test out each other's skill. What do you think?"
"Why not? I haven't had a good workout in some time now." He yawned and stretched his arms out over his head. "No good opponents to go against other than an old training dummy in my family's courtyard." He chuckled. The gears in his arms whirred as they warmed up in anticipation of a good fight.
"Very well!" Hikaemena turned to Gareth. "Hey old man! If you don't have anything better to do, care to be our judge? Just so we won't have a whining loser." Heh, I will make you regret ever compare me with a training dummy, he thought and cracked his knuckles. "Shall we go?"
"Yes, could you please do that for us? His ego is bad enough. I'd hate to see how sore of a loser he is." Samuel shot a sly grin at the man. For the sake of everyone here he was rather tempted to not quite show off his full skills against this guy. At least if he lost against him there would be no whining. The thought of that made him chuckle though, because maybe that is how he won so many battles? Annoying the enemy to death.
"Practice swords." Gareth said, a panel flipping over to reveal several practice swords. "Kendo rules. First to 5 wins." They should know kendo rules, normal combat, each opponent aims to get points. Points are earned by either hitting the torso or knocking their opposition out of the set boundries. "Make room for the contenders." he ordered the others.
"Cool head, man!" Hikaemena whistled. Now this is what he like, a fine duel to show off his skill and gain respect from the others. He grabbed a practice sword and stepped forward. After a few test swings, he said with nothing but confident "So... is it against the rules if I knock him out before five swings?
Takeshi nodded at Kiyoshi with a small grin "Of course, you seem like the stealth type anyways." He backed away and stood agains the back wall as the two combatants got ready "Someone is confident in their abilities..." He claimed rolling his eyes at Hikaemena's comment
"He will be woken up, and the fight will continue." Gareth told them. He wanted this settled quickly. It was a pissing contest, no way around it. These two were showing off who had the bigger sausage, simple as that. And once it was settled they'd still but heads, but a pecking order would be established and it would be bearable. Wait, why did he care? He didn't have to work directly with them. "To your sides." he said, spreading his arms to either side to show what he meant by sides. "Begin."
Samuel picked up the practice sword and evaluated it for a moment, measuring the weight, length and aerodynamics of it. Pretty different from his usual weapon but that was no problem. "You're welcome to try hot shot, but I'm more difficult to take down than you think." He strode to his side and stood prepared for his opponent.
"If you say so." Hikaemena replied with a cocky smirk "I shall prove you wrong now... There I go!" He didn't spend more than a second to study his opponent. Hikaemena might not as skilled as he himself thought or even not a good thinker, but when it comes down to a fight face to face, his experiences left many geniuses, talents envy. The skill that had long developed into a kind of instinct through countless of stupid fight.

With a short, sharp cry, Hikaemena launched himself toward his target, the leap's speed surpassed normal human ability because of his leg's engine. His sword raised high above his head, readied for a full strength vertical strike. Any unskilled or unprepared opponent wouldn't be able to even think of evading an attack that fast, which left two options, to block or change the course of the strike. Only a highly skilled swordsman could manage to calculate the exact time and position to counter and change the sword course, which in turn require the speed and reflexes needed to evade the attack. Another option was for one to try to block, but then an improper grip or the lack of strength could end up received their own sword to the face. To sum it up, this was the strike Hikaemena used to quickly finish any weak or unfocused opponent.

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Samuel's expression turned serious as he waited for his opponent to move. The guy was fast, he'd give him that much, but so over eager to strike.

He stood patienly waiting for the perfect time to attack. Anayzing the speed and trajectory of it quickly before unleashing an attack of his own aimed at the man's side.
The blow he received was hard, but it would take more than that to make him stray far off his course. Indeed, his attack was not interrupted. His opponent, on the other hand, was wide open to his attack.
He moved as quickly as possible to avoid the attack, but to no avail. At least he managed to to avoid the brunt of it and skitter off to the side without too much damage. The side of his face stung but that was something he could fight through and not lose too much focus from.

Taking a solid attack stance again he increased the output of power to his arms and sprang forward for another attack. Using his family's signature technique of using the the most precise and powerful strike possible to try and knock the opponent over or end it in one blow.
Hikaemena's stomach still ached from the last blow but he couldn't care less at the moment. The next attack didn't catch him off guard but it surely wasn't easy to defence. As it was, his sword didn't react in time but his legs did. With his mechanical legs, Hikaemena jumped back at an angle just enough for his sword to parry the attack. He didn't escape unharmed, the tip of his sword shattered under the powerful force of his opponent, forced him into the defensive stage.
"Point!" Gareth shouted, to slow to prevent a few more blows to be traded but done quickly enough. He raised an arm out to where Samuel started the match. "A hit to the stomach I will count as the torso." He told them all. Taking down another practice sword, he hands it to Hikaemena, and asks "Can you still fight?" Once the inevitable yes came, he turned to Samuel and asked the same thing, "Can you still fight?" Once both of their answers were given, he once more steps off to the side and signals for them to begin yet another round.
Samuel smiled and nodded calmly. His face stung but he was more than ready for another round with this guy. He went back to his spot as directed and took in a deep breath to regain his focus. Taking his stance once more in preparation of yet another attack. So far so good, now to keep up this sort of strategy and the game was his.

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