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Fantasy A Guild of Heroes - Out-Of-Character Chat

Aw you guys, I'm fine. This is actually gonna make for a funny post, methinks. Wobb, on the other hand, might be a little saltier than usual.
He's already becoming mean.

It's your fault, guys. You drove him into a baaad mood.
I feel so sorry for wobb, his first appearance in the guild and he meets probably 3 of the most rude characters at the same time.
*Wakes up to find the RP started and like a million posts.* O.O Oh my god, you maniacs, you blew it up! Oooo Damn you, God damn you all to hell!
Vern the Cat
Guild Hall

Vern listened as Vivi listed the quests she recommended for him. It was quite helpful really, seeing as most of the things posted are either mundane or boring like joining the nightly patrol or investigate the recent disappearances of chickens or eliminating a band of bandits for the umpteenth time. Really, what is it with bandits that they keep popping up like weeds? Is the economy really that bad?

"That dragon may be interesting. Hopefully it's a sentient one, he could be knowledgeable. Of course it's probably just a mindless beast, nevertheless one could always hope." He said to Vivi. An elder dragon, that's what they called it back in the day anyway, have intelligence surpassing humans and are quite long lived. Maybe one of the could tell him what happened during the times he has been slumbering.

"Though do I only have to drive it away or can I kill it or, I don't know, tame it? You know, just in case I accidentally kill it with one hit. That use yo happen quite a lot back in the day, I was just suppose to restrain them but who knew dragons were so fragile?" He said to Vivi, obviously sneaking in bragging about himself.

"Not sure if I want to go to that potion making quest. Gods know what that man may be concocting and if it has any side effects on me since I am a cat. So yeah, not that." He said, it wasn't even worth considering.

"As for the Mapleburns, the less said about those diminutive mischievous scoundrels the better. Gods, I can't even hit them once since 'it's not right to hit kids'." He replied to the girl, a shudder going down his spine. Vern had the misfortune of crossing paths with those devilings. "And don't even dare putting my name on the quest as a joke. I will scratch up your face every night until you resemble pulled pork." He said when he noticed her smile.

"I've been having a great say so far Guild Master's Brother." He said, refusing to call the leech by his name. "I had been practicing manipulating the arcane for the better half of the morning. As wise man once said, practice makes perfect and perfection is a constant effort. You should try it out sometimes, effort." He said with a snide grin. If it's a battle of wits and subtle insults he wants he'll get it.

"Resistance to the elements differ between species you know." He corrected Malcador. "Say what you will about their lacking intellect, slimes are an expert when it comes to adaptation. The coloration of the slime can often times indicate their habitats and resistances. Red slimes are more resistant to heat, Blue slimes can endure the cold better and won't freeze up in a cold environment, Green slimes secrete poison and can dissolve matter faster, etc." He said with a smug grin as he faced the leech.

"All slimes are quite resistant to physical attacks, especially slashing and slicing. But you are quite right when you said that this specific specimen is quite brilliant for having a humanoid form and an ego. Little known fact is that slimes are made up of millions of little creatures, with each brain working in concert with one another. Which is why slimes are only capable of basic cognitive processes. The fact that this one has an ego means that it could have created a sort of pseudo-brain, like a main brain that is in charge of all the tiny ones." He said, looking quite proud. Truth be told, his knowledge may be outdated for who knows how long, but he gives jack about that.

Alteras Alteras Graystone713 Graystone713 @Kylesar1 Birdsie Birdsie

Cue Vietnam flashbacks of the mappleburns
I feel so sorry for wobb, his first appearance in the guild and he meets probably 3 of the most rude characters at the same time.

But then suddenly! Best Lizardman shows up to be super nice! I'm actually trying to do that to save poor Wobb.
Dang, I wanna do a Vietnam Cat flashback gif but I can't insert a gif for some reason. Somebody do it quick while the moment is still fresh!
I couldn't find a gif that could be inserted, but I did find this picture
I feel so bad for Wobb, I truly do, but Vern was already an A-grade A hole before he turned into a cat, but now he's in a body that fits his personality.
Alright, I need someone to converse with the resident hardass. Lol.
I can start a conversation with your character. Although I'm in the middle of work and I'm already struggling to reply to the main focus of this mess...
Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Alteras Alteras

It was more me being facetious but, hey, do what you like.
Well, my 3 hours of sleep are showing, I'm pretty sure my last post was kinda all over the place... Anyway! Feel free to engage with Swift's attempts at storytelling, or ignore him if you want.

I am going to take a nap so I can actually make sense writing >.>
*Reads up on the posts then goes to post, notices the mentioning of new posts and clicks it to see like 5 more posts and goes and cries in her corner trying to catch up and get entangled into the RP.*
I honestly wasnt expecting the dragon quest to turn into a guild adventure
I honestly wasnt expecting the dragon quest to turn into a guild adventure
You gave us dragons, of course it's going to be an adventure! At least for some of us...i mean, I know if I had the choice between dragons or babysitting little shits, I'd choose the dragon.
Anyway, it's good to break off into smaller groups every now and then, right?
That's what happens when you put a dragon! Melaina won't go don't worry, maybe if she was going solo or for kicks with someone else but her ego wouldn't see it worth her effort to go with so many going to take care of a creature she would assume to likely be a trivial threat not likely an actual serious dragon worth any time investment. :P
Yeah my guy ain't gonna go, he's probably gonna hang out with some peeps or just go watch Wobb and his little combat trial! :D

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