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Fantasy A Guild of Heroes - Out-Of-Character Chat

But then suddenly! Best Lizardman shows up to be super nice! I'm actually trying to do that to save poor Wobb.
And though I hate to be that guy, I can barely read it. I'm sure it's fine if you have the site set to the lighter theme, but I set it as the dark one, so the gray text is kind of hard to see. Also I gotta catch up, I just got out of the movies.
Great, I gotta come up with a quest that's tougher than a dragon... But anything higher than a dragon might as well be a guild level quest...
I had an idea for an experimental genre of roleplay.

There'd be one character, and the GM would control all outside forces. There would be basic stats that affect some roles based on values and rolls. How it would work is that several players vote for what the character does and their choices shape how the whole thing goes on.
Well did a Melaina post. You guys did so many posts and the sarcasm was so high already so she came off less of a bitch then I had intended her to first appear as... which is good in a way I guess? :P Still had to do a bit to help her stand out a bit. XD

Great, I gotta come up with a quest that's tougher than a dragon... But anything higher than a dragon might as well be a guild level quest...

I mean dragon wise they vary greatly in strength. You can have a dragon that isn't a big deal for a decently experience group of adventures to take on and then you got the Great Wyrms who can wipe out cities and take out armies without too much trouble. Its one of those creatures who while dangerous in general can vary greatly in their over-all power quickly. :P

Blah Blah Blah

Well did a Melaina post. You guys did so many posts and the sarcasm was so high already so she came off less of a bitch then I had intended her to first appear as... which is good in a way I guess? :P Still had to do a bit to help her stand out a bit. XD

I mean dragon wise they vary greatly in strength. You can have a dragon that isn't a big deal for a decently experience group of adventures to take on and then you got the Great Wyrms who can wipe out cities and take out armies without too much trouble. Its one of those creatures who while dangerous in general can vary greatly in their over-all power quickly. :P

*Ignores in return*
Well did a Melaina post. You guys did so many posts and the sarcasm was so high already so she came off less of a bitch then I had intended her to first appear as... which is good in a way I guess? :P Still had to do a bit to help her stand out a bit. XD

I mean dragon wise they vary greatly in strength. You can have a dragon that isn't a big deal for a decently experience group of adventures to take on and then you got the Great Wyrms who can wipe out cities and take out armies without too much trouble. Its one of those creatures who while dangerous in general can vary greatly in their over-all power quickly. :P

Fair enough, I don't even know if I'll gm this Dragon encounter. Probably have to... I didn't think this through.
Fair enough, I don't even know if I'll gm this Dragon encounter. Probably have to... I didn't think this through.
Mistakes were made! :P

Pathfinder version of true dragons. As you can see how they chart dragon age and all they get... considerably a lot stronger as they get older and also bigger. They go from doing like 1d4 damage with 2 attacks to 4d8 with 9 at the max size and they get also a lot more magic and fun stuff too. XD Typical fantasy dragon
Mistakes were made! :P

Pathfinder version of true dragons. As you can see how they chart dragon age and all they get... considerably a lot stronger as they get older and also bigger. They go from doing like 1d4 damage with 2 attacks to 4d8 with 9 at the max size and they get also a lot more magic and fun stuff too. XD Typical fantasy dragon
Ya... Kinda figured I might have to fall back on DnD. Haven't figured out the difference between 3.5 and 5e yet, so I'll just go with the weaker one.
Alteras Alteras
Well I'd just use it as a basic foundation, its not like the RP is based in DnD kind of world, just loosely using the basis is a good way to start from and tinker from there. :P

That and a younger one is less intelligent. The older ones can be far too smart for their own good. That's when you start having some varients who start taking over territories of land and then you got ones who are crafty enough to even work their way into the political system of various nations and effectively puppet it from underneath. Beware those Blue Dragons, if theres a giant empire there is a good chance that under it all a Blue Dragon probably is taking some part in manipulating it. :P
Yeah... I can already see it now... Melaina is going to get Viviette to beat the crap out of someone at some point in one of her fun games.

"You always make such great drinks Viviette, I really don't understand why that idiot cat claims your drinks taste like piss, it really makes no sense."
Man I have no idea who to interact with.... There's just so many people and I just wanna have my guy talk to them all!

When you should be working on finishing your CS for your second character, but instead get distracted and start making a list of your first character's thoughts on the genders of all of the other characters... Welp, that was time well spent xP

Now to actually work on Kali's CS so she can join the Guild of Narcissists Heroes!
Hanarei Hanarei
You know, after seeing Melaina I noticed that she seems a lot like Rin.

High end, proficient mage, likely the face claim, sees her self on a much higher plane than most people, and just a lot.
Even now, he had three possible plans for a course of action to take should an assassin suddenly try to stab him in the back while he oversees the training grounds. It wasn't paranoia, at least he hoped not. It was just... worry. An insecurity, one could call it. He couldn't afford to fail, to put it most simply.
Pretty sure that's paranoia. :P
Ah, Kali will have a lot of fun teasing him, probably xD
See, that's what happens when you are the son of the most heroic son of a bitch badass on the damn planet who only died a year ago.

People have expectations, you know?
And not living up to them is disappointing. The paranoia of losing even a single encounter is an everyday stray thought to poor Robert. Just when the bandit thinks he won by knocking his sword out of his hands, Robert reveals the branch of a tree he sharpened earlier and uses it as a spear. Heroes gotta improvise.

Also, he is the type to just look at her once, and blush iridescently before averting his gaze and meekly requesting that she puts more clothes on because it's distracting. He prefers a formal dress code with cute skirts.
See, that's what happens when you are the son of the most heroic son of a bitch badass on the damn planet who only died a year ago.

People have expectations, you know?
And not living up to them is disappointing. The paranoia of losing even a single encounter is an everyday stray thought to poor Robert. Just when the bandit thinks he won by knocking his sword out of his hands, Robert reveals the branch of a tree he sharpened earlier and uses it as a spear. Heroes gotta improvise.

Also, he is the type to just look at her once, and blush iridescently before averting his gaze and meekly requesting that she puts more clothes on because it's distracting. He prefers a formal dress code with cute skirts.
Oh, wait, that's right! Doesn't she only wear the jungle outfit when in battle, or something like that?

Well, still, he has a point. It'd be distracting to BOTH the enemy AND the party.
Yeah... I can already see it now... Melaina is going to get Viviette to beat the crap out of someone at some point in one of her fun games.

"You always make such great drinks Viviette, I really don't understand why that idiot cat claims your drinks taste like piss, it really makes no sense."
Hey! To be fair though cats tastes things differently ok?
See, that's what happens when you are the son of the most heroic son of a bitch badass on the damn planet who only died a year ago.

People have expectations, you know?
And not living up to them is disappointing. The paranoia of losing even a single encounter is an everyday stray thought to poor Robert. Just when the bandit thinks he won by knocking his sword out of his hands, Robert reveals the branch of a tree he sharpened earlier and uses it as a spear. Heroes gotta improvise.

Also, he is the type to just look at her once, and blush iridescently before averting his gaze and meekly requesting that she puts more clothes on because it's distracting. He prefers a formal dress code with cute skirts.
So, basically talk to him when they aren't in battle (cause she's dressed more conservatively for regular day-to-day stuff)... Or, talk to him exclusively during such activities, just to see him get flustered :P

Oh, wait, that's right! Doesn't she only wear the jungle outfit when in battle, or something like that?

Well, still, he has a point. It'd be distracting to BOTH the enemy AND the party.
Hey, distracting the enemy is worth it! Also, it's a bit of a necessity due to how she fights...
See, that's what happens when you are the son of the most heroic son of a bitch badass on the damn planet who only died a year ago.

People have expectations, you know?
And not living up to them is disappointing. The paranoia of losing even a single encounter is an everyday stray thought to poor Robert. Just when the bandit thinks he won by knocking his sword out of his hands, Robert reveals the branch of a tree he sharpened earlier and uses it as a spear. Heroes gotta improvise.

Also, he is the type to just look at her once, and blush iridescently before averting his gaze and meekly requesting that she puts more clothes on because it's distracting. He prefers a formal dress code with cute skirts.
Now to see how long he lasts before he inevitably breaks down and decides to eliminate everyone other than himself to finally rid himself of paranoia. Paranoia ftw!
So, basically talk to him when they aren't in battle (cause she's dressed more conservatively for regular day-to-day stuff)... Or, talk to him exclusively during such activities, just to see him get flustered :P

Hey, distracting the enemy is worth it! Also, it's a bit of a necessity due to how she fights...
The fact that she has to use feminine charm to win is dishonorable! Muda! Muda! Yadda! Yadda! r Rant! Rant!
He'd probably at least ask her to change to a short skirt with actual panties (from the image, doesn't seem like she wears any) and a very revealing top. Actually, nevermind the latter. That's basically what she has already. He can probably get around to understand her battle strategy on a fundamental level, and he does have honor, but he applies it only when reasonably practical (ie: he won't save the dark lord because he has a debt.)

That'd be the optimal thing, that, in his eyes, she would have to wear so he can keep some dignity and pride and not have the noblemen firing charges claiming the Guild is a bunch of lewd sex offenders.

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