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Fantasy A Guild of Heroes - Out-Of-Character Chat

Silver Wolf Silver Wolf Hmm..I suppose I have a way of making it work. It could of been Melaina hiring him essentially to do jobs for him acting as a third party taking a cut of the profits (in some cases a good cut) in order to get wealth without having to put effort in. Can be she was ultimately discovered and thats how he became part of the guild or something.

Don't worry, I'm working in a reply. This is going to be interesting. Knowing him, he isn't going to let her live that down. LOL.
(Voice is dripping with sarcasm) And so the great journey where a bunch of cats go to play with a dragon's tail until it leaves. Complete with a genderbender and a wolf girl. Truly a tail for the ages. They will sing songs of this journey for generations. They will even rename the forest to the talking Kitty Cat forest in honor of a rambling cat wizard whose voice is said to still be heard traveling through the totally not german forest.

CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse CombatReadyPenny CombatReadyPenny Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Kylesar1 Kylesar1
may i join up with this, Birdsie Birdsie ?

and, if so, may I PM you an idea or two that I've had about an interesting character

Does it require a PM? I can see only two cases if it were to be a PM:
  1. The character is a villain.
  2. The character is a deity or some other figure of importance. (ie: royalty.)
Wait... Did you take the welcome delegation quest or the weapon quest?

The delegation one is in oakvale, and I can gm it.
Birdsie Birdsie
What we really need is a quest from Birdsie Birdsie ! We can't let him be a bum bum GM, he needs to do all the quests too! Everyone poke Birdsie for quests!
*Robotic voice*
Processing user opinion!
User opinion processed!

Okay, next Chapter we will fight Satan.
what quests are there atm and would my character be worth sticking into it (i.e an academic/historian type person), if someone wouldn't mind?
Ok, I'm back! Was fixing some bbcode guides.
what quests are there atm and would my character be worth sticking into it (i.e an academic/historian type person), if someone wouldn't mind?
Hmm... Historian Academic... I'll try to come up with some, but I kinda need Birdsie Birdsie to gm the next few quests until these other ones are done.
Ok, I'm back! Was fixing some bbcode guides.

Hmm... Historian Academic... I'll try to come up with some, but I kinda need Birdsie Birdsie to gm the next few quests until these other ones are done.
*Whimpers and hides behind the corner, shying away from responsibilities*
Ok, I'm back! Was fixing some bbcode guides.

Hmm... Historian Academic... I'll try to come up with some, but I kinda need Birdsie Birdsie to gm the next few quests until these other ones are done.

basically, Yana-Qari wouldn't go on a beat up some bandits mission, but he would go on a mission to some ancient magical ruins where there may be some magical treasure or books or whatever, you know?
basically, Yana-Qari wouldn't go on a beat up some bandits mission, but he would go on a mission to some ancient magical ruins where there may be some magical treasure or books or whatever, you know?
Ahh, kinda tempted to give you a quest that a friend gave the guild once. Prob won't

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