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A Game of Cat and Mouse [Closed]


Horrible and Adorable



[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Lia had been born two days late according to her father, and that habit of being late hadn’t changed a bit since the day she was brought into this world.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]She hurried along the busy streets of New York, he three inch kitty heels click-clacking down the pavement. She had overslept, and on the most important day of her career! It was her first MCU meeting as an auror intern. She quickly hurried on, her freshly curled hair bouncing as she walked. She had choosen blonde today, a nice honey color that she was sure looked dashing on her.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]As she rounded a corner, heading down the hallway to the meeting room she catches a glimpse of herself in the mirror on the wall. It causes her to stop in her tracks. She turns and looks at her face, touching the scars that littered her face. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“No, Lia. Don’t even think about it.” She talks to herself as she turns and continues down the hallway finally reaching the tall black door that lead into the meeting room. She goes to slip in quietly, open the door ever so slowly only for a shrill schree! To break out across the deadly silent room.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Oh, damnit.” Lia murmurs and scurries  across the way to her father’s side. He chuckles at her and slips her a piece of parchment.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Late again, little one?” He chortles as the discussion around them increases past a murmur. Lia rolls her eyes and looks up at her father, age was finally starting to show on the middle aged man's face. He was almost fifty now, but still he insisted on being here. Lia looks up at around at the familiar faces around her, waving to Tony and Cam, two aurors who she admired deeply.[/SIZE]





[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Tony liked his coffee black now, no longer sweet and milky like his mother had always made. Most people would blame the job for his change, and they would be right in a way. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Tony loved his job, he always had. But when the kids vanished, it took a whole new meaning to him. He kept their pictures in his jacket pocket everywhere he went. To keep him on the right path, remind him why he was here.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Today’s meeting focused on a topic Tony was all too familiar with, The Angel. The meeting had been going on about an hour when the large black doors were pushed open, Tony glanced over and saw the Fulgora girl hurry in and he smiled. That was a good kid, he saw her going far in this business and not just because of her father. The kid had guts and the brains to match.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]He waves back when she does and then goes back to his notes, sipping the coffee slowly. Everything they were saying were things he already knew, things he was tired of being repeated. No one ever did anything around here to stop the angel, they just talked about it.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Okay but what can we do? We have no idea who we are looking for!” A voice says from across the room.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“What can we do?” Tony says bitterly, just loud enough so that his thick Brooklyn accent would shattered the noise in the room, “I’ll tell ya what we can do, we can actually go out there and try and do somthin’ about this guy!”[/SIZE]
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Hand covering her face, Rose Camille sunk deep into her chair. She envisioned it engulfing her, and her burning red cheeks, and taking her to a place were she did not after to face these people. Then, she remembered her place, and the voice of Albus Dumbledore played in her head, reminding her of every reason she had to stay and fight. It was impossible to forget that night, in the astronomy tower. The night she had tried to take her own life, determined that this world had nothing good left to offer her. His warm words had oozed like sweet honey, in a world full of bland, plain oatmeal - provided flavour back into a world of none and, equally, hope into an empty future. These very same words travelled now, from her head to through her body. They straightened her back, lifted her head, and softened the crimson glazing of her sweet, porcelain face.

RC knew that Tony was a respected auror. He wasn't quite as qualified as she would consider herself, but still respected in his profession. Yet, she couldn't help but despise his rashness. Yes, every one suffered in life, and it sucked, of course it did. If someone wanted to be optimistic about a bad situation, if that was their coping mechanism, then she had no problem with that. They could do them. It was a free wizarding world. No, no, what she had a problem with was sheer stupidity. 'We can actually go out there and do something'? Well, who would've ever thought about that? Damn, no one in the MCU has ever wanted to catch a bad guy before, she thought to herself sarcastically.

Rolling her eyes, she leaned forward and took a small sip of her tea - just  a drizzle of milk, and no sugar (cause she was "already sweet enough"). Her painted eyelids closed for a moment, as she blocked out the disputing voices around her, and tried to find some momentary clarity.

"Say," she finally gave in, her rouge lips parting moodily, "Mr Russo, right?" Her British accent was rich and thick, presenting an air of eloquence and sophistication, without the need to try. "Please, tell me, Sir. How do you suppose the MCU, the ministry... anyone..." her small hands gestured around the room. "How do you suppose they, ahem, do something about this guy? We don't know what he looks like, as far as we know he has no convicted criminal record, and he never leaves a witness. Hell, Merlin's beard, he could even be one of us. You, me... the president himself. Don't be so rash, or you risk looking highly stupid".


His rough, bare hand brushed the skin of the young girl before him.

"You look beautiful tonight, sweetheart. You look so damn delicious. I swear, I could eat you all up," he hummed his words down her ear, his breath warm against her ivory neck. "You didn't tell anyone you were coming here, right?" he asked, a single arm snaking around her waist, pulling her into his trap. She shook her head now, her painted lips parting, daring to ask why he would be worried about such a thing. A laugh came his reply. Not a warm, friendly laugh, but the kind of superiority. It was a noise that declared dominance, that he knew something she didn't know, that she couldn't possibly know. She was too trusting, too easy. Sometimes, he despised that. Damn, girls took all the fun out of it these days. All he wanted was a bit of spice back into his game, but it only became blander and blander.

"Why do I wanna know?" he paraphrased her mockingly. "Why do I wanna know? How about we play a game: two truths and a lie," he paused for her approval, as she nuzzled her small frame against his muscular build, "Mhm, good. Okay, you ready? Firstly, you look beautiful tonight. Second, I was asking cause I don't want to risk hurting your reputation. Last of all... don't be too scared now, I'm asking because I want to kill you. I want to kill you and then decapitate that pretty liitle head of yours from that small sexy body. Don't look like that... I told you it was a game... Wait! Where do you think you're going?" He yanked a handful of her hair, pulling her back onto his knee. "Naughty, naughty girl. You're gonna have to be punished for that. It's a shame really, I didn't really want to kill you so soon. We could've had a bit of fun first!"

He body wriggled in protest, but he was much stronger than he was. She flopped like a fish in his arms, as he held her tightly  by her neck. Humming a song, he'd once heard his grandmother sing, whilst living in the moutains, he raised his wand to her head. "Petrificus totalus," he mumbled, smirking to himself as her body became stiff in his arms. "Hush hush, I told you it would be more fun if you just stayed still. Now close your eyes... What's that? You can't. Oh boy, i'm sorry. I guess you'll just have to watch. I know, I know. I'm sorry babygirl. You really were beautiful, it was true. Its nothing personal...

I just have no soul".

He transfigured his 'umbrella' into the true form of his axe, then lifted it like dark, feathered wings, before lunging it at her neck.
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[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Tony smirked, then clenched his jaw as he turned to the newest member of the auror department. Sure, she was beautiful, but damn did she have a mouth on her. He looks her up and down, everything about her made him agitated. She had just shown up in the department once and from then on he had fought a constant and silent battle with her to be the best.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]She came around with her fancy accent, and her money, and suddenly she was everyone’s golden girl. Didn’t even have to work for anything when she got here, she just waltzed in in her fancy red high heels. She had spunk, Tony admired that. But, he was more concerned on who was going to be made head of the department when old Morty retired.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Well dollface, the first place we could start is to maybe start sending agents out into the field, starting asking questions. The thing about “perfect crimes”, Tony made sure to finger quote ‘perfect crimes’ before continuing, “is that they are never as perfect as the criminal thinks they are. There is always one slip up, one mistake and I think we should look for it, ‘stead of sittin’ here discussing the same ol’nonsense that we’ve been discussin’ the past four years. Who knows how many kids he’s killed!” Tony’s voice raises, he knew people were scared of him when he was angry, but RC didn’t even blink an eye at him.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“So, you’re suggesting that we send agents in the field to look for, nothing?” Someone chortles from below him.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Not, nothin’. The perp has a type, I’m sorry that I’m the only one who’s noticed.” Tony rolls his eyes, “He like’em young, vulnerable, or he likes’em old and frail, he hasn’t struck in the same city twice. He’s got a thing for blondes.”[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The room is silent and Tony is the center of attention, just how he liked it.[/SIZE]






[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Lia watched with admiration as Tony spoke to the crowd. She had always had a slight school girl crush on him, he was so brave, so cunning. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Father, what do you think?” She whispers looking up at him, he’s attention had not left the floor ever since Tony had started speaking.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“I think Tony, has a point.” Mortimer says standing up, and everyone turns to face the middle age man. Mortimer was someone you instantly trusted, he was just that kind of man. He had been in charged of the auror office for almost twenty-five years, the youngest ever. He had seen many things in his lifetime.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]He glanced now at his daughter, the spitting image of his wife. He smiled softly and then turned to address his audience.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“I think, that we do need field agents, and I know who I want out there. Tony, I expect you to lead this thing, it was your idea after all.” He nods and Tony beams brightly before casting an “I told you so” look at RC. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Of course, you need a part-” Mortimer starts but is cut off by Tony.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“I don’t need no partner.”[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Seeing as you just used a double negative, I think you need a partner and a grammar lesson son.” Mortimer teases and the audience lets out a small chuckle, “RC, I expected you to join him in this quest.”[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Lia couldn't believe it, her two favorite aurors were teaming up together to hunt down one of the most evil wizards of her lifetime. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Are there any other volunteers?” Her father asks the crowd, a few hands raise amongst those gathered.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Lia stood up, “I volunteer.”[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The whole room goes quiet as everyone turns and stares at the young girl.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Lia, no.” Her father mumbles, “Sit down honey.”[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“But Father, please!” She begs, “This is the perfect opportunity for me!”[/SIZE]

"Sir, if I may object," Cam spoke, resting the end of her quill upon her cheek. "I'd rather not partner with Mr Russo, who, whilst I'm sure is talented in some kind field, is not exactly my ideal partner". 

Not wanting to sound like she did not appreciate such an opportunity, she added that she was glad he had chosen her, but did not admire the circumstances. To solidify her argument, she concluded, "whilst Mr Russo is not necessarily inaccurate, I do not think his approach is valid in terms of what we're looking at. Age and defence predetermine vulnerability, which makes an obvious target for any serial killer, simply because young or old are easy".

Having gained momentum, and great attention, she continued, smiling upon hearing murmurs of agreement, "we do not even know if our suspect is male, our evidence is that insufficient. We don't know where they are from, or any possible motive. I just feel this is too rash, we need to think. Russo needs to think".

Satisfied with what she had to say, she slumped back into her chair and downed the remnants of her tea. How did that god damn American get put on every case? It seemed like he got every thing handed to him, everything. His plans weren't even ever ellaborate or extremely well thought, what he needed was patience. Passion was great. Hell, you couldn't do this job without passion. But too much of it could mean a failed case, and end all hope before it began.

It wouldn't be easy to sit back and wait, maybe some people would die until they caught the killer, but in the words of Albus Dumbledore: "sometimes we must choose between what is right and what is easy".


His eyes firmly shut. A long breath tickled his throat. As he looked at the begrimed ceiling above, his head sinking deep into his pillow, Samael felt vacant. The rush of his kill no longer stimulated him. He felt no excitement, and felt no remorse. Instead, he sat in anticipation, plotting the next way to lure his new victim. 

Would he have one old, or did he fancy taking a youth? The youth were always missed more. People found it more tragic, for someone with so much potential to suddenly lose it all. Yet, the elders stood for everything he despised in society. They were more personally satisfying in the moment. Sometimes, if he picked the victim right, they reminded him of his grandparents, his first kill.

"Sammy, will you do me a favour?" The image of the old women in his stated up at him. She was sat in her rocking chair, before the fire. The knitting needles had been enchanted to work themselves beside her. On her lap was a small reading book, an historical romance, they were her favourite kind. He knew she'd vision herself as the damsel in distress, destined to be saved by her prince. Filthy slut, were was her loyalty? He found comfort in the sole fact that the day would never come, she'd rot in that dump forever.

Samael faked a grin. "Sure," he replied through grinding teeth. Without a noise he had left the room, closing the door firmly behind, then paced back and forth a few times. It had taken just a minute for him decide on what to do. Just one minute to create a killer. With that single thought in mind, he'd re-entered the room, and before she could even whimper, he fatally cursed her, ending her life.

Thinking about it now, was enough to lull him to deep, smooth sleep.



[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Tony rolls his eyes, the more she spoke the more he wanted to hex her. Yet something about her always made him chuckle, he always liked her spunk. Tony stands up and walks to the edge of his balcony type seat and looks down at her.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Well, as we say around here, we you think you don’t need a partner is the exact time when you need a partner.” He chuckles and looks at Mortimer, “I think RC will make a good partner.”[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Mortimer raises an eyebrow as Tony continues, “You see, she’s still pretty new to the big city, and she doesn’t know how things work around here quite yet.”[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Tony looks over at Lia, who has basically been ignored after her request to be apart of the mission.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“I’d also like to volunteer to be Lia’s mentor.” He says smiling at her and she beams, looking at her father. Her father however raised an eyebrow at Tony and then looked to RC. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“I would prefer it if Lia be trained by RC, but of course you may help her.” He starts and then adds, “What say you RC? Will you mentor Lia?”[/SIZE]







[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Lia stares over at her farther and then back at RC, her eyes wide. Was this really happening?  Could she possibly be able to start her official training?[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]She looks at RC again, smiling brightly, she could hardly hide her excitement. Oh how she hoped she would say yes. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Lia had wanted to be an Auror as long as she could remember, always wanting to be just like her father. She had been training for this day since she was a first year student back at school, taking extra Defense Against the Dark Arts classes, graduating second in her class.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]She wanted to eventually hunt down the wizard that had murdered her mother, that was the end goal. In the end it always came down to hunting down the man that stole her mother from her life. Her father had no idea that this was the goal Lia had concocted and she liked it that way. If he knew, he’d never let her near the Auror office.[/SIZE]


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