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Futuristic A Frozen World (Casual - Detailed)

We're going under new management..!

  • Ana is a Moderator (Only way I could make an announcement.)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Obi is a Moderator (Only way I could make an announcement.)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Hey everybody, I've been wanting to change my name - and finally have. I wanted to announce this to avoid confusion :D
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[QUOTE="The Shadow Realm]Hey everybody, I've been wanting to change my name - and finally have. I wanted to announce this to avoid confusion :D

I got so confused a moment xD if you want I can make you a code, dear
[QUOTE="The Endergod]Screw it, I can't fix it.

Want help, dear?
[QUOTE="The Endergod]I mean that would be nice, but you've already helped me before and I don't want to be that guy.

>.> then I'm gonna help you anyway :P
[QUOTE="The Endergod]How, and I'm sorry?

Your shot T-T grazed my leg

[center][border=5px Solid Black][bg=silver][border=5px Solid black]
[font=Georgia][size=7][b]Logan Eckhart[/b][/size][/font]

[border=5px Solid Black][bg=silver][border=5px Solid Black]
[font=Courier New][tabs]
Logan was chilling on the rooftop, both figuratively and literally. he heard the door leading to the rooftop open and someone step onto the roof behind him. He couldn't afford to turn to see who it was, lest he would miss his leader get in a bind. Fortunately, it was just his weird teammate Grayson, who placed down a cup of what smelled like coffee and a pillow before walking away. He decided that the bossman could take care of himself for a minute so he could indulge in the warm happiness coffee usually provided him. He sat up and lifted the cup up to his lips and took a large swig. As soon as the warm bitter liquid entered his mouth, a fowl look spread across his face. He couldn't stand black coffee, he would usually drown out the flavor with many packets of sugar and cream before attempting to drink the stuff. He shook his head and placed the cup back down next to him. He didn't want to make him feel bad, because, hey, it's the thought that counts.

He laid back down and got right back into position. He looked through the scope of the rifle just in time to witness his boss crash right through one of the windows. [b]"Well shit, that certainly is less than desirable."[/b] He muttered as he followed him shuffle after the girl who had just exited the building from the back through his scope. It appeared he had the woman cornered, but before he could acquire the target, some random police looking guy popped right out of nowhere and held up the boss. [i][b]"This is it! This is finally my time to be the cool guy! Alright, all I have to do is call him up and recite those line I had rehearsed in the mirror, and I'll get to be the cool hero guy!" [/b][/i]Right as he was about to press the button on his earpiece, the boss disappeared from his line of sight and contacted him instead. He sadly listened to his request realizing that he'd have to be a cool action guy some other time, and placed the police guy right in his sights. He was about to pull the trigger when the boss' target stepped right in front of his. [b]"Shit!" [/b]He exclaimed as he pounded his fist onto the roof besides him. 

He called up hush again and angrily said through his teeth, [b]"That bitch is blocking my shot, I can only incapacitate him for a moment or so, but the girl might take off, or the guy might shoot you, so heads up, I guess." [/b]He readjusted his sights, and this time he aimed it right at his right foot. He took in a deep breath and while exhaling, he took the shot. The loud gunshot rang through the air around the surrounding area as he absorbed the recoil with his shoulder. The bullet whizzed through the air as it zipped passed some rather innocent bystanders prior to it embedding itself in the center of the man's foot. As it passed by the initial target, it made a shallow cut in her leg. He lay there patiently waiting to see what would unfold.
[*]Accuracy International AS50 [spoiler= AI AS50][ATTACH=full]261156[/ATTACH][/spoiler]
[*]Cassiopeia IT700 [spoiler= Cassiopeia][ATTACH=full]261161[/ATTACH][/spoiler]
[*]About 25 normal rounds, 5 incendiary rounds, and 2 explosive rounds.
[*]Night vision binoculars
[*]Pack full of rations and the aforementioned rounds.
[*]Snow camo suit.
He can shoot down a target from over a mile away with his Cheytac rifle and can blow down enemy cover and set fire to an enemies supplies with his AS50. He can also keep moral up and inspire those around him.
[b]Hush[/b]- "He's a pretty "chill" guy, but aren't we all?" 

[b]Grayson[/b]- "He's pretty weird if you ask me, but he brought me coffee, so he seems "cool" to me." 
Tags: @ShadowWalker254 @Anaxileah @Unlimited 

Normal: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdxlNT-vGFY[/media] Combat: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9ysLmvhY8Y[/media]

Anaxileah said:
Your shot T-T grazed my leg
[center][border=5px Solid Black][bg=silver][border=5px Solid black]
[font=Georgia][size=7][b]Logan Eckhart[/b][/size][/font]

[border=5px Solid Black][bg=silver][border=5px Solid Black]
[font=Courier New][tabs]
Logan was chilling on the rooftop, both figuratively and literally. he heard the door leading to the rooftop open and someone step onto the roof behind him. He couldn't afford to turn to see who it was, lest he would miss his leader get in a bind. Fortunately, it was just his weird teammate Grayson, who placed down a cup of what smelled like coffee and a pillow before walking away. He decided that the bossman could take care of himself for a minute so he could indulge in the warm happiness coffee usually provided him. He sat up and lifted the cup up to his lips and took a large swig. As soon as the warm bitter liquid entered his mouth, a fowl look spread across his face. He couldn't stand black coffee, he would usually drown out the flavor with many packets of sugar and cream before attempting to drink the stuff. He shook his head and placed the cup back down next to him. He didn't want to make him feel bad, because, hey, it's the thought that counts.

He laid back down and got right back into position. He looked through the scope of the rifle just in time to witness his boss crash right through one of the windows. [b]"Well shit, that certainly is less than desirable."[/b] He muttered as he followed him shuffle after the girl who had just exited the building from the back through his scope. It appeared he had the woman cornered, but before he could acquire the target, some random police looking guy popped right out of nowhere and held up the boss. [i][b]"This is it! This is finally my time to be the cool guy! Alright, all I have to do is call him up and recite those line I had rehearsed in the mirror, and I'll get to be the cool hero guy!" [/b][/i]Right as he was about to press the button on his earpiece, the boss disappeared from his line of sight and contacted him instead. He sadly listened to his request realizing that he'd have to be a cool action guy some other time, and placed the police guy right in his sights. He was about to pull the trigger when the boss' target stepped right in front of his. [b]"Shit!" [/b]He exclaimed as he pounded his fist onto the roof besides him.

He called up hush again and angrily said through his teeth, [b]"That bitch is blocking my shot, I can only incapacitate him for a moment or so, but the girl might take off, or the guy might shoot you, so heads up, I guess." [/b]He readjusted his sights, and this time he aimed it right at his right foot. He took in a deep breath and while exhaling, he took the shot. The loud gunshot rang through the air around the surrounding area as he absorbed the recoil with his shoulder. The bullet whizzed through the air as it zipped passed some rather innocent bystanders prior to it embedding itself in the center of the man's foot. As it passed by the initial target, it made a shallow cut in her leg. He lay there patiently waiting to see what would unfold.
[*]Accuracy International AS50 [spoiler= AI AS50][ATTACH=full]261156[/ATTACH][/spoiler]
[*]Cassiopeia IT700 [spoiler= Cassiopeia][ATTACH=full]261161[/ATTACH][/spoiler]
[*]About 25 normal rounds, 5 incendiary rounds, and 2 explosive rounds.
[*]Night vision binoculars
[*]Pack full of rations and the aforementioned rounds.
[*]Snow camo suit.
He can shoot down a target from over a mile away with his Cheytac rifle and can blow down enemy cover and set fire to an enemies supplies with his AS50. He can also keep moral up and inspire those around him.
[b]Hush[/b]- "He's a pretty "chill" guy, but aren't we all?" 

[b]Grayson[/b]- "He's pretty weird if you ask me, but he brought me coffee, so he seems "cool" to me." 
Tags: @ShadowWalker254 @Anaxileah @Unlimited

Normal: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdxlNT-vGFY[/media] Combat: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9ysLmvhY8Y[/media]

Well yeah, collateral damage.
[QUOTE="The Endergod]Well yeah, collateral damage.

Anaxileah said:
I got so confused a moment xD if you want I can make you a code, dear
Can you please do so? My current code stretches my wording out so far it makes my paragraphs look horrible.

Help me plox..
[QUOTE="The Shadow Realm]Can you please do so? My current code stretches my wording out so far it makes my paragraphs look horrible.
Help me plox..

Of course, lol. Do you want it to be like mine, or more compact, or what?
Anaxileah said:
Of course, lol. Do you want it to be like mine, or more compact, or what?
Something that makes it more narrow (Compact?).. My current code stretches out my writing more than normal.
[QUOTE="The Shadow Realm]Something that makes it more narrow (Compact?).. My current code stretches out my writing more than normal.

You mean like altering the margins?
[QUOTE="HoneyBear-Kat]Is this still accepting?? :D



[QUOTE="HoneyBear-Kat]YOU JUST DID IT TOO ANA xD <3 kay moving to ooc

...fluff this IS the OOC....
[QUOTE="HoneyBear-Kat]YOU JUST DID IT TOO ANA xD <3 kay moving to ooc

Great, now I've gotta clean up after you two..

JK I'm messing with you.
[QUOTE="The Shadow Realm]Great, now I've gotta clean up after you two..
JK I'm messing with you.




Anaxileah said:


Ana you know from a previous rp, im sort of bringing the twins but making them more...fitted for this rp

the thing is...their personalities are so different idk where to put them xD
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