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Futuristic A Frozen World (Casual - Detailed)

We're going under new management..!

  • Ana is a Moderator (Only way I could make an announcement.)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Obi is a Moderator (Only way I could make an announcement.)

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[QUOTE="HoneyBear-Kat]This is taking forever and me eyes hurt @^@ aghhhh
*rolls in glitter* =u= rejuvenating....

We've got one of my older RP's members coming to join this one. He's gonna be playing as a Ex-Wolfpack member that [classified]
Unlimited said:
We're sorry, well I am.
Lies >.>

[QUOTE="The Endergod]You're the meanerest.


[QUOTE="HoneyBear-Kat]This is taking forever and me eyes hurt @^@ aghhhh
*rolls in glitter* =u= rejuvenating....

Ew glitter
[QUOTE="The Shadow Realm]We've got one of my older RP's members coming to join this one. He's gonna be playing as a Ex-Wolfpack member that [classified]

oooohhh~ :D

Anaxileah said:
Lies >.>

Ew glitter
Your hate for glitter does not sway my love and care for you, friend :'3 although...it does impale a steak in me heart :'D
[QUOTE="HoneyBear-Kat]oooohhh~ :D
Your hate for glitter does not sway my love and care for you, friend :'3 although...it does impale a steak in me heart :'D


Although now I want steak
And I love and care for you, too. I just hate the goddamn glerpies.
[QUOTE="The Shadow Realm]We've got one of my older RP's members coming to join this one. He's gonna be playing as a Ex-Wolfpack member that [classified]

:o ooh
Anaxileah said:
Although now I want steak
WHY DID I PUT STEAK xD well i was hungry...but i ate now :D ...and still eating cause...im a bottomless pit xD
[QUOTE="HoneyBear-Kat]WHY DID I PUT STEAK xD well i was hungry...but i ate now :D ...and still eating cause...im a bottomless pit xD

And you're still skinny T-T I don't have that gift

I LOOK at food and gain weight xD
The Shadow Realm] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/20259-anaxileah/ said:
@Anaxileah[/URL] I need dat code m8
You never answered my questions, m8. Did you mean narrowing down the margin, or what?
Yes please T-T although you'd be overweight rather than skinny xD
Penance said:
I look like I'm from a starving country and I always eat. ESPECIALLY when I'm bored. Are you sure YOU wanna trade? xD
T^T Me no likey being big

Although I would wanna keep my strength >.> I built up muscle for a reason
[QUOTE="The Shadow Realm]Yeah, that's what I would want :D

Well I currently don't have computer access, but I'll do my best on my kindle
Response Would you like for it to be like this on your background?
I used your first post as an example. Is this alright?

  • Response Hush awoke to a single ray of sunlight slanting through his hotels room blinds, and into his eyes. As he started out of his bed, the scenery of the room began getting malformed in his mind, transforming the room into the he had when he was just a mere child. Gunshots rang out in the distance, causing his ears to ring distantly, and soon a light crimson stream began seeping in from under his door. Tears ran down his face as he rushed to the door and yanked in open - only to find the tiled interior of his restroom.

    Hush rubbed his eyes with shaking hands and slowly walked toward his sink - looking at his reflection in the spotty mirror once he got there. Dried tears marked his facial features, and his eyes were completely bloodshot, with many veins being exposed. With a slight tug, Hush turned on the faucets tap and waited until steam rose up from it before rinsing his eyes. Afterwards he entered back into the bedroom and went to his closet, and put out his daily clothing - his specialized mask, a pair of gloves, cloak, jacket, bulletproof vest, armored pants and water-tight boots.

    Hush then grabbed his sidearm and the suitcase that held his primary weapon before kicking his hotel door open. While passing the Clerks desk, Isaiah threw the money due on the desks splintered surface, and then went outside. The view around him still amazed him, with thundering towers and the busy buzzing of the daily populous. His target for the day was a scientific lady from the faction H.E.A.T that resided in the inner-city, and he thought he should start the day off by ending that contract and grabbing his squadron.

    Whilst walking down the cities streets Hush scanned and took mental notes about the cities unique layout - just incase he was caught in the act of murdering a innocent citizen. After finishing scanning the area, Hush found several routes that each branch out in unique directions. With that finished, Hush halted the nearest Taxi-Cab and handed the driver a $150 dollar bill. "Drive to H.E.A.T headquarters, and stay parked outside the building." The driver nodded his head and pulled out onto the main highway, heading for the 2nd tallest building in the city.

The code for it is down below:

[bg=Gray][font=Century Gothic][TABS]
[fieldset=Response]Hush awoke to a single ray of sunlight slanting through his hotels room blinds, and into his eyes. As he started out of his bed, the scenery of the room began getting malformed in his mind, transforming the room into the he had when he was just a mere child. Gunshots rang out in the distance, causing his ears to ring distantly, and soon a light crimson stream began seeping in from under his door. Tears ran down his face as he rushed to the door and yanked in open - only to find the tiled interior of his restroom.

Hush rubbed his eyes with shaking hands and slowly walked toward his sink - looking at his reflection in the spotty mirror once he got there. Dried tears marked his facial features, and his eyes were completely bloodshot, with many veins being exposed. With a slight tug, Hush turned on the faucets tap and waited until steam rose up from it before rinsing his eyes. Afterwards he entered back into the bedroom and went to his closet, and put out his daily clothing - his specialized mask, a pair of gloves, cloak, jacket, bulletproof vest, armored pants and water-tight boots.

Hush then grabbed his sidearm and the suitcase that held his primary weapon before kicking his hotel door open. While passing the Clerks desk, Isaiah threw the money due on the desks splintered surface, and then went outside. The view around him still amazed him, with thundering towers and the busy buzzing of the daily populous. His target for the day was a scientific lady from the faction H.E.A.T that resided in the inner-city, and he thought he should start the day off by ending that contract and grabbing his squadron.

Whilst walking down the cities streets Hush scanned and took mental notes about the cities unique layout - just incase he was caught in the act of murdering a innocent citizen. After finishing scanning the area, Hush found several routes that each branch out in unique directions. With that finished, Hush halted the nearest Taxi-Cab and handed the driver a $150 dollar bill. "Drive to H.E.A.T headquarters, and stay parked outside the building." The driver nodded his head and pulled out onto the main highway, heading for the 2nd tallest building in the city.[/fieldset]
[fieldset=Character Info.]Name: Isaiah "Hush" Skehan

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Demisexual

Appearance: [img=http://img13.deviantart.net/4d78/i/2015/168/b/e/bounty_hunter__by_duster132-d8xo8mx.jpg]

Faction: Leader of "The Wolfpack"

Personality: Hush is considered to be rather quiet, and rather cunning - hence the nickname Hush. Hush however has a natural talent for speech, enabling him to get more than a fair share in baters, and enabling him to conceive many unsuspecting targets (Ending with them dead.). He'll do any factions contracts if the pay is favorable enough, even working for The Outsiders if a deal strikes his fancy.

Bio: Hush was born in 2083 in the early beginnings of "The Initial Freeze", and was raised in a small town in Central Texas. His family consisted on four members - Him, Mother, Eldest Brother and Youngest Brother. Being the middle child in his family shaped him partially into the man he was today, that and a few other things. When Isaiah was a mere ten years old, much of our planet was already coated in a slushy mess of snow and melted ice. As a direct result, many food supplies became ruined by the planets frigid temperatures and short growing seasons, and the lack of food soon started to show in their village.

His family was one of the most powerful in the town - [inlinespoiler]Mother secretly worked on the Triton Project[/inlinespoiler] - and got extra rations as others were starving all around them. A few months later, riots soon started to form at their houses perimeter walls, threatening to take their lives if they didn't give away any of their spare rations. Hush's mother answered their requests in order to protect her children, however the populous soon wanted more - and more, etc., until she finally had none left to give. They were seemingly left in peace from there forth, until an year later - when his family was killed in cold blood - [inlinespoiler]Governmental Cover-up[/inlinespoiler]. When he was sound asleep. He awoke to the sound of a gunshot, and walked out of his room only to find the bodies of his entire family.

From then onwards, Hush began to do anything to survive and in term shaped him into what he is today.

Inventory: Hush's inventory consists of an modified FN SCAR with five clips of ballistic calibers. Besides that, he carries a assortment of arms attachments and several pairs of specialized winter clothing.

Skillset: Hush, as referred to in the beginning has a basic knowledge of leadership and a manipulative personality. He his also highly skilled with virtually any Marksman Rifle, and hand-to-hand combat.

Negatives: Hush suffers from minor split-personality disorder, and mild PTSD - sometimes causing him to hallucinate, and become unfocused at the tasks currently at hand.[/fieldset]
[QUOTE="The Shadow Realm]Sure, whatever you think'll look good :D


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