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Futuristic A Frozen World (Casual - Detailed) (Needs Joiners)

The Shadow Realm

Leader of The Shadow Realm

A Frozen World


Present Day

In the year 2115 nothing that we are currently familiar with is left of the planet known as Earth. Our planet's surface is now laden with multiple layers of permanent frost and dunes of freshly fallen snow. Most if not all of Earth's civil structures now lie in ruin, leaving echoes of a former civilization strewn across the icy wasteland once known as the United States of America.

However, our planet wasn't always like this...

Origins "The Initial Freeze" (2080-2086)

It all started with a slight decline of Earth's average temperature, encompassing harsher winter storms and sparse snow showers in the middle of summer. In the year 2086, Earth's scientists began to notice that this decrease in temperature wasn't slowing down, and that the warmth the sun once gave out to Earth was quickly becoming no less than that of an dying flame. The cause for this was the sun's energy draining faster than we thought possible through a burst of rapid helium consumption, resulting in the sun's diminishing mass.

A heavy overcast and storm-like light is the present equivalent to a bright, sunny, day in the continent of North America, and the average global temperature of Earth during the day is now around -20°F while the average low as night cloaks the world is around -75°F.

The average daylight hours have now been reduced to seven, with nighttime hours lasting more than 16 hours annually as a direct result from what little to no light we receive from our dying host star.

Our planet's plant life has long been dead and gone, frozen long ago and trapped under the several layers of permanent (or perma) frost coating our planets surface. The lack of warmth and plants to feast on soon took out most, if not all, of the herbivores, including 85% of the world's cattle population, with most of the worlds carnivores following shortly after there were no more corpses to feast on.

A quarter of the world's population died following "The Initial Freeze."

The Triton Project (2090-2110)

The world's scientific union soon realized they only had one option, which would be to leave their home planet for the nearest inhabitable solar system, Sector 2-13E, and that meant most of earth's population would be left behind to suffer Earth's icy atmosphere. One scientist, however, was brave enough to stand up against the injustice of the situation, and in secret uploaded the project's files to sources visible to the public eye.

As soon as the Triton Project's folders were leaked, they sparked public outrage, and riots quickly slowed the progress of the project. After 10 years of hard work proven futile, the project was canceled, leaving the human race stuck on their dying planet.

The Fall of Power (2100)

About this time, the world's government structures (already on their last legs) collapsed, taking the world's last power grid plans and methods of warmth with them, including the sustenance for numerous cities. Forty five percent of the United States' population died in the years following the disaster, and the future of mankind began to look bleak...

Yet humanity continues to push on.

Progression Era (2115-????)

Various factions soon replaced the United States' fallen governments and established domed colonies across the wasteland once known as the North Americas. The future, although not at all what people where expecting, was slowly beginning to become less of a wasteland, and more like a home - your home.

(I accidentally deleted the Sign-Up thread, so please be patient until they add it back!)
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Kyani finished her early morning deep breathing exercise with a large sigh, just as she did every morning. It helped her to get rid of the bad energies from the last day and start this one anew with only good energies. She rose from the beaded mat she had been kneeling upon and looked out at the city she resided in. Washington D.C. Before the Earth had frozen, Kyani's clan said that they would not have ever come to this place - too many bad energies littered its streets, its buildings. Bloodshed and other crimes had been constant, according to her ancestors, so the city was filled with negativity. However, Kyani did not sense this kind of negativity. The one that she could feel was hopelessness. People had given up on the outside world, given up on living on this desolate planet like they used to.

With another sigh Kyani turned from the window and approached the dresser in her room, pulling out her usual lab attire - an outfit that she slid over herself like a wet suit, but rather than protecting her skin from water it protected her skin from radiation, harmful chemicals, and anything else in the laboratories that could harm her. She put a belt on over it, which carried her simple scientific tools and items such as pens and a notepad, magnifying glass, a thermometer, and a couple beakers with stoppers for each one. The belt also had a holster on it for her weapon, and she only grabbed it because she was required to carry it at all times outside her home, so says the government. After she fastened the belt on her waist, checked to make sure the safety on her handgun was on, and pulled her lab coat over the suit and belt, Kyani pulled on a pair of boots that matched the suit and grabbed her ID card along with her safety goggles. She quickly braided her hair into a messy braid that did its job in keeping her hair out of her face, then approached the door of her apartment, skipping breakfast once more.

Before she could open the door a knock came from it, and she identified the newcomer as her brother, dropping something off as he did almost every morning. She opened the door and raised an eyebrow at him, despite his towering 6'1" height. He grinned at her before saying, "Michëwakàn,"* and then proceeded to hand her a bag, then walk off with his quick stride. Kyani let out an exasperated noise and opened the bag, which had a container of noodles in it, along with an apple. She shook her head and smiled faintly before calling back to him, "Wanìshi!"** The female then walked in the direction opposite to her brother and headed towards her job, a smile on her face as the bag in her left hand swung with every step.

As she left her apartment and walked over to the laboratories - which weren't far away at all - Kyani looked up at the light source in the center of the dome, smiling faintly. It was very similar to the orbs she always had with her when she traveled, which were currently in her own personal laboratory. The orb activated when introduced to a heat source, which in this case is a spinning device on top of it (producing friction with the orb's external shell), so it was illuminating the city and providing warmth for the citizens. Her brother helped create that device, as did she with the orb - these were recent updates to the city's light and heat source, and they seemed to be working fairly well. Her smile grew and remained there as she arrived at her lab, nodding in greeting to the owners of the building, who were having some sort of discussion near the front of the building, probably about prototypes or something else they considered to be important. Kyani shook her head as she arrived at her lab, thinking about how silly the owners were in relation to what they should be doing - finding a solution for the outside world. Kyani looked out one of her lab's windows with a look of longing, wanting to solve all of the world's problems as soon as she could.

*Michëwakàn - Food

**Wanìshi - Thanks/Thank you

Tag: @ShadowWalker254 Character's Mood: Hopeful User's Mood: Excessive? Maybe? Nervous? o-o Location: Her Apartment -> Her Lab Inventory: Lab Tools (listed above)


  • Response Hush awoke to a single ray of sunlight slanting through his hotels room blinds, and into his eyes. As he started out of his bed, the scenery of the room began getting malformed in his mind, transforming the room into the he had when he was just a mere child. Gunshots rang out in the distance, causing his ears to ring distantly, and soon a light crimson stream began seeping in from under his door. Tears ran down his face as he rushed to the door and yanked in open - only to find the tiled interior of his restroom.

    Hush rubbed his eyes with shaking hands and slowly walked toward his sink - looking at his reflection in the spotty mirror once he got there. Dried tears marked his facial features, and his eyes were completely bloodshot, with many veins being exposed. With a slight tug, Hush turned on the faucets tap and waited until steam rose up from it before rinsing his eyes. Afterwards he entered back into the bedroom and went to his closet, and put out his daily clothing - his specialized mask, a pair of gloves, cloak, jacket, bulletproof vest, armored pants and water-tight boots.

    Hush then grabbed his sidearm and the suitcase that held his primary weapon before kicking his hotel door open. While passing the Clerks desk, Isaiah threw the money due on the desks splintered surface, and then went outside. The view around him still amazed him, with thundering towers and the busy buzzing of the daily populous. His target for the day was a scientific lady from the faction H.E.A.T that resided in the inner-city, and he thought he should start the day off by ending that contract and grabbing his squadron.

    Whilst walking down the cities streets Hush scanned and took mental notes about the cities unique layout - just incase he was caught in the act of murdering a innocent citizen. After finishing scanning the area, Hush found several routes that each branch out in unique directions. With that finished, Hush halted the nearest Taxi-Cab and handed the driver a $150 dollar bill. "Drive to H.E.A.T headquarters, and stay parked outside the building." The driver nodded his head and pulled out onto the main highway, heading for the 2nd tallest building in the city.

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Elvira slept through her alarm, as she did on most days. Stretching her arms out as she awoke naturally, she noticed the deadening beeping of her clock. She was supposed to be at the lab ten minutes ago. Frantically jumping out of bed, she managed to slow herself down by getting tangled in the sheets. After falling on the floor, she stood up and managed to compose herself. Calmly turning off the alarm, she turned on her heel and walked towards her dresser.

Since Elvira was a simple intern, she didn't have elaborate gear to keep her safe in the lab. She did the best she could, covering as much skin as possible and wearing goggles when necessary. Her hair was too short to tie back, but she almost always had her bangs pinned out of her face. Sometimes, she would wake up late and hastily arrive at the lab without taking the proper safety precautions. This usually resulted in her getting scolded and having to borrow lab gear that was much too large for her body. Today was one of those days.

Quickly slipping on boots and a coat, Elvira grabbed her satchel and dashed from her apartment to the lab down the street. There was a taxi simply parked in front of the building, but Elvira didn't have time to think about it. She simply ran by, pushing herself through the doors, and bounded up the stairs. She muttered "excuse me, sorry" multiple times as she ran past other employees of the building. When she finally reached the lab, she threw open the door and stood there for a minute. She was panting, out of breath from her morning run. "Sorry I'm late!" she called out.
~ They say we are a myth. They say we are a legend. What they don't know is that we are them. We are their consciences, their fears and their ambitions. We do not sleep, we do not wait, and we do not stop. They call us outcasts... But what is the outside? They live in their illusion of a world, surrounded by a dome with false sunlight. They have blinded themselves to the reality of the world. ~

The bitter cold bit at his cheeks, his breath visible like smoke bellowing from a chimney. Combat gear worn for days itching to come off, his finger itching to squeeze. The cold embraced him both inside and out. His soul was as cool as the ground he lay on. Branislav was in the deep snow surrounding Washington D.C. He looked through the scope mounted on top of his rifle, scanning the area around him. The large dome, lit like a light-bulb, could be seen not too far away from his current position. The cold... Always the cold. Luckily it could not numb what was already numb. Slowly standing to his feet, the man trudged through what seem like a river of white fluffy snow. Step by step, crunch by crunch, breath by breath.

After a few minutes of walking the man came upon what appeared to be a large armored SUV. Black metal as cold as the very ice that surrounded it hardly visible in what seemed to be a blizzard brewing around them. The tri-laser lights on his helmet turned on, and then the SUV did the same. The back left door of the truck opened as Branislav approached it and he climbed in. Deep and heavy breathes, rapid in frequency slowly calmed down as he pulled down the cloth mask which covered his mouth. The helmet he had on was slowly pulled off as he looked to the armed soldiers in all four seats of the vehicle.

"I think they will send a team out to gather samples some time soon. They don't have the outside guarded as much as I expected them to, though that could be because of the storm. We will use the blizzard as cover and strike whoever comes out in a group larger than 5. If we commandeer any vehicles we will infiltrate the city. If not, then we regroup on Base 4 and we will discuss further action." The aged and deep voice of the man explained and ordered. Right next to him in the adjacent seat was a black haired, younger looking fellow who nodded and then grinned at the thought of action. A shotgun stood on its butt in between his legs pointing towards the ceiling of the vehicle.

"Schmidt, you and the other two will set up a blockade on the dug-out paths directly in front of the city entrance. I will take high-ground and provide cover. The Shadow team will be off at 6 o'clock awaiting my command to strike." Continued Branislav as he reached in to a satchel pack with his left hand. A fairly squished pack of cigarettes were removed from the pack and he slowly opened it. The fingers he saw before him did not feel like they were even attatched to his body. With guile he forced them to squeeze the butt of a cigarette and pull it out of the pack. Since it was the last one he had he simply dropped the pack on the floor of the SUV. Schmidt, who was the soldier sitting next to him pulled out a lighter from his pocket. Branislav put the cigarette in his mouth and leaned over, Schmidt lighting it and receiving a comradeship wink from Branislav. The sound of him inhaling the smoke, and slowly exhaling it filled the SUV just like the smoke did. For a moment he would rest, his head turning towards the window from which he could see almost nothing out of.

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Logan Eckhart

  • Logan awoke well before the sun rose sometime around 5, he always woke up early, but he never really knew why. He sat up in his bed and just sat there for a couple of minutes, letting his eyes get adjusted to the darkness around him. He didn't really want to disturb the others in the building so he gently placed his feet on the ground and shuffled over to the small bathroom. He almost jumped out of his skin when his bare feet came into contact with the cold tile. He shook his head at his own stupidity and promptly shut the door behind him. He did all of his important morning business and opened the door, feeling like a new man.

    He quickly slipped on his camo suit, he knew it didn't blend in well with his new surroundings, but it's not like he had anything else to wear. Once he had made sure that his boot laces were double knotted and that his gloves were tucked in under his sleeves, he made his way to the door. He grabbed his bag which was laying on the ground next to the door and put it on. Then he grabbed his trusty rifle which was leaning up against the wall and slung that over his right shoulder. He walked out the door and turned back to give the room one last look before he set off. He didn't want to leave anything. Once he was sure he had everything, he slowly closed the door behind him and headed off to the roof.

    He opened the door leading to the roof and was greeted with the dark coldness of night. It's not like he expected anything different, really. He moved over to the side facing the streets below and sat down at the edge letting his legs dangle off the edge. He placed his rifle and pack down behind him and started to rummage through it for a minute. He lifted out a pair of binoculars and rubbed the lenses clean with the palm of his glove. He pressed a small button on the left side and it made a small hum as it turned on. He put them up to his face and began to look around at the green and white outlines of the buildings. He remembered which building their target's supposed to reside in and he positioned himself so he could properly see the entrance of the building, waiting for movement. Around 45 minutes passed he was almost asleep again at this point, but almost leapt up when he saw a greenish female silhouette exited the building. He wasn't sure if she was really the target or not, but he decided to follower her movements anyways. The woman moved in and out o his vision before entering another much larger building. He took a mental snapshot of the building and sat there waiting patiently now, watching if she'd walk out again. About a half an hour passed before the sun started to rise and he had to switch off the night vision or risk losing his sight.

    He was getting pretty bored at this point and was about to give up watch when he heard the doors from right below him open. He turned back around and saw his leader exit the building and step into a taxi. He watched as they drove off and switched his attention back to the H.E.A.T. building.
    "Huh, I guess our fearless leader decided to go off on his own. Eh, I better watch his back, you never know what'll happen in these places." He thought to himself as he placed the binoculars back into his pack and grabbed his rifle. He moved more towards the center of the roof and set up his rifle. Then he laid down flat on his stomach and positioned himself so he could see the front doors of the building through his scope. Then he pulled out his pocket PC from his pocket and laid it next to him. He powered it on and while waiting for it to start on, he watched as the same taxi as before parked itself in front of the building. Logan pressed a button on his ear piece and began to speak to Hush. "Hey Hushpuppy, are you sure you want to fly solo on this one? Don't you think we should like wait for the others before starting anything. I mean it's your call, you're the bossman after all."

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  • As soon as the Cab pulled up to the H.E.A.T HQ, Hush grabbed his suitcase and swung his legs outside the vehicle as if they were a bundle of twigs. While walking to the building main entrypoint, Hush's H.U.D alerted that a squad member was requesting COMS. Upon accepting it Hush was welcomed with a earful of chatter similar to that of a baby bird - and his infamous nickname "Hushpuppy". "Nice to hear your PLEASANT voice this early in the morning Logan.." Hush said this so full of sarcasm it would've coated the average mans tongue like Peanut Butter. "Also, that'd be a Yes on the question, I'm going lone-wolf on this one." Hush then shut off his COMS channel, and kicked the Labs door off its hinges in one fell swoop, causing it to fly across the room like a speeding bullet.

    The door then struck a nearby guard on post, and crushed him as that of a grape, and stained both the floor- and the surrounding walls in crimson and loose bits of flesh. Screams erupted from the crowd gathered around him as he presented himself to them, cloaked in the red mist of death and decay - with a bloodied Bowie knife in hand. "Get the fuck out of my way- Hush then gestured to the great red splatter behind him. "- or die like the ones who attempted to stop me." The crowd then parted like the Red Sea in The Bible, and allowed him to freely pass in between the terrified crowd.

    Upon finding the Main Lab, Hush yanked open the door denying his entry, and walked gracefully into a room filled with carefully working scientists. "I don't mean to disturb your work..." Blood dripped down from his hood, and he instinctively wiped it away and slung it down onto the ground. "... But I'm looking for one of your Co-Workers. I heard that they're female and of Indian Decent.." Hush then paused, scanning the area for anyone resembling the girl. "So somebody better speak up, before it gets messy."

    (Getting tired so had to do a shorter post than expected!)

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Kyani looked up when her lab door opened, revealing her late intern. The older scientist frowned as she approached her intern, then crossed her arms. "Elvira, this is the fifth time you've been late this week. You'd think your level of intelligence would allow you to set up another alarm.." Kyani shook her head and then grinned at Elvira. "Well, you're here. I'm assuming you skipped breakfast, so have an apple." Kyani tossed the apple to the young scientist, not looking to see if she caught it or not. Kyani then walked over to her lab safe and unlocked it, her fingerprint being the key to unlocking it. With a hiss the safe door opened, revealing some of the more important items inside.

Kyani pulled out five of her orbs, which fit onto her belt perfectly, then grabbed the jacket prototype. "Elvira, we're going to try out this jacket today, alright? You're going to be the one wearing it." Kyani approached the window of her lab and peered through it, looking at the dome. She opened the window, trying to see the weather outside the dome better, and frowned.
It's storming...we can still do this. Kyani smiled faintly to herself and closed the window, turning to face her intern. Her braid fell over her shoulder when she turned around, and the female scientist continued bubbling around, excited to go outside the dome.

However, once the two of them were about to depart, screams erupted from the front of the building, causing Kyani's gaze to turn immediately turn towards the door out of fear and anger. "Elvira, I want you to take the prototype jacket and go through the back door while I go see what's going on, alright? Keep it safe." Kyani commanded before she left the laboratory, not giving the intern a chance to argue with her. Kyani exited her lab and slowly approached the main lab, trying to stay hidden from the perpetrator(s). She peered past the corner of the door and saw a rather frightening looking man at the main lab's front door, and she only barely caught his words as he said them.
"I'm looking for one of your co-workers. I heard that they're female and of Indian descent... So somebody better speak up, before it gets messy." Kyani's eyes widened in horror when she realized he was looking for her, even though she was Native American, not Indian. She took a deep breath to stable herself before pulling out her already loading gun and turning the safety off. Since the other scientists had moved out of his way, she had a clear shot. Kyani turned the corner and shot her weapon, aiming directly at the intruder's thigh.

Directly after she shot the man she knew he'd know she was the one he was looking for, so she bolted towards where Elvira was supposed to go, using her muscles to lead her out the back door of the building. She used her ID card to open it for her, the blinding light of the dome orb causing her to blink a couple times and look around for her intern. "Elvira?" Kyani called out in a whisper, very afraid and very concerned for her co-workers and the intern she was responsible for.

Tag: @ShadowWalker254

@LongWayHome Character's Mood: Terrified/Worried User's Mood: Tired Location: Her Lab -> Main Lab -> Back of H.E.A.T. Building Inventory: 5 orbs, other scientific gear


? Grayson Bishop ?


Mood: Content // Currently making coffee

Had it been any other day of the week, you would have probably found Grayson fast asleep in his stiff, makeshift futon, quietly curled up on the stark office tiles after a long night of studying and jotting down notes. The young man formulated his own sleeping regime for an efficient work schedule, which consisted of staying awake to rather ungodly hours {somewhere around three o'clock}, and waking up no later than eleven o'clock the same day. This gave him his eight hours to work diligently, and he often avoided the confrontation of the morning hustle and bustle this way.

However, today Grayson found that he could not fall asleep when he had planned, for his mind was too preoccupied with nonsensical banter and contradicting inquiries that demanded his full attention. Although this was a rare phenomenon, it was always prepared for. Grayson made his way to the conveniently placed coffee machine in the corner of the medical examination room {which also happened to be his bedroom} and poured himself a much needed cup of caffeine. He sipped away at the rich liquid, not bothering to add sugar or milk to the concoction. Grayson believed that drinking it fresh and black was the only proper way to respect the bitter bean.

Grayson flipped through the pages of his research books, squinting with his wicked eyes at the blurry outlines of black letters, studying them until they seemed to suddenly leak off the page.

"Your mind needs a break," Grayson rationalized, squeezing his eyes shut and rubbing his hands along the outline of his jaw. By this point, Gray was on to brewing his second pot of coffee, which seemed to take a lifetime to prepare. As he waited, the patient male scurried to his futon where his solemn shirt lay, crouching to pick up the garment and slip it over his head, concealing the naked half of his body. Grayson never had much of a tolerance for clothes, which is why he ends up taking them off during his time alone.

Heading back to the coffee maker, Grayson prepared a second cup, just in case he bumped in to a fellow Wolfpack member. He indeed planned to walk around the building in an effort to find another human being to interact with, since he really had nothing better to do.

After grabbing both cups, Grayson picked up two pillows as well and shuffled out of his window-less room in to the hallway, bare feet slapping against the chilly tiles. He let out a yawn and lazily blinked his eyes a few times before arriving at the staircase that was labeled 'To Roof'. Grayson trudged up the steps, eventually pushing against the final door that lead him on to the building's rooftop.

Oh, there seemed to be someone there already... the suit looked familiar. What was his name? Something Eckhart... Logan? Sure, he would go with that.

Grayson figured that this Logan character would have probably sensed his presence by now, as he was one of those skilled sniper types {or something of the sort}, so there was no point in laying low. Grayson shuffled forward to the figure near the middle of the rooftop, placing the cup of coffee and a pillow next to the man's arm. He didn't say anything, as to not disturb the conversation that was going on between him and some other mystery person over a sort of transmitter.

Grayson walked a few paces to the left and threw down his pillow, kneeling down to sit. He had to say, this was probably the earliest he's ever woken up. It felt nice though; refreshing even-- it was as if the world was showing him a secret he had never known.

Grayson sat and sipped on his coffee, feeling rather content.

Mentions: @The Endergod


oh god this is a boring post, forgive me ;-;


??Ollie Wayne??


Ollie did not like cars. She did not like being boxed in. So instead of joining her fellow Outcasts inside the armored SUV, she followed behind in the snow. Sure the freezing cold temperature would deter most others but Ollie loathed confined spaces and would much rather risk frostbite. Not that she knew what that was but still.

After a while she realized the car was pulling away from her, so with a powerful leap she latched onto the roof of the car, shaking it. She dug her fingers into the metal and turned so she could dangle precariously in front of the door to the SUV. She glared into the window, watching the shapes inside until she picked out the familiar bulk of her leader.

She cocked her head to side in the unspoken question of what she was supposed to be doing. She hadn't been in the car to hear the plan so she wasn't sure if she should outright attack or if they were waiting for something. Ollie knew she could take on whatever was guarding the door by herself but she didn't think ruining the plan by jumping in head first would be okay. @Folk Tale
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Andrew was sitting on top of the roof of the SUV. He go bored sitting in there cramped up with everyone else so he just chilled (literally) on top "man it sure seems warm today....." He said looking around at the frozen wasteland.

Suddenly he heard a loud thunk and looked behind him. There was a hand clinging on to the roof of the car "um......I think you should be attached to someone Mr. Hand......" Andrew carefully walked to the back of the SUV to see it was in fact connected to a whole human! Imagine the luck?!

Andrew smiled at her and gave a smile wave "hey there! Didn't like sitting in a big can either huh?"

@Genieva Von Bubbles
@Genieva Von Bubbles , @Penance

As Branislav was about to finish his last cigarette a thud and shaking of the vehicle he was in made Schmidt bump his arm. The lit tobacco stick fell from the cold hands of Branislav and it fell to the floor, still smoldering like the remaining embers of a fire. On it's path down however it rolled off of his inner right thigh and this caused him to jump in his chair in surprise.

"Jeboli Te!" The man cursed in some slang dialect of Russian as he patted the small burn on his pants. His foot stomped on the still burning cigarette and snuffed out the flame. A frustrated facial expression appeared on his face as he casually tapped the drivers shoulder twice, causing the man to slow the car to a stop. Branislav let out a deep sigh and rubbed the tip of his forehead with his fingers, much like someone with a sinus headache would do. The SUV door on his side swung open as he kicked it, the man stepped out without his mask and he turned to look at the two on the roof of the SUV. A look of sheer confusion and frustration was present on his face as he raised both arms in a "What are you doing?" gesture.

"What you doing?" He began in his heavy and deep Russian accent. Before he erupted in curses and insults he lowered his hands and realized who was on top of the roof, and in truth he was not surprised. The wild ones, as he called them. Two of the most unorderly yet efficient members of his group.

"If you two were not good at what you doing I use your teeth as spike for ice climbing boots!" He shouted in his rough English. This was not so much an insult as it was a tease, as Ollie and Andrew would have been used to Branislav's attitude by now. They would know he only said things like this to keep everyone in line, and that he would only kill someone in his own group if they forced him to do so. Branislav chuckled once and shook his head, he then gestured to Schmidt a sign only they knew.

Schmidt nodded and Branislav closed the door, and he looked back up to the two on the roof and gestured for them to follow him. He pulled his mask back up to cover his mouth and then strapped his helmet back on. After Ollie and Andrew were to come off of the SUV roof the truck would slowly drive away towards where Schmidt and the other two would make a road block. When the two were to follow Branislav he would begin explaining them the same strategy he just explained to Schmidt, despite the fact that he hated having to repeat himself.

"You two come with me, we provide over watch together." He said as he made his way up a snowy path that led to a high ground overlooking the main road out of the D.C. dome.

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  • Time itself seemed to slow as a bright flash emitted from a small arm across the room, and as did the projectile coming from it. However Hush could do nothing to stop it, as though hypnotized by its sheer beauty. He glanced down as the bullet approached and entered his leg, causing bits of flesh and a small stream of crimson to fly out from the source of the impact. The searing pain resulting from the shot snapped him him back into reality, and caused him to crumple to his knees like that of a broken doll.

    Sirens rang out in the far distance, and after a few seconds of rest caused Hush to clamber back to his feet - all whilst biting down on his lip to ease the pain radiating from his shattered shin. The only exit Hush could observe was that of a nearby bay window, and the sound of distant voices made his heartbeat rapid - causing a low thud in his ears. Hush took (stumbled) a couple steps back before using his non-broken leg to propel his body forward and outside the labs window - taking chunks of glass (and blood) with him.

    Hush hit the ground below him backfirst, causing all the remaining breath in his lungs to be pushed forcefully outwards, and made his head yank forcefully to the right of him. Off in the far distance he saw the target he was after, and painfully pulled himself off the sidewalks cracked surface. Hush clicked the side of his helmet as he started limping towards her, requesting backup to all Wolfpack Members in a 100ft radius. "Backup is needed, we've got a clever little doll here.."

    After a few relentless minutes and sheer pain, Hush managed to catch up to the young lady, and then whipped out his favorite sidearm, a Colt M1911. "Stop right fucking now.. Or I'll put a cap in your ass." The words that escaped Hush's mouth sounded like that of a sick animal.

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Jasper was already awake before the false sun rose to illuminate the city, his morning routine consisting of exercising and showering was already over. He stood at the bay window that took up most of the outer facing wall of his loft apartment watching it slowly rise, a cup of warm coffee in his hand that he had been sipping on."Looks like another typical day.." his voice trailed off as he walked away from the window and into his bedroom to finish getting ready, throwing his shirt, shoes, and tactical gear on before making his way to the exit. He made his way down the hall as he checked his pistol in full view of civilians before placing it in his right thigh holster and entering the elevator.

He left his building and entered into his personal vehicle, driving himself to D.C. HQ for the rest of his equipment. Once there he went to his locker and retrieved the rest of his equipment consisting of his fully automatic assault rifle and his chest guard which was rated for small arms fire at most. After preparing his gear and putting the satchel that contained his survival pack on his back he made his way toward a conference room for the daily meeting, but half way there his auto-alert system went of signaling that shots had been fired at the H.E.A.T. labs.

Without hesitation he jerked into a full on sprint out of the building and to his car, turning the sirens on forcing vehicles off the to the side as he sped toward the building. It took him seconds to reach the entrance after parking his car, pulling his pistol from it's holster and disengaging the safety as he made his way inside. He was surprised to be the first one on the scene but anything involving high profile builds and targets was automatically sent to him, so he got on his radio."This is STHR Oscar at the H.E.A.T. building investigating shots fired, requesting backup." Units were dispatched from HQ to secure the building but it would take them much longer to get here in force than it did Jasper.

He passed the bloody mess left behind from where someone had infiltrated the building with extreme hostility and started to make his way to the labs in the back, passing blood boot prints. He entered through a door and saw a woman rush out the back with a pistol in her hand, Jasper immediately calling out, but the door shut and it was too late. He ran to the end of the hall and his auto-alert was updated, the device telling him to secure Dr. Kyani at all costs. The message came with a picture and he recognized her as the woman just down the hall, Jasper running after he and bursting through the door behind her."Dr. Kyani, don't be alarmed. I'm Jasper with the Special Tactics and Hostage Rescue, my mission now is to get you to a secure location."

Jasper was startled by the armor clad man bleeding out all over the pavement with his gun drawn and aimed at Dr. Kyani. He drew his own pistol and held it out in front of him, yelling to Hush."Stop right there dirt bag." Japer can't deny always wanting to say that as he clicked the hammer back on his pistol and was ready to fire.[/b]

  • Hush flinched slightly at the sound of a police respondent's voice, but quickly recovered. "I don't think I'll be doing that today officer.." With the slightest movement possible, Hush clicked the button on the right side of his gauntlet, causing the environment surrounding him to mirror itself roughly on his clothing - rendering him partially invisible, allowing him to withdraw into the nearby shadows. After getting roughly around 8ft away, Hush silently made a beacon on the Scientists location - marking it as a H.V.T (and a smiley face)

    "Hey Logan, I need you to take out that blasted officer so I can grab the girl. Also remember our contact wants her alive, so make sure to aim before you shoot the damn thing." The light sound of scrapping followed the end of his message, as Hush slid down on the flaking concrete wall beside him.

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Kyani's eyebrows creased together when her intern didn't appear to have followed her, but she let out a small sigh of relief when the intruder jumped through a window. The sound of sirens nearby made her relax slightly, but when the injured man started limping towards her the scientist's eyes widened in fear and she turned, starting to run in the opposite direction to get farther away. However, the man pulled his weapon out and aimed it at her, muttering a threat that sounded gargled but was clear enough to make her stop running. She stopped where she was, frightened and with her hands up, then turned slowly to face her assailant, keeping her gaze on his wound, trying to think of ideas for escape.

Thankfully, her poor brainstorming thoughts were interrupted by someone else, someone recognizably from the F.S.F. He called out to Kyani, identifying himself as Jasper and someone from the S.T.H.R. of their current government. She smiled gratefully at him and approached him as he trained his weapon on the perpetrator, who soon retreated. Once the intruder disappeared from sight, mysteriously, Kyani responded to Jasper. "Thank you, Jasper. We should get inside and help the others inside the building, however, since they've been hurt more than I have." Kyani finished speaking, thinking about the scientist who was killed and how close the other scientists were to them. She worried for her colleagues' safety rather than her own, and she deduced that the perpetrator would have backup. She stood in front of Jasper, beckoning towards the door. She glanced behind her, thinking about the intruder, and worried more about where he truly went.

Tag: @ShadowWalker254

@The Endergod Character's Mood: Worried/Grateful User's Mood: Tired/In Pain Location: Behind H.E.A.T. Building Inventory: Same as Before


Logan Eckhart

  • Logan was chilling on the rooftop, both figuratively and literally. he heard the door leading to the rooftop open and someone step onto the roof behind him. He couldn't afford to turn to see who it was, lest he would miss his leader get in a bind. Fortunately, it was just his weird teammate Grayson, who placed down a cup of what smelled like coffee and a pillow before walking away. He decided that the bossman could take care of himself for a minute so he could indulge in the warm happiness coffee usually provided him. He sat up and lifted the cup up to his lips and took a large swig. As soon as the warm bitter liquid entered his mouth, a fowl look spread across his face. He couldn't stand black coffee, he would usually drown out the flavor with many packets of sugar and cream before attempting to drink the stuff. He shook his head and placed the cup back down next to him. He didn't want to make him feel bad, because, hey, it's the thought that counts.

    He laid back down and got right back into position. He looked through the scope of the rifle just in time to witness his boss crash right through one of the windows.
    "Well shit, that certainly is less than desirable." He muttered as he followed him shuffle after the girl who had just exited the building from the back through his scope. It appeared he had the woman cornered, but before he could acquire the target, some random police looking guy popped right out of nowhere and held up the boss. "This is it! This is finally my time to be the cool guy! Alright, all I have to do is call him up and recite those line I had rehearsed in the mirror, and I'll get to be the cool hero guy!" Right as he was about to press the button on his earpiece, the boss disappeared from his line of sight and contacted him instead. He sadly listened to his request realizing that he'd have to be a cool action guy some other time, and placed the police guy right in his sights. He was about to pull the trigger when the boss' target stepped right in front of his. "Shit!" He exclaimed as he pounded his fist onto the roof besides him.

    He called up hush again and angrily said through his teeth,
    "That bitch is blocking my shot, I can only incapacitate him for a moment or so, but the girl might take off, or the guy might shoot you, so heads up, I guess." He readjusted his sights, and this time he aimed it right at his right foot. He took in a deep breath and while exhaling, he took the shot. The loud gunshot rang through the air around the surrounding area as he absorbed the recoil with his shoulder. The bullet whizzed through the air as it zipped passed some rather innocent bystanders prior to it embedding itself in the center of the man's foot. As it passed by the initial target, it made a shallow cut in her leg. He lay there patiently waiting to see what would unfold.

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??Ollie Wayne??


Ollie wasn't expecting there to be someone else on the roof, but if it had to be anybody, it would be Andrew. However she didn't think it was called a 'can' so she slapped her hand down roughly on the roof and said "Avtomobil." which was Ukrainian for car. Any and all English was a no go for her as the only two languages she could comprehend were Greek and her own.

Her eyes narrowed when the car slowed down but when Branislav stepped out she quirked a feral grin at him. Although she couldn't understand what he was saying, she could tell from his tone that he was joking with them and when he gestured for the pair to follow, Ollie hopped off the roof to gladly do so. She saw that they were headed for an overlook so she crouched low and sprinted forward to scan the area before her comrades got there. It was something she often did because she liked to take care of the little fish before the boss did. @Folk Tale @Penance
Jasper took the bullet before hearing the shot, the force of the impact knocking his leg out from under him as he went to take a step toward the door. He fell to the ground with a pained howl and looked down to see a hole clean through his boot and inside his foot."Dr. Kyani, get inside!" He spoke through gritted teeth as he got up and kept weight off his injured foot. He hobble to the door and grabbed the girl to bring her to safety, setting down on the ground once they were inside and no longer in the snipers sights."Whoever fired that shot, is a dirty player." Jasper was complaining as he pulled out the small medical kit and kicked off his boot, injecting a local anesthetic close to the wounded area to put it to sleep.

He used a pair of tweezers to remove the bullet, gritting his teeth and biting the inside of his lip till it bled. Once the bullet was out he put it into a bag and placed it in the kit, putting a coagulant that looked like cat litter into the wound to stop the bleeding followed by wrapping it and putting his bloody boot back on. He got to his feet and looked around the area making sure there weren't any more hostiles coming up on them. It wasn't until now that Jasper was able to deny Kyani's request to help everyone else, his main mission was to get her to safety.
"Follow me Dr. we have to leave. Other units are on their way to secure the building and make sure everyone else is safe, but you're priority one." Jasper turned to speak to her expecting some form of defiance as he slowly put more and more weight on his foot which, thanks to the medicine, felt like it wasn't there. A very strange and disorientating feeling it was.
Andrew smiled at his boss when he threatened him "Ok brainslave~" he said hopping off the truck and walked along side him and Ollie. While watching the big dome in awe he half listened to branislav

"Sounds good boss~ But quick question........where's she going?" He said with a confused look pointing at Ollie who was running off "it's a little cold to be running alone......"
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Rather than responding to Andrews question Branislav made his way up the same path that Ollie just did in silence. He stepped in her foot prints as it made it easier to walk through the snow. The shorter woman left foot prints closer together so this made climbing up the hill less difficult.

"Focus." He said to Andrew as he slowed his walk due to high winds blasting against the hill. When he came to the crest of the hill he looked to the left and right, and then forward and spotted Ollie taking point.

The storm seemed to be holding steady for now but it would surely brew up and reduce visibility. This would work in their advantage as it would make anyone coming out of the Dome have to get closer to spot the blockade which was set up along the road.

"On my word, you two go down this path..."

He said pointing to a barely visible path on the opposite side of the hill they just climbed up. This path would lead them to wrap around anyone who was stopped by the convoy and hit their flank.

"Use the cover of the blizzard, if you see anyone who is scientist grab them."

At this point Branislav had walked up to where Ollie was standing and Andrew would be right Next to them. The three would all be facing each other and this would make it possible for them to hear each other as well.

"Razumes?" He asked Ollie in Russian, and to his understanding this was the same work in Ukrainian for 'understand?'.

@Genieva Von Bubbles @Penance

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c914e013d_russianman.jpg.ca4ee88e3e5db1f3776a7bdc4da70337.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117804" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c914e013d_russianman.jpg.ca4ee88e3e5db1f3776a7bdc4da70337.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Joy & Osiris Carter

Today, The Wolfpack was going to make a move against H.E.A.T. and one of the twins was more eager to do so than the other. Earlier that morning, Joy, your local techie, had been fixing her comms receiver in her helmet, it was damaged from the last supply run when she accidentally ran into a pole, the shock damaging the contents in her helmet. Sitting in a dingey alley way, approximately a block away from the target's location, the female awaited for any orders. While listening in on a convo between Logan and the top dog himself, she loaded an extra magazine to pass the time. The clicks of each bullet snapping into place echoed between the artificial canyon the walls created around her. She sat with her back against a brick wall, nestled between two rusty dumpsters on the ground for cover. "Im going lone-wolf on this one," her leader confirmed. His strategy earned a scoff from the girl,"Figures..." she mumbled, tucking the loaded mag into one of her many pockets on her right thigh. Reaching a hand to her left, she picked up her rifle that she placed leaning against the side of the trash bin, the barrel pointed upward. Joy moved the weapon to her lap, and shifted into a kneeling position, one knee on the ground and the other was propped up. Holding the weapon across her leg with one hand, she raised the free one to her ear, pushing a button on the side of her helmet, "Hows it looking up there, Ozzy?"

Some distance away, the male twin had set up camp in an abandoned apartment building. Logan was positioned at the front of the building they were watching, but Osiris was on the opposite side, facing the back of said building. "Im in position," he announced over the comm channel. When he first arrived at the building, he chose a room that had some furniture remaining. In the corner of one of the rooms was a desk. The strong young man pushed the desk up to the window. Careful not to look suspicious, he parted both sides of the window just enough for him to get a good view. Oz laid himself across the desk, propping his sniper on its surface, the end of his barrel facing the window. Now all that was left to do....was wait.

Time passed and Osiris remained alert. He didnt move, didnt take his eyes away from the lab building, hell, he wasnt even sure if he blinked. Finally, the silence of waiting was broken, "Hey Hushpuppy, are you sure you want to fly solo on this one? Don't you think we should like wait for the others before starting anything. I mean it's your call, you're the bossman after all." Logan asked Hush over their comms. The Wolfpack leader replied with almost predicted sarcasm then confirmed he was doing this alone. Oz shook his head, then hung it in defeat looking down between his arms that held the rifle,"Be advised, we dont have visuals of you if you go in there," but there was no reply. The male sibling sighed after moments of silence, assuming Hush switched off his comms. He looked back up, scooting his elbows closer together and perking himself up,"Whatever..." he mumbled, reminding himself the man knew what he was doing. He wasnt questioning his leader, but rather...hoped he would keep in mind that his snipers arent able to cover him whilst in a building. Static came through the channel again,"Hows it looking up there, Ozzy?" the familiar voice of his sister came through. He recognized that tone, a tone she always bore...impatience. "Hang in there Joy, just...just standby."

"What the hell do you think I've been doing all this time?" she retorted.

Osiris sighed at the response he received and chose not to reply, in fear of overwhelming the channel with sibling bickering. In any case, back in the alley, Joy slammed her prosthetic fist to the side of her, hitting the dumpster and making a dent with a loud clang. "You may want to be a little more considerate on the level of noise youre making," a voice nagged her in her helmet. The voice had a distinct robotic sound, but mimicked that of a young child, innocent and light. "I know, I know," Joy replied.

The A.I. continued, "You might attract unwanted attention, o-or arise suspicions."

"Alright, I got it Delta!" the human hissed. There was a pause before the intelligence quickly said,"Sorry," so timidly then went back to standby mode.

"Backup is needed, we've got a clever little doll here.." at last some action. Osiris perked at the voice and gripped his sniper tighter, closing one eye and watching the back door closely. Hush's voice sounded like he was struggling, but Oz would worry about that later. "Alright, you heard the man, Joy thats your queue," the male sibling called to his sister. "On it." she responded almost immediately. "Delta," she called her A.I. The robot automatically switched her HUD online, with out her requesting to do so,"Im picking up a high-value target beacon from a laboratory not far from here," it was almost like he read her mind before she even asked.

"Okay, show me the way." the eager female sprung onto her feet and took off, running out of the alley way.

"You...you do know what that means, right?" Delta, hesitantly asked her. He was afraid of receiving an outburst from her due to his concerned self. Joy did not like being constantly reminded of what to do, and what not to do, and even though she wont admit, she needed someone constantly on her like that, which is why Delta was created. Joy groaned,"Yes, yes. It means i cant kill the target." she said dismissively. Delta's voice sounded more rewarding,"Good, you remembered."

Back at the location, Oz jumped at the sight of the doctor who rushed out of the back door of the building,"I've got a visual on the target," he said, waiting for further instruction. Following her was Hush, and he seemed to have her cornered...for now. But the target was out of view. Suddenly an emergency respondent appeared, trapping his leader,"Shit," Osiris muttered switching his sights to the guy pointing a gun at Hush,"Joy, where are you with that back up?" he pushed her. His twin sister panted,"Im coming, Im coming, almost there." The girl was never a fan of these domed-city streets. Too confusing, they were all connected somehow, luckily she had Delta leading the way. "Your ETA is about thirty seconds," he reassured her. Osiris sighed, he didnt have a clear shot. Then Hush disappeared,"Sneaky bastard," Oz whispered, chuckling to himself.

"Hey Logan, I need you to take out that blasted officer so I can grab the girl. Also remember our contact wants her alive, so make sure to aim before you shoot the damn thing."

"That bitch is blocking my shot, I can only incapacitate him for a moment or so, but the girl might take off, or the guy might shoot you, so heads up, I guess."

Osiris cursed at the situation, and lifted his sniper off the desk, making a run for the door and then to the exit stairs of the building,"Joy we could really use you right about now," he made his way up the stairs and to the roof. Kicking the old, rusty door open, he sprinted to edge of the roof, the gravel beneath his feet crushing beneath his boots. "Im here," she replied with a breathy whisper from panting. The girl had made it at last, she was around the corner of a building, close to the target. "Joy, we need her alive, you hear me?"

"Why does everyone think I dont know that?!" she yelled into the comms.

"Because I know you...." Osiris threatened over the fuzzy static.

"Dont worry about her, I can cut her off," she said to Logan. Then, BAM. The familiar thunder-clap of a triggered sniper resounded. Joy peeked around the corner, expecting the girl to get spooked and run her way, but instead, the target and her annoying companion, that basically compromised this whole operation, ran back inside in the complete opposite direction! "Dammit!"

@Anaxileah @Unlimited @The Endergod @The Shadow Realm

(agh im tired....)

  • It was dark. The rising sun only just managed to penetrate the heavy snowfall and illuminate the barren surface of a once lively planet. A solitary figure appeared on the horizon, walking at a sturdy pace, his environmental mask hiding an equally sturdy face.

    The nearest habitable outpost was forty clicks from where he was walking, but the cold did not seem to bother him in the slightest. He ran out of rations four clicks ago, but that was alright. He knew that would happen. As the power was slowly draining out of his suit the cold started to nibble at his fingers. It didn’t matter. The picture of his love burned in his breast pocket, keeping him warm.

    Finally, it was beginning. After five years of survival, planning, scheming, he would finally be able to do her justice. Just fifteen more clicks. Everything would be alright. Fourteen clicks. He had it all worked out. Nobody would stop him now. Nine clicks. People would die. People would misunderstand. But he would know. He would know he did the right thing. Five clicks. His suit had completely given out, so that familiar cold finally enveloped him. That nostalgic cold. It reminded him of his purpose. It began in this very place with this very cold. And now it would begin anew. But this time, it would end. One click.

    “Well flying dungwagon lad, you look like you came walking all the way from Fire Mountain, hehe! That’s what you get for going outside in this weather. There’s a storm out there you know?”

    “I noticed. I would like two power packs, a protein bar and a room for the night. Will that be a problem?”

    “Ah, right of course, I’m completely open, hehe, not too many travellers about with this here blizzard out there. Say, wouldn’t you rather want a hot meal though? I’ve got the finest nut-berry stew in Washington right brewing on the stove! It’ll only be a minute.”

    “The protein bar will suffice. If you’ll excuse me, I’m rather weary of my trip.”

    “Yes, of course, of course, no problem, coming right up! There you go, two packs, one bar and the key to room 4-b that’s right around the corner the second door to your left. Room’s twenty-two fifty a night, power pack’s ten bucks a piece and the bar’s on the house! Have a pleasant stay!”

    “Thank you.”

    The weary traveller picked up the keys and consumables from the counter, paid the man and went to his room. He knew this would probably be the last night he’d be able to sleep with both eyes closed, so he intended to make the most of it. Tomorrow, his hunt would begin.

    He clicked one of the power packs in place and slid the other in a hidden pocket, deactivated the suit and took it off, ate his protein bar, lay down on the floor beside the bed and fell asleep. Images of his love following him in his dreams. Only the good memories.


    “I’m pretty sure we agreed on five clips to go with the assault rifle, and armour piercing rounds for the revolver.”

    “Well, the deal is changed. See, I appreciate you paying up front and all, but you gotta understand a man has to make a living in these parts. I have the extra clips and the ammo around back, but they’re going to cost a little extra.”

    “Show them to me. Then we’ll talk compensation.”

    “Sure, sure, come around this way. See, it’s all there. Now I was thinking an extra five hundred should be enough to cover the expenses.”

    “I was thinking you shouldn’t have let me keep my gun while showing me what I needed.”

    “What? That old revolver on your hip? Please, I’ve got the latest Seburo M-5 semi-automatic pistol practically in my hand here. Can’t beat superior firepower old man.”

    “Do you really think it matters what gun the bullet comes from when it pierces your skull, Steve? A bullet’s a bullet son. It’ll kill you all the same. So the question is, are you sure you can outdraw me? Well can you, boy?”

    “… T-the cops-”

    “Won’t waste their time on a dead illegal arms dealer in his own garage, Steve. You should really think things through better before you try to rip someone off next time.”

    “F-fine. Take the clips. S-see if I care.”

    “There’s a good boy, Steve. You have a nice day now.”



    Wrestling with her bag of groceries, Jade struggled to open the door to her apartment. Keys almost dropped to the floor, protein bar almost dropped from the bag, but somehow she managed to insert the key in the lock.

    Her apartment was dark, the one window obstructed by a towering apartment complex not two meters outside. The shallow light revealed a very simple room. A table, two chairs, a bed and one worn-down but comfortable chair facing halfway into the room. A man was sitting in it, turning his head as Jade entered the room. She immediately dropped the bag.

    “Frank? You… you’re actually here?”

    “I said I would be.”

    “Yes, of course, it’s just… I didn’t think you’d make it…”

    He got up out of the chair and walked her way.

    “It’s not too late to back out Jade, I can do this without you. It’ll be dangerous and I won’t always be able to protect you.”

    “No! No, I said I’d help you and I will. You just surprised me is all… I… I’m really glad you’re here Frank... How can I help?”

    This is STHR Oscar at the H.E.A.T. building investigating shots fired, requesting backup.

    An old police radio that was resting on the table crackled to life. Frank’s eyes went blank for a moment as he cross-referenced the call with the list of targets in his head. Dr. Winter.

    “You already have. Can I borrow your wheels?”

    “Yes, of course. Here, take these keys. This one’s the motorcycle and this one’s for my apartment. That way you can use the door next time. And Frank… Be careful.”

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