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Fantasy A Fragile Peace

Serine looked at them, and she didn't know what to do. she was frozen with fear and knew this was a bad idea. She quickly ran passed them and continued to run, passed any other guards trying to stop her. She made it outside the castle into the village!
giraffesarebetter said:
Alayne follows along silently. The castle was grand, but nit of an unusual level. The dancer quirks an eyebrow at her partner when she hears the birds, but still says nothing. However, when she enters the greenhouse and sees the enormity of it all, a gasp escapes her lips. "This is wonderful..." Alayne glances at the prince and regains her composure. "Of course, if you expect us to dance, you will have to wait. Corsets don't lend themselves to flexibility."
Garin touches the leaf of a tree, taking it in. He studies the open space, walks along the length of it toe-to-heel. "This actually is a perfect place to dance. Thank you, m'lord." He gives a small bow to the prince and plucks a fruit from the tree he was sitting under.
Dakar smiled as Alayne's wonder slipped for a moment. Indeed this room does that for everyone. He chuckled and smiled at the two of them. "No worries, I am a patient man. Besides if your performance is subpar I'm certain that my lord-father would have your heads. Guests or not." He stared at Aylane his eyes cold, piercing and deadly serious. He stayed like that for a second and then a smile wrapped across his face. Motioning around at the whole green house he continued. "Besides Riona's greenhouse is a lovely respite in this castle. Some consider it one of the wonders of this land. Especially when she's here." He smiled at the thought of her sister. Although, she was the most annoying woman on the planet, she was beautiful. Very beautiful, there was no denying that, and surrounded by nature, her beauty was amplified. He leaned back and smiled taking in the greenhouse. Looking up at the blue tinted windows he smiled. The tint was for him, so he could come in even during the day. Although she'd never admit it Riona is a kind soul at heart.
Alayne grins, her smile brightening her stormy eyes. "If that is the case, I suppose I should go fetch my costume, shouldn't I?" With a quick wink that many people would not catch, she turns and leaves, the grey cloth of her skirts swishing around her feet.

Garin continues to look around. "It is indeed very beautiful. Your sister as well, m'lord. How did she do it, if you don't mind me asking?" The dancer bends down an studies a blue flower that reminded him of the tinted glass above his head. "I've never seen plants grow indoors on such a large scale before." The last is a mere whisper, more to himself than to the prince.
[QUOTE="Queen of Fantasy]Serine looked at them, and she didn't know what to do. she was frozen with fear and knew this was a bad idea. She quickly ran passed them and continued to run, passed any other guards trying to stop her. She made it outside the castle into the village!

The CITY was bustling, and full of crowds, going about their buisness, buying and selling at street vendors' stalls, as the entire street was alight with talk about the foreign nobles. However, you could hear armored footsteps leaving the castle, and shouting, "Arrest her!" pointing at a woman with cloth on her head. The guards were quickly upon her, and Serine watched, as they realized that the other woman wasn't who they were looking for. If she was quick and careful, she could escape into the crowd.
Serine quickly jumped into the crowd of people, saying "Excuse me." every time. She kept going even though she could still hear the men behind her. She tripped and fell onto the dirt ground, having the cloth on her head fall and her snakes hiss at everyone everyone around. The villagers screamed and scattered. Serine covered her head and laid on the floor, giving up, and letting the guards catch up to her.
giraffesarebetter said:
Alayne grins, her smile brightening her stormy eyes. "If that is the case, I suppose I should go fetch my costume, shouldn't I?" With a quick wink that many people would not catch, she turns and leaves, the grey cloth of her skirts swishing around her feet.
Garin continues to look around. "It is indeed very beautiful. Your sister as well, m'lord. How did she do it, if you don't mind me asking?" The dancer bends down an studies a blue flower that reminded him of the tinted glass above his head. "I've never seen plants grow indoors on such a large scale before." The last is a mere whisper, more to himself than to the prince.
Dakar didn't notice the wink, even if he did he didn't care. He watched her go and turned his attention to Garin. Inspecting the flowers as if entranced by them. He smiled at the dancer he was polite. But talking about plant life wasn't his favorite pastime. He was bored already in a uninterested tone. He waved his hands around in a dismissive way, he was already bored with the subject. "She has a way with plants, or something like that." Dakar placed his hand under his own chin and looked at Garin "if you raised your social status you might be able to ask her yourself." He smirked at him a little, although he was nice. If he spoke to Riona either his father or Riona herself would have his head on a plate. He's seen it before, he shuddered at the memory of their coachmen's head on a platter 9 years ago. That's why you should never neglect that girl a ride on a pony.
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[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]Dakar didn't notice the wink, even if he did he didn't care. He watched her go and turned his attention to Garin. Inspecting the flowers as if entranced by them. He smiled at the dancer he was polite. But talking about plant life wasn't his favorite pastime. He was bored already in a uninterested tone. He waved his hands around in a dismissive way. "She has a way with plants, or something like that." Placing one hand under his chin "if you raised your social status you might be able to ask her yourself." He smirked at him a little, although he was nice. If he spoke to Riona either his father or Riona herself would have his head on a plate. He's seen it before, he shuddered at the memory of their coachmen's head on a platter 9 years ago. That's why you should never neglect that girl a ride on a pony.

((I'm sorry, just a bit confused. Dakar put his hand under whose chin?))
[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye](Dakar's chin. lol sorry pronouns are not my strong suit)

((It's fine. I change tenses all the time. Everyone has a thing xD ))

Garin stands and looks at the Prince iver his shoulder. "Oh, I don't know about that. I wouldn't know how, even if I wanted to. Alas, I am content to dance, m'lord. Particularly with one so talented as Alayne." He smiles politely and looks toward the door. Alayne should be back soon, surely. The dancer was uncomfortable with strangers, particuarly ones of such importance. Alayne may push her station, but she was much better with people than he was.

Alayne walks down the hall, wearing a thin blue coat that covered her from neck to toe. The clothing she wore to dance in were not those that she would like to wear in public. The material was near see-through, and one side came only to her knee. The other reached her ankle, which would have caused speculation even if the hem was even-length. She comes to the door of the greenhouse and pushes the door open. A smile graces her features as the aroma of the flora hits her.
[QUOTE="Queen of Fantasy]Serine quickly jumped into the crowd of people, saying "Excuse me." every time. She kept going even though she could still hear the men behind her. She tripped and fell onto the dirt ground, having the cloth on her head fall and her snakes hiss at everyone everyone around. The villagers screamed and scattered. Serine covered her head and laid on the floor, giving up, and letting the guards catch up to her.

The guards caught up quickly, grabbing her in their chainmail and steel plate arms, carrying her back towards the castle, as the citizens watched silently, terrified by her monstrous appearance. They carried her back through the gate, where Rook stood silently. He turned, and the gaurds took her back to her cell, placing her down inside, as Rook sat down by the door, which was closed behind him. Rook said nothing, simply watching her, waiting for an explaination.
giraffesarebetter said:
((It's fine. I change tenses all the time. Everyone has a thing xD ))
Garin stands and looks at the Prince iver his shoulder. "Oh, I don't know about that. I wouldn't know how, even if I wanted to. Alas, I am content to dance, m'lord. Particularly with one so talented as Alayne." He smiles politely and looks toward the door. Alayne should be back soon, surely. The dancer was uncomfortable with strangers, particuarly ones of such importance. Alayne may push her station, but she was much better with people than he was.

Alayne walks down the hall, wearing a thin blue coat that covered her from neck to toe. The clothing she wore to dance in were not those that she would like to wear in public. The material was near see-through, and one side came only to her knee. The other reached her ankle, which would have caused speculation even if the hem was even-length. She comes to the door of the greenhouse and pushes the door open. A smile graces her features as the aroma of the flora hits her.
Dakar smiled at the boy, he could certainly make it in this court. Maybe I will keep him here, just for fun. He smiled at him "hmm, with so much praise I'm eager to see your performance." He grinned as he heard footsteps coming from the hallway. He tuned to see Alayne with a long blue coat and a smile on her face. "Ah! at last the beautiful Alayne has appeared before us. I've been told so much about your graceful dancing you must show me some!" He appeared overjoyed and cheerful, but he truly didn't care for dancing. Dakar considered himself more of a man of word.
She was thrown back into the cell, hitting the dirty floor, and hitting her head. She sat there as the door was locked, and the guards stood in front of her cell.
Lucien was nobility, royalty in fact, though he did not look it, and it was unlikely to be taken seriously as the royal heir to a lost kingdom.

Exactly why he was in the palace of Caileth, not openly as royalty, but as a servant for the sand kingdom. At least he looked like it. And one of the servants, a friend, could vouch for him. But if he were to come into contact with someone who knew of all the servants he would be most likely found out. Which is exactly what was possibly to happen as he accidentally stumbled upon Alayne and others in the green house. The one place be expected to be empty.

Alayne grins at the end of her dance. Nothing made her happier, it was plain to see. She hears someone enter the greenhouse. "Oh, hello." She says breathlessly, still catching her breath.

Garin smiles as well, though he sits and rubs his feet while he catches his breath. He looks up when Alayne talks and sees a man he didn't know. Of course, he was in a strange land, and didn't even know many in his ownm so not knowing this one wasn't a surprise to him.
Dakar watched the performance, It was splendid. He didn't applaud, it was beneath him. He quite enjoyed the performance although for the party they might prefers something more upbeat. He is face never changed even as another man came in. He looked at Lucien, a foreign warrior. Dakar wasn't one for warriors, he slowly got up and made his way deeper into the garden until he disappeared from sight. He made his way through a secret passage of the and made his way to the kitchen. There Riona was regulating the workers to make a feast fit for several days.

"Keep up the good work. Ah, watch that pot it will over flow soon. Those look lovely Gerda, put them on the tray." Dakar smiled for a while before making his way over to her. The whole kitchen stopped and bowed to him "My lord." Riona waved to the workers for their attention. "Come now, we have work to do." As the workers continued to work, Riona turned to her brother and sighed "must you interrupt me?" Dakar smiled "Not in the slightest, it simply amuses me." She rolled her eyes and made her way to the halls. "Take care of the feast, I need to rest." Riona was awaiting the chance to go to her green house, the plants were just what she needed. Dakar came up behind her and smiled "If your expecting to go to the greenhouse it is occupied by many guests. We might even move the feast there." Riona turned to her brother, anger and disgust in her heart, but a smile on her face. "Very well, wherever the feast shall be, know that there will be a mess left for you to clean up." Riona smiled a warm and bright smile and then made her way down the hall. She wasn't going to the garden wether the throne room one again to see her father and the other royals. She needed to tell him that the preparations have been made.

Xcinite glowered at the news his wife gave him before turning back towards the king. "My appologys my grace, I must leave early. My kingdoms blacksmiths have had some issues. Please enjoy the company of my daughter for the time being." Xcinite nodded his he's once and swiftly left the room. In the distance his iron hand could be heard creaking into a tight fist.

Annibell look around with a sigh and decided that her grace wouldn't mind her looking around, let alone being pointed in the direction of a bathroom either. She walked up to a guard and questioned him for the powderoom. When he asked which one she bit her lip softly and thought. "The closet one please, I am needing to freshen up." She listened to him tell her before continuing. "Secondly, when asked a question like this have some sense and answer with the closesd one." She bowed her head and smiled heading the guards directions to a spacious bath.
giraffesarebetter said:
Alayne grins at the end of her dance. Nothing made her happier, it was plain to see. She hears someone enter the greenhouse. "Oh, hello." She says breathlessly, still catching her breath.
Garin smiles as well, though he sits and rubs his feet while he catches his breath. He looks up when Alayne talks and sees a man he didn't know. Of course, he was in a strange land, and didn't even know many in his ownm so not knowing this one wasn't a surprise to him.
Lucien coughed, bowing his head to hide his face before doing his best to alter his voice to sound like his friends. It went rather poorly and would most certainly give him away if this dancer was of any sort of intelligence, bowed head, bad voice imitation, just stacking up the suspicion meter it seemed. This was just not Luciens forte.
Serine stood up and sat on her bed. She started to cry for being stuck in this horrible place. The snakes on her head tried to make her feel better, by pushing on her face.
Atom said:
Lucien coughed, bowing his head to hide his face before doing his best to alter his voice to sound like his friends. It went rather poorly and would most certainly give him away if this dancer was of any sort of intelligence, bowed head, bad voice imitation, just stacking up the suspicion meter it seemed. This was just not Luciens forte.
Alayne cocks her head. Something was off about him. "Forgive me, sir, but what is your name? I fear I don't remember." This was a lie, of course, she knew all of the names of the Mayana servants. It wasn't that hard, there were only a few that accompanied them. She takes her coat from where she'd left it on the ground and puts it on.

Garin stands and moves just behind Alayne. Put a growling bitch in front of him, he'll run. Put it in front of Alayne, he'll break it's neck. The likelihood that this man meant to harm Alayne was unlikely, she was just a bastard, but she was all he had. He was always overly cautious when it came to her.
giraffesarebetter said:
Alayne cocks her head. Something was off about him. "Forgive me, sir, but what is your name? I fear I don't remember." This was a lie, of course, she knew all of the names of the Mayana servants. It wasn't that hard, there were only a few that accompanied them. She takes her coat from where she'd left it on the ground and puts it on.
Garin stands and moves just behind Alayne. Put a growling bitch in front of him, he'll run. Put it in front of Alayne, he'll break it's neck. The likelihood that this man meant to harm Alayne was unlikely, she was just a bastard, but she was all he had. He was always overly cautious when it came to her.
"I... well... forgive me ma'am for this is actually nothing but a poorly conceived deception." Lucien mumbled with a sigh, revealing himself.

"If you hesitate to have me thrown out then I will be inclined to declare to you the truth if you promise to keep an open mind." Lucien declared.
Alayne and Garin share a look, but she nods, slowly. "Alright... we'll hear the truth of it then." She crosses her arms and looks at the man. Alayne wasn't sure what to think of him. What business could he have here that needed him to pretend to be one of her brother's servants?
"Well... truthfully I'm not a servant, obviously. But I'm actually of nobility... But I doubt the King would honor that nobility at this point in time..." Lucien started.
Atom said:
"Well... truthfully I'm not a servant, obviously. But I'm actually of nobility... But I doubt the King would honor that nobility at this point in time..." Lucien started.
The dancer crosses her arms. "The King doesn't recognize anything unless it can make him better. Go on." Alayne looks over the "noble", taking in his appearance.
giraffesarebetter said:
The dancer crosses her arms. "The King doesn't recognize anything unless it can make him better. Go on." Alayne looks over the "noble", taking in his appearance.
"Have you ever heard the tales of Aloria and its lightning wielding royalty?" Lucien asked, starting to undo the horribly made disguise to reveal the clothing beneath.

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