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Fantasy A Fragile Peace

Serine shook her head. "Why are you being so kind to me? A prisoner?" She asks placing her hands onto her lap and looking at the floor.
[QUOTE="Queen of Fantasy]Serine shook her head. "Why are you being so kind to me? A prisoner?" She asks placing her hands onto her lap and looking at the floor.

"Because me and you are more alike than you think," he said simply, still looking at her. She seemed to be an outcast like him, but atleast she knew what was wrong with her.
"Do you have awful powers, that do awful things, even when you don't mean to use them?" She asked looking into his eyes. The snakes on her head looked at him as well, wondering the same thing.
[QUOTE="Queen of Fantasy]"Do you have awful powers, that do awful things, even when you don't mean to use them?" She asked looking into his eyes. The snakes on her head looked at him as well, wondering the same thing.

"I have my strength," he sighed, grabbing hold of a random stone, before he tightened his hands, powder slipping between his fingers.
She shook her head. "But you can at least control it... Mine... I have no power over it at all. That's why I was thrown in here by that... King of yours. He saw me a Monster... He was right." She says turning away, and huggin pg her knees on the wooden bed they put in the old dungeon.
giraffesarebetter said:
Alayne stares after Rook, then into her and Garin's room. People often put them together, but she didn't mind. They had often slept together as children, and there wasn't anything all that different now. The room was well enough, with a bed big enough for four, a small window, and a rug on the floor. It was rather boring, however. "Let's explore." Alayne smiles and goes off through the castle, wandering. She spun around corners, laughing with Garin, though he was much quieter. The come up on a room full of books. Alayne picks one up off a table, titled The Magi and the Seven Wars.
"I think this wouod be the Hall of History, then," Garin says, as he looks around. The sun was bright, and reflected off the string of pearls Alayne wore as a belt. "The one the Princess said she was off to."

"If it is, then where is her royal higness, Garin?" Alayne says teasingly as she flips through the book. "It's probably just a library. Some castles have more than one, and Carranon is very rich."

Jasper gives a small bow to the Prince. "Indeed." He agrees with Masaki. "Well mannered is the least of their acheivemnts, I'm sure." The Mayana Prince studies the younger boy, deciding his enthusiasm was genuine. "The beauty and grace of your children is surely envied through you lands, Your Grace."


@The Suspicious Eye
Dakar walked out of the shadows of the bookshelf and smiled. "Well your both right, we are very rich and we do have more than one library." He looked around bored "However this is the great hall of history. Well, at least a part of it. There's more, but it's hidden from" he looks at them and smiles "the rabble." He took a few steps closer still in the shadows but could be seen clearer now. He looked at the two of them and walked over. "Prince Dakar Akar Carranon, at your pleasure." He looked at them coldly. "Your looking for my sister Riona, are you not? Sadly, she is off preparing a feast for the guests." He walked around them "which I assume you are or the entertainment or both?" He wasn't one to be kind and caring. Although he was handsome and very mysterious.

Hunter stood up and looked at his father
"thank you lord father." He turned to the guests and bowed "thank you for your kind complements. My name is Hunter Valvis Carranon." He smiled at them all with kindness his eyes "but please call me Hunt." He looked at the others and noticed some kids his age. Especially a girl with lovely pink hair. He turned his father "Lord father I would love to show some of our younger guest around the castle some more. With your permission of course."

@SirDerpingtonIV @giraffesarebetter @Creator Kayrana
[QUOTE="Queen of Fantasy]She shook her head. "But you can at least control it... Mine... I have no power over it at all. That's why I was thrown in here by that... King of yours. He saw me a Monster... He was right." She says turning away, and huggin pg her knees on the wooden bed they put in the old dungeon.

He shrugged with his massive shoulders. "It's harder to control than you'd think," he muttered, before looking at her. "I don't think you're a monster," he said truthfully.
She looked up at him with large sad eyes. She shook her head. "You may not think so, but everyone else does. I'd rather live down here than hurt everyone around me."
Alayne watches the Prince as he studies them. "We are the dancers, from Mayana. My name is Alayne Stalnae, and this is my partner Garin." The baseborn girl gives a short, shallow little curtsy. Dakar was handsome, she supposed, but she disliked the look in his eyes. "And we weren't look for anyone. Your father so kindly had us deposited in our room. However, he did nit sy we had to stay there. So, we are exploring the castle. I hope you don't mind." Alayne gives an innicent smile, though her tone dripped with insolence.

Garin watches the exchange with wary eyes. "Um, Alayne, perhaps you should be kinder..." He leaves his sentence there, his thoughts finishing with the fact that his father did not have the best reputation when it came down to it.

@ The Suspicious Eye
[QUOTE="Queen of Fantasy]She looked up at him with large sad eyes. She shook her head. "You may not think so, but everyone else does. I'd rather live down here than hurt everyone around me."

He nods. "Understandable. But it is my duty to protect my king," he said with a shrug.
giraffesarebetter said:
Alayne watches the Prince as he studies them. "We are the dancers, from Mayana. My name is Alayne Stalnae, and this is my partner Garin." The baseborn girl gives a short, shallow little curtsy. Dakar was handsome, she supposed, but she disliked the look in his eyes. "And we weren't look for anyone. Your father so kindly had us deposited in our room. However, he did nit sy we had to stay there. So, we are exploring the castle. I hope you don't mind." Alayne gives an innicent smile, though her tone dripped with insolence.
Garin watches the exchange with wary eyes. "Um, Alayne, perhaps you should be kinder..." He leaves his sentence there, his thoughts finishing with the fact that his father did not have the best reputation when it came down to it.

@ The Suspicious Eye
Dakar smiled at the boy, Garin was it? Rasing his hand to stop him"No need boy, she can speak her mind in my presence." He looked back at the girl, Alayne. She was brave and insolent, she wouldn't last a day in this court. He smiled and spoke nonchalantly "not at all, feel free to explore." He put his hands behind his back and began to walk around them, "So you are from Mayana, the land of sand. I hear that your nights are beautiful there. The poetry written about the stars in Mayana is glorious. I would love to see it for myself." He picked up a book and examined its cover.
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She sighed and covered her face with her hands. "Just leave. I do not need to speak with anyone. It just makes me feel more alone." She says muffled from her hands.
Masaki continues to admire the painting as he giggles at the kingd gratitude before turning back around to face him again "I would like to look around the palace, if thats alright with you?"
[QUOTE="Queen of Fantasy]She sighed and covered her face with her hands. "Just leave. I do not need to speak with anyone. It just makes me feel more alone." She says muffled from her hands.

He sighed, presuming he had said something wrong. "As you wish, milady," he said, with a rather melancholy tone, as he left the cell, shutting the door behind him.
[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]Dakar smiled at the boy, Garin was it? Rasing his hand to stop him"No need boy, she can speak her mind in my presence." He looked back at the girl, Alayne. She was brave and insolent, she wouldn't last a day in this court. He smiled and spoke nonchalantly "not at all, feel free to explore." He put his hands behind his back and began to walk around them, "So you are from Mayana, the land of sand. I hear that your nights are beautiful there. The poetry written about the stars in Mayana is glorious. I would love to see it for myself." He picked up a book and examined its cover.

Alayne looks at him questioningly. "They are, very. My mother used to tell me I would one day rival them for the world's love. She was wrong of course, nothing even comes close to their beauty." She begins to walk when he does, so they circle each other. "I'm sure you will see just how far away I am from them at one of these silly feasts or another." Alayne carefully sets down The Magi, her eyes never leaving the Prince. She didn't like his demeanor. She didn't trust him.

Garin sits at a table. Alayne always did this, though usually it was with some servant or stableboy, not a Prince. She liked to push them, see what happens. As always, he sits back and waits, sticking around to make sure she doesn't get into too much trouble.
giraffesarebetter said:
Alayne looks at him questioningly. "They are, very. My mother used to tell me I would one day rival them for the world's love. She was wrong of course, nothing even comes close to their beauty." She begins to walk when he does, so they circle each other. "I'm sure you will see just how far away I am from them at one of these silly feasts or another." Alayne carefully sets down The Magi, her eyes never leaving the Prince. She didn't like his demeanor. She didn't trust him.
Garin sits at a table. Alayne always did this, though usually it was with some servant or stableboy, not a Prince. She liked to push them, see what happens. As always, he sits back and waits, sticking around to make sure she doesn't get into too much trouble.
The prince smiled still carrying the book with him. Was she circling him? Does she think she can push me with such words? My dear pushing me is like poking a sleeping dragon. Looking at her he smiled, "Your mother sounds very wise and kind" He flipped open the book and looked at at a page and smiled. hmmm is this the rubbish that my brother was so inclined to read? Frivolous stories of fake men and women... "But, I agree." Slamming the book closed, looking at the girl up and down. "I don't see anything comparing to their beauty." He walked over to the bookshelf and placed it in it's proper place. He smiled and looked at her "So would you like to see more of the castle or are you going t to stay here and sit around feeble words and stale air?" He looked at her curiously he wondered what her response would be.
Annibell looked at Hunt, young boy he was but she couldn't tell what was going on in his head. As random as it was she stepped forward and addressed the king. "If your son is showing people around your grace. Is there a possible garden or library for me to visit. I assure you it is an easy way for me to keep out of your way."

Xcinite however was studying a displayed knights armor when his wife walked back in. She headed in his direction and conversed with him in soft tones.
[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]The prince smiled still carrying the book with him. Was she circling him? Does she think she can push me with such words? My dear pushing me is like poking a sleeping dragon. Looking at her he smiled, "Your mother sounds very wise and kind" He flipped open the book and looked at at a page and smiled. hmmm is this the rubbish that my brother was so inclined to read? Frivolous stories of fake men and women... "But, I agree." Slamming the book closed, looking at the girl up and down. "I don't see anything comparing to their beauty." He walked over to the bookshelf and placed it in it's proper place. He smiled and looked at her "So would you like to see more of the castle or are you going t to stay here and sit around feeble words and stale air?" He looked at her curiously he wondered what her response would be.

Alayne smiles. "Some say words are the greatest weapon of them all, sir." She moves to stand by Garin's side. "As for the stale air, I rather like the smell of books. What do you think, Garin? Shall we have the prince show us around his castle?" She places her hand on Garin's shoulder, feeling only slightly sorry for dragging him into the conversation. The only way he would get over his shyness is if he talked to strangers more.

Garin looks up with wide eyes. "I think we should practice for the feast. But that won't satisfy you, I know, so I suppose I should say yes. Prince Dakar, it would greatly please us if you showed us more of this lovely keep." The dancer gives a respectful smile, but his eyes showed slight annoyance.

Jasper listens and says nothing. He had nearly run out of his father's words, and the day wasn't even half done.
giraffesarebetter said:
Alayne smiles. "Some say words are the greatest weapon of them all, sir." She moves to stand by Garin's side. "As for the stale air, I rather like the smell of books. What do you think, Garin? Shall we have the prince show us around his castle?" She places her hand on Garin's shoulder, feeling only slightly sorry for dragging him into the conversation. The only way he would get over his shyness is if he talked to strangers more.
Garin looks up with wide eyes. "I think we should practice for the feast. But that won't satisfy you, I know, so I suppose I should say yes. Prince Dakar, it would greatly please us if you showed us more of this lovely keep." The dancer gives a respectful smile, but his eyes showed slight annoyance.

Jasper listens and says nothing. He had nearly run out of his father's words, and the day wasn't even half done.
Dakar smiled at her so she could play the game, although... He glanced over at Garin his eyes survey the boy. He seemed shy, more worrisome than his female counterpart. Timid to say the least, he seems to know to fear the Carranon family and kingdom. He finally spoke, manners too, what a surprise. The prince smiled and turned around. "Well then lets leave this dreary place and have fun in a more, open location. I'm sure that this place will allow you to practice easily."

He walked with ease through the twisting and turing maze of the castle he pointed out the rooms as they passed it. "Guest room, closet, staff room, stairway, powder room, library..." He went on till the sound of birds could be heard down the hall. They entered into a humongous room full of growing plants and trees. The sun shone through the large blue glass of the greenhouse. He continued to walk into the green house towards a open space. There he took a seat next underneath the shade of a fruit bearing tree. He smiled and looked at the two dancers. "Well, what do you think? Is it suitable for your practices."
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Serine Was tired. She felt weak. They only fed her once a week... Watered her every three days. She had enough. She whispered among her snakes, trying to figure out a plan to get out of the cell.
[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]Dakar smiled at her so she could play the game, although... He glanced over at Garin his eyes survey the boy. He seemed shy, more worrisome than his female counterpart. Timid to say the least, he seems to know to fear the Carranon family and kingdom. He finally spoke, manners too, what a surprise. The prince smiled and turned around. "Well then lets leave this dreary place and have fun in a more, open location. I'm sure that this place will allow you to practice easily."
He walked with ease through the twisting and turing maze of the castle he pointed out the rooms as they passed it. "Guest room, closet, staff room, stairway, powder room, library..." He went on till the sound of birds could be heard. They entered into a humongous room full of growing plants and trees. The sun shone through the large blue glass of the greenhouse. He continued to walk into the green house towards a open space. There he took a seat next underneath the shade of a fruit bearing tree. He smiled and looked at the two dancers. "Well, what do you think? Is it suitable for your practices."

Alayne follows along silently. The castle was grand, but nit of an unusual level. The dancer quirks an eyebrow at her partner when she hears the birds, but still says nothing. However, when she enters the greenhouse and sees the enormity of it all, a gasp escapes her lips. "This is wonderful..." Alayne glances at the prince and regains her composure. "Of course, if you expect us to dance, you will have to wait. Corsets don't lend themselves to flexibility."

Garin touches the leaf of a tree, taking it in. He studies the open space, walks along the length of it toe-to-heel. "This actually is a perfect place to dance. Thank you, m'lord." He gives a small bow to the prince and plucks a fruit from the tree he was sitting under.

((Due to some tech problems, its taking a bit longer to edit my last post which i accidentally posed too soon. Please ignore it untul it has more that one word. Thanks ))

((God, that took long enough.))
Serine quickly came up with a plan. She took the straw and sticks laying on the ground and went up to the dell door. She stuck the straw through the key hole, and wiggled it around. She did this for quite some time until the door unlocked. She took the bed sheet given to her from the cell and wrapped it around her and her head, covering the snakes. She ripped some cloth from her dress and wrapped it around her eyes. She could see vaguely, but no one could see her eyes. She continued up the stairs and into the hall of the castle.
[QUOTE="Queen of Fantasy]Serine quickly came up with a plan. She took the straw and sticks laying on the ground and went up to the dell door. She stuck the straw through the key hole, and wiggled it around. She did this for quite some time until the door unlocked. She took the bed sheet given to her from the cell and wrapped it around her and her head, covering the snakes. She ripped some cloth from her dress and wrapped it around her eyes. She could see vaguely, but no one could see her eyes. She continued up the stairs and into the hall of the castle.

Suddenly, two halberds were crossed diagonally across her path. "The prisoner is escaping!" one of them called, as a third guard rung a bell, the two halberdiers holding their weapons, tips pointed towards her. "Go back to your cell, monster," one of them snarled at her, as the footsteps of more guards could be heard approaching.

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