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Fantasy A Fragile Peace

Masaki looks at the King of Dremer and says with a slight sigh "No need to apologise for her mistakes. She will learn. In time." He then looks away from the Dremer folk and back at the King of Carranon "Unfortunately, I come bearing no gifts, and without a formal invite, which was to be expected. But, I come here as a representative for a Nation so I have every right be here. Invitation or not" he says with a bow to the king. It was clear that he knew what he was doing, and he was good at it.

((Sorry for the short reply :3))
LeSoraAmari said:
Masaki stood there silently as he studdied all of the other monarchs. Their demeanour, their actions and even the way they all spoke. He then saw as the Princess of Carranon went off on "business" she didnt stay in the room long, so her introduction wasnt very formal but, that was none of Masaki's concern. His gaze then turns to that of the Prince of Mayana with his dancers. He thought the king was being quite rude as he didnt really show much gratitude. He didnt. Say that out loud though, that wouldnt be very wise. He thought he would have to make some sort of conversation otherwise people would start to question him, and he didnt really want that. "So, your Grace. It seems you have built youself quite a fortress, the intricate designs are actually very impressive" he bows to the king, showing his courtesy to the other Royal.
As Rook walked out, he echoed a low chuckle from his armor at the girl's comment, continuing to walk.

The King nodded over at Masaki. "Thank you. It has belonged to my kingdom ever since the Great War." with an unspoked 'which we won.' However, at Annibell's outburst, the king's hawklike eyes zeroed in on her, seeming to pierce her skull as he glared. "If I expect to run a nation on power and schemes?" he said, before bursting into a shrill, coughing laughter, getting up from his throne walking over to her. "That's how kingdoms are run, foolish girl," he hissed, glaring down at her.
SirDerpingtonIV said:
As Rook walked out, he echoed a low chuckle from his armor at the girl's comment, continuing to walk.
The King nodded over at Masaki. "Thank you. It has belonged to my kingdom ever since the Great War." with an unspoked 'which we won.' However, at Annibell's outburst, the king's hawklike eyes zeroed in on her, seeming to pierce her skull as he glared. "If I expect to run a nation on power and schemes?" he said, before bursting into a shrill, coughing laughter, getting up from his throne walking over to her. "That's how kingdoms are run, foolish girl," he hissed, glaring down at her.
She raises an eyebrow with a hidden smirk behind her mothers hand. Luana steps between her daughter and the king. "Sir, I ever do apologize for how my daughter is acting. But I prefer that you do not approach her with such death in your eyes." She glares back and mother instincts kicks in. The two guards she brought place their hands on their weapons and ready to kill at any moment. Annibell looks around her mother and glares, brushing hair away
[QUOTE="Creator Kayrana]She raises an eyebrow with a hidden smirk behind her mothers hand. Luana steps between her daughter and the king. "Sir, I ever do apologize for how my daughter is acting. But I prefer that you do not approach her with such death in your eyes." She glares back and mother instincts kicks in. The two guards she brought place their hands on their weapons and ready to kill at any moment. Annibell looks around her mother and glares, brushing hair away

The king meerly smirks, as crossbowmen line the balconies, weapons aimed, and dozens of men with halberds marching out of side entrances. "I do apologizes Luana," he said venomously. "But I'd prefer if you ordered your gaurds to take their hands off their weapons before poor Rook comes back into the throne room." he suggested, the suit's armored footfalls still audible as he escorted the two dancers.
Masaki giggles slightly at the hostility in the room ashe then gets a look and feel of seriousness about him "Do you really think that its smart to advocate violence on each other? Both of you?" He says, not trying to advocate anything himself, but to quell the actions of the other monarchs, even if by a fraction. "Now, we all came here for a reason, so why dont we get straight to it?"
SirDerpingtonIV said:
The king meerly smirks, as crossbowmen line the balconies, weapons aimed, and dozens of men with halberds marching out of side entrances. "I do apologizes Luana," he said venomously. "But I'd prefer if you ordered your gaurds to take their hands off their weapons before poor Rook comes back into the throne room." he suggested, the suit's armored footfalls still audible as he escorted the two dancers.
She grins. "Sir, my men would die for the protection of my daughter. If you want them to--"

"Stand down Luana, your not in war but you will start one." Xcinite commented his iron clad hands thudding on the guards shoulders. "You may be a queen but you love war too much. Please our king, let us grace you with a present in the future. We have been experimenting with A-class armor and weapons." He smiles some gripping the shoulders of the men causing them to release their weapons out of pain. Luana, however, lowers her head and excuses herself from the room taking one of the guards with her. Xcinite looks over at the prince who spoke and smiled with a nod.
Jasper looks on at the other royals. The Lucana woman was brave, he could tell. That, or crazy. He watches her leave with a glint of curiosity in his eyes. "Yes, let's get to it, then. We did all come for a single purpose, did we not?" The prince gives a small smile. "Let us not go creating another Great War because of the words out of the mouth of a naieve little girl."

Alayne watches the stone in front of her move. "So, um, where, exactly are we going then?" Each step he took thundered in the hall. She was sure people all throught the castle could hear them. They made her footsteps seem like a feather.

Garin listens to Alayne ask of their destination, and nods slightly in agreement, even though Rook would not be able to see it.

@Creator Kayrana

giraffesarebetter said:
Jasper looks on at the other royals. The Lucana woman was brave, he could tell. That, or crazy. He watches her leave with a glint of curiosity in his eyes. "Yes, let's get to it, then. We did all come for a single purpose, did we not?" The prince gives a small smile. "Let us not go creating another Great War because of the words out of the mouth of a naieve little girl."
Alayne watches the stone in front of her move. "So, um, where, exactly are we going then?" Each step he took thundered in the hall. She was sure people all throught the castle could hear them. They made her footsteps seem like a feather.

Garin listens to Alayne ask of their destination, and nods slightly in agreement, even though Rook would not be able to see it.

@Creator Kayrana

"Naive." Annibell rolled her eyes, what would he know. She may not have the grace for this but she had brains. And watching all these nations run about scared of the war made her laugh. But she was kind hearted, silly thoughts wouldn't erase the kind smile she placed on her pale rosy lips. "The prince is right, let us enjoy our time here!"
giraffesarebetter said:
Jasper looks on at the other royals. The Lucana woman was brave, he could tell. That, or crazy. He watches her leave with a glint of curiosity in his eyes. "Yes, let's get to it, then. We did all come for a single purpose, did we not?" The prince gives a small smile. "Let us not go creating another Great War because of the words out of the mouth of a naieve little girl."
Alayne watches the stone in front of her move. "So, um, where, exactly are we going then?" Each step he took thundered in the hall. She was sure people all throught the castle could hear them. They made her footsteps seem like a feather.

Garin listens to Alayne ask of their destination, and nods slightly in agreement, even though Rook would not be able to see it.

@Creator Kayrana

Rook stopped at a door, opening it gently with his massive gauntlets. "Here," he said simply. "This room is where you two will be staying," he continued. "I must return to the throne room now," he apologized, beginning to walk away, his loud footsteps rumbling down the hallway as he walked.
Masaki stood in the room as he sighed, it was quite clear that the Dremer girl, likes to provoke war. Prehaps she is an advocate for it? "Yes, I do believe that we should get down to business, I didnt come out of the mountains just to reveal that we Alinori still exist. And Im sure you all also came here with a select goal, be it cause a war, or prevent it. Or something else." He said with a somewhat serious tone
LeSoraAmari said:
Masaki stood in the room as he sighed, it was quite clear that the Dremer girl, likes to provoke war. Prehaps she is an advocate for it? "Yes, I do believe that we should get down to business, I didnt come out of the mountains just to reveal that we Alinori still exist. And Im sure you all also came here with a select goal, be it cause a war, or prevent it. Or something else." He said with a somewhat serious tone
"I do appreciate the return of you Alinori," the king said, with a nod. "I can lend my assistance, if you need it. Alinor is within my lands after all, and our ancestors worked together to fight against the Fiolar." he suggested. However, behind his kind words, he had a totally different intention. He hoped to vassalize the Alinori, getting all out of them as he could, as he had done to the other kingdoms.
Serine sits in the lowest dungeon, crying. The snakes around her press their faces on hers. She sniffs wiping her tears away. "Thank you.." She mumbles to her snakes.
SirDerpingtonIV said:
"I do appreciate the return of you Alinori," the king said, with a nod. "I can lend my assistance, if you need it. Alinor is within my lands after all, and our ancestors worked together to fight against the Fiolar." he suggested. However, behind his kind words, he had a totally different intention. He hoped to vassalize the Alinori, getting all out of them as he could, as he had done to the other kingdoms.
Masaki smiles at the King and his kind words. Although, behind that Masaki could tell the king was like a serpent, sly and cunning eith evil intentions. But Masaki said nothing about that. "I am sure we would appreciate the help, but we don't need it. Our army is nearing the level it was back 300 years ago, we are nearly back at our original power. Which is ironic with the world being on the brink of war.." He giggled slightly and then turned to the king "Im sure my father will find interest in your offer and might even take it up. But we do owe a great deal to your nation since you were one of the first nations to come to our aid all those years ago" he smiled at the king but had a slight serious tone throughout.
[QUOTE="Queen of Fantasy]Serine sits in the lowest dungeon, crying. The snakes around her press their faces on hers. She sniffs wiping her tears away. "Thank you.." She mumbles to her snakes.

Before Rook could near the Throne Room, a guard told him that he was instead to head to the dungeons, to check up on the monster, Serine. By the King's orders, she was only fed once a week, and Rook personally wondered how she even survived. However, they normally used prisoners to bring her meals, since it wouldn't matter if they turned to stone. But they had a... shortage of those lately, and Rook wasn't surprised that he was ordered down there, as he was practically already stone. And he didn't need to see. So, within a few minutes, he was opening her cell door, his massive form barely fitting inside, as he kept it open behind him, gently lowering a platter of food to the floor. In all truth, he was quite curious about her, so he didn't leave. He instead watched her for a moment, before simply greeting, "Hello."


LeSoraAmari said:
Masaki smiles at the King and his kind words. Although, behind that Masaki could tell the king was like a serpent, sly and cunning eith evil intentions. But Masaki said nothing about that. "I am sure we would appreciate the help, but we don't need it. Our army is nearing the level it was back 300 years ago, we are nearly back at our original power. Which is ironic with the world being on the brink of war.." He giggled slightly and then turned to the king "Im sure my father will find interest in your offer and might even take it up. But we do owe a great deal to your nation since you were one of the first nations to come to our aid all those years ago" he smiled at the king but had a slight serious tone throughout.
The King simply nodded, moving his attention somewhere else. Masaki seemed capable, unlike a certain bratty little girl he knew, he grimaced, his eyes sliding over to the little "know it all", before he looked up at the cieling, thinking to himself idily.
In the great hall of history Riona closed the last book. Well this will certainly be interesting, so much hate. I am quite intrigued. I can use these people. She lifted the book off the table and back onto the shelf. She smiled somewhat content, knowledge truly is a great and powerful thing. Walking out of the room she noticed one of her youngest siblings, Hunter. "Dear, what are you doing here?"

The young boy put down the large book, with the title "Magi and the seven wars." Hunter looked up at his sister and smiled. "Oh, hey Riona I'm just reading some fiction. It's been a while since there have been any new issues released I thought I would read the newest one." He smiled at his sister with true warmth and kindness.

Riona smiled and flipped her hair "Well I'm off to prepare the fear for the foreign newcomers, you should meet them some are around your age." Hunter perked up "really?! Foreigners?! My age?!" Hunter hopped up and made his way around the table to his sister. "Where are they Riona?!" She smiled and tapped her chin "hmmm I can't seem to recall, but I know that the feast prepared goes to the throne room." She looked at her younger brother with a sly smile.

Hunter's face lit up as he smiled at his sister. She's so sneaky sometimes. "Thank's sis!" He dashed off to the throne room with excitement. Passing his older brother Dakar "Hey Dakar!" Dakar waved at his brother as he passed.

Leaning in the dark shadow behind a pillar he looked at his sister, Riona. "You spoil him too much." Riona glared at him "as do you Dakar, don't you have some coffin to be in?" Dakar gave a cold laugh and smiled at his sister using his finger to raise her chin to him "careful dear your true face is showing." Riona turned from him and began to walk away "I am too busy for you Dakar. I have some servants to attend to in the kitchen." She stormed off down the halls. Dakar leaned back and smiled looking at the hall of history. The bright light shining on some of the golden books. He winced and turned his head around, back into darkness. "Hmmm, I'll meet them when the sun goes down."

Hunter rushed down to the throne room. There he found one of the guards and asked if he could announce him. The guard nodded and opened the door "the prince Hunter Vlavis Carranon." Hunter stepped out and smiled at everyone. He walked over to his father and went down to one knee. "Pardon my intrusion, lord father. I wanted to meet our esteemed guests."

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Serine was about to look up at him, but instead looked at the floor, afraid she would turn him to stone. "H-hello." She says in her soft quiet voice. The snakes looked up at him curiously, and thankfully they didn't. Have the ability to turn people to stone. Only serine's eyes did.
Masaki smiled as the king turned away, turning away himself as he admires a painting. Soon after that, he hears footsteps, turning to see a boy, around about the same age as himself, kneeling next the king. "I take it this is your son?" He smiled at the prince, surprised at how well mannered he is "Your children are very well mannered your Grace, credits to you nonetheless" he said to the king before turning away and admiring the paintig again
LeSoraAmari said:
Masaki smiled as the king turned away, turning away himself as he admires a painting. Soon after that, he hears footsteps, turning to see a boy, around about the same age as himself, kneeling next the king. "I take it this is your son?" He smiled at the prince, surprised at how well mannered he is "Your children are very well mannered your Grace, credits to you nonetheless" he said to the king before turning away and admiring the paintig again
Rook chuckled dryly, placing two of his stone fingers underneath her chin, softly raising her head to look at him. "I am already stone." he said, taking a seat in front of her. "I am Rook," he said simply introducing himself, as he put out a cold hand for her to shake if she wished to.

The King looked up when his son entered, letting loose an exasperated sigh. This one was already DYING to see children his age, and he was already regretting even bringing foreign children here. "You may indeed, Hunter my son," the king said with a nod of his head, as he turned his attention to Masaki again. "Thank you Masaki. And yes, this is my son. I am grateful for your praise," he said, studying the man before him. He quite........... respected this Masaki fellow. Although he was young, he knew when to pay his respects, and used the same hidden barbs in his speech that he did. He would make a fine marriage to one of his children he knew.
Alayne stares after Rook, then into her and Garin's room. People often put them together, but she didn't mind. They had often slept together as children, and there wasn't anything all that different now. The room was well enough, with a bed big enough for four, a small window, and a rug on the floor. It was rather boring, however. "Let's explore." Alayne smiles and goes off through the castle, wandering. She spun around corners, laughing with Garin, though he was much quieter. The come up on a room full of books. Alayne picks one up off a table, titled The Magi and the Seven Wars.

"I think this wouod be the Hall of History, then," Garin says, as he looks around. The sun was bright, and reflected off the string of pearls Alayne wore as a belt. "The one the Princess said she was off to."

"If it is, then where is her royal higness, Garin?" Alayne says teasingly as she flips through the book. "It's probably just a library. Some castles have more than one, and Carranon is very rich."

Jasper gives a small bow to the Prince. "Indeed." He agrees with Masaki. "Well mannered is the least of their acheivemnts, I'm sure." The Mayana Prince studies the younger boy, deciding his enthusiasm was genuine. "The beauty and grace of your children is surely envied through you lands, Your Grace."


@The Suspicious Eye
Annibell bit her lip and looked to her father, whispering lowly. "Must I stand here father and wait? I could have sworn I had something better o do at home." However, her weapon making hobbies was no excuse. Her father glared down at her, turning her whine into a shiver.

"You better keep your mouth quiet! Any question you have keep it to yourself." A venomous hiss escaped his clenched teeth. She knew the sound of future punishment all to well, so she lowered her head and nodded. "Yes father." Xcinite looked towards the king and his son with a smile. "My king, I must say, your talents and manners must be an inheritance. His movements are as perfect as a well balanced blade."
The boat made it's way to the dock. Two soldiers in gleaming silver armour stepped off as they helped the young lady off the boat.

Keira looked up at the castle walls as she observed the buildings and the soldiers looking down at her.

"Not much different from Gondheim. Lots of colour."

"Your majesty I suggest we make our way to the gate. We already arrived late, we should not keep the king waiting." One of the soldiers said.

"Yes." Keira said coming out of her thoughts.
Serine looked at him with eyes that were large, beautiful yet sad. She shook his hand slowly with a soft touch, and no grip what so ever. "My name is Serine..." She says as the snakes in her hair hiss into her ear.
[QUOTE="Queen of Fantasy]Serine looked at him with eyes that were large, beautiful yet sad. She shook his hand slowly with a soft touch, and no grip what so ever. "My name is Serine..." She says as the snakes in her hair hiss into her ear.

He nods with his massive iron head. "A pleasure to meet you Serine," he said, shaking her hand slowly, before pulling it away. "Do you.... have anything you'd like to talk about?" he asked slowly. In truth, he wanted someone to talk to. As the king didn't let him talk to anyone.

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