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Fantasy A Fragile Peace


A Campfire at the End of Time
Intro post will come once enough people have decided to participate.
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Vesta walked carefully down the wooden ramp leading off the ship, her uncle walking a few step ahead of her clutching his spear tightly. It was the first time that either of them had been to Caileth and they were uneasy with being so far from home. Caileth was a city built on a small island, surrounded by walls that towered high above the land and made up of even taller buildings. It was very different from Eos. The thought of being in an enclosed city made her nervous.

Stepping onto the shore, they were greeted by guards from the city who had come to escort them. They mounted their horses and rode across the beach and through the marsh to a great gate. Vesta's company paused as the gates were open before riding into the city.
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They didn't expect what the city would look like after so many years. They didn't bother to get involved until now. Riding out upon the deck of a massive war boat is the King and Queen of Dremer and while their daughter, Annibell, stayed inside. They were moments away from the shore of the city and the Ling gripped his wife's hand, whispering to her sweet words.

"Let us make piece for our lands and happiness for our daughter." He smiled and kissed her cheek as the arrived.
Vesta gazed in awe at the city before her. Rust-colored buildings towered high above, merchants' shops and kiosks lined the streets selling all sorts of goods and luxuries. As the rode along the main brick road a more impressive sight came into their view. A beautiful and massive palace at the center of the city far more stunning than her own in Eos.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Said Gervase, her uncle.

"Yes, it is," replied Vesta. "I knew the Carrani had built themselves a wealthy nation, but I never could have imagined this."
Masaki had walked all the way from The mountainous region of Alinor, all the way down to Carranons capital, Caileth. This was his first time even out of the mountains, but today would hold special meaning to the people of Alinor. This peace treaty could save them...They didnt want another war that would bring the chance of the other nations attacking them like the people of Fiolar did during the Great War. He looked around at the scenery before him, lush grass and even trees of all shades of green. He smiled at the beauty as he got excited. To be honest, he wanted to explore, but that could be more dangerous than this deal at Caileth.

He looked at the tall man beside him with a smile, his armour was one of the best of Alinors crafts since the Dawn of time. Not as good as the armour of the Royal Family but it definitely came close to it. "How do you think they will react to seeing this crest again, what if they attack Alinor again?" He was full of questions, He sighed as they got to Caileth, although the guards dont let them in as they werent invited, after all, everyone thinks Alinor is gone, reduced to ruins. Although half of that is true, they are still part of the Royal Houses of the world. So they have a right to be here. The guards looked at them as if they were crazy "Alinor is just a fantasy myth, those mountains are Carranon property and always have been. Now turn back, unless you have an invite" one of the guards said, what the guard said slightly angered Masaki but he vented it, these guards didnt even know half of it"What do we do now, Hail?" He averted his gaze to the tower of a man. He wished that the King was here, but due to his sense of duty for Alinors people he stayed, and sent his son in his place.

Masakis face beamed with a smile, he remembered something. as he reached into his pocket, and got out a scroll. He showed the guards and it proved that they were part of Alinor, then, the guards escorted them both into Caileth, by boat. The thought of freezing the water around Caileth to make a path crossed his mind several times. But even if he did that, those gigantic walls would still be in the way. So he thought he would just let the guards do their jobs instead of interfere.. "I wonder if we will see any of those ghastly Fiolar.." He mumbled to himself, letting curiosity take over his mind

(( @too much idea ))
"If they are, indeed, forgot about us, then let's hope that they also forget about the fact that our military was one of the best in the past." Hail smiled, following the young prince everywhere he go. He's been keeping an emotionless face to intimidate the guards. With his tank like armor, gigantic shield, and towering height it's an easy thing for he to do.
They arrived at the desired meeting place. There were other royalty from the nations. Anni sighed and, dressed in the most uncomfortable royal attire, stood straight and folded her hands in front and walked. She watched her father, Xcinite, socialize with a few other royalties. Her mother, Luana, didn't bother to get to know the others. She barely trusted being within her enemies castle even if her husband accepted the obnoxious peace offering. Marrying off their only daughter for peace, when she heard that there was rage to be feared.

But now two bodyguards stood by her side to keep watch on both Anni and her father Xcinite. "What am I to do if I cannot marry? I'm not a jewel on the surface like these people, I barely like being royalty mother." Annibell looked at her mother with a sad smile, but Luana just smiled.

"You are unique, if these men cannot see what a beautiful young lady you are then they have lost more than just a jewel."
The guards led Vesta and her company into the palace and to the gallery at the center. The great hall was decorated with many beautiful paintings, most likely of rulers that had long since died. There were already several lords and ladies gathered in the hall as well as the monarchs of other nations. Vesta looked around to see if she recognized anyone. She turned to her uncle.

"Where is Rosette? I thought she would have arrived by now."
Masaki smiled at Hail as he said "Just so you know. I will not be negotiating with the Fiolar under any circumstance." He says somewhat stubbornly as eventually they get to land. As they get off the boat, the guards walk Masaki and the giant man to the palace, when they got to the entrance the guards walked them to the door outside the hall "Well.. Here goes" he sighs as the guards open the door and Masaki walks in. Seeing the monarchs of other nations.
Annibells eyes scan the room and notices a male enter with a towering tank in armor. She studied this armor in awe, it was a work of art and obviously a durable one. Upon instinct she stared drawing out possible blueprints in her minds eye until they were finished. She then looked at the boy, he was from Alinor maybe? His fashion and emblem resembled that and, with armor that well classes, he caught her eye.

Alayne walks into the palace hand in hand with Garin. She fidgeted in her tight dress, prefferring the looser, more revealing clothes she danced in. Just behind her was her half- brother, Prince Jasper. He was here for piece, she was here to entertain the world's royalty.

Gaein tightens his hand around Alayne's. He disliked the clothing, the city, the amount of people. The Prince had insisted they come with him to the meeting, though they were just dancers. He looks around a bit, awkwardly observing the other guests.

Prince Jasper tugs at his sword belt. It had slipped out of place. He adjusts his doublet, not wanting to look as out of place as he felt. He belonged in the battlefield, not a dimplomacy meeting, but his elder brother had been unable to come, due to a newborn son. The prince stays close behind his father's bastard dancer so he could make sure she didn't run off with that stableboy of hers to make trouble.
He looks up at Hail and smiles before leaving him to stand there, he then walked over to where the other monarchs of other nations were. He sighed as he looked around and saw a girl staring at him. Well, his armour to be exact. Upon studying her attire he saw her nations insignia, he could tell she was from Dremer. "Well.. Looks like no Fiolar are here.. That means I can be at a little more ease" he says to himself as he stands there with the other monarchs, ready for whateve is to come

((@Creator Kayrana))
Letha climbed off the small boat and stepped onto land, a bit shaky. She looked around, wondering what country she was in. She wasn't a great navigator and she had been on the boat for almost a week so she had to be somewhere close to her last stop. Shifting the weight of her pack, she started walking to see if she could find a town. She had been walking for hours and found one, finding out from a citizen she was in Caileth.

Letha climbed off the small boat and stepped onto land, a bit shaky. She looked around, wondering what country she was in. She wasn't a great navigator and she had been on the boat for almost a week so she had to be somewhere close to her last stop. Shifting the weight of her pack, she started walking to see if she could find a town. She had been walking for hours and found one, finding out from a citizen she was in Caileth.
A tall, robed figure entered the area where the other monarchs were, a hawk-like glare on his face. It was clearly the king of Carranon, King Davarsi I. And beside him, towered an armored suit of stone, quiet, carrying a massive club in one hand, and a gigantic shield in the other. The King approached the other nobles and royals, making a crooked bow. "Welcome to the city of Caileth! I presume you all have travelled far! Let me show you to the wing of the castle where you all shall be staying," he briefed, turning away and beginning to walk through the castle, regardless of whether they followed him or not. The suit of stone followed the king silently.
Her attention turned from the prince and upon the king of Carranon as he spoke. When he left she followed with her mother and father. Others may have followed but Annibell wasn't able to look back. Her mothers guards were blocking her view from behind. She sighed heavily because she wanted to talk to that prince with his work of art armor.
[QUOTE="Creator Kayrana]Her attention turned from the prince and upon the king of Carranon as he spoke. When he left she followed with her mother and father. Others may have followed but Annibell wasn't able to look back. Her mothers guards were blocking her view from behind. She sighed heavily because she wanted to talk to that prince with his work of art armor.

((No one knows Rook is a prince. He is Rook, and that's all he is known to be.))

Which each footfall, Rook made an audible thud, servants moving out of his way, although some smiled at him. But when the king followed behind, they averted their eyes, smiles disappearing. They had learned the hardway from their king, that they were unworthy of holding the man's gaze, otherwise they were met with.... punishments. The King dismissed Rook, who stood perfectly still by the massive door, as they entered the now emptied throne room, the king taking a seat on his throne of power, his hateful eyes watching the royals gathered before him. "Welcome to my throneroom on this auspicious event." he said, rather boredly.
Masaki's gaze then averted from the girl as he saw the King of Carranon enter the room with a towering man clad in a suit of stone. From the distance he was at, the armour looked very well crafted and clearly durable. As for the person wearing it, he seemed to be about the same height Hail. He looks at the King as he walks away, leading them somewhere, he follows him and the other royals without saying anything. He didnt plan on speaking unless spoken to. Besides. He didnt want to put Alinor at risk after 300 years of peace and solitude away from the other countries
Riona was in the throne room, she had been sitting there reading a book in the early afternoon light. Usually she strayed away from the throne room unless for necessary occasions. There were too many people and too much debate, the throne was just a place for a soulless puppet to show off their prized looks. Riona may look like a trophy child, but she had a brain in her head. If she didn't she wouldn't be alive right now. She looked up as she heard the rhythmic thud of Rook and the sullen shuffle of her father. Hiding the book underneath her seat Riona positioned herself ready for whomever was to enter the room.

"Welcome to my throneroom on this auspicious event." he said, rather boredly.

A melodious voice stretched across the throne room as if someone were singing a sirens song all turned to the voice. "Come now father, this is a momentous occasion, I'm sure you can provide our guest with more enthusiasm." Across the large room a young woman sat in the left hand throne, she slowly stood up. Her long golden hair shimmering against the light of the sun, it sparkled lighting up the hole room in golden light. She made her way down towards the others. As she got closer the more beautiful she was, her skin shone like the sun, her golden eyes shone as the light brushed across her. She seemed as if a ray of sunshine fell to earth and became a beautiful woman. She gracefully made her way to the newcomers, some she had seen others she had not. She gave then a smile, it was kind and warm and gleaming with radiance.

(A true queen never introduces herself(8)) @SirDerpingtonIV I hope you shall introduce me lord-father, lol)
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@SirDerpingtonIV[/URL] I hope you shall introduce me lord-father, lol)
The King glared over at Riona as she approached. He sighed, "This is my daughter, Princess Riona," he said with an exasperated tone, rolling his eyes at his daughter's smile. Unlike these foreign fools, he raised this girl, and he knew full well that poisoned barbs hid behind that smile. She had become quite like he was in his younger days, and in a way, he was afraid of her because of it. "Princess Riona, these are the foreign royalties I spoke to you of. One of them shall be marrying you," he said drly, in a tone that didn't leave much room for an arguement. But he knew that if anyone could find a way, his daughter would. His prideful, manipulative daughter would most certainly find a way. And in the future, once he had married her off, and gotten her and her schemes out of his court, he'd hope that she'd do all the foreign manipulation for him.
Prince Jasper herded the dancers into the throne room, following the King. A golden beauty stepped down from a throne, walking across the room. The King announced her as his daughter, the Princess Riona. It was to Jasper's understanding that she wasone of the younger offspring the King had produced, but her beauty made her a favorite. Jasper clears his throat. "Your Grace, if I may. I am Prince Jasper Stalnae, of Mayana. My half-sister, Alayne, is a dancer. This is her partner, Garin. I have brought them to entertain your guests, You Grace. I would also like to apologize on behalf of my elder brother. He regrets being unable to come, my lord, but his wife has just borne a son."

Alayne curtsies gracefully, and next to her Garin bows. Her black curls brush the floor as she dips her head. Inwardly, she was reeling. It was not to her understanding that she and Garin were to be made a gift of, yet that is what was happening. On the outside, she gives a pleasant smile and greets the King respectfully.

Garin was near mesmerized by the golden Princess. It wasn't until Alayne lowered herself to a curtsy that he could tear his eyes away. How the men of the court could be around her daily was a mystery. He murmurs a greeting with Alayne, all the while stealing glances at Princess Riona.
The Princess smiled at her father, a adoring smile of warmth that was intended as a challenge. She ignored all other remarks as it is un-queenly to address one individual in a group. Gracefully making her way over to the guests she stopped in front of them. Her shimmering hair continued to flow as she spoke "It is an honor to meet all of you. Sadly, I have some business to attend to at this moment. However, I look forward to getting to know each and everyone of you." She looked at every face as she spoke, she noticed one's continued glance. A soft blush grew upon her cheeks as she slowly turned around and walked back towards her father. Placing one hand on her father's chest she glanced back at the group once more. Leaning in she spoke loud enough for everyone to hear "do be kind to them father they are our allies are they not?" She made her way down the throne room and into an adjacent corridor.

Making sure she had left everyone's sight Roina made a dash for the great hall of history. She needed more information on how she could use this to her advantage. She was ever excited, not at the chance of marriage, but at the chance to finally overthrow this foolish monarchy in which she has been subjected to live in. The first step is to learn about the lands of the foreigners. Thus she made her way into the wave of books, statues. machinery, bones and maps that is the great hall of history. There she made her way to the maps sections.

(I'll bring her back after more people post, I'm also thinking about making a few male royals for you lovely ladies out there.)
[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]The Princess smiled at her father, a adoring smile of warmth that was intended as a challenge. She ignored all other remarks as it is un-queenly to address one individual in a group. Gracefully making her way over to the guests she stopped in front of them. Her shimmering hair continued to flow as she spoke "It is an honor to meet all of you. Sadly, I have some business to attend to at this moment. However, I look forward to getting to know each and everyone of you." She looked at every face as she spoke, she noticed one's continued glance. A soft blush grew upon her cheeks as she slowly turned around and walked back towards her father. Placing one hand on her father's chest she glanced back at the group once more. Leaning in she spoke loud enough for everyone to hear "do be kind to them father they are our allies are they not?" She made her way down the throne room and into an adjacent corridor.
Making sure she had left everyone's sight Roina made a dash for the great hall of history. She needed more information on how she could use this to her advantage. She was ever excited, not at the chance of marriage, but at the chance to finally overthrow this foolish monarchy in which she has been subjected to live in. The first step is to learn about the lands of the foreigners. Thus she made her way into the wave of books, statues. machinery, bones and maps that is the great hall of history. There she made her way to the maps sections.

(I'll bring her back after more people post, I'm also thinking about making a few male royals for you lovely ladies out there.)

giraffesarebetter said:
Prince Jasper herded the dancers into the throne room, following the King. A golden beauty stepped down from a throne, walking across the room. The King announced her as his daughter, the Princess Riona. It was to Jasper's understanding that she wasone of the younger offspring the King had produced, but her beauty made her a favorite. Jasper clears his throat. "Your Grace, if I may. I am Prince Jasper Stalnae, of Mayana. My half-sister, Alayne, is a dancer. This is her partner, Garin. I have brought them to entertain your guests, You Grace. I would also like to apologize on behalf of my elder brother. He regrets being unable to come, my lord, but his wife has just borne a son."
Alayne curtsies gracefully, and next to her Garin bows. Her black curls brush the floor as she dips her head. Inwardly, she was reeling. It was not to her understanding that she and Garin were to be made a gift of, yet that is what was happening. On the outside, she gives a pleasant smile and greets the King respectfully.

Garin was near mesmerized by the golden Princess. It wasn't until Alayne lowered herself to a curtsy that he could tear his eyes away. How the men of the court could be around her daily was a mystery. He murmurs a greeting with Alayne, all the while stealing glances at Princess Riona.
The King practically growled at his daughter, and he muttered angry words under his breath as she left. He looked back up at the Mayana representative, who had his eyes on Roina. The King intensified his glare for a moment, before nodding. "I accept your gift, Prince Jasper of the Mayana People, and I welcome you to my keep." his eyes glaized over the two dancers, as if their existence wan't worth his noticing. He was an arrogant, prideful king, after all. "Rook!" he called, as the massive, stone figure entered the room silently. "Show these...... dancers... to their rooms!" the king barked, and the stone figure kneeled, bowing its head, with a quiet and deep, "Yes, your majesty." Rook got to his feet, approaching the two dancers. "This way," he said quietly, or perhaps the armor was just muffling him, as he turned, and walked out of the throne room, not looking back to see if they followed.
Alayne looks at Garin and follows the stone knightto their rooms. She takes note of every detail, as she does at every castle, manse, and keep she and Garin dance in.

Garin follows dutifully, studying his partner with a small smile on his face. His gaze soon moves to their escort, however. His armor was made completely of stone, and there didn't seem to be any seams or hinges to allow the man to move. The element here was earth, he knew, but only royals had power. 'He must be the son of grandson of some prince that never rose to the throne,' he thinks.

Jasper bows. "I am greatful, your Grace. The girl is known as Gracefoot, and is one of the best dancers in all the kingdoms. Your Grace should get much pleasure from her talents." The prince recites the words his father had told him to use when singing Alayne's praises, though he was certain he was making her out to be some kind of whore. Bastard or not, Alayne was still his sister.
Masaki stood there silently as he studdied all of the other monarchs. Their demeanour, their actions and even the way they all spoke. He then saw as the Princess of Carranon went off on "business" she didnt stay in the room long, so her introduction wasnt very formal but, that was none of Masaki's concern. His gaze then turns to that of the Prince of Mayana with his dancers. He thought the king was being quite rude as he didnt really show much gratitude. He didnt. Say that out loud though, that wouldnt be very wise. He thought he would have to make some sort of conversation otherwise people would start to question him, and he didnt really want that. "So, your Grace. It seems you have built youself quite a fortress, the intricate designs are actually very impressive" he bows to the king, showing his courtesy to the other Royal.
Annibells father grumbled about the nonsense of the princess, a devious family this was but his wife nudged his side with a glare of death. "If you ruin this for our daughter, all of Dremer won't save you from me." She then smiled, a smile as sweet as a newlywed wife would have. However Annibell rolled her eyes and looked at the stone armored man kneeling at the king. For having such heavy armor such as stone the man must have had a will power of a million. She sighed boredly and looked about, wanting to do something other than politics and royalty. She noticed the prince of Alinor speak of the intricate designs as she rolls her eyes. If she was going to participate in any royal event she was going to put her opinions in.

"I'm speaking out of place, but the intricacy of these designs are about as atrocious and hard on the eyes as the outdated style of having a throne room. If you expect to run a nation on power and schemes your--" a hand was quickly smacked over Annibells mouth as her mother smiled. Her father stepped in with a sigh of annoyance.

"I ever do apologize for my daughter, she maybe next on the throne but she is inexperienced with the way royalty runs."




@The Suspicious Eye

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