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Fantasy A Dragon and Their Rider

Lotusy said:
William & Strad

  • Name:

    William Brigid (Will)







    Which Kingdom you're from:



    Though William is a healer, his personality suggests otherwise. Instead of a calm, cool demeanor, he's energetic, bubbly, and quick to the point. He's optimistic and cheerful, never one to get down. The young man is very nerve-driven and jittery, not a guy you would want pulling a sword from your back or sealing your wound. However, even with his nerves, he's always trying to be nice to his patients. If you're not a patient though, make sure to bring a few earplugs - he'll talk your ear off, and then some.


    While on the outside, William's power seems to be healing, that's actually not quite the case. Instead, his power comes from knowledge and a bit of plant manipulation magic. To heal someone, he'll simply gather the plants he needs, feed them to his patient, and amplify their magic properties in order to cleanse the body, stitch wounds, or even regrow teeth! Besides healing, William can manipulate small parts of plants like vines or the branches of a tree, though at the expense of most of his stamina.



    Sorry about this picture! I know you wanted realistic, but I couldn't find a picture of a smiling blonde boy that was energetic/not Niall Horan.


    Will was born William Johnson Brigid, second child of three children born to two apothecaries in traveling merchant group. Every season, the group would complete a circuit, giving William an experience not many other children would get. At the age of six, his parents started him on the long road of herbalism. Granted, a humble herbalist was all he would have been if he had not met Strad. After his first encounter with the dragon (elaborated in the other section), William's small pool of magic was tapped into, and a whole new reserve of energy and knowledge accompanied him even after he left Strad. His new ideas, planted by Strad, brought his family a new type of fortune, through magic healing combined with plants. Every month, when his family passed by Strad's forest, he would secretly stop by for a night to try and learn even more. By the age of eighteen, he'd earned enough respect from his elders to set out on his own. However, instead of setting out as a merchant, he settled down around a certain forest in Diarta... inhabited by a certain dragon. For six years, he studied herbs and magic under the tutelage of Strad. Recently, both Will and Strad have decided to answer Ashanti and D'Mago's call, setting off as a dragon and a rider to protect their homeland.​

  • Accepted! Looks great. Love the dragon~

HMMMMMMMM I've dived into the inter-web for you and found this: But perhaps I'm thinking of energetic in another way *shrugs*

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c65edcfc5_WilliamMoseley2.jpg.b56aea2b9fb4b828e1c5af0294c71ce1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="92197" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c65edcfc5_WilliamMoseley2.jpg.b56aea2b9fb4b828e1c5af0294c71ce1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c65f047a7_WilliamMoseley.jpg.c26b40054f79770056737a63b480a067.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="92198" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c65f047a7_WilliamMoseley.jpg.c26b40054f79770056737a63b480a067.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

And besides, who said that William couldn't ride a unicorn gloriously into battle?

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c65f11825_WilliamMoseley3.jpg.f157a05ce9204995830e785a0952bb8e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="92199" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c65f11825_WilliamMoseley3.jpg.f157a05ce9204995830e785a0952bb8e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • William Moseley2.jpg
    William Moseley2.jpg
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  • William Moseley.jpg
    William Moseley.jpg
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    William Moseley3.jpg
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Lotusy said:
William & Strad

  • Name:

    William Brigid (Will)







    Which Kingdom you're from:



    Though William is a healer, his personality suggests otherwise. Instead of a calm, cool demeanor, he's energetic, bubbly, and quick to the point. He's optimistic and cheerful, never one to get down. The young man is very nerve-driven and jittery, not a guy you would want pulling a sword from your back or sealing your wound. However, even with his nerves, he's always trying to be nice to his patients. If you're not a patient though, make sure to bring a few earplugs - he'll talk your ear off, and then some.


    While on the outside, William's power seems to be healing, that's actually not quite the case. Instead, his power comes from knowledge and a bit of plant manipulation magic. To heal someone, he'll simply gather the plants he needs, feed them to his patient, and amplify their magic properties in order to cleanse the body, stitch wounds, or even regrow teeth! Besides healing, William can manipulate small parts of plants like vines or the branches of a tree, though at the expense of most of his stamina.



    Sorry about this picture! I know you wanted realistic, but I couldn't find a picture of a smiling blonde boy that was energetic/not Niall Horan.


    Will was born William Johnson Brigid, second child of three children born to two apothecaries in traveling merchant group. Every season, the group would complete a circuit, giving William an experience not many other children would get. At the age of six, his parents started him on the long road of herbalism. Granted, a humble herbalist was all he would have been if he had not met Strad. After his first encounter with the dragon (elaborated in the other section), William's small pool of magic was tapped into, and a whole new reserve of energy and knowledge accompanied him even after he left Strad. His new ideas, planted by Strad, brought his family a new type of fortune, through magic healing combined with plants. Every month, when his family passed by Strad's forest, he would secretly stop by for a night to try and learn even more. By the age of eighteen, he'd earned enough respect from his elders to set out on his own. However, instead of setting out as a merchant, he settled down around a certain forest in Diarta... inhabited by a certain dragon. For six years, he studied herbs and magic under the tutelage of Strad. Recently, both Will and Strad have decided to answer Ashanti and D'Mago's call, setting off as a dragon and a rider to protect their homeland.​

  • Doesn't this RP take place in the Middle Ages? He kinda looks like he's from modern times :P
[QUOTE="Sexy McGee]Doesn't this RP take place in the Middle Ages? He kinda looks like he's from modern times :P

Well, not really. You can't see his lower half, and his upper half gives no indication whatsoever of what time period he's from. Granted, I'm sure the picture wasn't made of medieval times, but to be honest, that shirt could be taken in any way. Medieval people wore shirts too, so I don't see what the deal is.
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Name: Arthur Smith


Personality: Arthur is a Casual, Hard-working, perfectionist. He enjoys anything that isn't too challenging for him, but is willing to try almost anything. He isn't very nice, nor is he very rude, it just depends on how he's feeling.

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bi-Sexual

Which Kingdom you're from: Diartha


Your dragon's name and appearance : Drachen-Gerrisen met Arthur when he decided to mess with what he though was a traveller. [Read rest of story in Bio]

Biography/History:Arthur grew up in a small fishing village, His family was very poor and they sold fish at a market, They did many tasks besides fishing, they made weapons to sell and protect themselves with, they cleaned houses, care-taking, anything to gain money. Living like this, Arthur became a very hard-working man. He did everything to the best of his ability to make sure the job was done right, this was for the pay of course. When Arthur was old enough to drink, he left home to find wealth for himself and family, he found and sold many things to merchant, this made him wealthy and he was able to feed himself and make a living. A dragon, Drachen, attacked his camp. Arthur ran and fought for many miles. Eventually he beat Drachen into submission, they were both beaten up and tired, they both needed protection and Drachen had deemed Arthur a worthy foe. He asked him to stay with him, Arthur accepted. They rested together and quickly formed a bond. They stuck together wherever they went. They eventually stopped in a Forest near the Karthe mountain pass and decided to set up camp there, due to the mass amount of animals, they had plenty of food. They eventually began to move on to the Karthe kingdom, then they saw a storm and a campfire, Arthur climbed and watch as Strom attacked the riders, He saw it was dangerous and quickly ran back to the camp, they never went back since.

Weapons: Arthur uses a double edged great sword that lies in a sheath on his back. He also wields fire, inefficiently though.

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Windows98 said:
Name: Arthur Smith

Personality: Arthur is a Casual, Hard-working, perfectionist. He enjoys anything that isn't too challenging for him, but is willing to try almost anything. He isn't very nice, nor is he very rude, it just depends on how he's feeling.

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bi-Sexual

Which Kingdom you're from: Diartha


Your dragon's name and appearance : Drachen-Gerrisen met Arthur when he decided to mess with what he though was a traveller. [Read rest of story in Bio]

Biography/History:Arthur grew up in a small fishing village, His family was very poor and they sold fish at a market, They did many tasks besides fishing, they made weapons to sell and protect themselves with, they cleaned houses, care-taking, anything to gain money. Living like this, Arthur became a very hard-working man. He did everything to the best of his ability to make sure the job was done right, this was for the pay of course. When Arthur was old enough to drink, he left home to find wealth for himself and family, he found and sold many things to merchant, this made him wealthy and he was able to feed himself and make a living. A dragon, Drachen, attacked his camp. Arthur ran and fought for many miles. Eventually he beat Drachen into submission, they were both beaten up and tired, they both needed protection and Drachen had deemed Arthur a worthy foe. He asked him to stay with him, Arthur accepted. They rested together and quickly formed a bond. They stuck together wherever they went. They eventually stopped in a Forest near the Karthe mountain pass and decided to set up camp there, due to the mass amount of animals, they had plenty of food. They eventually began to move on to the Karthe kingdom, then they saw a storm and a campfire, Arthur climbed and watch as Strom attacked the riders, He saw it was dangerous and quickly ran back to the camp, they never went back since.

Weapons: Arthur uses a double edged great sword that lies in a sheath on his back. He also wields fire, inefficiently though.

[QUOTE="Sexy McGee]Now can someone tell me what's going on on this RP?

I'm roleplaying Roen, the antagonist as well as my character and soon there will be an undead army attacking the base. Im waiting to post that until finals are over though.
SolisNighsun said:
Same here, I still have four to do... :P
Holy crap! Rooting for you to wreck those exams!

I just finished my last. Granted, we started early, but I'm so glad they're over.
Lotusy said:
You are a godsend:D

I believe he's from my favorite Manhwa, or maybe not.


Male version of Elsa.



Howl from Howl's Moving Castle. I love that movie.

/).(\ Hopefully this helps! (o'v'o)

Eleona "Ele" Distazh

Age: 19

Personality: Having grown up mostly isolated from other humans, calling Eleona "antisocial" is a huge understatement. It's not like she'd never seen a human before. In fact, it was her annual trips to Numar that made the woman despise her own kind with a passion. They're too loud, too busy, too...well, human. Ele is quite smart, even considering the fact that she never quite grasped how to read or write. Her memory is what some people would describe as photographic, and her ability to successfully (and actually quite easily) maneuver her way through the Underlands is admirable. Eleona possesses no true magical abilities, but her sharp wit and ranged fighting style easily make up for it.

Eleona is pretty unfiltered, and will blurt out anything and everything that pops into her head. She's also un-phased by the concept of "stealing". If she sees something she likes or wants, she'll just take it, not even thinking about who it might belong to or what they'll do without it. She rarely takes responsibility for her actions, and in a bad situation, she is more likely to flee and abandon comrades rather than stay and fight with them. On the other hand, there's no way the girl can refuse a hefty reward. As long as there's something in it for her, you can bet she'll have your back.

Eleona isn't all bad, though. Though she seems tough and wild and unruly, deep down, there's a lost little girl who just wants to live in peace. Always on the run from something, Ele is almost completely unfamiliar with the feeling of serenity.

"Survival is nothing but a game...a game that I'll win, and you'll lose."

Gender: Female

Sexuality: "Meh. I don't like people, but if I did...heh...HAHAHAHA--oh, I'm sorry, I'm cracking myself up. No, I hate everyone."

Which Kingdom you're from: Born in Karthe, raised in the Underlands.

Slon'Deren, The Terror of the Underlands

Biography/History: Eleona has no memory of who her true parents were. She likes to think that her father was some mighty barbarian, and that her mother was an even mightier warrior. All Ele truly knows about her earliest days was that she was born in the city of Karthe, and then somehow ended up living with a Witchdoctor and his wife deep in the unforgiving Underlands. The swampy, toxic, dangerous land was really no place to raise a young girl. But Eleona wasn't some ordinary girl. She loved the swamps and its weird little reptilian creatures, and somehow managed to go out everyday and not get killed. And as she grew older, she just spent more and more time out exploring her dangerous surroundings.

Weapons: Ele carries a crossbow, a simple, wooden bow, and a satchel of arrows for each. She also has a fairly extensive collection of daggers and knives strapped to her thighs.
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